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Lv 620,691 points


Favorite Answers49%

OK, so apparently I know a lot about Table Top RPGs. Wow, who knew that playing them off and on for 10 years would be so helpful. If you have a question about 3rd edition D&D or RPG aspects like dice rolling, feel free to message me. I'll try to keep it simple as I know some of the RPG can be a bit confusing. Well, actually I'm not that familiar with the more complex aspects of D&D, but I can help clear up some of the slightly confusing things like skill checks and what "Int" "Dex" and "Con" mean on your character sheet. Ah darn. I can no longer answer any more questions. I reached 42% Best Answers. I can't get more than 42% the ghost of Douglas Adams would haunt me and say how I wasn't as good a fan as I tried to be. Curses! And apparently I have a Mogwai.

  • Scabble Players: What acronyms are allowed in Scrabble?

    I know that the rules say that Acronyms aren't allowed, but there are some words that people forget are actually acronyms, like Scuba, Laser and Radar. Are these words legal or do they still count as illegal since they are technically acronyms?

    I can understand things like NASA, and even grudgingly agree that TARDIS is illegal(though I'll always allow it), but words like Laser(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and Scuba(Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) are much more common and less likely to be thought of as acronyms.

    And yes, this came about because of a conversation about whether or not TARDIS is legal to play in Scrabble.

    So: To the people who have played Scrabble competitively: Are any Acronyms accepted as legal words in Scrabble? Do we just have to use it in every day speech long enough for it to become a legal word or does it always count as being SCUBA and never Scuba?

    2 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Should I tell a friend that her tattoo is misspelled?

    A friend of mine from High School(which is 10 years past) recently posted a picture to Facebook of her tattoo, it's of the lyrics to a song the chorus of which includes the word "Breathe" but instead it says "Breath". There isn't enough room to put in the second 'e's without making the tattoo look very messy. She plans to get the rest of the song tattooed on, should I point out the mistake now so that they can put in the right spelling or would I look like a big jerk?

    Like I said she's a friend of mine from High School and we were really close at the time, but now we're not as close and haven't seen each other for a while. Should I point out the mistake? I'd send it as a private message so that others wouldn't see it, but it could still be humiliating I'm afraid, or I'm worried that she'd take offense that I was pointing out a spelling mistake and not saying how good the tattoo looks. And for the record it looks great, but the misspellings kind of jump out when I see it.

    So: Should I tell her that her tattoo is misspelled? Any serious answers would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Twin Paternity Test Thought Experiment?

    OK, I thought of this at work today. What if there were two sets of identical twins, one male and one female, and they each married each other (so each male twin has a female twin bride) and then both sets of twins get pregnant and give birth around the same time(yes, it's unlikely, but it could happen right?)? Would the DNA tests of both babies come back positive for both sets of parents? I know twin DNA is nearly identical( and it makes me wonder would you be able to tell which twins were the parents of the babies off of DNA tests or would they come back as too close to call? If anyone else has actually thought about this I'll be amazed, but I am really curious about it. Any help is appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • What's the baby using?

    What's the baby using?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • While cleaning out my garage we found a really nice Coleman Lantern.?

    While cleaning out the garage my dad found a really nice Coleman Lantern in the original metal case. We were talking about possibly selling it, but have no idea how much it's worth. Is there a site that can give estimates on items that you might have for sale? I know I can always hop on E-bay and see what they're selling for, but this looks like it's possibly a vintage item and I kind of doubt there's something comparable to it.

    Any assistance in this would be greatly appreciated. No we're not selling it yet and will not take offers at the moment.

    7 AnswersCamping1 decade ago
  • Can I legally sync to my Zune using iTunes?

    I have a Zune and also have iTunes. I haven't downloaded anything into iTunes because I don't think I can sync my Zune up with the iTunes program.

    I have searched online and found vague references to syncing the two, but I haven't seen any directions on how to do it. Is there an update for iTunes that I need to download where it will recognize my Zune? I think I have the most recent version of iTunes, but I might be wrong. It'd be great if I could just download it and be done with it. I just want to download audio books into my Zune, which seems to be lacking in the Zune marketplace. Is there some easy, legal way to make iTunes recognize my Zune?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago