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  • Anime resembles power rangers, old cartoon?

    When I was a kid, i remember i woke up early and watched this cartoon/anime that was cool. It reminded me of power rangers. There were five heroes. One in red, green, blue, black, and yellow i believe. When they did their transformation I can only remember that the one in red had a whole bunch of rose peddles surrounding him. When it was over they would be in some type of armor. Does anyone know what anime cartoon this could be. I came on Fox in the morning and I think it aired a couple of times on adult swim

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • My nephew just went to see the doctor...?

    and he weighs 18lbs and 26 inches at 6 months old. My sister told me that the doctor told her that he was above average for a 6 month old...

    My son is 8 months old now and when he was 6 months he checked out at 24lbs and 29 inches... is my son overly growing? should i be concerned? his dad is 6'2 while im 5'1...

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how do I make my husband happy again?

    My husband has been unhappy with me for a few months now... he tells me that he can't seem to find joy with me any longer. he's not happy anymore when he sees me, there is no tingle there anymore, no feelings of romanticism. I don't know how to bring it back.. He doesn't know what or how it happened. Everything seemed fine to me, I mean we just had a baby 8 months ago and that along with him getting a new job that is quite stressful physically and mentally. There was a lot of stressful times but I thought our love will still going strong. Now he tells me that he's not happy anymore and he doesn't seem to find joy in being with me, what do I do? what can I do? how can I help him?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • would you stay in a marriage if your husband...?

    if your husband just told you that he loves you but is no longer in love with you. that he doesn't want a relationship with you except for the relationship you will have with because of the children?? But that he feels you two should stay together for the sake of the kids...But you still love him with all of your heart?? And leaving is almost not a choice you can do, especially since staying is the lesser of two evils??

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 7 month old hates veggies... what to do?

    I have asked my doctor and she assures me that babies don't really know what they like and dislike this early in the eating stage, but I don't believe that to be true with my son.

    He has started on 2nd step foods, and he loves foods such as bananas, oranges, strawberries, apples, etc.. fruits he loves, but when he eats veggies he'll taste it the first two times, then he starts to push it away, and cry if i continue to try to feed it to him, he then only opt for the bottle which i give to him after each feeding of baby food, I've tried green beans, sweet potatoes, corn, he hates them all... what do i do? he needs his veggies right? I mean if we need it in our diet shouldn't he?? I don't know how to make him eat it? Any help would be great, Im at my wits end...

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my 7 month old wants everything Im eating.. what's a mom to do?

    I just started solids with my son a couple of months ago, now every time, he sees me eating no matter what it is he gives me this puppy dog look and it makes me feel so bad, if i ignore it he will start to fuss and eventually cry because I wont give him any. I know he's not hungry because usually I'll feed him and make sure he's full before I myself eat. Not only that but I like really seasoned and spicy foods, and I know his little taste buds wont be able to take all the spice, but if i turn him away, he'll just twist and turn his little body until he see's me or if i don't eat in front of him, he'll cry because he can't see me.

    I just don't know what do to anymore. He makes me feel like I'm a horrible mom because here he is looking at me like a hungry puppy and i'm not giving him any... does anyone have any idea on what i should do? I'm feeling like a fish out of water right now....

    BTW, I can't eat when he's napping because his naps aren't that long, maybe 30 minutes which only give me just enough time to prepare my food...HELP!!! Im starving...

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Opinions for tubes being tied?

    Im pregnant once again and my husband and I have decided that that will be it for children. Don't get me wrong we would love to have more but we both feel that it would be terribly unfair of us to have more and not be able to provide for all of them to the best of our abilities..financially.. love, we have plenty...

    Anyhow, I've been looking into birth controls, and they all seem to have the same side affects. I have already been on the pill, didn't work because i would forget to take them on certain days, the shot, gained so much weight and afterwards my periods were so irregular, there would be months of no periods and then months of constant periods...and the patch, the first month went great, then I started getting my periods every other week..

    First question: What would be my best and safest option for birthcontrol??

    I have been thinking about getting my tubes tied.. I've been researching it and they said that I'll have a greater chance of things going wrong in the future because i've had a c-section before...

    Can anybody who's had their tubes tied give me some advice?? Or anyone who's thinking about it? Or if you just have an opinion in general about the subject??

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • husband is black, Im asian, question about our baby boys's hair?

    Okay so he's a little over 7 months now and his hair is still like mine but just a little thicker than mine and curls right at the tip; my hair is very thin and straight. Anyways, what my question is he's only 7 months so will his hair still change or is that going to be his hair?? How long does it take for the permanent type of hair to start growing??

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 7 mnth old and just found out prego again....?

    Everyone has been telling me that it's awesome that i'm deciding to have my kids one after another, but i didn't plan for this. it just sort of happened...

    Anyways, now that I'm pregnant, I'm starting to stress out about how I'm going to take care of the baby boy now and this new one on the way. When my son was born, I didn't get any help from family or friends and my husband was very supportive but he couldn't take any time off from work to help (during that time he worked grave yard shift from 7 in the evening til sometimes 10 in the morning). Our situation is a lot better now, but i can't help panic at what might be. I'm so scared that I might not be able to handle it. I love my baby and this one on the way, I'm already so happy about...

    Anyone with experience in having babies close together, please some advice on how to cope with it all.

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • sitting disaster with my 7 month

    My son just recently learned to sit up on his own with my help putting him in that position, but otherwise he sits up without my help. The problem is he is a true boy to the sense because he loves to play rough. For example, when we play he likes me to toss him around, he likes it when i spin him really fast, faster than normal, he loves it when i toss and turn him in my arms, he likes it when i pretend to wrestle with him, he even likes to watch UFC with my husband.

    Anyways, i love him to death, and I'm always watching him, making sure he doesn't get hurt but ever sense he started sitting up he likes to rock himself back really hard and most of the time I'm there behind him to break his fall, he laugh his little head off and do it again. But there have been a few times when i'll take a few seconds to reach for a toy and he'll rock back really hard and hit the back of his head. He cries for a few seconds after with me consoling him but goes right back to playing again like it didn't hurt that much. I check his eyes, I look for bumps or bruises, etc.. everything looks good...

    I love him so much, and I'm not a bad mother, I watch him all the time and when i don't to go to the bathroom, cook dinner, etc.. I usually put him into his high chair or his jumper. So my question is, Will this cause brain damage? Should I not let him sit up anymore because of his liking to rock back really hard and fast? Is what my son doing normal for babies?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • substitute vinegar for ?

    every single recipe that i've looked at to make macaroni salad has vinegar. I don't have vinegar on hand and i don't have the time to go to the store, nor do i want to buy it because i don't usually use vinager in my food.. what can i use as a substitute for it in a mac salad?? or if any has a simple and easy mac salad minus the vinegar recipe and would like to share with me that would be great! thanks!!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • what would happen to car payment if bank goes bankrupt?

    the bank that i financed my car with is considering bankruptcy if no one buys the company, what would happen to my car payments if nobody buys the company and the bank declares bankruptcy??

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • what is the best way to get my baby to learn to sleep on his own?

    my son is 7 months old and he doesn't know how to fall asleep on his own. he would usually cry and cry when he's tired until i pick him up and as soon as i do he knocks out.. he wont sleep unless he's in someone's arms and when he wakes up at night he can't go back to sleep on his own.

    I know it's my fault because i would always rock him to sleep in my arms when he was born and now he's used to it.

    Another thing too is that he loves his pacifier and it helps him calm down, he falls asleep sucking on it and in the middle of the night he would spit it out but when he realizes that it's missing he starts crying and fussing until he gets it back but by then he's woken himself up so i have to rock him back to sleep..

    im at my wits end.. my lack of sleep everynight is causing me to be short-tempered and impatient during the day in addition to having terrible headaches.. i need some help... please any one who has gone through what im going through... help!!!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what is the right time to start disciplining my child?

    He's a week shy of 7 months old and lately it's like he is coming into really understanding what he is feeling. He used to be a easy, happy, always smiling and laughing baby. He's still like that but now he also throws tantrums, when he doesn't get the toy he wants such as my cellphone, he cries and cries. We usually feed him right before my husband and I eat and he'll cry and cry until we give him attention and let him taste what we're having. He's become very needy and spoiled.

    I have also taken him to the doctor and he got a bill of good health so why is he starting to act this way? can i start to discipline him, and what is the best way, he's only 6 months 3 weeks old..?? help please...

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what song would go best with...?

    I'm having an "Anniversary dance" its where all married couples are asked to come to the dance floor and dance. as the music continues, the DJ announces that couples who have been married less than a day leave, less than a year leave, 2years, 5yrs, 10y, etc..until there is only one couple left, that couple is then asked to give advice to the bride and groom...

    What would be a good song that exemplifies the anniveresary dance??

    Please only serious answers...none of the rude remards about marriage being hell etc....

    Thank you...

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is this alright while toasts are being made?

    Im not having a buffet at my reception, my guests will be served with a pre-ordered food picked out by me and my fiance. Now will it be too much going on if while toasts were being made, the waiters and waitress are serving dinner? Would it be better since their toasting us, to do it by itself and just have a different type of entertainment for when dinner is being served??

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • when is the best time to have the cake cutting?

    My reception starts at 6 and wont end til midnight.. my order of events so far is:

    Announcement of bridal party

    Announcement of Bride and Groom


    Toasts are served

    Cake cutting???

    First dance

    Mother/son dance

    Bridal party dance

    Anniversary dance

    Open dancing to all

    Dollar dance

    Bouquet toss

    Open dancing

    bride and groom last dance and exit

    final dancing for all...

    Okay where would it be good to have the cake cutting..some say at the beginning right after dinner is served some say wait half way through...some say not until later on in the night...

    please give me your opinion on where it should be...

    thank you

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • what is the best cut of steak to buy?

    Our anniversary is coming up and I want to cook my husband a delicious dinner all his favorites. And he loves steak..but i've never cooked it or bought it before because im not really a steak person..When ever he has a crave for steak we usually just hit the steak house..But i want to attempt to do this for him as just another gesture of my love for him. what is the best cut?? price is not the issue, i want the best quality...please any steak

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I need a little help with choosing the best kind of steak...?

    Our anniversary is coming up and I want to cook my husband a delicious dinner all his favorites. And he loves steak..but i've never cooked it or bought it before because im not really a steak person..When ever he has a crave for steak we usually just hit the steak house..But i want to attempt to do this for him as just another gesture of my love for him. what is the best cut?? price is not the issue, i want the best quality...please any steak

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How long does it take...?

    how long does it take in california for you to obtain a marriage license? Is it the same day as when you apply or is there like a waiting period...??

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago