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  • Who discovered water pressure and when was it discovered?

    can't find the answer to childs homework question any where, please help asap so he can go bed :)

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone feed A BARF/AN diet to their dogs?

    I am thinking of changing my dogs over to a BARF diet, I would like to hear from anyone that feeds a BARF diet and what you feed your dog/s. Also what suppliments do you use if any?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog is sick and take it to a vet threads!?

    Ok I often spend most of my time on here typing the same thing"take your dog to a vet - we are not vets.

    There has just been a comment from Iamablackbear about this saying "I always see all these "take her to the vet" answers. That is great and all, but you shouldn't own a dog unless you are prepared to do what you can do for him/her first. What if you cant get to the vet right away? Exactly."

    What do you guys think? Well the dog in question has been sick for 3 days....plenty of time to do the usual, starve for 24 hours, feed chicken and rice if better but the dog is getting sicker.

    Do people ask questions on here to avoid paying vets bills? Is it right to ask unqualified people questions that could lead to the death of your dog if they get it wrong. As we can't see said ill animal here how could we even try to guess what is the matter let alone the fact we can't run tests or x-rays.

    what are your opinions On the subject?

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can you add to list of things that are toxic to dogs?

    Just to copy the link for future referance I though we could make a list of things that can harm dogs.

    Aspartame In sugar free things Please check if you dog eat anything for humans that it didn't contain Aspatrame or acesulfame K also products sweetened with xylitol

    Raw Salmon



    Onion and Garlic






    Macadamia nuts


    Napthalene or mothballs in vacuum bag

    Fabreze rumor

    Antifreeze/Ethylene Glycol



    A list of plants that are toxic to dogs.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog help needed - Pack issues with new dog.?

    I am at my wits end trying to get the new dog to settle into the pack. The pack is (in order of how log they have been here) Dog 1 1 10 year old collie. Dog 2 is a 16 year(approx) old cross breed, he is old and frail so is kept apart from the rest of the dogs when I am out for his own safety. Dog 3 is an Alaskan malamute 3 yrs old(the only female). Dog 4 is the new dog malamute x husky 2yrs old. He has been here a month now. All are neutered/spayed.

    He came from a family who didn't have time for him.

    The day after he arrived I noticed he had hip problems and I thought that it was this and settling in that made him moody and subdued but now he is on medication for this and he is still moody and subdued and now he is showing signs of aggression and dominance towards the collie and he has attacked him twice and cornered him when he has entered the kitchen. He never does this anywhere else and is not aggressive towards dogs when outside or in the vets etc. (cont)...

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why is the cost of gas tied into the price of oil (UK)?

    I don't understand why it's tied together, it's like saying the price of floor cleaner is tied to the price of pens, Why and when did this happen? Why doesn't the governement/the EU stop this?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • can you tell me what this is please? I am ill and in pain.?

    I woke up with a pain in the side of my nose and down my face, my eye looks bruised and I have a sore throat.

    When I chew the pain gets worse in my nose and I have had a headache for 3 days.

    What is the pain and what can I do to ease it. I don't want to go to the doctors as it's not anything major. Please help me ease my pain as it's putting me in a babd mood now.

    6 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Large Breed Dog Owners - Dog Blood Donation.?

    I was wondering how many of you large dog owners put your dog forward to donate blood or be a donor for a transfusion? What are your opinions on it? Why do you or why don't you?

    I have had a dog that has previously donated for an emergancy transfusion and have just registered my to mals to give blood and on the emergancy register. So I was just wondering who has done this and who would and wouldn't.

    Cheers in advance for your answers.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Name for an Alaskan Malamute male?

    It can't end in ook sounds or nor sounds as this will confuse my other dogs.

    I am open to really strange names but names that are not daft like monkey sqiibble.

    He is brown and white with demonic eyes. I don't want a nasty sounding name. But I am stuck....any ideas ...kind of earthy, nature sounding would be good.

    10 Points if I choose your name or I will let it run to votes.

    29 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been ripped off by Foreign Car Part UK?

    I am not sure if this would be a case that trading standards should be aware of, I ordered a part Monday paid extra for it to be delivered 24 hr, I was told the part was in stock and new. Outdated nothing arrived, Wednesday two parts arrived, stinking, old and only worthy of the bin they were not the part ordered and wouldn't fit the car. I called and was told the right part would be sent. It's now Friday no car part, they refuse to give me a refund so I can't get the part from else where. They want the part back when it arrives so now I have to pay for it to be sent back if I do buy the part, which is needed tomorrow morning, from the dealer.

    At no point have a received the 24 hr delivery which I paid extra for and they are saying I only paid their standard delivery charge now. I was quoted £13.95 and paid £23.50 for the item to be sent registered 24 hr they are saying now that the delivery is £10 which would still only make it £21 at most.

    How can I get my money back? I am furious.

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Should the performing rights society be scrapped?

    Given the fact that music is everywhere, freely available to listen to on the Internet etc. Is it not totally unenforceable to have PFS hitting businesses for having a radio playing for the workers, playing on the telephone while you hold or for ambiance for the customers? If you are an artist have you ever received a payment from them for your music?

    You have to pay to:-

    - Pubs and Bars

    - Live Music Events

    - Telephone Hold Music

    - Workplace Music

    - Cafes and Restaurants

    You are currently breaking PRS Licensing rules if you play music when someone else is in the room!

    Surely music as an art form is better played freely, surely you buy the rights to the music when you buy the CD. Why have radio stations at all if you should pay to listen?

    As an artist is it not in your best interest to have as many people hear your music as possible?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • New Model Army - Headlights - What Album Was It From?

    Can anyone tell me what album Headlights was from By NMA? Oh and where can I down load it, it'snot on their website.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • I want to get an elephant...?

    I just wanted a go of the I want game

    19 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Do you think Spaying & Neutering is Bad for dogs? Your reasons?

    I find it amazing when people say they don't want to Spay or Neuter their beloved dog. There are so many reasons to do it.

    What are your reasons for no wanting to get your B!tch/Dog spayed/neutered?

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Text type & teenagers? Is it annoying or fine to text type?

    Is it that English is being taught badly in schools these days or is it just laziness on the part of teenagers? Do you find it annoying or do you think it is fine?

    I find it hard to read in a smooth, flowing way. what do you think? Can you include a rough age group to your answers please?

    16 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • sick gourami (swim bladder maybe?)?

    Hi, I have got a very sick pearl gourami, she is swimming at the top unable to swim down, she is curved when she swims and flipping over (time to say goodnight to her I think) my last two gourami have died the same way. One was old the other two (including this one) were under 3 yrs. None of my other fish have had this and are quite healthy, water tests are ok and diet is good and varied (no flakes).

    I have heard that Melafix can cause problems to the labyrinth, I have used it in the past but not for months. I have only just heard about the melafix issue. Could this be causing the buoyancy issue? SHe litterally is wedging herself under the inlet pipe to stop from floating about :( Please help I have 2 more gourami and I don't want them to go the same way. Thanks

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Isn't it annoying when people try to make themselves look big by correcting others?

    I find it infantile, childish and mean spirited to correct people in a mean way to just make fun of them and make some feeble attempt at making themselves look big.

    What do you think? Is this cyber bullying or just small mindedness?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • But why is there a limit to answering questions? It's kind of pointless when I could be helping people!?

    It's all a bit infantile this limit thing. It's like ooow you have to work your way into "our" club. Pfffft.

    And other than this question there is nothing I need to know the answer to right now as I am suffering insomnia and I just need to stop the bordom.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can I get other people to be consistent with my dogs without sounding pushy?

    I have 3 dogs and one I am fostering that is my friends. 1 is a collie 10yrs old, 1 is a 14yr old mutt (he was a stray and has been abused) He is the best behaved dog ever, my other is a rescue malamute who had been in a breeders pen for the first 12 months of her life (she's 2) and the foster dog is a staffy pup (6 months old).

    Now the collie and the old boy are great, well mannered and very well behaved. The mal and the staffy need to be taught manners and while the mal is coming on in leaps with me other people keep undoing my hard work.

    She is huge, fluffy and cute but she jumps up people, I stop her and all is well for a few weeks then people inviteher to jump up them and I will say no and tell her to get down and sit but they pat their chests and say oh it's ok. I then seem like I am mean for and bossy by saying no I don't want her doing this. But she stands 5 ft tall when she stands on her hind legs and children get scared when she jumps up. Advise plz

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • UK Do You Remember? Blue bird toffee, Sunlight, Cababrna bars, Mojos, Blue Band Margarine???

    what brands can you remember from wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back when?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago