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Hey my Y!A friends!:) Im 18, canadian♥ Im sweet Funny Honest :) ♥

  • why do i have a heavy flow of my period again?

    so august 3rd i had protected sex, i had rough hence i had spotting of blood. Then it stopped. I had my normal period i think 2 weeks ago and i had it for 12 days... it finally stopped then today im bleeding ALOT. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! i am going into my first year of college and i wanna party and all but my parents are really stressing me with getting a job and focusing on school. Whatever i say, they say " YOURE FOCUSING ON SCHOOL NO CLUBS"

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • is he saying that he cares about me?

    so im friends with benefits with this 20 year old, he is 2 years older. We're not that close friends like we dont open up as much but we're good friends ( if that makes sense, like we we share some stuff) today i asked him to ' hangout' soon he asked me if im still seeing that guy , i said no and i explained to him how the guy i was seeing was way to inlove with me and he gave me advice that i said

    " aahh you sound so caring :) "

    he said " i know guys , guys are ****** up "

    1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago
  • why do i have my period again...?

    so august 3rd i had protected sex, i had rough hence i had spotting of blood. Then it stopped. I had my normal period i think 2 weeks ago and i had it for 12 days... it finally stopped then today im bleeding ALOT. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! i am going into my first year of college and i wanna party and all but my parents are really stressing me with getting a job and focusing on school. Whatever i say, they say " YOURE FOCUSING ON SCHOOL NO CLUBS"

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • is he saying that he cares about me?

    so im friends with benefits with this 20 year old, he is 2 years older. We're not that close friends like we dont open up as much but we're good friends ( if that makes sense, like we we share some stuff) today i asked him to ' hangout' soon he asked me if im still seeing that guy , i said no and i explained to him how the guy i was seeing was way to inlove with me and he gave me advice that i said

    " aahh you sound so caring :) "

    he said " i know guys , guys are ****** up "

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • why am i so tight , even during sex?

    so i lost my vcard to my friends with benefits last may and we still have sex but every time we have sex he complains how tight i still am -.- . Last time we fuckeed was august 3rd and i was soooo horny that i thought it would be easier for him. I know that i sometimes get nervous even before we have sex cause i used to like him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • why am i so tight , even during sex?

    so i lost my vcard to my friends with benefits last may and we still have sex but every time we have sex he complains how tight i still am -.- . Last time we fuckeed was august 3rd and i was soooo horny that i thought it would be easier for him. I know that i sometimes get nervous even before we have sex cause i used to like him.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • is it weird to date your best friend?

    okay so im very good friend with this guy and we've always have heart to heart convos, and he legit loves me. He asks me on a date before but i reject him. I have my days where i want to date him and all my friends say that they're jealous of my friendship with him cause we always joke around and never get mad each other! we are both going into college and he would be my first boyfriend and im scared cause i dont want our friendship to be ruined if we ever break up

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • is it weird to date your best friend?

    okay so im very good friend with this guy and we've always have heart to heart convos, and he legit loves me. He asks me on a date before but i reject him. I have my days where i want to date him and all my friends say that they're jealous of my friendship with him cause we always joke around and never get mad each other! we are both going into college and he would be my first boyfriend and im scared cause i dont want our friendship to be ruined if we ever break up

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • was he trying to open up to me?

    i have this friends with benefits and he was my first and i used to like him alot. Anyways, sometimes he wouldnt open up to me / tell me about his love life, AT ALL! so the last time we hanged out was in april and we pretty much texted alot last week and usually when we text he would end the convo by after my 4 reply! so i went to his house last wednesday and before we did it he randomly said " can you believe ive been seeing someone for 4 months?!" i said " aw __ im so happy for you! " he said " yeah i should have known that she was a ****** physco!" then i said " ahha... so anyways isjgfgdg" i changed the subject cause i wasnt sure if he wanted to talk about it. Did it seem like he did?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • was he trying to open up to me?

    i have this friends with benefits and he was my first and i used to like him alot. Anyways, sometimes he wouldnt open up to me / tell me about his love life, AT ALL! so the last time we hanged out was in april and we pretty much texted alot last week and usually when we text he would end the convo by after my 4 reply! so i went to his house last wednesday and before we did it he randomly said " can you believe ive been seeing someone for 4 months?!" i said " aw __ im so happy for you! " he said " yeah i should have known that she was a ****** physco!" then i said " ahha... so anyways isjgfgdg" i changed the subject cause i wasnt sure if he wanted to talk about it. Did it seem like he did?

    2 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • ladies: was he trying to open up to me?

    i have this friends with benefits and he was my first and i used to like him alot. Anyways, sometimes he wouldnt open up to me / tell me about his love life, AT ALL! so the last time we hanged out was in april and we pretty much texted alot last week and usually when we text he would end the convo by after my 4 reply! so i went to his house last wednesday and before we did it he randomly said " can you believe ive been seeing someone for 4 months?!" i said " aw __ im so happy for you! " he said " yeah i should have known that she was a ****** physco!" then i said " ahha... so anyways isjgfgdg" i changed the subject cause i wasnt sure if he wanted to talk about it. Did it seem like he did?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Bleeding after sex? [ serious answers only ]?

    Last sunday, i was playing soccer and the ball hit the lower part of my stomach ( so my vag ) i went to the bathroom and i had a peach colour, hence blood. I had sex with this guy last tuesday i think after i went to the bathroom i noticed that i bled. it wasnt a significant amount, but enough to make it look like my period was about to start [i know its not going to, it just ended 2 weeks ago]. Hes only the second person ive slept with and we use a condom every time so i dont think its an std [i realize it sounds similar to symptons of chlamydia]. could it just be the rough sex cause we did went pretty fast ?

    also, weve had sex a lot of times before. I would get random spotting of blood but then it stops...

    also he's coming over today.. i dont know if its a good idea

    4 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Bleeding after sex? [ serious answers only ]?

    Last sunday, i was playing soccer and the ball hit the lower part of my stomach ( so my vag ) i went to the bathroom and i had a peach colour, hence blood. I had sex with this guy last tuesday i think after i went to the bathroom i noticed that i bled. it wasnt a significant amount, but enough to make it look like my period was about to start [i know its not going to, it just ended 2 weeks ago]. Hes only the second person ive slept with and we use a condom every time so i dont think its an std [i realize it sounds similar to symptons of chlamydia]. could it just be the rough sex cause we did went pretty fast ?

    also, weve had sex a lot of times before. I would get random spotting of blood but then it stops...

    also he's coming over today.. i dont know if its a good idea

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Bleeding after sex? [ serious answers only ]?

    Last sunday, i was playing soccer and the ball hit the lower part of my stomach ( so my vag ) i went to the bathroom and i had a peach colour, hence blood. I had sex with this guy last tuesday i think after i went to the bathroom i noticed that i bled. it wasnt a significant amount, but enough to make it look like my period was about to start [i know its not going to, it just ended 2 weeks ago]. Hes only the second person ive slept with and we use a condom every time so i dont think its an std [i realize it sounds similar to symptons of chlamydia]. could it just be the rough sex cause we did went pretty fast ?

    also, weve had sex a lot of times before. I would get random spotting of blood but then it stops...

    also he's coming over today.. i dont know if its a good idea

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Bleeding after sex? [ serious answers only ]?

    Last sunday, i was playing soccer and the ball hit the lower part of my stomach ( so my vag ) i went to the bathroom and i had a peach colour, hence blood. I had sex with this guy last tuesday i think after i went to the bathroom i noticed that i bled. it wasnt a significant amount, but enough to make it look like my period was about to start [i know its not going to, it just ended 2 weeks ago]. Hes only the second person ive slept with and we use a condom every time so i dont think its an std [i realize it sounds similar to symptons of chlamydia]. could it just be the rough sex cause we did went pretty fast ?

    also, weve had sex a lot of times before. I would get random spotting of blood but then it stops...

    2 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • Is it possible to get your period after sex?

    so my period ended i think last week. I had soccer on sunday night and some girl kicked the ball so hard that it landed on my abdominal and i thought i was peeing so i went home and i peed and i had like a peach colour. Everything else was fine , peed normally. I had a bit of blood yesterday but on my panites then it was fine. I had sex yesterday and my guy told me that i was bleeding a bit , i saw and it was a little bit. Today im having a bit of blood then it goes normal then im having a bit of blood now. This isnt my 1st time having sex . We did have rough sex

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Is it possible to get your period after sex?

    so my period ended i think last week. I had soccer on sunday night and some girl kicked the ball so hard that it landed on my abdominal and i thought i was peeing so i went home and i peed and i had like a peach colour. Everything else was fine , peed normally. I had a bit of blood yesterday but on my panites then it was fine. I had sex yesterday and my guy told me that i was bleeding a bit , i saw and it was a little bit. Today im having a bit of blood then it goes normal then im having a bit of blood now. This isnt my 1st time having sex . We did have rough sex

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago