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  • Is this possible?-Hep C?

    I recently found out my dad has Hepatitis C. He doesn't know how long he has had it and who gave it to him. He told me that it is caught through things like sharing needles and bad tattoo artists but it can also be transferred using razors! I am scared because once or twice I would grab his shaver for my legs when I was a teenager until I was 22 and moved away. Now I am scared that I may have it. There are no symptoms (I know that Hep. C doesn't show any until later) and I am getting checked tomorrow. I have had a yearly check up last year in September and nothing showed up that I had it. My husband said when he got his blood test done before going in the Army he tested negative so it is likely I don't have it. The thing standard blood tests show Hep C?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Bridesmaid situation?

    My fiance and I are having a wedding, we live away from my homestate and at first we were planning to have a big wedding with a lot of bridesmaids/groomsmen but now that we live really far away we may have to cut the officiants to only my sister as a MOH and his brother as best man. The problem is there were bridesmaids that were asked BEFORE we moved and now it may not be possible that they will come. I really think it will be my sister and his brother who stand up with us. The girls/guys have not paid for anything yet or even have the exact date of the wedding. What do I do? Do I keep them in despite the chance that some of the girls won't be able to come or nicely tell them that plans changed? I feel awful. The big wedding is now being cut down to an intimate group so I don't need that many people in the wedding anymore.

    7 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Weird Dream=What is this about?

    I dreamed that last night I was someone else, a character in a book series I had thought of recently so my character fell in love with the main guy but it was weird because it was not how it happened at all! Basically I got some window glass on accident and then later on the guy flips off the balcony of a hotel and crashes into another hotel, breaking glass. In the end they get married

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • Chicken Pate Help please?

    Help! At the moment I am living at a place that is really far from the store and I am making chicken liver pate but have no brandy or sherry on hand. Is it possible to make it using white wine?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Should I be worried-Female problem?

    I have been having period problems for a little while on my normal birth control. I was always worried about feminine cancers but my doctors told me there was nothing wrong and he put me on a slightly higher dosage of the pills I was on. I took the pills but at different times a day and one I missed one day so I took two the next day. I am now having slight stomach cramps (nothing really bad just slight ones) and some bleeding. It isn't heavy like a period or even the "pre" stuff before one, just some light blood. Is this breakthrough bleeding because of the skipped pills and different times of the day or is it normal because I am on a new pill? Should I be worried or is it normal? (I am on the Microgestin birth control)

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Hair trouble-how to fix?

    My hair is naturally wavy and tends to get a little frizzy. I usually use a shine gel when it is wet to straighten my hair but I am in trouble! My gel container broke and all I have is styling gel. How do I manage to get my hair less frizzy and managable?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Help me figure out this dream please?

    You see in the dream I was myself and I visited a graveyard. I saw some graves had young people and old ones. Anyways, I went to my great-grandmother's grave and stepped on it but it felt like I was walking on her casket so I backed off. I looked down to see her open grave (she died years ago) but I figured that they were doing some upkeep. Anyways, I was shocked about how close I was to falling in that grave but didn't. As I was standing there, looking at her tombstone (it was a different type) I started praying to her to protect my family.

    I should add that I was looking at articles online (Cracked website) that talked about weird deaths of other people and I recently have become depressed and scared of dying of cancer because my husband left to for training and it is the first time I have been alone. Everytime I think of him I get depressed and those thoughts turn to thoughts and fears of dying. Could this influence it?

    I am really scared because then I looked up on TWO dream interpetation websites about this dream. One specifically said that dreaming of an open grave means I will be disappointed by my friends and walking across a grave means an early death which scares the hell out of me and dreaming of graves is not a good sign. While another website said that a grave means that there is a part of me that needs to be confronted, like a fear which seems reasonable seeing how I have been so afraid lately. I don't know which to really believe.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Help me figure out this dream please?

    I was dreaming that I was in/watching a weird 70s horror film about a guy who stalks down families and kills them. Part of me was the heroine and a part of me was watching the film. I knew the family lives in the end but the whole time watching this I was like "He's the janitor!" Anyways, that is not the part of the dream I am wondering about.

    You see in the dream I was myself and I visited a graveyard. I saw some graves had young people and old ones. Anyways, I went to my great-grandmother's grave and stepped on it but it felt like I was walking on her casket so I backed off. I looked down to see her open grave (she died years ago) but I figured that they were doing some upkeep. Anyways, I was shocked about how close I was to falling in that grave but didn't. As I was standing there, looking at her tombstone (it was a different type) I started praying to her to protect my family.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • I am scared-Breast Cancer?

    So I have noticed that sometimes my nipple inverts. I mean, when I am really cold or aroused one of the nipple goes in but goes back to normal. I also notice that sometimes my boobs itch really bad but feels better when my bra is off or there are small bumps on my aerola but I have always had that. Also, my breast skin does not look totally smooth but has little dots on both of them. legs look spotty, but my breasts are smooth. Is there something wrong? Also sometimes I feel some pressure in one of my breasts that goes away.

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Police Academy Questions?

    I am thinking of joining the LAPD force but I have some questions about the academy.

    1. Do I have to live there?

    2. Are we allowed cell phones if so?

    3. What are the requirements to become an office?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What happens if you fail?

    I have a friend who failed her last PT test before Exodus and she failed the final PT test when she got back? They are sending her home but told her that they already started the paperwork when she failed the first test before Exodus. So, let's say since they have the paper work already in order, would that mean that she is coming home sooner? Is it possible they may hold her back for the next cycle? When does she come home? She says probably by the end of this month or Feb because the graduation is so close. I have no idea. Also, wouldn't the Army give her another chance or is that it?

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • ID and L.A.X information?

    My wallet has been recently stolen, I had to reorder my credit cards and get my IDs fixed. The problem is I am set to leave California for South Carolina in late January. I have to reorder an ID but I am afraid it won't be here in time and in the meantime I will be having a interim ID I need a ID to get through the airport security. Is there another ID I can use? My husband said that my Military Spouse ID card counts, is that true?

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Battery problem-what to do?

    My laptop won't turn on and everytime I push the Power button, the lightening bolt icon flashes three times and then stops. Is there something wrong with the battery?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Is this breast cancer?

    I am 24 and I have been doing small breast checks every month. I have noticed that while I am feeling my breast and I push down there is the feeling of small bumps in both of my breasts. It's like feeling..poppers.Basically there is not a smooth area under my breasts. I am not talking about the actual boob but like..along the rib cage. Is this normal? I have had these for some years.

    8 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Should I be scared? What to do?

    This month has been very hectic and stressful. I am on the pill and sometimes I forget to take it but I remember and take the forgotten pill and of course the one on that day.I am not pregnant but my period is a week late. However, there was some spotting the week I was on my period. To make matters worse I found a small lump on my labia and vagina. It feels like a small ball. My mom says it is a pimple but I am not sure. What could it be?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • A little bit of help here?

    I am writing a paper about a film that will be coming out this year, it is a sequel to another film that was created years earlier. I want to state the actors who played in the movie but I don't know if this is the right word. Let me five you an example of the trouble I am in here,

    " The 1982 film stars Beau Bridges and..."

    Since this movie was made years ago do I state "The film starred Beau" or do I use the film "stars Beau Bridges..." ?

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • What do you do about ex friends?

    So, basically I had a friend who would mooch money off of me and always say she would pay me back but never did. Have me help her move but never paid for gas money. She would talk behind my back to other ex-friends and try to get us involved in some drama. Not only that but she would complain that my boyfriend was always around. My boyfriend lives with me and sometimes has to work at him. He would stay in our kitchen and just study but somehow this bugged her. So, finally I told her enough is enough and ended the friendship. Well, I thought the mooching would stop but for two weeks straight she has called me to give her rides to school, work, family, etc and I would say no way and to not call anymore.

    This has put a gap in our circle of friends because she is always complaining about me to them and they of course, take her side. I didn't tell them about the drama because I didn't want to get anyone involved and I didn't want it to look like I was talking behind her back so I can see where they are coming from because I havn't defended myself. This is really putting a strain on everyone and I just want it to end. My boyfriend is getting sick of hearing about the drama and just wants me to find better friends who don't stab each other in the back. What should I do?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is the Best online college?

    My husband will be leaving for the military and while he is gone I would like to find an online university. What do you recommend?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Sticky Situation-Bridesmaid?

    I got engaged a little while ago and I was so happy that I announced it to everyone in my family who were also pleased. My younger cousin asked if she was going to be a bridesmaid. I laughed and said "Well, I haven't really thought of that yet. I guess I will decide a bit later." I had just got engaged two days beforehand and so I was thinking of other things. So, she started grilling me, insisting she be a bridesmaid, that she was my cousin so she deserved it and who else was going to be. I was kind of stunned, I mean I rarely see this cousin except probably once a year and I had always thought my bridesmaids would be people I was at least close to.

    I just said "Well, you see, I haven't really thought of it, seriously." I really hadn't, most girls dream of their weddings but I never did so all this planning was new to me. Finally after an hour and a half of this I just said "Look, I am serious. I haven't thought of it and besides we haven't even set a date yet so I don't want to make any decisions yet.We were engaged only two days ago. Besides, I am happy you are so interested in being a bridesmaid but you have to back off a bit."

    I thought that my fiance and I were going to be married by March, but due to some unseen circumstances the wedding was put off. I have learned a bit of how to plan a wedding. It is going to be only three bridesmaids because of the wedding size and personally, I know this sounds harsh but I would rather have a girl in the wedding who doesn't pressure me to invite her in as much as I love her, I don't really know my cousin very well and she doesn't really know me.

    Last week my sister and her were talking and my sister let it slip about something about the wedding. My cousin asked who the bridesmaid was and my sister said that she was going to be a Maid of Honor and two of my cousins whom I was raised with were going to be in it. My cousin made this big huff about it and my sister asked her point blank why she wanted to be in it. My cousin said "Because I love my cousin."

    My sister asked "If you love her so much why didn't you call when she was in the hospital? Everyone knew about it? Do you even know her birthday or the last name of the groom?" My cousin couldn't. I am annoyed my sister said all that but then again I understand why she did it.

    Problem is my cousin went on Facebook and ranted and raved about how no one knows family any more and blah blah.Her mom thought she was being out of line and yet my grandma told my cousin she was right. I never told her she was going to be a bridesmaid, if I had told her that and changed my mind, I can understand her anger but I didn't.

    It was really immature move on her part and I didn't understand what was going on until I asked my sister. Now I am stuck, I don't want to hurt my cousin's feelings but I feel that since I don't know or really care for her because of her crap she pulled, she has went on my facebook page with nasty comments. I really don't want her to be in the wedding. I don't want to start a family fight and be accused of being a bridezilla but I refuse to bend to this. If it was anyone else, I would include them but because of the crap she pulled and tried to start a family fight I really cringe to think of the drama queen antics. I know I have to think of family but this has gone too far.

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What should I do? -Wedding?

    My fiance and I will be having a courthouse wedding next month and a bigger one next year. We are paying for both of the ceremonies, the first one is only our parents, the second one is going to be everyone else. The question I am asking is will people think we think we are entitled to this second wedding?

    We are paying for it ourselves, everyone just has to show up, but does that still make a couple selfish? We are even providing discount hotel rooms for the bridal party if they get too drunk. I feel selfish for having the second one, my fiance (a guy) is overjoyed about it. We have gotten little to no support about any of our decisions in the past and now some people are stating that they will not go to the second wedding because they weren't invited to the first (these people are not family). We are not having a registry so it isn't like gift grabbing.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago