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Total basketball fan and freaking love LeBron James. I'll be rooting for his second ring in '14.

  • Question on the double slit experiment?

    So when we don't observe which slit the electron goes through the electron behaves as a wave and the results are an interference pattern.

    When we do observe which slit it goes through the electron then behaves as a particle.


    Call me crazy, but why hasn't anyone considered the fact that whatever detection method we used to observe the electron, altered the electron? That was my immediate thought, so I went and researched the double slit experiment some more. No matter where I go I can't seem to find a detailed description of how we observe which slit the electron passed through. Every article or video I watch just says we observed. How? Does anyone know?

    I'm telling you guys, whatever device that was used to detect which slit the electron passed through somehow altered the electron, and thus the results.

    2 AnswersPhysics3 years ago
  • Where can I get an entire diagram of a GPU architecture?

    When I Google for it I get information on the thought process behind the designer's mindset, or overall layouts. I just want a diagram of an entire GPU, with the logic gates, plexers, splitters, etc.

    I'll award best answer immediately to someone who does. Also, if you could explain how a CPU is conjoined with a GPU to render frames in a logical and seemingly fluid motion, would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design4 years ago
  • Is Cache and Stack the same thing?

    In computer memory. If they are not the same which one is higher on the hierarchy?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design4 years ago
  • Question about bootloader program?

    I'm trying to write an operating system from scratch, including the bootloader.

    I don't want to here how hard or tedious it may be. If it takes a long and complicated explanation, then give a long and complicated explanation.

    I'm aware of the startup process and know assembly language, C and C++. The computer turns on, and then the UEFI gets loaded into the CPU. Then the computer runs the Power On Self Test, and then the computer starts searching for bootloader programs from boot sectors in storage devices. Storage devices can be a HDD, SSD, floppy, or even a flashdrive. I'm also aware that that the bootloader program has a specific signature, must be exactly 512 bytes in size and contain the location for the OS's kernel.

    I'm confused as to how to actually store the bootloader program on the boot sector of the selected storage device. How do you control which sector in your storage device the file gets saved?

    1 AnswerSoftware4 years ago
  • Question about device controller?

    So from what I understand is that the device controller is a piece of hardware in the computer system that is connected to your device when you plug it in into a plug and socket.

    From what I understand is that every particular device requires its own type of device controller. A keyboard device requires that kind of controller, a mouse device requires that kind of controller, etc.

    But majority of device slots in a modern computer system (apart from the Ethernet and HDMI, but I'm not getting into that) are just plain USB slots. I can connect a mouse to USB Slot X, or a keyboard, or a camera... no problem. So I can't seem to wrap my mind around how device controllers work. Is there a universal device controller that manages all USB peripherals?

    1 AnswerAdd-ons4 years ago
  • Does anyone know where I can get a list of all programming functions? (Python)?

    I just got into computer programming, studying Python. I'm understanding the concept, picking it up quite well.

    But I don't go to school or anything, i don't have a teacher, I just watch YouTube tutorials.

    I keep seeing people drop a bunch of built in functions, like for example .append or str() int() input()

    Or things like __init__ __main__

    Things like time() or localtime() from the time module

    or even things like set_mode() or image.load() from the pygame module

    Can I just get like a list of all the built in functions of Python and all the built in functions for all the modules?

    Please don't tell me to use the help(), that doesn't help me, I can't understand it, the instructions are written badly.

    I want just a simple to understand list, like for instance:

    str() = Parameter is anything, and it turns the arg you put into it to a string (see, simple stuff)

    I want the list to tell me the Paramters, and what the function does in the least amount of text possible.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design4 years ago
  • Is my understanding of Entropy correct?

    I keep reading a bunch of information on entropy that doesn't really tell me what's happening when a system increases in entropy. For example the "degree of disorder increases", what does Disorder mean?

    Tell me if my explanation of entropy is correct:

    Entropy is vibration of atoms (heat) dispersed among a thermodynamic system. The higher the entropy, the more evenly dispersed the vibration among all the atoms in the thermodynamic system is. In perfect, or absolute, entropy, the vibration among atoms is perfectly similar among all atoms in the entire system.

    Do I have the correct understanding? If not please explain what happens at the atomic level.

    1 AnswerChemistry4 years ago
  • What's the difference between vector and velocity in physics?

    So I just asked the question what's the difference between vector and trajectory.

    Here is the answer I got:

    "A vector is simply speed and direction, at the instant of measurement or whenever it applies.

    Trajectory is an entire path, as in the trajectory of a cannon shell or a thrown ball - a curve with changing speeds, as it's pulled down by gravity and slowed by air drag.

    The vector continuously changes during the flight of the object."

    What's the difference between vector and velocity then?

    4 AnswersPhysics4 years ago
  • What's the difference between vector and trajectory in Physics?

    So from what I understand the Trajectory is the entire motion a particle makes from the initial location in the universe to the final location in time.

    Velocity from what I understand is simply the the speed and direction of movement through space a particle is heading. It's usually used in relation to the time.

    But what is a vector then? It sounds to me like vector is the same as the trajectory.

    3 AnswersPhysics4 years ago
  • Physics question about Electricity?

    So I'm trying to understand in full, on the atomic level, how electricity works.

    So from what I understood electricity is the electron flow from one Negatively charged terminal (more electrons than protons) to one Positively charged terminal (more protons than electrons in respect to the negatively charged terminal) through a medium known as a conductor. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    My question is, how exactly does that concept of electron flow transfer to a light bulb turning and staying on, an oven producing and emitting heat, or a computer system turning and staying on? Are the electrons somehow powering the electronic device? Are the electrons traveling so fast that they emit light/heat/energy and then that light/heat/energy is harnessed into the device? How does it work exactly?

    2 AnswersPhysics4 years ago
  • Chemistry Question about Metal?

    So I've been studying how electricity works.

    So from what I understand Metals are good entities to hold negative/positive charges, as well as be conductors, because metals have free electrons. This property gives metals the ability to easily lose or accept electrons.

    My question is how this works exactly. What does it mean that metals have free electrons, does that mean every atom in a metal entity has extra electrons it wants to get rid of or accept?

    So what happens to a metal when it fulfills its goal to not have any free electrons? Does it magically lose or gain back an electron immediately from space? If it doesn't is there any other way to create disbalance in the electron to proton number in metals to again give it a positive or negative charge?

    1 AnswerChemistry4 years ago
  • Why is it called a "Web" Site?

    I have been studying computer science, it's a very new topic to me so I'm stumbling around here and there trying to fully understand it.

    So from what I understand it works like this:

    A group of computer systems working together, following a set of rule (a protocol), is known as a network.

    There is a global network of computer networks, known as the internet (international network), which is the largest network in this world, that the majority of people connect to in order to access data (can range from Emails, to Social media, to Educational material, to entertainment).

    Data is stored by the administrator of the network (i.e. Mark Zuckeberg stores all of FaceBook's data) in a database storage server. Which different computer systems can access provided they have connection to that database storage server and the protocol permits access.

    The World Wide Web, aka The Web, is simply the format for which all of the massive Networks, IXPs, are connected to each other via core routers (aka Internet backbone?).

    From what I understood, the Web doesn't really store anything, it's simply the format for data transferring from network to network through the internet via routers. The actual location of the accessed data are the servers.

    Why is it called a Website then? And not a DB Server Site? Or even Internet Site? Am I misunderstanding something? That's like instead of asking for someone's address you ask for their highway.

    4 AnswersComputer Networking4 years ago
  • Help with probability?

    Playing Yugioh and I want to know the EXACT probability of getting out a certain monster (Herald) turn 1.

    I have a 35 card Deck (yes I know min is 40, I have x3 Upstart, x1 One day of Peace, and x 1 Chicken Game, I immediately draw with these so the deck is systematically 35 cards). Calculate using a 35 card deck please.

    If I draw a certain card in my Deck (Dogra), I can get out Herald with just drawing this card alone. I use 3 Dogra (max allowed)

    If I draw Herald in conjunction with another specific card (Ritual Art), I can get out Herald. I use 3 Herald and 2 Ritual Art (max allowed).

    Lastly, a card called Manju can summon Herald if, and only if, I already drew Herald or Ritual Art. I use 3 Manju (Max allowed).

    So desired Combinations (I only need one of these to be successful):

    At least 1 Dogra OR

    At least 1 Herald WITH 1 Ritual Art OR

    At least 1 Manju WITH Herald or Ritual Art (Just need on or the other with Manju, not both)

    Also, if I draw multiple ways of getting out herald that's fine, just give me the probability of getting out AT LEAST 1 Herald on my opening hand.

    I start out with a 5 card draw if I'm going first, 6 if I go 2nd (give me probability of both please).

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Can a natural BodyBuilder take Vitamin D3?

    I have been bodybuilding and I don t use any anabolics.

    About 2 months ago I read that Zinc was a precursor for testosterone in our bodies, so I decided to go in the old supplement cupboard that my mom has. And I noticed one that said:

    Zinc + Magnesium + Vitamin D3; Healthy Bone Support

    I was like "Wow, Bone support and Zinc, what an anabolic bomb!" So I started taking one pill a day (bottle says to take 3), sometimes 2 if I missed the previous day.

    Recently I found out that Vitamin D is a steroid hormone, I had no idea. Am I still considered natural? Can I keep taking this? You can buy these supplements at any store that sells vitamins and everything so this isn t illegal prescribed behind the curtains stuff.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How to build strength? DETAILED Tips please? Read description plz?

    Ima keep this short and simple,

    I gain muscle very well, I have a great feel for it and bodybuilding, or building muscle, goes very well for me.

    But my strength training sucks, I cannot seem to add weight to the bar each session. I plateau much too frequently with my 1 RM, and I feel as if I am not strength training correctly, or well enough, regardless of the fact I know HOW to do it, I'm just not feeling that I'm quite GETTING IT.

    Know what I mean?

    I know how to build muscle.

    You have to contract slowly, streeeetch, that muscle, squeeze it on each rep, keep the tempo slow, maximize the time under tension, forget the weight or reps, focus on the burn, let the pump fill the muscles, make slow sensual love to it, and towards the end, I like to stop going full ROM because I can keep the burn going and get even more pump if I focus on just either the stretch or squeeze of the muscle with a small ROM.

    So please be as specific as you can with helping me develop that dense, myofribullar developed muscle, don't just say 1-5 reps, 90-95% 1rm, high sets, fast tempo, ik all that. Be as specific like I was, tell me what goes on in your head, tell me how you know, that you got it, that you know your muscles are gonna be stronger after all this + recovery. Because I'm just not getting it, hopefully total insight from a strength trainer could enlighten me.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • How to build strength? DETAILED Tips please? Read description plz?

    Ima keep this short and simple,

    I gain muscle very well, I have a great feel for it and bodybuilding, or building muscle, goes very well for me.

    But my strength training sucks, I cannot seem to add weight to the bar each session. I plateau much too frequently with my 1 RM, and I feel as if I am not strength training correctly, or well enough, regardless of the fact I know HOW to do it, I'm just not feeling that I'm quite GETTING IT.

    Know what I mean?

    I know how to build muscle.

    You have to contract slowly, streeeetch, that muscle, squeeze it on each rep, keep the tempo slow, maximize the time under tension, forget the weight or reps, focus on the burn, let the pump fill the muscles, make slow sensual love to it, and towards the end, I like to stop going full ROM because I can keep the burn going and get even more pump if I focus on just either the stretch or squeeze of the muscle with a small ROM.

    So please be as specific as you can with helping me develop that dense, myofribullar developed muscle, don't just say 1-5 reps, 90-95% 1rm, high sets, fast tempo, ik all that. Be as specific like I was, tell me what goes on in your head, tell me how you know, that you got it, that you know your muscles are gonna be stronger after all this + recovery. Because I'm just not getting it, hopefully total insight from a strength trainer could enlighten me.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • What camera should I buy?

    I want something that's portable, doesn't need film or anything like that, can film like mini clips or movies even and takes excellent pictures. I really only want digital. I want to create a YouTube channel and I have many projects for homemade movies. Also I just want a nice camera that's portable so that I can take great pictures.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? It doesn't have to be cheap but please don't suggest $2,000 cameras. I'm willing to pay anything under $200. Maybe $300 if you can sell me.

    7 AnswersCameras6 years ago