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Lv 59,710 points

Messin with Sasquatch!

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  • Anybody watching C-SPAN? More hate speeches from politicians AGAINST oil executives?

    Do they really know what and how these "filthy, stinking, greedy" oil companies use their profits? Tax Breaks or NOT!

    What about all the money these Liberal Democrats are raking in their "riches" with their lawyer-lobbyists allies? Why no tax wasting-hearings over that?


    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anybody watchin C-SPAN2 this morning?

    Sen. Sherrod Brown just gave a "general speech" of how Conservative-Republicans "..speak ill of.." all teachers and other public workers. As if him rambling on about people who work on "Wall Street...dont care".

    When will these career politicians get voted out of offices so REAL working people who KNOW HOW to live and balance a household budget.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • C-SPAN is on! There is a 'Global Warming' conference in Los Angeles going on LIVE!?

    CHeck it out and laugh at their "environmental hypocracy" about authors promoting their global warming books.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I was watching 'Judge Mathis' this afternoon. He offer some advice for "all men":?

    And that is NOT to fight with a woman if she starts a physical fight with you.

    I'm not a fan of him or most of these judge tv shows. But If a woman I may or may not know starts punching and scratching on ME, I was taught to HIT BACK ANYONE who puts their hands on me. Regardless of age, sex or WHATEVER.

    Common sense withstanding, anyone should defend themselves if an altercation erupts "unexpectedly." If you KNOW someone is drunk or dumb who starts a fight with you, I would avoid them people. But if I get into an argument with someone and she/he starts "swinging on me" I"M SWINGING BACK! If not to end the fight quickly, just to avoid getting beaten BY that person.

    1 AnswerReality Television1 decade ago
  • Anyone watching the latest Jesse Jackson scandal?

    It seems Jesse is in trouble with some 'gay guy' who was "setting up women" for Jackson while working FOR Jackson. Then Jackson fires the guy for spreading these accusations. I dont care if the guy IS gay, but why isnt the mainstream media fawners all over this?

    6 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • President Obama is coming to Chicago today!?

    From reading the Chicago Sun Times articles, he's "passing the bucket" for his upcoming campaign with $5000 + a plate dinners all weekend.

    Will the people attending give him flak about him "taxing the RICH"? Since the only people who can afford to attend his dinners WILL be "scum sucking Rich People".

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • "The most wealthy people would agree with me."?

    How many of them people vommited in their mouths when Pres. Obama just said that at his "Economic Speech"?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When Pres. Obama said "..we will all make sacrafices.." Whom did he direct that to?

    The top 2% pay 40% of all the income taxes. That assumes the working class pays another 30%. WHOM will make up the other 30%?

    The super-Poor who NEVER paid taxes??

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are uniforms "mandatory" in the Libyan civil war?

    How can the nations assisting in "stoping the uprising" tell WHOM is WHOM? None of them seems to want or feel the need to wear a uniform. BOTH sides look like wandering bands of terrorists killing each other. WHile driving around in pick up trucks and wearing rag tag clothes. Just like their "fealess leader" Qadaffi!!

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • Anybody notice those government-run ads for online radio stations? Will they also be omitted for advertisers?

    When I have a hard time picking up local radio stations, I use the web to stream them. I noticed that they use mostly government-run PSA's instead of commercials. Ads like "", hunger sites, huminitarian sites or global warming sites. Will THEY also be pulled for paying commercials? Id rather hear them than be "preached to" by whiney ads the government runs.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Should Gilbert Gottfried been fired from AFLAC?

    Comedian Gilbert Gottfried, who is the voice of the AFLAC duck, was fired for making jokes about the Japanese earthquake/tsunami.

    I thought comedians were SUPPOSED to "ease the pain" of certain subjects that happens in the world by making fun of it. I do it myself! I have yet to see what jokes were "tweeted" by him. But Im sure he wasnt being "incensitive" in this overly-sensitive PC world.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • "A cloud of radiation"? WHOA!?

    The carrier USS Ronald Reagan had to make a quick detour on its way to Japan to aid in their recovery. They picked up a "cloud of radiation" drifting off the coast.

    How weird would it be if it HAD sailed through it and surreally turned it into a real life "Incredible Shrinking SAILORS" incident?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why is Jesse Jackson attending the Madison, WI teachers union debate?

    I thought the protests were "grassroots" with locals?

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Hey Rachel Maddow! Will you cover the "civil unrest" in Wisconsin?

    It seems there are some protestors in Wisconsin. Most of which are "sick" teachers and busloads of their "sicker" students having a "Protest-O-Rama" at their state capitol.

    Will MSNBC, CNN and ABC cover the vandalism and harrassment by those pro-Union supporters angry with the governor? (The same way they viscously LIED to the public about that AZ Shooter being a right-wing nutball?)

    Will people raise the questions of why those teachers used "school time" to go and protest as well as DUPE their students into buses to make the crowds larger than it shouldve been?,,,,

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Should US Congress use the UK, House of Commons, style of debates?

    If we televised a more UK, British House of Commons, way for our politicians to debate issues on CSPAN? Im sure it'll get better ratings for the government-access channel. PLUS, get viewers a "real" way to actually see how and what our elected officials are doing.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • OK! Pinch me to let me know I wasnt having this nightmare!?

    A girls' basketball team in UT beat another team 108 - 3. And the players of the winning team had to apologize for it!

    Was this story in the Onion? Or another SNOPES rumor?!

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Why won't the media leave the AZ Shooting Victim alone?

    Should'nt the media kinda ease up on the coverage of Gabrielle Giffords now? I mean, getting coverage of her "ambulance motorcade" is a bit much! Shouldnt the media just issue prayers for her and her family and leave her alone? What's next? Hidden footage of her sleeping in her hospital bed? Hidden coverage of her relieving herself?

    They should've started easing a day AFTER her and the other victims were shot! Why all the attention focusing on this incident anyway?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Watching the State of the Union anyone?

    Notice how that "seating arrangement" was a dumb idea? The Democrats are just standing and clapping for no reason. While the Republicans DON'T! It still shows how the last election tilted the balance of Congress cosmetically.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • "Blood on the floor" comment on MSNBC?

    Did anyone see that Lawrence O'Donnell program on MSNBC as he talks with Rep Steve King (R-IA)?

    That O'Donnell is just TRYING his FAWNINGEST to "fan the flames" of divissiveness by quoting some NUT with the quote "...we may need to see blood on the floor.." to get our point across. And how comparing that quote with AZ Rep Gabrielle GIffords BEING shot "with her.. blood on the floor" . Rep King DID NOT take the bait to even TRY to link the two. But O'DOnnell, and those other NUTS at MSNBC, seems to be doing his best to make a name for himself.


    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I'm watching Animal Planet about "killer snakeheads".?

    You'd think there'd be a way to "commercial fish" them out of Lake Michigan. I been reading articles of how they were introduced into the regions to "feed on waste" of fishing ponds. Do they taste any different than other river fish?

    THose "leaping silver carp" look just as dangerous. WHOA!

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago