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Should I keep my 2004 BMW 1 series 120D or should I get rid?
I have a 1 series BMW 2004, 2lr diesel 120D, 166000 mileage
It has been idle for a year due to the pandemic. I recently decided to use it again and the battery is obviously flat but wouldn’t start so I bought a new battery. Despite the new battery it wouldn’t start so managed to jump start it a few times to get it running. It only managed to drive it around my area and then to the garage for servicing and MOT. I drove the car for almost an hour but once at the garage the car would not start again. The ABS light came on the stability traction control light came on, and when driving to the garage the car started shaking as I accelerate. At the garage it’s been 2 weeks and the guy hasn’t bothered to look at my car. Every time I call him he says he is behind with a few jobs. I’m getting fed up of waiting coz I feel like the reason it’s not being fixed it’s because it’s a big job. I just find out the car is on recall from BMW. Should I take it to the BMW to fix it (which I think will be expensive) or go for a cheaper garage. Should I even bother fixing it or should I just get rid of it?I’m fed of using Uber when I have a car.
2 AnswersBMW2 months agoDoes religion really matter?
So a girl I really like (A) is a different religion to me. Not too long ago did I broke it off with her because I felt that it’s going to cause too much drama/ commission between us as individuals and our own families. Kinda of seeing someone right now and she’s great (B) but I don’t really see it long term (marriage) even though we talk about long term. Ideally I would like (A) with a bit of (B) which don’t make sense.
So the girl I like (A) I miss her and the one I’m with (B) I feel like I’m not fully myself with her. She is independent and does her own thing etc which is great but something is missing. The one I like but can’t be with (A) we are at the same stage in life and I’ve never said this before in real life but she is like my backbone. She (A) has my back a lot however I don’t like that she smokes a lot and it’s not a blame game but her smoking makes me want to smoke as well which is bad. Current girl (B) doesn’t but drinks casually which is calm. Girl (A) we have great intimacy connection whereas (B) I feel like it’s put on and it’s not as exciting. Girl (A) we were secretive due to religion though we could chat about a lot of things and banter a lot which I find that it’s a bit lacking in (B).
4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 months agoDoes my girl want me to chase her or she is mad at me?
I m ashamed to even ask this on here but here it is.
My girl was mad at me for liking what I thought was just a random girl s picture on Instagram. She claims it s her ex best friend from 2 years ago.
My issue is personally I don t talk/dm anyone on it. I tend to like and share circulating pictures/videos.
When she got mad I told her I thought it was a ridiculous thing to be mad over especial when I don t specifically know which girl it is. I m pretty sure she likes guys pictures and I d be a hypocrite to be mad at her for that. We didn t speak until she texted the other day to apologise and we are cool (I guess). I m not mad at her, I just think it s silly to argue over a "like". I asked her to call me 2 nights ago and she did we spoke briefly and I had to leave for work. Since then she s not made contact nor did I.
I m thinking maybe does she want me to chase her disputes that she was in the wrong.
Is she mad at me for whatever reason?
What do you think the grown up approach would be?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agoI'm curious what independent student really meant?
I live with parents but I pay for everything for myself. I don't use my parents money. Though I live in their house I am my own person would anyone know if I'd be considered as a independent or dependant student. It's for student finance
2 AnswersFinancial Aid5 years agoWhat does this really mean?
So I'm at work today and just when I was about to finish I put the work trolley back to where they are kept. They're numbered. I am 24, I was pushing the no25 & I was to put it behind the 23. And in the middle I saw a warning sign which was upside down. It said caution heavy parcel and the man looked like he was hanging down. The sign is this one on this link, .
So here is the question since this seems to me more than a coincidence lol. What does that mean because I'm 24 and the caution sign was between 25 & 23.
Help lol.
I am not usually superstitious.
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore7 years agoI broke up with her but I want her back?
I'm confused. I broke up with my girlfriend because she was letting certain things happen. It's been a week & I miss her. I want her back. We've been together 3 and a half years none stop. I think letting her have her time will be good. I want her so bad. I don't know what to do with myself right now. How much time should I give her and what do you think I should do?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoCan you rent a room to anyone if you have a council house?
So basically my friends ex girlfriend has a house which she's is currently not really using except for the days that she is in Uni. I had an issue with my family which required me to move out. She told me she has got 2 rooms £250 a month and would want to rent them out since she doesn't even use the house. We agreed she pays all bills and as stupid as it sounds there's no paper work. I'm a bit frustrated at the moment because she's been using my food and hasn't been topping up electricity like we agreed. After talking to my girlfriend she thinks it's not allowed or should I say not permitted to rent council house. Can you help me please and because she's a female I don't really wanna argue with her I wanna keep the peace. So is she allowed to rent the rooms out or not. If so how can I obtain paperwork from her.
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years agowhich one is better when saving electricity?
which one is better when saving electricity
putting more volume on the laptop and less on speakers
less on laptop and more on speakers
lol its a random question but please help
5 AnswersEngineering7 years agoIf your girlfriend loses a promise ring that you gave her how would you react?
She went out and says her friend admired it and took it off her then she never saw her again the whole night. She went home drunk woke up and didn't have it. It broke me cause it's a symbol of commitment. Legend she called her friend about it her friend doesn't know where it is. I feel betrayed because we've had a dry season from start of October and it was going back to normal until this happened.
So fellas how would you react if your lady of 3 years loses a promise ring that you have her more than 2 years ago.
And girl is it wrong for me to feel cheated on because I think she took it off because she was going out since she took it off before for a whole week and claimed she couldn't find it because the interview she went to they didn't want jewellery. which is a lie (what if she was married wouldn't she get the job because of that?)
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat romantic idea can I do for my girlfriend?
We've been having fights and stuff but I just want to put those fights to rest by doing something really special for her. So can you help me with ideas from your experience or what you think would be cool. I want something very romantic so she can cry with joy. I just want to show that I care for her because I do. I love this girl. Help please 2 hours on I haven't found exactly what I want to do for her. I got 2 weeks to figure it out but it's better sooner than letter.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoHow to stretch £18 to last a month?
I'm in debt and I've got £18 left. I got Uni 5 days in a week and I've also got 2 days at work. How can I survive with only £18 pounds please help
1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years agoShould I go back to university? I AM CONFUSED HELP ME?
I studied computing so far I've done foundation year and I've done 1st year which didn't end well I had a car which kind of diverted my focus on university for a month till I had a car accident which led me to not going into university because the insurance wanted their money ( i was paying monthly). which led to pay day loans, which led to me & my family having disagreements majority of the time which led me to buy another car because I kept the insurance running without a car so I had to either get another car or pay it in full. led to me missing uni even more because I had to raise money by self with an end result of me failing the first year. So I decided to do a year of retake without attendance which started well the first few months but because I was trying to get back in university I wasn't getting the support I needed so I ended up not even finishing that year. I REALLY NEED TO GET A DEGREE AND MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF MYSELF. AND ONE DAY IF I HAVE A FAMILY I WANT THEM TO HAVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE. So my question is now I have a full-time job 9-5 14k a year but still need uni. but can't decide how to go about it. help me please. I want to do business management but my university said I needed to have 55% on my foundation result but I have 52.something% should I go part-time or full time and due to fees changes how am I going to afford it. because SFE won't pay if I start a new year they will only pay from 2nd year
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoHow do you fix a really bad relationship?
Me and my girlfriend have had a lot of arguments since New Year's Eve. Most of them because of what she did or didn't do. In the end because I love her so much I've apologised about my approach to the matter. Our relationship is in a really bad place right now. And I just want to fix it again for ONE LAST TIME, yep just this once and if it don't work after that I'll call it quits.
I've confronted her about the guys she keeps giving her number to and some she actually saves them with girl names. We've argued about it and she said she won't do that again and she wants me not to look in her phone.
Apart from what has happened I just want me & her to be good again. In all honesty I wouldn't stand for this type of **** but because I truly love her and I've known her for 4 years and been together for 3 years.
I know some might say leave her and ****. But the way I feel for this girl is like nothing I've ever felt. So if you can help me with advice on what to do to fix it that would be great.
Thank you in advance.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhat are good birthday ideas to do for my girlfriend?
I'm planning on doing something for my girlfriend and I haven't found something that I think will be great.
I was going to take her to Jersey for 2 nights, it's booking a hotel & staying there for 2 nights. We've had hotel booking on most anniversary days but I think we (me & my girl) have played out the hotels tho we've not done so for a while. I want to do something that she will enjoy with the presence of her family and friends there or something or something that I can do with her just us two. I don't want to only go for the norm "birthday sex". Or a meal. Or buying her Jewelry & perfume. I don't want that I want something well thought. And different please help. Her birthday is 4 months away. And I want to make sure I have saved enough for her birthday. Thanks in advance 😉
1 AnswerValentine's Day8 years agoHas my girlfriend cheated on me or not?
Me and my girlfriend are really good at the moment. But despite that I think she has cheated on me. The reason for me to think this is because sometime in November we had a huge argument and a guy called kwame had something to do with it. She then told me kwame is a room mate to her friend. And then later on said kwame has always been her classmate. I don't know how we stopped arguing about that in November. So early this year she went out clubbing and we argued after she went out. Only a couple days ago I took her to a hotel for our anniversary and kwame texted. And she deleted the message. I took her old phone and it seems that when she went out clubbing she meet up with him when they were out. After they meet she texted him a lot of kisses. When I asked why she said he's irrelevant. And said he only wants to speak her when he wants to speak that's why she deleted his message. And when they were out, they only spoke the whole time. Which I don't believe.
So please help me & tell me what you think. If you think she cheated on me, how can I get her to confess it?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhich MIPS instruction adds what between two values?
1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years agoI want to travel abroad and not tell my girlfriend.?
We had a huge fight last weekend and I don't wanna put it up here. Basically she was wrong and got caught and my reaction was not the greatest I pushed her down the stairs. We kinda broke up for like an hour but then we've been together for 28 months, so we decided to work it out and start a better page. I'm happy that we are okay. But I'm still hurt with what happened over the weekend. I can't eat properly only today I actually had a meal. In simple terms I'm not happy at the moment.
I need to travel for a few days and be alone to think about things by myself and I don't want her to know since we are "good" again. Any good place you know that I can travel to UK or Abroad.
Please help!
Thanks in advance
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat's wrong with buying things for my girlfriend?
Just had a little thing (not arguements just a disagreement) with my girlfriend earlier today. I got paid today and I thought its been a while since I treated my girlfriend and I wanted to buy her a few things that she wanted. We went to Selfridges and she pretty much walked through the woman's sections, we went to Zara she walked past the ladies section that was kinda annoying me in a way since I told her to find something, anything! She kept saying they don't have what I want. So then we went to Clas Ohlson an she needs a sound system at her place so I found something and we pretty much had a little "thing" with her trying to get the system off me she said she gonna get it for Xmas, it's too big to carry, an she doesn't want it. And then I said "so what do you want cause all the shops we've been it's like you don't want me to get you something you want!" Then she goes okay don't buy it ill get clothes, (at this time I wasn't interested cause I've bought her a million things and she has never, NEVER been like this). So I just followed her wherever she wanted to go find clothes. Looking at what she was picking she was picking clothes so I am happy.
I want you to be honest with me people lol: right or wrong.
If she doesn't want me to buy her things, which I've always done for the past 2 years and 3 months of our relationship, who should I expect to buy her these things? I am happy buying her things not because I have to but because I choose to and It brings me joy to see my girlfriend happy. In the end I bought her a few things cause it was getting awkward whether she really wanted them or not I don't know.
So what is wrong with me buying her things?
What's wrong with this scenario here? Please help!
4 AnswersValentine's Day9 years agoWhy is this Java class not working?
I'm just groing through a few exercises and I just want to know why this class is not working.
it is saying 'The value of local variable 'average' is not used'
public class Integers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int count, index, sum, average ; // declare variables
count = 8; // line 1
index = sum = count + 2; // line 2
sum = count + index * 2; // line 3
average = (count + sum + index) / 3; // line 4
Help Please, I need understanding.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago