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  • My sister is toxic to my family...How to deal with it?

    My older sister (still high school age, she or I cannot move out) is toxic for my family. She throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, and only does what's good for her and what she wants. She is working on her schoolwork late at night because she is doing too many activities (unnecessary fun ones because she likes them for the social) and it keeps my parents up at night when they have work in the morning. She's rude to me and my younger sister and brother and doesn't help out around the house. She's a total wreck but since we can't leave the house and live somewhere else, it's hard. How should I deal with this for the next year or so until she goes away to college?

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Help me edit my speech?

    Hi everybody! Here's my speech. I need some constructive criticism and possibly delivery ideas. I'll be giving a best answer. Thank you all!

    Once upon a time. The classic beginning for many famous tales that weaved themselves into our childhoods. When we look back, we don’t think much of the stories that played a big part in our growing up. But fairytales are very important. In order to learn how significant fairytales really are, let’s look at the first fairytales, how they changed from the originals, and how they affect us.

    Most classic fairytales came from Europe, particularly the Black Forest in Germany. Most of the original fairytales were written by the brothers Grimm. However, fairytales now aren’t the exact originals. In fact, they’re far from it. The first fairytales were not at all appropriate for younger kids. Back when fairytales were new, they weren’t for children. They were actually written for adults. Adults decided that the stories, while a bit bloody, had a good message, so they changed some details to make them kid-friendly. They had to change a lot. Which is why we never heard of Cinderella’s stepsisters getting their eyes pecked out or the Little Mermaid committing suicide.

    When you were younger, you didn’t really think about what your bedtime stories really meant. However, fairytales aren’t just read to kids to tell them a good story. They affect the kids. When all you knew was the fantasy of the story, it was actually helping you grow. Fairytales basically get children to be creative and develop a good imagination. At the same time, the stories teach universal morals and life lessons. Children are told these tales to help them grow up.

    After looking at fairytale’s origins, how they’ve changed over time, and the effects of hearing the stories, it is easy to see how important fairytales are. As Neil Gaiman, author of Coraline, once said, “Fairytales are more than true; not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.”

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • What are some events in history that show necessary rule breaking?

    AH! I need a few events in history that someone breaks a rule or does something considered bad for the greater benefit of the people. The example was the atomic bomb dropped on Japan, so no that please. But things like that, just to give you an idea. Please include websites/ sources so I can research more myself. This is for a really important project so help is appreciated. I need this all ASAP please. Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • I need to describe life in an insane asylum/ mental hospital and how could kids get into one?

    Hey everyone. So, new idea came over saying you have to write me. These kids grow up not normally. THeir parents don't let them go outside past dark and are very paranoid. But curiosity killed the cat and turns out going out after dark was a bad idea. When they do, the kids pass out. When they wake up, the remember everything from their old life and don't get why people they knew are saying I don't know you and no, that house where you lived is all boarded up. Their parents are gone, so the police come to investigate what had happened and bring the kids to Social Services. Each kid in their different situation gets angry and fights the police, hurting them, determined to find their life. Before the police get a hold of them, they each find a note, telling them that they are the last of the true and to find the others. I want all these kids put in an insane asylum metal hospital where they meet, and break out. From there, they go on this crazy adventure fighting supernatural creatures and running for their life from the police and the dark side that desperately wants them. They discover unknown secrets and find out who are the True and why people want them all so badly.

    So, there's 8 kids. 4 boys and 4 girls. Their names are-











    As you can see, these kids have quirky and exotic names. I like all the girls but can't find some good one's for the boys.

    So, how would these kids get into the mental hospital and what would life be like in there? Describe the smell, the dorms, anything.

    Okay, since my answer have been better when I say this, I need this from you in your answer. Most through will receive the best answer. Yay!

    1) Plot. Is it cliche, boring or totally interesting? How could it develop into something more unique

    2) Names. Suggest some quirky out there boys names you think would fit in.

    3) How would the kids get into the asylum? Is my idea logical?

    4) Descirbe life in the asylum and cool way to break out.

    5) Any other comments you have. (OPTIONAL BUT WILL INCREASE CHANCES FOR BA)

    The title is The Last of the True. Thank you all so much!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How to be pretty and get a guy to like you?!?

    I'm in middle school. I can't wear makeup quite yet, but I want to look pretty. I have curlyish wavyish, really frizzy on top, light brown hair with blond and red (natural) highlights. I have blue eyes. I have glasses but normally wear contacts. I'm smart, fairly quiet, and a little nerdy, but I feel like it's getting in the way of being pretty and getting this boy I like to notice me. So, I need all of your help.

    So, I need some fashion, hair, and overall popularity help. I don't want to be one of those mean girls but want to be a little more talkative and fashionable.

    What I need from you-

    1) Fashion advice. I normally wear jeans, a t shirt (abercrombie/hollister), a sweatshirt (abercrombie, hollister/ juicy{less frequent}), Uggs (grey or chestnut)/ Vans (teal or grey). I also have these cream lace flats I've been meaning to wear more. So, what can I do to be more fashionable? Any cute outfit ideas to spice up my look?

    2) Hair styles. Anything cute and easy (I'm bad at doing my own hair) that looks good. Remember my hair get frizzy. Any way to control that?

    3) How to get this guy to notice me. I'm not the kind of girl who has guy friends. I rarely talk to them outside of class. SO, suggestions on how to make a conversation or something?

    Thank you all so so so so so so so so so so much!!! I need this advice desperately. And for all you people who need pictures to do stuff like this, my email is and I'll email you a photo. I don't post photos online.

    If you want to be truly AMAZING and give some extra help (it may give you BA, hint hint ;), feel free to email using the address above.

    Thank you all again!

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • What do you think of this idea, how can it improve and character names?

    I am currently writing a story. It's about a rich boy and a not-so-rich girl who are secretly dating. The boy's parents wouldn't approve of the girl and wouldn't let them see each other if they were to find out. Of course, the parents find out eventually and the boy and girl rarely get to see one another. Meanwhile, in the girl's family, her father and his new wife (the girl's mom died) are trying to get the girl to bond with the new mom, even though she doesn't want anything to do with her.

    I'm thinking of calling this "Just like Juliet". I feel it's just cliche though. Any ways I could build on this plot to make it more unique?

    Next problem. I can't find a good name for either character. I feel like the guy should be named Will, but am not loving it. I'll give the personalities of the two characters, plus some criteria for the names, and hopefully you can give me some good suggestions!

    Boy- He comes from a good family and is very well off. He has blond hair and blue eyes and freckles that you can see if you look closely. Very well liked and outgoing. Lots, and I mean lots, of girls like him. Like I said, I'm thinking of the name Will, but I just feel like it's making the story even more cliche somehow. I need a name that's classy and rich guy sounding, preferably with a nickname, like William to Will.

    Girl- Not off as well as the boy. Lives in less nice a neighborhood. She's less outgoing than the boy. Quieter, but smart. She has light brown hair and grey eyes. Likes music. Her mother died from cancer when she was 10, so she's a little more withdrawn. Really is happy with the boy. I think her name should be something a little more common, but not super long and fancy. Something with a cute nickname for her boyfriend to call her.

    I will give a best answer. I'm looking for all/most of this in your answer. If you don't do this, that's perfectly fine, but you're more likely to get BA if you do!

    1. Your opinion of the plot and story line. Some people don't care for this genre, but try to give a good answer

    2. Ways to make the story more unique and less cliche.

    3. Your thoughts on the title

    4. Names. Please give 2 or more names or character. It gives me so many more ideas.

    5. Any other advice or feedback.

    I'm very happy to get any answers. All help is greatly appreciated. I will acknowledge you for your help.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Do you like these sibling names?A last name for them?

    I'm writing a book, and these are the names of the kids in the story.

    Nicole- older sister, 17 years old

    Tate- the main character, going into high school (a girl)

    Caleb- 8 years old

    I really like Nicole and Caleb and really think that they fit the characters well, but I'm not so sure about Tate. If you have any suggestions for her, go ahead and tell me. She's shy, quiet, has light brown/dark blonde hair that's kinda wavy, eyes the color of the ocean, like a blue grey. Quiet but adventurous, keeps more to herself.

    I need a last name for them too. Nothing too common like Brown or anything.

    What I'm looking for in best answer- Your opinions on all the names, your ideas about Tate's name, a last name that would flow well and is unique.

    Thank you all so much. I'll pick a best answer!!!!!!!!

    3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • I can't get Meebo to work for my blog!?

    I just can't get Meebo to work for my new blog. I did the whole sign up thingy, followed the instructions, put in the HTML code into the little box, clicked save, but then the little box went blank. I viewed my blog, but it wasn't there! How do I get this to work? Did I have the wrong code? What do I need to do?Can someone please help me? I have a Macbook Pro if this makes a difference to it. THe most detailed, step-by-step answer WILL get best answer. Oh yeah, if any of you want to check out my blog(not amazing yet, just started it today, but still it's great) the URL is below.

    Thank you all so much!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What would be a good name for this character?

    She's a girl(fairly obvious). She's around 12-14. Her mother is crazy, and her father is of in the city, working. He never comes home. So she's running away with her best friend Cole Holbrook (more info on him later) to find him and Cole's dad. She wants a better life, one that she can't have with her messed up mom. She has wavy blonde hair, green eyes and is a little small for her age.

    Cole's mother is a total hippie(in a weird way; Cole's real name is actually Cobalt). His mother ignores and neglects her 6 boys(all with nature names too). Their dad went missing 3 years ago. His only connection to finding him is "___" (his best friend, the girl)'s dad.

    I was hoping for the girl's name to be something fairly modern, unique, but not too out there. Nothing too long, but something with a few cute nicknames.

    And I was wondering, is this plot too cliche? Anything to make it better? Open to all suggestions!

    Thank you all so so so much!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Does this synopsis sound interesting? Some names for these characters?

    I recently posted a question on names for these characters. People weren't that helpful, so I decided to ask all you authors out there. Here's the synopsis of the story.

    Stephanie is small, quiet and shy. Scared and left out, she talks little and hides in the music room at lunch. She fears her drug obsessed mother and school in general. The only person who makes her feel completely safe is Mattie, her big sister. But, Mattie is now dead, and life is a bigger fright than ever. Stephanie doesn’t know how to keep on going without Mattie. When her mom is arrested for illegally using drugs, Stephanie, now alone, is sent to a foster home. With the help of an unexpected friend, she discovers who she is and how she will make her way in the world.

    Does this sound interesting to you? Or is this totally cliche or already written about?

    Next, I need some names for characters. I want the main character, the shy girl, to be named Stephanie, but everyone will call her Steph or Stephie. Unless you have name that is absolutely perfect for her, please don't post one! Mattie is a placeholder for the older sister of Stephanie's name. Mattie means powerful battler, which I like, because "Mattie" makes her feel safe and "battles" the things that scare Steph. I'll put some descriptions since las t time people said it was hard not knowing what people looked like. I need names for-

    Steph's older sister. - dark brown hair, grey eyes, freckles

    Steph's mom( crazy from drugs, not a major character, gets arrested)

    3 popular girls, mean and snarky, like to flip their long hair.

    English and Math teachers

    Some classmates- nerds, populars, sporty, all middle school cliques.

    Cute boy, not popular, but nice. Likes Steph- light brown hair, brown eyes- thinking maybe Cameron

    Cute boy's parents

    Foster parents- overly nice to her

    2 older foster brothers- mean to her when she first comes, but then become nice

    Kittens- 1 orange stripy and grey- both boys

    I would like 1st and last names. Thanks so much!

    P.S. If you would like to read my story so far,

    1) shoot me an email at

    2) leave your email in your answer

    3) Star and I'll post it for you to read!


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Names for a shy girl?

    I'm writing a book, and I need some names for...

    Shy girl, who is quiet and scared. I was think Stephanie, everyone calls her Steph or Stephie.

    Older sister of shy girl (she dies)

    Mom of shy girl

    Foster Mom and Dad

    Foster siblings- 2 older boys

    Popular girls- 3 names

    Cute boy, popular, but likes shy girl


    Cats- 2 kittens, one is orangey yellow striped like this

    and one that is grey like this.

    I would love 1st and last names. Thanks so much! If anyone wants to read my book beginning, just email me at or leave me you're email. Star if you want to also! I would love to talk with you. Thanks again!!!!!

    5 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • What are some things that a 13 year old girl would want for her birthday?

    Hi! I'm turning 13 and am having a party. Problem is, I don't want anything! I have an iPod, laptop, cell phone(to a very good one and my contract isn't up), and a Kindle. I've said iTunes, Barnes and Noble (I love to read) and Amazon. What else to tell people? I like-




    I was thinking maybe clothes, but then there's the whole size thing and if I don't like the clothes. What are some ideas that my friends could get for me? They keep asking and I need to tell them something! Thanks so much!!!

    2 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • How do you spell this name?

    It sounds like Bailey, but without the B. Thanks!

    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Literary Agents- Would you accept and publish this?(Be honest)?

    Hi! I wrote a book about a girl who comes from a rich family, who wants her to be ladylike and dainty, but she really is a tomboy. She becomes close to a boy(her neighbor) that her family disapproves of. Her life seems to have flipped and nothing is going her way.Can she figure out how to get it back to the way she wants it?

    Here's a sample-

    I smiled as Evan tried to catch up with me and Ariel. He nudged Sox into a run. I stopped and waited for him as he slowed down.

    "Still can't beat me," I joked.

    "Still can't tame you," Evan joked back. He slid down off Sox and tied him to the tree. I did the same with Ariel. We climbed the tree, like we did so many times before. Up on the highest branch, we sat down, legs dangling. The sun was beginning to set over the hills and the grassy fields where I loved to ride. It was perfect.

    The first stars were beginning to show and Evan and I started a constellation contest. We found Orion, Pegasus and Ursa Major. This, I thought, is how it should be. No one out here to ruin this. But out in the distance, through the telescope in the treehouse, I saw my dad. He was looking throughout binoculars at us. Shaking his head no. Barely, just barely, I could see him mouth the words " Chloe Grace Michaels, get back here now!"

    Do you like it? For more info, please email me at

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • 700 - 35x= 450 +15x math homework help!!!?

    what would w = ? please help!

    6 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • What are some girl names that mean Angel?

    I love the name Angel, but wouldn't name a kid that, so in my story, I need a name meaning Angel. No Evangeline, or Angela, or Angelica or anything like that. Nothing older fashioned. Thanks!!!!!

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • More naming help please?

    I would like to know some unique girl names, any origin. I'm hoping they will have good nicknames, and aren't too girly. Hopefully I'll get some meaning...




    Pretty/ Beautiful


    Smart/ Cunning


    I asked a similar question but did not get the results I wanted. Please no older fashioned names. Thanks!!!

    10 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Help with a girl's name?

    I need a girl's name that has a Greek origin, that means ANY of the following...







    I want the name to have a cute/ slightly boyish nickname. Please don't give me anything that you wouldn't use yourself! I'd love for it to start with a C/K/A/S. Thanks!!!!

    2 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Can you suggest some good character names?

    I'm writing yet another story. I need some first and last names(at least 3/4 please!) for the descriptions. Here goes!

    Girl One: She's the main female character. She's pretty in her own way and super smart(yet not nerdy at all) She has stormy blue eyes, a light dusting of freckles and straight longish light brown blonde hair. She is a runner. She is a quieter girl, and she also plays in the school band. She is around 12 or 13.

    Guy 1: Main male character. He's a quieter guy, basically a nobody. He's an average student, and a little nerdy. He plays baseball, and plays in the band, across the room from girl 1. He as medium brown hair and brown eyes.

    Guy 2: Girl 1's mom's boyfriend. in his 40's.

    Girl 2: Girl 1's dad's girlfriend. also in 40's.

    Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Is this a good story idea? Will there be legal/copyright issues?

    I want to write a book about a secret island facility where teenagers live with ideas based on fictional books. (i.e. Matched, they get matched, they have wings and other powers like Maximum Ride, etc.) A girl and her match, discover that there is an outside world, and that the director is trying to take over the world and make everyone live like them. Meanwhile, a small town girl and her best friend receive a mysterious email about the island, and go to investigate, despite the thugs tracking them. Also inside the facility, the directors stepdaughter and stepson find his plans. The six unlikely kids fight the director and save the world from it's fate, even when their thought to be friends turn on them.

    I got this idea form my daughter's bookshelf, and wondering, what would it be like if this all meshed together. I was thinking about writing this, but I am worried about legal issues with the copyright on these other stories ideas.Would that work? Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago