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    What kinda plant it this?

    Found this in an Illinois forest preserve and thought it was gorgeous but i cant find anything on google that looks remotely close to it. I found a more grown one that was stretch out like a vine or an ivy but again i cant find anything like it online.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape4 years ago
  • Whats happening to my aloe?

    Ive had it for about 2years now and as you can see from the super growth at the top it was thriving over the summer. Now suddenly the older leaves have started to shrivel and brown they are dry not wet and gooy. I watered it one tsp of water a week durring the summer and it got lots of sun. Now cause its been in the 30-50s ive cut back to once a month. Still gets lots of indoor window sun. Whats happening? And why random sprouts not sprouts at base or direct center. I love my aloe and want for it to survive does it need fertilizer? I think im due for a feeding. Or could it still be dry cuz its in a really sunny spot ? Please help

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
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    What kinda of plant is this?

    Someone brought this to work and i love it. It grows little buds and when they fall off they attached to the soil and grow into there own plant...its like never ending growth.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • how do i know if i successfully hooked a male scorpio?

    i have experiance with scorpios both male and female. i am a female taurus and i know i could handle being in a relationship with one. knowing how secretive they can be, its hard to tell if you have one hooked. they usually either like you or they dont. everywhere online it only says how to make a scorpio man fall for you but how do you know when you have captured his heart and that he wants to keep you. what are the signs that hes hooked and doesnt want to let you go.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • When should i get my period after plan b?

    I was forced to take the plan b pill couple years back, it was 2pills and i got my period that night (about 2weeks after previous cycle) well i had 2take it again yesterday. It was again sooner than 24hrs and about a week before my scheduled period. It was a different brand and this one was only one pill...i still have yet to get my period. isnt it supossed to come within 24hrs of taking it like last time?...when should i expect it....the box only says if you dont get it within a week consider pregnancy but doesnt say estimated when i should get it

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What dog food is best for IBS?

    I use to feed my dog iams till one day he got sick. Vet said it was a very bad batch of food and screwed up his system. Because of this he now has IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome) and his stomach is extremely sensitive.... I switch to Purina One lamb and rice for sensitive stomach. His stool is still too soft. I started mixing the Purina with Blue Buffalo (sensitive stomach) but he seems to be allergic and scratches himself bloody. I stop giving him the Blue Buffalo but I still don't know what brand to switch to. He already has IBS and now allergies on top of it. I want to try Science Diet but its like $50+ a bag and I just don't have that kind of money for dog food but I will do what I have to to keep him healthy

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Can xylitol heal tooth decay on the inside?

    I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth extracted last june and 16 was severly infected and caused minor decay to my molar's root underneith it...the oral surgeon said ur good u can rebuild the enamal without needing a filling. Jan rolled around and i had another problem...i went back to regular dentist and hes like um 16 is still there and its infected again. I was pissed and went 2a 2nd oral surgeon and had it properly extracted and 2nd infection cleared

    Now there is further damage to my molar root and i am trying to rebuild it Cause id rather gouge my eyes out than have to do a root canal. Can xylitol heal my tooth at the root where the decay lies under the gums? I have been brushing 2ce a day with xylitol enriched toothpaste and swishing with pure xylitol instead of mouth wash, but im still having hot and cold sensitivity. Will it heal in time or am i just screwed.

    7 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Is this separation anxiety?

    My bf and i have very time consuming we sometimes go all day with out speaking. But when were together he give me nonstop undivided attention. Anyways, After work he will call me on his way home for about 15min but then let me go so he can eat, says he'll call me back in a lil bit. 2-5hrs later i text him wondering whats up he always has the same excuses. "Sorry i had stuff to do; i fell asleep (most common); my friend stopped by; was catchin up on my shows" finaly he will call me back when hes about to go to bed n the conversation lasts abou 5-10 again cause hes now tired. After this happening over n over n over again im starting to get extremely mad because when he's with me he's with me but when he's not then... everything else is more important it seems.

    (No he's not cheating and that's not the point) point is it's now getting to be that we are getting into arguments because I miss him and want to talk to him but he can only afford 20 minutes a day to talk to me when he has plenty of time after work he just chooses to spend it doing other things. Like i get seriously really angry n we fight n i dont want 2push him away with this but i honestly feel his other meaningly priorities come first. Am i wrong for feeling this way? do I have separation anxiety? Or do I have a legit reason for getting so angry? How can I fix this situation?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is this separation anxiety?

    My bf and i have very time consuming we sometimes go all day with out speaking. But when were together he give me nonstop undivided attention. Anyways, After work he will call me on his way home for about 15min but then let me go so he can eat, says he'll call me back in a lil bit. 2-5hrs later i text him wondering whats up he always has the same excuses. "Sorry i had stuff to do; i fell asleep (most common); my friend stopped by; was catchin up on my shows" finaly he will call me back when hes about to go to bed n the conversation lasts abou 5-10 again cause hes now tired. After this happening over n over n over again im starting to get extremely mad because when he's with me he's with me but when he's not then... everything else is more important it seems.

    (No he's not cheating and that's not the point) point is it's now getting to be that we are getting into arguments because I miss him and want to talk to him but he can only afford 20 minutes a day to talk to me when he has plenty of time after work he just chooses to spend it doing other things. Like i get seriously really angry n we fight n i dont want 2push him away with this but i honestly feel his other meaningly priorities come first. Am i wrong for feeling this way? do I have separation anxiety? Or do I have a legit reason for getting so angry? How can I fix this situation?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • wtf, y do men like to play games....please HELP?


    Guy 1: we use to be friends w benefits no attachments, but now he has a cool w that, but he keeps tryin to still sleep w me after a year of being with this chick (not gonna happen)

    Guy 2: had the hotts for him back in the day but it never happened...then out of the blue he comes out n says he really likes me n wants to take me out practically begs me then havent heard from him since...its been 2 weeks (not lookin good)

    Guy 3: (i really like this guy) his body language and attitude screams he likes me too but i feel hes pushing me away cuz hes still hung up on his ex of 3yrs he broke up with in dec or jan...since he broke up w her he doesnt talk to me like he use too and i dont wana lose my chance if there is one

    WTF am i suppose to do about these games......i thought women were bad....please help

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Women only: breast lift tape? yay or nay?

    oky so obviously when i was younger i had wonderful breasts (we all did) well when i got older i went through a dark time in my life and gained 90lbs i was then i went through and even darker time and for what ever reason stopped eating all together dropped 80lbs in less than 8months....lets just say my breasts ( 2me) looked like flapjacks haha but it was very upsetting...have all this extra skin around that i dont need....i want to get a breast lift but until i can afford it i want to try breast lift tape....has anyone tried it is it worth buying?

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • hes playing hard to get?

    so apparently hes playing hard to get and its obvious but how do i get him to stop and make a move already? im getting impatient grr so frustrating

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • female taurus 4 life path and a male leo 7 life path?

    i am a female taurus of a 4 life i compatible with a male leo of 7 life path? from everything i read up all looks good from different angles but how do i know for sure? that its all good rolled up into one?

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago