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  • Birthday gift for a 23 girl acquaintence?

    She is my boyfriends, best friends girlfriend. We never really hang out or talk unless its on a double date with our boyfriends.. So I really don't know enough about her to know what to get her.. otherwise I wouldn't be asking.. She's turning 23, and I have noo idea what to get her! Help!

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays7 years ago
  • Should I take a break from my boyfriend?

    I have been with my boyfriend for four years (since I was 16). I have been faithful and I sincerely know that this is the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. He is the kindest of the kind, and I feel like I truly hit the jackpot being with him. But, all these feelings are being coated by the feelings of resentment, guilt, and and loss. I'm only 20, and I'm starting to feel as though I am missing out on way too much. I'm young, I want to go out by myself, be independent, have friends (I don't have any because I'm with my boyfriend 24.7.365, literally). I want to see what else is out there, maybe even date other guys just for the experience and saying, "I was young, I had my fun, and now it's time to get serious," when the time is right of course. My boyfriend is 25 so he's already gone through that whole young phase of his life. I have told him I feel this way, and he just makes me feel guilty about it, and I know I would break his heart if we even took a little break. To make ends worse, I have fallen for another guy, a guy I've seen eying me a couple times. I have never even thought about cheating on my boyfriend, I would break up with him if I really wanted to be with someone else. My heart is in pieces, and I don't know what to do! Should I stay with him, or should I take a chance at what else is out there!?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Car accident without license, now I have court?

    Well, not me specifically.

    My boyfriend was driving his friends car (with the friend in the passenger seat), when they got hit from the back, the car spun out of control, and hit into a tree. My boyfriend, and his friend blacked out and had a short term memory loss, where they couldn't really say what happened because they were so shaken up. The car, unfortunately, was totaled.

    A police report was filled out, and my boyfriend got a ticket for driving without his license (it got taken away a while back and he never bothered to fight to get it back from the dmv). Now he has to go to court for it.

    Will he just get a fine?? If so, how much approximately.

    We live in Chicago.

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Shoplifting laws in Chicago, Il?

    I got caught shoplifting at Kohls today.

    It was three jewelry bracelets, and a lip gloss that added up to $102.

    The police officer wrote me a 'ticket' stating my court date.

    Will I just get a fine, or do I face prison time?

    Side note: I have never shoplifted before, nor do I have anything on my record.

    I'm really scared!

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Renewal of Green Card Form I-90 Steps?

    I have the I-90 form completely filled out.

    But now I know that I have to pay $365 along with it.

    The question is, do I do the biometrics first, and then send it with the form?

    Or do I send in the form first and USCIS will tell me what to do after they have processed it?

    I'm confused as to what goes first or how to go about it now.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    1 AnswerImmigration8 years ago
  • Anyone know what obligations parking lot owners need to oblige by?

    I park in a parking lot next to the building I live in. I don't want it to seem as though I'm complaining about parking there, because I really don't mind, unless its winter time.

    Now that it is winter time, I'm more afraid of causing a car accident. The lot itself is completely messed up, has trash everywhere, and the concrete is completely disheveled.

    Also, it's been snowing, and he never wants to have it shoveled or throw salt to melt it away. Its super icy, and my back tires slide like no other. Its scary to even pull into the garage I have to slam on the accelerator due to the ice sliding me backwards.

    Is he not responsible to take care of the lot and make sure its not as icy as it is? I'm afraid my car will just slide into one of the 30 other cars that park there one day.

    Any website that'll give me more info on this?

    I appreciate any help I get.

    Thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Inviting my dad to my wedding?

    I've began planning my wedding and the only thing I'm stuck on whether or not I should invite my dad. We haven't talked in over three years, he stopped talking to me without reason, and ever since I've resented him. He refuses to pay for anything of mine, and always talks **** about me to my mom. Everyone has tried to talk to him, even myself about why he is the way he is with me and he just asks like nothings wrong.. I know I don't want to invite him, but everyone else is telling me I should. I'm pretty sure even if I did he wouldn't come.

    So should I or shouldn't I invite him? And whatever happens happens?

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Receptionist for a psychiatric office?

    I've just gotten the job as a receptionist for a psychiatric office. I've not been a medical receptionist so what should I know? What are the responsibilities?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • How to really hurt someone?

    I worked at a restaurant with a family friend that I've known for years. We were really close and then we fell apart. He got on this power walk where he thought he could do whatever he wanted and say whatever he wanted to anyone. Few weeks ago I snapped at him for always having me cover his sisters late night shifts when I was never asked too nor told thank you for. Ever since then he's had it out for me. I took a day off, and bam I got fired the next working day all because I took the day off. God knows what else he may have told the owner but I've never done anything wrong, and I did call ahead to tell him I'm not coming in. I'm really hurt by this and really really badly want revenge done against him. I just don't know how or what to do.

    Help please.

    7 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Anyone else affected by the 50 Shades Trilogy?

    I cannot get this book out of my head. Especially Christian Grey. Im still finishing up the second book, and even though I want to stop reading it really bad I can't stop. It reminds me a lot of an exboyfriend. (the way he talks and acts, not the whole sex thing). my ex and I never got closure in our relationship (he left one day and contacted me twice since). I cry everytime I read a few chapters because it reminds me of him and how he was towards me.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Download music from myspace page?

    I have a Myspace music page in which I put a song on that was written and produced for me 5 years ago. Now, I would like to put it on my phone, but there's no way of downloading the song or getting it from the page. Is anybody more skillful in this?

    I'd appreciate your help! Thanks.

    1 AnswerMySpace9 years ago
  • No longer attracted to my boyfriend?

    I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 years this summer, and we've both changed a bit. I lost 18 pounds, and he gained about 50. I used to be so attracted to him and everything, but not anymore. I can't even say I love you back anymore. He's just let himself go, while I'm over here trying to be healthy and work out but he's not catching the hint. I do love him though because we've been through so much and he's the kind of guy thats rare to find. He would do anything for me, and he has. As much as I love him, I sometimes I think about how it would be if we weren't together, I could find someone that has more drive in them, and would love to go bungee jumping with me, because my boyfriend refuses. He doesn't look like himself anymore, and he's super lazy. We can't even go for a bike ride around town. Im so confused, help?


    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can I refuse to pay my hairdresser for coloring it wrong?

    In the past 3 months I have died my hair blonde professionally twice. I have medium brown hair, which usually isn't that difficult to color it correctly. Each time I went, I have showed pictures and said exactly what I wanted. They each took about 3 hours foiling my hair and washing it, the color stayed that day and it would be back to my brown the next day. I want to go again, because I really want blonde hair, but to a different salon this time. I don't want to waste anymore money on my hair (considering that I tip really well), so if they were to not color my hair exactly like the picture I show can I refuse to pay?

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Stuck between my boyfriend of 2 years, and my best friend of 1 year?

    I've known my boyfriend my whole life, but we didn't begin dating until 2010. He has been an amazing boyfriend and does everything for me. He's a little clingy and controlling (like always wanting to be with me and it bothers him when I want to hang out with my friends), but overall he's a supportive guy with a really, really good heart and always tells me to stay in school and do well. Hes 24, and only has a high school diploma. He works as a plumber with not the highest salary, so he doesn't have all that much going for him. I do love him though, and wouldn't know how I would be without him. We've gone through a lot together, including the fact that I don't talk to my sister because of him (long story, she was in the wrong).

    My best friend on the other hand, I can't stop wanting to hang out with. In the beginning, we were just friends and always talked, and I've gained so many strong feelings for him now. We work together, and everyone at work tells me how much he's in love with me and they can tell how much it bothers him that I have a boyfriend. Here's where I'm struggling. He says he doesn't date, but said he would go on dates with me.. He's never had a girlfriend. Also, he just graduated from college with a degree in like accounting or something, so he's pretty smart. AND, he just got into law school.. Ok, he's REALLY smart. I have so much fun with him whenever we hang out alone. He also would go bungee jumping and sky diving, and my boyfriend can't even fathom the idea of us doing that kind of stuff which I really want to do as well. Whenever he's around, I kind of avoid my boyfriend because I don't want him to feel awkward around us.

    I always said that I'd want a guy who has something going for him. I'm getting my bachelors degree at the moment and it kind of sucks when people ask me if my boyfriend went to college or if he even went to school. I reallyyyy don't know what to do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My boyfriend reminds me too much of my father..?

    I've known my boyfriend for 3 years, and have been dating him for a year and a half. The more and more time I spend with him, I notice the many characteristics he has of my father. I didn't really realize this until my mother started pointing out all these things.

    My main point, my father is like a deadbeat dad. He was a nice guy until 2 years ago when he cut me off completely. He hasn't talked to me since, and it was literally for no reason that he did so.

    Their personality is very similar, like they get angry over similar things, and respond to situations very similarly. My dad has been the worst husband to my mom, cheated on her and goes out all the time, (etc). My boyfriend never likes to be at home either. There's just so much that they're alike with. I have to say that I have fallen in love with my boyfriend because of his good heart and how nice and respectful he is. My mom says my dad used to be the same exact way.

    Should I be afraid that my boyfriend may end up being just as big an asshole as my father has been later on? I'm actually extremely afraid of that happening. If he's showing all these similar characteristics now, than I can't help but believe that he'll be even worse later on in life.

    Help mee.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Being sent home from your part-time job after two hours?

    I know the title wasn't the best description, but here's a little more of an explanation..

    I work with two siblings, a guy, James, and a girl Jamie. James has been working there for 10 years, and Jamie just started working there last summer.. They work together three times a week, and whenever I work with them all they do is bicker.

    If Jamie makes even the slightest mistake on an order, he sends her home! She works part time which is from 5 to 9.. But he sends her home at like 7.. isn't that against some kind of rules and regulations for part time workers? We all make mistakes working there, even James, but when Jamie makes a mistake he takes it a bit too far. She talked to the owner and he warned James, but James still does whatever he wants. He puts Jamie down in front of customers..

    So my question is, is there any kind of rules and regs I can find online to really let James know what he's doing is completely unfair? I'm getting ridiculously annoyed with him thinking he runs the place and he doesn't..

    I'd appreciate any kind of help! Thanks!!

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Nissan Altima says "range" warning indicator?

    Right behind the wheel, where all my warning indicators show up, it just says "RANGE". No picture or number or anything next to it.. what does that mean?

    3 AnswersNissan9 years ago
  • a song that makes you think twice about life..?

    Everytime I listen to "where is the love" by the black eyed peas, it always leaves me thinking for a while about how much the world has changed and whats going on in the world today.

    the "titanic" theme song always leaves me in tears.

    what song(s) have impacted you on any level?

    5 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • I'm confused! the Ex, or the Next?

    I dated this one guy for a year. At 10 months, he moved 6 hours away. After two months, I couldn't handle the long distance thing, so we mutually decided for it to be over, even though we couldn't stop talking, thinking, and wondering about each other. With time passing by, I've gotten pretty over it and just realized it wouldn't have worked out any other way.

    For the past few months, I've been talking to another guy, that lives in my city and I'm really beginning to like him. We're taking things pretty seriously.

    However, this Saturday, my ex came to the city to see me. He basically surprised me by showing up to the Cafe' I was at. When I see him, all my feelings came gushing back and I could barely talk. We ended up spending the night together.

    I really feel like me and my ex could work, I feel like I am in love with him, if he wasn't 6 hours away.He refuses to move, and so do I.

    My question is, should I wait and see what happens with my ex and stop leading on the current guy I'm talking too, or should I drop the ex and stick with the current guy?

    Please help.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • college is just around the cornerr.?

    Im a senior in high school right now. graduating at the end of May.

    I already got accepted into the college I want to go to with a psychology major.

    I just got my mail, and its from my college to go take placement tests and such, and I have to call to schedule the dates.

    I'm not as nervous or anxious as I am annoyed with having to go through this whole process. I hate starting anything new and over and hate having to meet new people, etc.

    Is it normal to feel this way? All my friends are ecstatic to go to college, and I'm upset about having to go!

    What can I do to start feeling differently?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago