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  • How do I get my friend to be less annoying?

    I have this friend at school who's just attached herself to me because she's desperate, and she seemed okay at first, but getting to know her I've figured out she's crazy. For one thing, she's SO obsessed with anime and manga it's ruining the rest of her life, and she constantly quotes things from anime and manga in Japanese. (I like Japanese culture, just not really big on anime/manga, and she thinks that liking Japanese culture equals anime fan).

    She also does these silly dance-like movements IN PUBLIC... which has made me wonder if there's something more to her than just weirdness (as in, a social disability or something).

    Because she's from overseas, she's tried to talk to classmates who speak her language, but it hasn't worked out. They all think she's weird, and I can understand why.

    So what should I do? Drop her completely, try and say something to her about her obsessions, or get her help?

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I don't want to be a geek?

    My obsession with fantasy books and games and things is stopping me from making friends with ordinary people like I want. I like this stuff a lot, but I just want to be more normal... and I don't want to force myself to like mainstream stuff. Nor do I want to hang out with geeks... what should I do?

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How do I get rid of an annoying friend?

    Since last year I've been hanging out with this girl who has barely any friends due to the fact she's kind of disabled and her English isn't very good (though I can speak her first language), but lately she's attached herself to me and it's really annoying.

    Some of the things she does:

    - sits down with me whenever I'm at a table on my own, even when I don't want her there

    - talks to herself. OUT LOUD. I know it's a habit she probably can't help, but it makes both me AND her look awkward, because I'm watching my reputation (I used to have no friends at all, but now I have lots and want to keep them)

    - As well as talking to herself she repeats herself under her breath after saying something. For example, I'll say "Only two months until that new game comes out!" and she'll say "Can't wait, I'm excited!" and then "...can't wait, I'm excited." to herself.

    - Once she even tried to sit with my other friends, and pretty much completely stopped me from talking to them. Whenever I tried to say something to my best friend she'd start a conversation to get me to talk to her.

    This girl is about to finish school because she's older than me, so I'm only stuck with her for a few more weeks. But I'm worried things will only get worse after she graduates... there will be non-stop calling, texting, Facebook messages... Should I stick with this girl because of her problems making friends, or ditch her? And how do I ditch her without sounding mean?

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What to do when you really hate your name?

    My parents named me Rose, which I hate because everyone knows what it means, it's old-fashioned and the nickname Rosie sounds immature and annoying. I've hated it since I was little, and I'm 16 now but can't change it until I'm 18. I also hate my middle name, Elizabeth, so I can't use that because I think it sounds ugly.

    I'm also not allowed to choose a whole new name and tell people it's what I want to be called, either, because I did that before and ended up hating my choice (it was Amala, which I liked because it was "different" but started to sound weird)

    So should I hang onto my real name and wait two years to come up with a better name to change to, or can I just use a nickname that's unrelated to my real name, like Cupcake or something? I'm kind of thinking I want my name to be Vanessa, Elise or Meredith, but can I use Elise when it's the name of my best friend's sister or Vanessa when it's the name of another friend's friend?

    Thanks for reading this.

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Is my friend being fake?

    There's this girl I hang out with who is really annoying me at the moment. We first became friends due to a mutual love of video games, but something always seemed off about her. There's this guy who likes me who I don't like at all, and she's been pressuring me to ask him out because she knows I don't like him... She also uses sarcasm, and because of this social disorder I have it's hard for me to know if I should take it seriously or not.

    She also goes and tells her friends things about me that they're not meant to hear: last week, as a joke, I said I didn't want this guy because he's not "big" (which I really don't know) and then one of her friends messages me on Facebook saying "So, I hear there's a guy you rejected because he isn't big?"

    So what should I do? Is she just winding me up as a joke, or should I go and talk to her about it?

    6 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I really don't want to go overseas with my mother?

    This weekend I'm leaving to go to Europe for two weeks with my mother, who I don't get along well with. I'm not excited at all. I was forced into this trip, and my parents have threatened to stop buying me birthday and Christmas presents if I don't go. I could be spending the time having fun with my friends, which I want to do instead, but I need to find a way out of this trip first. What should I say?

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • I think I like him, but it's complicated. What should I do?

    I've been talking to this guy for a few months now, and the other day on my birthday he told me he likes me. I don't find him cute at all, yet lately I've been getting shy and avoiding him... I've also been making more of an effort to look pretty, because I'm generally the type who doesn't bother with makeup and the like. I'm usually crazy and loud around my friends, but not myself around him, and this is the first time a guy has ever liked me because I'm not the thin, pretty type that most guys at school want.

    He's not my type at all: he's a year younger than me (I'm 16, he's nearly 15), he still looks like a kid, he's short and he has weird hair. I prefer older guys who look like they're actually grown-up, are tall and have nice hair. We met a few months ago through a mutual love of video games, but he reminds me SO much of my ex who I dumped for a few reasons (mainly because I couldn't really picture me with him, and because he was downright creepy).

    I don't want to have the exact same situation as I did with my last boyfriend (we got together, I dumped him a week later because he wasn't my type and I regretted even asking in the first place). So should I ask him out, or am I simply confused because I've hardly ever gotten attention from guys? And are my standards too high?

    Apologies if this was long, I really need an answer!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are some interesting boys' names?

    I always think I like more boy names than girl names, but my boy list is short compared to my girl list. I need some interesting but non-ridiculous boy names to add to my list.

    I'd like it if they were similar in style to Tristan, Alistair and Kieran.

    I like: Legitimate names that are exotic-sounding but work well in English (especially Celtic names) and names that are unusual but not unheard of.

    I dislike: Trendy names (e.g. Ryder, Bentley), old people names, surnames as first names and super-common names like James and John.

    Any suggestions based on what I like are welcome! I know this is similar to my girl question from earlier, but I also need some good boy names! Also, I'm not having a baby. I just like names!

    9 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • My girl list is getting stale... suggest some names?

    I feel as if my girl name list is completely boring compared to my boy list. I'm not expecting a baby, nor will I be for quite a while, but I like to collect names and just need some more interesting suggestions.

    For boys I tend to like names that are strong and regal-sounding, but my girl list is so predictable.

    Here are my top 3 for each!

    Boy names: Tristan, Alistair, William

    Girl names: Laura, Hannah, Elise

    If anyone could possibly suggest some names, that would be great!

    I like names from other languages that work well in English (especially Celtic names) and names that are uncommon but not unheard of. They all have to be REAL names, not made-up crap like Jayden and Kaylie, and no surnames or unisex names. Nothing common like Emma or Charlotte either. And it also has to be easy to pronounce.

    Thank you!

    18 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Names for my girl list?

    I'm not pregnant, just collecting names in case anyone asks.

    I feel as if my list for girls is way too boring compared to my list for boys. My current top names for each gender are:


    1. Tristan

    2. Alistair

    3. William

    4. Robert

    5. Sebastian


    1. Laura

    2. Hannah

    3. Elise

    4. Claire

    5. Amelia

    I'm looking for names that sound as if they'd belong in a fantasy story, but are still OK for the real world. No trendy/made-up names or surnames as first names, please, and nothing too common like Sarah or Elizabeth. Bonus points if they're similar to my favourites for a boy. Also try to avoid names that are real but sound too crazy.

    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What is the worst fantasy book you have ever read?

    Right now I'm reading a book called Elves: Once Walked With Gods, and it's pretty crap so far because there are hardly any character descriptions and it has more violence than actual story.

    Does anyone know any fantasy books that are terrible? (Don't say the Inheritance Cycle, I know they're pretty bad but I like them anyway)

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why is my friend suddenly ignoring me?

    So I have this friend I've known for a year. She's pregnant at the moment, her baby's due in two days, and I understand that can be an emotional time for many people.

    One day she posted a status on Facebook saying "Reading old MSN convos. As if I haven't already cried a lot today...", which obviously meant she was sad, so I liked it out of empathy. The friend almost immediately commented saying "Why the f**k would you like that status?" and I explained that I knew exactly why she felt that way, but after that she started to ignore me. The only communication she's had with me for weeks is a comment on another site, and I'm feeling like I've done something wrong.

    Should I turn up at the hospital when she has her baby and tell her I didn't mean to hurt her feelings and I'll be there for her and the baby, or is this a lost cause?

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Your guilty pleasure names?

    Since I asked about least favourite names earlier, I want to know what names you see as a guilty pleasure (as in really really like but wouldn't use/they don't fit your style) and possibly why you couldn't use them.

    Mine would be:

    Aria - I love this name and know two Arias, but it just seems trashy to me.

    Arwen - Naming a kid after a fictional character comes across as TOO nerdy to me.

    Jamie - I have a friend named Jamie. I think it's very upbeat and suits her, but I can't help wishing there was a longer female form of James I could use as a full name.

    Hayley - Yet another amazing person I know. The sound is pretty, but it's too trendy for me.

    Kate (as a full name) - I hate it when people give their kids nicknames as full names, especially Jack instead of John, but I find Kate instead of Katherine quite cute. It also reminds me of Kate Middleton, which is a nice association.

    Aidan - WAY too popular. I wouldn't use Jayden, Cayden, Brayden etc. but have always had a soft spot for Aidan.

    Brandon - I like it a lot, in fact it's my second favourite name, but it looks and sounds way too much like a surname.

    Alexander - A clingy ex-boyfriend. I've always loved his name though.

    Viggo - This one is WAY out there. It's the name of an actor I admire (Viggo Mortensen) but looks like a dog name or something, and it's Scandinavian and I'm not. Taylor Hanson's youngest son is called Viggo, so it probably isn't as bad as the rest because a celebrity also used it on his kid.

    Hunter - Way too trendy, but I just find it cool.

    13 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What are your LEAST favourite names?

    Since I've seen all these "what are your favourite names?" questions, I'd like to know people's least favourite names.

    Mine are:



    McKenna/McKenzie etc.

    Tatum (SO ugly)




    Cayden (especially hate that spelling)



    Jack (as a full name)


    14 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Songs about a girl dumping a guy?

    Most breakup songs I know are about the girl being dumped by the guy, but since I'm the one who dumped my ex I need songs that are about the girl thinking "I'm glad it's over" and things like that. I'd prefer something new, and hate most rap and indie songs. I don't mind country, though.

    6 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • New-ish song with the words "far away far away"?

    I've been hearing this song everywhere I go. It has a girl singing, a techno-like beat and all I can remember is the lyrics "far away, far away". Any idea of what it is?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Name for a character in my fantasy novel series?

    I need a real but unusual name for one of the supporting characters in a fantasy novel. He is a 20 year old male human with long blond hair, blue eyes and a beard, and the surname is Goldhawke.

    I'd prefer a name that would work on both a real person and a fictional character such as Kieran, Tristan, Leon etc. (can't use Leon, because there's already a character with that name) Nothing too common like John, Daniel, Steven etc. because they're too boring for my world. His mother's name is Verena and father's name is Arion, if that helps.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated!

    P.S. I hope this question is OK for this category... other people have asked about fictional character names, so why not?

    6 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Is Lights (Valerie Poxleitner) really dating a girl?

    Most websites say she's engaged to a guy she met online, but it's all over Tumblr that she has a girlfriend. I'm straight BTW, just wondering.

    1 AnswerCelebrities10 years ago
  • Kitty as a nickname for Christine/Christina?

    I'm not having kids because I'm way too young, but this is something that just popped into my head.

    Since Kit is a nickname for Christopher, could Kitty be a nickname for Christine/Christina, the female versions? I know Kitty's usually associated with Katherine, but I like it as a nickname for either of these names.

    6 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Good ways to lose weight?

    I'm 15 years old, a girl and not very tall, but I'm incredibly overweight for my age (74kg, which is in the obese range) and NOT healthy. My mother keeps telling me that she likes me the way I am and it's what's inside that counts, but it's for health reasons as well as appearance. I had picky eating problems when I was younger, which I have only just started to solve, and have only just started to eat more fruit and vegetables and walk for 30 minutes every day (except Tuesday, when I ice skate, and Sunday, when I go to the pool). I want to get rid of this fat (the main problem areas are my stomach, arms and thighs), but want something that's not too hard to get to. Like, I don't want the perfect body, but I want something that I can't be ashamed of. I just want to be able to see my feet when I stand normally... Any tips?

    36 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago