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Lv 57,042 points

Pete W

Favorite Answers14%
  • Talk about a Congressional rip-off! Student Loans.?

    I learned today that many Congressional staff folks can have their Student Loans forgiven. This is done as an 'incentive' to prospective employees. Uncle Sam says: You come to work for us, we pay off your federal student loans. The private sector does this but takes the expense out of private money (profits or income). The US Government does it with taxpayer money! It sure doesn't sound fair to me (I have no outstanding loans, by the way) - a worker today is paying off his or her student loans and also paying off someone else's through the tax code. Does this sound like a rip-off to you? This is a fact, not fiction - look it up on the 'net.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What is going on with the gas prices?

    When we had this uptick and overcharging on gas prices a couple of years ago many folks blamed George Bush, Dick Cheney and their greedy oil partners. Who can we blame now? Where is Congress with this situation - they were screaming like Banshees about this a few years ago? Should the government have any 'say-so' on this subject or should it be left for the market place to balance it?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Limbaugh and Beck - why are people on this site (and elsewhere)?

    so up in arms over these guys? I am a moderate conservative - not a flamer- and I don't listen to those people. They are too loud, too shrill. But I see so many progressives and liberals on here spouting fire and lava at Rush and Glen and busting their guts in hatred for them. Do what I do and don't tune in - nothing lost there. So, what's up? Free speech doesn't mean I have to listen to it!!

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Seriously, I see many questions about how President Bush?

    ran the USA into the ground. Blow smoke if you like, rant and rave if you must but the points will go to someone who can sensibly list the things that he himself controlled that ran this country into a ditch. I am no lover of the former President but I do believe that it is wrong to blame him for bankers stealing money, Enron, racism in America - he's superman if he is at fault for just these things alone. Please don't use 'they were his friends' to link him to misconduct - he had a lot of friends and, no, they weren't all convicts. My thinking - we can never learn unless we know the truth as best that it can be known. Bad-mouthing and yelling accomplishes little - thinking and correcting will accomplish a lot.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • I have asked this you ladies this question before.........?

    Do you think that a dude looks cool with his hat on backwards? I think it looks whack - way bad. Does that style appeal to you or not? What do you REALLY think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • One World Order? Who believes in this theory?

    Can anyone truthfully and logically state that it is possible to include Libya, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Aaudi Arabia and Venezuela (just for starters) in a One World project? I have read a bunch of stuff on this theory (most of it composed by maniacs of the first order) but I am honestly open to opinions and references. Diatribes and rants accepted for humor purposes, serious answer will be seriously accepted and considered. Thanks!

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • OK, here's another joke - this time, though?

    don't threaten to burn my house down if you don't like it - it's only an attempt to help people laugh!

    A New York lawyer runs a stop sign in rural Texas - wouldn't you know, there's a county sheriff right there. The lawyer knows that he can squeeze out of this - he's a lawyer and he's from New York!

    Deputy: License and regristration please.

    Lawyer: What for? Why am I being stopped?

    D: You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign.

    L: I slowed down, nobody was coming, so I went on ahead.

    D: You didn't come to a complete stop. License and regristration please.

    L: If you can show me the legal difference between 'slow down and stop' versus 'stop', you give me the ticket.

    D: OK sir, that's fair enough. Please exit your vehicle, sir.

    The deputy takes out his nightstick and starts beating the humanity out of the lawyer and says: Do you want me to slow down or do you want me to stop?

    22 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Another joke - not the best but is it funny at all?

    Set-up: Nursing home, spring afternoon, 'clients' are sitting around talking politely (actually, looking for love!).

    Bob: Hello there, young lady. What are you doing sitting here all alone?

    Alice: Just enjoying a pretty day. I haven't seen you before - are you new here?

    Bob: Yes, just arrived yesterday. By the way my name is Bob.

    Alice: Well, well now, Bob, my name is Alice. Did you just retire?

    B: No, Alice - I hate to admit this, but I just got out of jail.

    A: Oh my! Whatever did you do?

    B: I murdered my wife!

    A: (Smiling) Oh, then you're SINGLE!

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Joke? Sorta' silly, but is it funny?

    A thief sneaks into a darkened home. He rips off the silverware and moves into the living room. He moves first to the sound system and begins to unhook the wires.

    (Voice): Jesus is watching you!

    Thief: (Frightened) Oh yeah, who are you?

    (Voice): I'm a parrot.

    Thief: (Relaxed) Big deal! Watch me rip off this sound system!

    Parrot: Jesus is watching you!

    T: What, are you some kind of wise guy? What's your name, parrot?

    P: Moses.

    T: Moses! What a joke! What idiot-brain named you Moses?

    P: The same idiot-brain that named their Rottweiler Jesus!

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • My British friends: Is is true?

    that British Schools have ceased teaching about the Holocaust? If so, is it because the Muslims in the UK are/would be offended? I am sincerely not trying to 'start something' - I read that this teaching decision took place in the UK on a website in the States. Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Hey! Using the beach in New Jersey?

    I read today that one beach in New Jersey CHARGES PEOPLE MONEY for venturing onto the beach!!?? What's up with that? I thought that coastal areas, the beaches and ocean, belong to the people, not some government functionary? Fair? Unfair?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • OK - here's another joke - do you like it?

    Herb: So, Doctor, how are my tests coming out? Am I OK?

    Doc: Right now Herb BUT - you wil die in 24 hours! Terrible thing but there is nothing I can do for you at this point.

    Herb heads home, dejected, sorrowful - he will miss so very much.

    Mildred: Hi Herb, how did it go at the Doctor's today?

    Herb: Honey, it is terrible. But you are my loving wife and I have to tell you - I only have 24 hours to live!

    Mildred: Oh darling, what a terrible thing!

    H: Can we make love just one more time?

    M: Of course honey!

    Love was made and tears flowed. They both napped.

    H: Honey, I only have 8 hours to love - can we please make love again?

    M: Of course darling!

    Love was made, tears flowed. Herb tossed and turned - he just could not sleep.

    H: Honey, I only have 2 hours to live can we make love one more time?

    M: Herb, I love you very much but I'm serious - I'm exhausted. And besides I have to get up in the morning and you don't!!

    Bye bye, Herb..................

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • A fairly funny joke? Do you think so too?

    A redneck with two ice chests full of fish was stopped by a game warden recently. They were near a cove noted for its fish population.

    Game warden: Do you have a license to catch those fish?

    Redneck: No sir, I ain't got none of them licenses, these here are my pet fish.

    GW: Pet fish??

    Red: Yeah. Every night I take these here fish down to the lake and let 'em swim around for a while. In the mornin' I come back, whistle for 'em, they jump right back into these here ice chests and I take 'em back home.

    GW: That's a big bunch of stuff! Fish can't do that!

    Red: It's the truth Government man, I'll show ya' - this really works!

    GW: OK, I've just got to see this!

    The Redneck dumps the fish back into lake and the GW, standing quietly for a few minutes, turns to the Red and says: Well?

    Red: Well what?

    GW: When are you going to call them back?

    Red: Call what back?

    GW: The fish!

    Red: What fish?

    Moral: Rednecks are slick -watch out for 'em!

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • RAZR V3 phone? Good product? Worth the money?

    I am planning on buying a RAZR V3 phone today. I am no expert at these things so I decided to check with the experts!

    I want pictures - a little music - sports scores - search the net.

    I went to P&S - received two votes so far - both say "Go"!


    RAZR phone - - - Good product Yes OR No

    Worth the money - - - Yes OR No.

    Thanks a lot!!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • The RAZR V3 phone? Any good? Worth the money?

    I want to take pictures, download them on the net - search the net - play a bit of music - get some sports scores - earphone.

    I am planning on buying one today - then I thought - there's a bunch of folks here who know more about them than I do!!

    With that in mind - RAZR phone - - Yes or No.

    Worth the money Yes or No

    Recommendations accepted.

    Thanks a lot!!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • The withdrawal of troops from Iraq and the Senators who?

    helped send them there, the ones who voted for the war? Why haven't any of the anti-war Senators (and Congresspeople) explained their individual votes of "OK" for the construction of the largest embassy that the US has ever built - in Baghdad??!! If we shouldn't be there, then why the vast expenditure of hard-earned funds for an embassy in downtown Al-Qaida? Please don't tell me that they planned on having the Iraqi's secure the place - that don't fly, does it?

    Not a mean question, just one that has me wondering what's up..............

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hey, do our politicians want to dig into your paycheck again?

    Well now cousin, take a look at this:

    A US Senator for (unnamed state) recently proposed a $250 billion 'grant' to rebuild New Orleans. (I was in NO last year and spent a considerable amount of time touring the devastated site - what happened was a disaster of great proportions - no question about that.)

    What would this do?

    1) 484,674 residents of NO (EVERY man,woman, child) would receive $516,528.

    2) If you had one of the 188,251 homes you receive $1,329,787.

    3) Family of four? $2,066,012.

    I won't complain about the help needed there. BUT, no one in their correct mind would think that the $250 billion proposal is 'right there' when it comes to recovery.

    I ONLY bring this up to show the thinking in DC - open the warehouse - a truckload of blood, sweat and tears (taxes) is coming in!

    I'm sure that I'll get a few "Too long to read" messages and a few "You're a hard-hearted -------". That's OK - fire away!

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • I can't believe what I just heard?

    That Cindy Sheehan, "The Peace Mom" is planning on running for Nancy Pelosi's seat in Congress??!!!? Please tell me I'm wrong! I read it, I didn't make it up! Only in America can, and would, something like this happen.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Just a quick poll/survey - I'd really like your input on why?

    people have abondoned reading newspapers? I love to read them - you can learn so much; the different sections address different interests of readers; if you're interrupted you can put it down and come back later. TV does not give enough in-depth covereage. Why not read a newspaper?

    PS: I'm not connected to the media in any way nor are any others in my family!

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Did you hear about the lady at the private party in Belgium?

    She went into the host's basement and was preparing to put some leftover food in the freezer. She opened it up, and what should she find? The dead bodies of the host's wife and her son! Now that would get you to grab your coat and head for home, wouldn't it?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago