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  • Disgruntled employee trying to give my company a bad reputation and ruin me? Help?!?

    I am an owner of a daycare centre. A month ago I had to terminate one of my employees through voicemail for something he said to one of my clients who emailed me saying they were going to pull their kids out of my facility because of him. So today I find out that someone had set up a fake facebook account pretending to be me and has been messaging my business clients on the fake facebook account telling them I no longer want their business when I never sent those messages in the first place. I have now lost 5 families because of this and I explained it wasn't me who wrote the message but they don't believe me. Apparently this person has blocked my real fb account along with my other employees fb's so we couldn't see it or report it to facebook. I'm very certain it is my former employee that is doing all this and I want to know how I can get this ex-employee to stop? Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • Strata owners who are not really owners are illegally renting to 2 tenants for financial gain? Should I file a complaint to Strata?

    So I know some friends who are a married couple and they say they own their townhouse property even though they do not. The husband's uncle or cousin actually owns it. They are planning to rent out the property to 2 tenants who are not family members and are just doing that for financial gain. They are only suppose to rent the property out to family members only. The first tenant is planned to move in May 1st and the other tenant is expected to move in June 1st. They are in BC Canada so I'm wondering if this is illegal and could I phone up Strata to file an anomymous complaint to have them be under investigation? Honest answers greatly appreciated :D

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Why would a coworker do this in a workplace?

    Before leaving work, I went to get the employee staff time sheet book out to fill the time of when I started work and when I finished. I remembered from last week that my time sheet was at the very beginning - first page. However, tonight I had noticed that my time sheet was not at the beginning anymore. At first, I thought one of my coworkers had purposely taken my time sheet out and got rid of it. I had to flip the pages trying to find my time sheet and I finally found it at the very last page of the booklet after everyone else's time sheets. Apparently it seems that one of my coworkers had taken out my time sheet and deliberately placed it at the very back after everyone else. Why would a coworker do this? I'm a dishwasher in a restaurant and I thought my coworkers were decent people but obviously I'm starting to have my doubts. Its a small restaurant too with only 6 employees total that include me. Do you think it was childish to remove someone else's time sheet and put it all the way to the back of the page?

    Please note, I do prefer to have my time sheet at the very beginning of the employee book because if I do flip pages my fingers and hands get paper cuts easily and they start to bleed. It may not be a huge deal to others but it is a big deal to me. What can I do if this happens again?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Would this be a good idea to report this employee?

    Hi, I am writing a letter to the director of the early childhood facility concerning an incident with an employee. Can you please read?

    Hello Safia Barr, my name is William and I have been a licensed family childcare provider for many years. I also did one of my practicums at the Old Orchard Kinder Kampus facility and my son Ryan has done a practicum there as well. The reason I am contacting you is to discuss some incidents regarding one of your employees named Kaliegh and my son Ryan. During my son's practicum experience, it was brought to my attention that my son had been left alone outside supervising 20 children or more while Kaliegh and the other teachers were inside. I am very upset that this had occurred because I feel that Kaliegh should have been out there with my son supervising these children. I dont feel that this was good practice on Kaliegh's part. We have gone to our college supervisor and they are not happy with how Kaliegh had handled things.

    is there anything more I should add?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • My autistic son won the lottery? Need some advice please!?

    So my autistic son won the jackpot lottery of $2,000,000. My wife and I are extremely happy for him on his lucky big win but we are still concerned for him nontheless. We live in Canada, and he does collect $900 of Persons with Disabilities a month from the provincial government for his food, rent and clothing etc. He has medium to low functioning autism. The problem we are concerned about is that if the government finds out he has won big, we are afraid that they will try and take advantage of him by clawing back his $900 a month and take his winnings away. We just need some advice on what we can do to prevent the government from taxing him or clawing back. The maximum amount of money he is allowed to have in his bank account is $10,000. If he puts all this jackpot money into his bank account, what can we do to prevent the government from taking away his money that is rightfully our son's?

    3 AnswersGambling7 years ago
  • My friend is being treated unfairly at work?

    So my friend is a dishwasher in an italian restaurant and has been working there for 2 years now working minimum wage of $10.25. He wants to get a pay increase and is starting to feel very frustrated and resentful that one of the assistant cooks making pizzas makes $12 wage. He tells me that he is the hardest working employee there especially when it is very busy. He resents the fact that he's the only dishwasher on shift and that no one is helping him with the cleanup when there is piles of plates. He says it is ridiculous having 1 dishwasher trying to handle a party of 85 people in a restaurant when there really should be 2 dishwashers on shift. Also, he's often the last person to leave which isn't right. He also feels that the assistant cook should be in charge of providing bread for customers because he doesn't want to risk getting burned arms from the hot ovens. He often feels that the manager only thinks about his business and not my friend's own well being and the customers who are regulars that come in are rude to my friend. Even the coworkers show no respect for him or even socialize withhim and just tell him to do this and do that.

    Is there a way that my friend can get a decent wage than being paid minimum wage all the time?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Trying to get ahold of my friend and can't seem to ever?

    Has anyone experienced with trying to phone a friend from a cell phone and it rings just once then goes directly to an automated voice saying "Your call has been forwarded to the voicemail box of 778-5853-0093" and then you hear a beep.

    What does that mean? Every time I call this person, it always does the same message. Does that mean my friend has blocked my number or it just means his phone is always off?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I am happy Paul Walker is dead. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

    When I found out Paul Walker was dead in a car crash. I laughed and laughed doing the dance of joy. Even though there are many fans and he is the Fast and Furious Star, he wasn't that good of an actor. So am I wrong for feeling the things that I feel?

    8 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • What would you do if you were in this situation?

    When driving your car, you try entering a parking lot when a pedestrian suddenly runs out and stops in the middle of the street causing you to stop your car and wait for them to move out of the way. However, the pedestrian seems to just be standing there and not moving, looking at his cell phone and texting. You try to turn to try getting out of his way so as to not run him over but he happens to move blocking you off completely. You try honking at the pedestrian to get out of the way but to no avail. The pedestrian will not move and there is other traffic behind you that are waiting. You even try opening the window calling out to the guy but he ignores you. You are basically stuck not knowing what to do.

    So my question is how would you go about in dealing with this type of pedestrian?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • The police came to my house asking to speak to my son?? Help!?

    Today the police came to my house knocking on the door asking to speak to my son. My heart was pounding in my chest and I asked them what has he done this time so they told me that he has made a fake account on facebook impersonating someone. Unfortunately, the police came to my house too late cause 2 days ago my son left for the airport on a backpacking trip with his friends to Europe and won't be coming back home for 2 months. I asked the police when he made this fake account, and they told me it was created 3 days ago which means my son made this fake account the night before he would be leaving for the airport. So then I told the cop that my son has gone with friends on a backpacking trip to Europe and will not return for 2 months. So then the cop told me that when he gets back in town, I'm to tell him that the police came and that he needs to go to the police station to speak with the officer taking the complaint. The cop gave me his name and badge number as well as the complaint file, then left.

    What do I do now???? Do I wait for my son to return or do I try getting ahold of him in Europe asking him to come back home? Would the police forget about this matter or try to arrest him? I dont want my son to go to jail :(

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Can my friend get arrested for this?

    I have a friend who is mentally challenged and to him, I seem to be the only friend he has. He often takes me for granted and takes advantage of the fact that I have more money than him. Last night we both went to Earl's restaurant and he ordered a steak dinner costing $34 and I had the chicken fettucine costing $17.75. When our meals were finished I told the waitress to have our bills separate. Apparently, my friend did not have enough money to pay for his expensive steak dinner. I paid my meal with tip. He actually expected me to pick up the tab for him but I'm kinda tired of always paying his dinners for him so I decided he should be the one responsible for paying his meal. Plus I had enough money to pay for my own meal. He knew beforehand that we would be coming to Earl's ahead of time and it was his responsibility to have enough money to pay for his dinner.

    I told my friend he is a grown man and should take care of his own bill since I'm always paying for his meals. The manager got involved since he didn't have enough money for his meal and threatened my friend to have the police come. Would he have a criminal record?

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Why is my friend ignoring my text messages?

    I'd like to get together with my friend this coming weekend to hang out. I've sent him 2 text messages but he hasn't responded to any of them. He blocked me on facebook on one occasion and I actually went and showed up at his apartment out of the blue a week after he blocked me. He seemed quite surprised that I showed up. He asked me how I found him and I was quite honest about it saying that I got his address off of his facebook information. I asked him for his phone number and he gave it to me. Only reason he was surprised I found him was because I didn't know his number to begin with but he posted his address on his facebook info prior to him blocking me. His address was the only information I had to contact him. I appologized to him about the unexpected visit and he said not to worry and told me it was a nice surprise that I swung by. He also said that anytime I want to swing by and hang out I could. I know he is busy with things and work etc but I do want to rekindle the friendship after not seeing him for 5 years. Should I phone him instead of texting? Would that make any difference?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • How should I tell my boss that I'm leaving for 2 weeks for Kauai?

    So my family and I have decided that this coming christmas and new years eve we will be traveling to Kauai for vacation starting December 15th till January 1st. We have our passports updated and have already booked the trip. Now the thing I need to do sometime in late october, I need to tell my boss (he's a chef running his restaurant) that I will be going away for the two weeks for the christmas holidays. The thing is I don't know how to go about in telling him using the right use of words. I'm a dishwasher. I would like to come back hopefully in January when I come back from my trip. I know the restaurant gets really busy during the christmas but I dont really see the problem in me taking off cause he lets his waitresses take off for going to places like England, New York, Saskatchewan etc. Why should a dishwasher who goes on a holiday trip abroad be any different? He also has backup since he has 3 adult children that can help him plus another dishwasher and an assistant cook. How would I let him know all this?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Old high school friend showed up at my house unexpected? Could he be a stalker?

    Last week I had him blocked on my facebook. Unfortunately yesterday, I got a knock on my apartment door. I opened and it was him. He asked if he could come in, so I said sure. Once he got in, I asked him how he had found me. He was very honest and told me that he found out on facebook that I wrote down my house address in the places section. I was quite surprised cause I didn't expect him to ever find me cause I blocked him. So then I asked him how he managed to get inside the apartment building. He then told me that as he was heading toward the building an older gentleman was coming inside and held the door open for him.

    He was very honest about the whole thing and was nice. He asked me how I was doing, and I did. I also gave him a tour in my place. He asked me for my cell number so I gave that to him along with my address and the buzzer number. I asked him what made him decide to be in the neighborhood here so he said that he was looking around at the mall close by my place and just decided since he hadn't seen me in awhile (5 years) that he'd come by and say hi. So I laughed and thanked him so much for dropping by, and told him that if he ever wanted to drop by my place he was welcome to. I offered him a drive back toward the mall, which he accepted. It was good catching up and reconnecting but I was kinda shocked that he found me since I never told him where I lived but I guess it was my fault for putting my address on facebook. When I dropped him off at the mall, I went home to go on facebook to delete the information cause wasnt really good idea to put it up in the first place.

    Do you think he might contact me again?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Did he block me on facebook?

    So one of my friends I went to high school with accepted my friend request. Last night we started to chat and message about how our summer went and stuff and just small talk, it was nice hearing from him. Then he told me that he had to go cause he had work tomorrow and that he was getting some sleep, he told me that it was nice hearing from me and that he couldn't wait to talk some more later on. So I said me too and have a good night so that was that.

    This morning I woke up, went on facebook to visit his page. All of a sudden I get this message saying "Sorry this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken or the page may have been removed." I find that strange cause, when I try searching for him, I do see him with his picture but when I click on the name, it gives me the same message. I even try going on the messages and his picture is blank and says "You cannot reply to this conversation. Either the recipient's account was disabled or its privacy settings don't allow replies." If he did block me, I don't understand why he did. I'm sorry this is long, but advice would be appreciated thanks.

    3 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • This guy filed a harassment complaint against my girlfriend?

    So my girlfriend has been telling me that shes been getting random text messages from this guy we graduated high school with a few years ago. She does not like him, and neither do I and we do not want to have anything to do with him and yet he was the one who continued to text her. My girlfriend got fed up and told the guy that he had the wrong f****** person and told him to f*** off. No response from him then. Three days go by later and my girlfriend gets a visit from a cop. Apparently the guy that texted her went to the police and said that she was harassing him and showed the police the profanity text messages she sent him. The police said that my girlfriend needed to be taken down to the station for further questioning and that the guy actually did file a police report against her. She is really angry now and scared what will happen to her.

    What should my girlfriend do in this situation? the guy was the one who was harassing her. Does she need a lawyer?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I unfriended someone and they eventually showed up at my house out of the blue? Advice deeply needed!?

    Over the years, I had been hearing a lot of bad things about this one guy who I went to high school with. I'm still friends and keep in touch with others except this one guy. We graduated high school 4 years ago, and since then he has been making fake facebook accounts to steal people's pictures and info for malicious purposes so that is the reason I unfriended him including many of my other friends who unfriended this guy as well.

    Today I was at home on my computer, until I heard the doorbell ring. I went to open it and it was him that I unfriended just showing up out of the blue. I was shocked and horrified wondering how he knew where I lived. To me it was very creepy. He was quite friendly to me as if he hadn't noticed that I unfriended him. He asked me how i was doing currently, what college i'm in etc. He even explained how he knew where I lived that he saw me outside my home one time and decided to come by and say hi. Then he started to ask me why I unfriended him on facebook along with many other people he went to high school with. He got angry. I was furious, telling him to eff off and I did not want to be associated with him anymore because he makes fake accounts (even mentioning the police). He then told me that he has my cell number and will continue to make multiple text messeges and said if I added him back as a friend then he would leave me alone and not bother me anymore. My question is should I add him back as a friend or should I call the police?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is it a good idea to contact and re-add people you went to high school with that unfriended you on facebook?

    I graduated with these people in 2009. It has been 4 years since I have seen these people. Quite a few have unfriended me but have kept all the other people they went to high school with. I tried contacting one of them on facebook, but she told me to f*** off and go away. I even have their cell phone numbers that they post on facebook in groups and in their info prior to them unfriending me off. Should I just reconnect with them and see what happens? Is it a good idea to do that?

    4 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Can I go to the police to report this girl texting me profanity?

    Today, I decided to text a girl who I graduated high school with to reconnect to see how she is doing. I asked her how her summer is and she responds to me saying its going good and asked who she was speaking to. I replied back telling her my name and how she knew me from high school grad 2009. Two days went by later she didn't reply after that. The next day I decided to text her asking how she was doing, and invited her up to meet for lunch at Subway.

    Then I get an angry text reply back from her all sudden saying "OMG I DONT KNOW YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE. So then I texted back saying "sure you do, from high school graduation in 2009. She then is angry again texting me back saying "You have the WRONG f****** person, can you f*** off?" I then told her that I didn't appreciate the swearing and profanity and said saying things like the F word is not okay. Then I told her I know this is you because I called the number to test to see if it was her and got the answering machine saying it was. So I knew she is lying to me. I then said if you want me to leave you alone I will respect that. Then she became all nice to me and said "Yes please thanks."

    Should I go to the police anyway for her profanity she sent me in text? I felt really offended and harassed by what she said. It was not necessary for her to say that. Obviously she knew who I was. I didn't do anything wrong to her in high school, I was friends with her at one point. But I feel that any profanity is illegal and shouldn't be tolerated. What do you think?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago