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  • what should get my mom fro mother day?

    my mom has a Garden and that so i should i get her a glass ball thing for her Garden and what els should i get her to she has flowers and that but i don't can any help me wiht this

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • ok Am pageant ande ful during my pergent per gent and i just need to kownw is know noraml?

    ok so i was sick on Saturday with the FLU and i Had the vomiting and the runs and that but then to day i got sick again this Morin with the vomiting and i have been try to kept stuff down but then it dose not work for me and that so iam sacrd that my babay ismakeing me sick me to what should i do a bout

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • ok my nice is 4 and she tattle on me and IM Only 21?

    ok my Nice's is 4 and she tattle on me when i say something then she go out and tell my mother on me and my mom came in and yelling at me fro no re son and that then i get tin to trouble with my mom and that and i tell her to do something then she get mad at me and give me dirty look what should i do a bout she only 4

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • ok my fire-dn Jessica is not eating and i need help what should i do a bout?

    ok my fire-dn jessica has not been eating and is not felling well and my other Friend known it and that and that she wont eat any thing at the height school and that and i try to help her but she wont listing to any of us and that and if she don't eat any thing she going to be in the hospital and that and she would be dead if she wont eat anything am scad that i well loss my fire dn because of her eating habit and aim going to talk to her mom and dad a bout what should i do help me

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • ok i think my boy fire dn is cheating on me and i don't known what to do about?

    ok so i have been with my boy fire dn for 3Years now and i think he chet on me and my mom an sister say that he lie to me and i don't trust him at all because he chet on me with his Brother Girl fire dn and that he impulsed people and he blamed me fro Very thing that happen in the pass he had sex with a guy in a car and that so AM so mad at him what should i do a bout it he got in to trouble with his Foster mom and dad should i be live any thing that he say or not

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • i pl and on getting my hair cut and high light in in and i have brew-net hair?

    ok IM not sure what High light to get my hair and brew net hair and i planed getting it cut of my shoulder and that so what do you think

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • ok my family is contra ling me and i need help?

    IM 21 and my mother is being like oh you cant be with this guy and i have been with my boy Friend for 3 ye rs and when she don't went to be with him and i cant sand Living here and she not my mother any more i have lie to her because she is so contra ling that we go in to a fight a bout my boy fire-dn and she not letting be with him and on top of that me and my boy fire-dn aer have a baby and she don't know that because i don't went to make her mad at me but she need to under sand that she just cant tell me to so pt calling him and that she a meant person she hit me and that she not a good person

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • ok so IM having a Girl and i is it ok to sleep on your side while your per gent and Still be abel to sleep?

    so i need some help with my question and i need to ask if it ok to sleep on your side and the Doctor say not to sleep on your back because that could hurt the baby and the couple of night i have been a hard time to sleep because the baby push on my side and i cant Comfort to lay on my side and that and the night sick is getting to me now and then when she movie i cant lay any where

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you have your period impregnate and still be pergant?

    ok i have been sick this hole mouth and AM consider that i might have a miscarry because it my boy fire dn baby and WAS pergnt and now i had haveperioded with first one to be sad if i lost this one can any one help me and it been a not a havey piredo it light one

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ok i have been missing my period and then i have been sick fro a few day and don't now if aim pergant?

    ok so the last few day i haven't been felling really good and then i been heaving head ache and vomiting and and my belly is all upset and the FIRST time i was pregnant i lost the baby and now aim still heaving the same thing that happen and i think i might be pregnant

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • ok IA 4mouth pergant need to now what happen at 4mouth?

    ok I'm 4mouth with my boy fire-dn baby and i need to now how Long can you find out if a boy or a Girl because i went to now when aim going to the Doctor on the 15 on december and AM sac-rd to find out what it is

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i have bennhaveing mroing sick and i have benn wrodruing what i should eat while iam pregant?

    ok i have benn morning sick and and i have benn getting really bad sympathy a bout me being pregnant because i have all most vomiting like at night in the afternoon and in the morning so i need some help about this thank you

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i have bennhaveing mroing sick and i have benn wrodruing what i should eat while iam pregant?

    ok i have benn morning sick and and i have benn getting really bad sympathy a bout me being pregnant because i have all most vomiting like at night in the afternoon and in the morning so i need some help about this thank you

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • iam five day late and i dont kownwo could i be pergant i need help?

    yes i havent had myPUREideo and i have been five daly late and i have been tired and my bulley hurt and my boos hurt iam really tired and moody and i dont no what iam going to do i went to take a pergant test to make sure iam going to the doctro


    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ok i have a boyfirend and my ex is email me what should i do a bout this?

    ok i have been whit my boyfriend over a yaerd and nine mouth now and iam happy that i have my boyfirend and then there a prombel because my ex has been eamil and i dont konow if i should tell that we getting marride and we pland on havening kid of aer own and then i am confuesd that my ex might went me back it bring back a lost of sufft that hapopen when i was whit him and then i got my boyfirend that has been there fro me and he send me thing and that iam sarcd to takl to my ex so i need some help like now

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ok i have a boyfriend and my ex has been email me and i dont no what i should do?

    ok me and my boyfriend have been with one a other fro nine mouth now and then my ex has been email me and i dont went to del wiht my ex but it like he went me back and i need to tell him that i moved on with my live and then there my boyfirend that care a bout me and we went to get mairred and have a baby

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my ex Friend has not call back?

    ok it was Friday and i call him at like 3 and he say that he would call back me back and he has not call me back and i don't when he go to call me and i think that he might hurt me if he dose not call me and i do think he not going to be like my ex because that would make me piss off

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • ok i don't known who name and number this and this is the 7122495142 ?

    and this number i don't known who this is and i don't known who this guy is and my ex give him my cell phone number and i need to find out who this and why there call me and i need help

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • ok my ex Friend has benn calling me and he has the same Class?

    ok it was Friday and i was in the living room and my ex Friends has been calling and then he told me that my ex give him my cell phone number and i was ok and now aim mad at my ex because it was not right and it hurt me and i think that he known that and i have not talk with my ex and why would his Friend call me when i like a other guy at my school and i think that and how do i get to known him if i don't and they have the same Class as my ex

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ok there a guy i like and i don't known if he like me ?

    ok i was walk back to the height school and his name is nathan and i was talk and then out of no where he ask me where i was going and i say out side and yesterday he ask me if i like him and i say yes and then he is we ride a and i couldn't get out of the DORO and he and he kept talk to me then he ask me my middle name and i was talk to my Friend and i told them that i had to help my dad move my grand parent on Saturday and he told me not to have to mush fun i was like ok and i just did anything and that i was like something is going on and i don't how to ask if he like me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago