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  • Online supercomputing?

    I have recently written a program in C++ that computes the best sequence of numbers to use for a given situation. It does this with a brute force technique, which is unfortunately very slow and requires multiple millions of computations. I have run it on my laptop for 15 hours straight and haven't even checked 1 million solutions yet(out of the 34.5 million total). Is there any way that I could pay a fee and have some supercomputer run my program for me, saving me the effort? Can I just upload a .exe file or maybe for security reasons the c++ code and they'll send me the outcome.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Calculus - L'Hopital's rule?

    L'Hopital's rule only applies when a limit is in indeterminate form and when the right hand side either exists or is infinity. Can someone please give an example of a limit that meets the first requirement (is in indeterminate form) but doesn't meet the second? In other words,

    Give an example of a limit where L'Hopitals rule does not apply BUT the limit is in indeterminate form. Thank you!

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • C++ fstream - good() vs is_open()?

    Whenever I've used fstream in the past, I've always called both file.good() and file.is_open() every time to check if the file is ok to use. For example:

    while (file.good() && file.is_open()) { /*do stuff...*/ }

    But I was wondering, is this necessary? I know that good() checks for the eofbit, failbit, and badbit flags. Does is_open() do something similar? My main concern here is efficiency. Is file.is_open() redundant or should I check every time? Can my ifstream object randomly close the file because of an error? Thanks.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Calculator - Vector SegFault issue?

    I am making a calculator in C++ and am running into an issue. I have built and debugged a way to turn a string containing the equation into a vector of an Element (a custom struct I made to hold the different types of objects). Anyway, the trouble is in a function I use to solve an expression. It uses while loops to go through and simplify the expression one chunk at a time based on the operators (* goes before +, etc.). Here is the loop used to check for multiplication signs:

    OPos = GetFirstOpPos(r, 1);

    while (OPos >= 0 && OPos < r.size())


    te2 = r[OPos-1]; //V1

    te3 = r[OPos+1]; //V2

    te = STD_SolveBinaryOp(r[OPos].op, te2, te3);

    r.erase(r.begin()+OPos-1, r.begin()+OPos+1);

    r[OPos-1] = te; //Replace the second number w/ the number it creates

    OPos = GetNextOpPos(r, 1, (OPos-1));



    r - the vector which stores my formatted equation

    te, te2, and te3 - Elements used to temporarily store the numbers

    OPos - holds the position of the operator (in this case *) that I'm currently working on

    STD_SolveBinaryOp() - solves the simple multiplication problem.

    The error I'm getting is a segfault. When I use the input equation "2*3*4*5" it will work all the way up until the last operation "24*5". It even calculates the result is 120 and prepares it by deleting everything but "5". Then I ask the computer to replace "5" with the answer ("120"). This is when a segfault is thrown.

    I don't get it! I checked the Element object te, its perfectly fine. I just don't understand why it works perfectly for everything except the final multiplication problem. Any ideas, comments, suggestions, anything is much appreaciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^3 + ... + (n-1)^2 + n^2 = ?

    I'm trying to figure out an equation that equals this. Kind of like how a hyperfactorial H(n) = 1^2 * 2^2 * ... * n^2 I want to know if there is an addition equivalent? Thanks!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Double Factorial's Addition Equivalent?

    I was wondering if there was an easy notation or way of calculating the addition equivalent of a double factorial. For example: 7!! = 7*5*3*1 = 105. I want to know if I can find this FactorialEquivalent(7) = 7+5+3+1 = 16. I found that 7*(7-1)/2 = 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28. Is there a way to modify this to skip every other number like a double factorial?

    Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Dev C++ Linker Error - SAPI?

    I am trying to learn the basics of the Microsoft Speech SDK. I'm building a simple c++ program with Dev C++ that uses the sapi to say "Hello World". Here's my code:

    #include <windows.h>

    #include <cstdlib>

    #include <Servprov.h>

    #include <sapi.h>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    ISpVoice* Voice = NULL;

    CoInitialize (NULL);

    CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_SpVoice, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ISpVoice, (void**)&Voice );

    Voice -> Speak (L"Hello World", SPF_DEFAULT, NULL );


    if ( Voice != NULL ) Voice -> Release (); Voice = NULL;

    CoUninitialize ();

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    Unfortunately, I keep getting 2 linking errors:

    [Linker error] undefined reference to `IID_ISpVoice'

    [Linker error] undefined reference to `CLSID_SpVoice'

    I did have 4 linker errors before I included libole32.a. Any ideas? Thanks.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Help - My Program Is Acting Strangely?

    I am making my own basic compiler. Currently I've added the ability to recognize the declaration of data types (int, bool, etc.) In order to test it, I made the program take in a simple declaration "unsigned short int a;". Now what happens is the line will go into MakeVars() which reads the sentence, tokenizes it, and fills out a struct called StoreVars and returns it. Then another struct called Var extracts the data for the first variable (and there's only 1). This works fine. I then convert the Var struct into a struct called StoreLib. This struct is added to an array where it can be accessed at anytime by the program. After that I retreive the StoreLib object and display the stored data.

    Here's where the problem occurs. When I add the StoreLib object to my array it raises a segmentation fault. But here's the wierd part, when I add the line system("cls"); Sleep(200) or system("pause"); right before this function it works fine! Why? When I tried just adding it to the actual function (which is in a seperate header file) it didn't work, segmentation fault. It only works if I add it to main().

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Help - C++ Strings?

    I have a function TokenizeWS() which will skip all the whitespace and read the first block of characters seperated by whitespace. Basically if you give it " Hello World!" and position 0 it will return "Hello". Unfortunately, I've found an issue in my code that I don't understand how to fix.

    I use a for loop which copies each character from from string1 to string2 if the character isn't whitespace. If it is, the for loop ends.

    //Skip a few lines

    char TC;

    std::string TempString;

    int* a = new int;

    *a = pos;

    for (; pos<(*SizeOfString); ++pos)


    TC = String[pos];

    if (TC == ' ')



    TempString[(pos - *a)] += String[pos]; //Problem line


    The problem is TempString doesn't accept the character from String so string is blank. I know that String[pos] = an actual character. I don't know how to even go about this. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Help - Ifstream Issue?

    I have created a class to handle the input/output of 2 different files for a program. I use an ifstream object and an ofstream object to handle each file. Unfortunately, every time I try to use the ifstream object a segmentation fault is thrown. Here is the function:

    char getline (unsigned int length = 100000, char delim = '\n')


    if (file.good() && file.is_open())


    preline = file.tellg();

    char TS;

    char* TempString;

    *TempString = TS;

    file.getline(TempString, length, delim);

    line = file.tellg();

    return TS;


    else throw ConnectionError;


    My debugger tells me that when I use the second file.tellg() function a segmentation fault occurs and I can't figure out why. Please help, thanks.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Help - Ifstream - I don't know what to do?

    I have no idea how 2 go about fixing this, please help. I have a class that handles 1 ifstream object for 1 file & 1 ofstream object for another file. The ofstream works fine but the ifstream is messed up. I use ifstream.getline() and it raises a segmentation fault (not allowed access to file or accesses file in an un-allowed way). Here's my function:

    char getline (unsigned int length = 100000, char delim = '\n')


    if (file.good() && file.is_open())


    preline = file.tellg();

    char* TempString;

    file.getline(TempString, length, delim);

    line = file.tellg();

    return *TempString;


    else throw ConnectionError;


    My debugger says that the segmentation fault is raised right when I use the getline() function. I'm even using the good() & is_open() functions to protect against screw ups. What is going on? Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Segfault Error - Out of ideas!?

    I'm working on a c++ code project which requires the ability to read 1 file & write another simultaniously. I have created a class File (not the actual name but who cares) that contains 1 ofstream object & 1 ifstream object. My class handles the classes by ensuring the good() & is_open() functions returns true before any operations occur. The ofstream object works flawlessly when i tested it. The ifstream however keeps raising a segmentation fault when i try 2 read the file. Any ideas? Please & thank you. Here's the function for getting code with the ifstream object:

    char getline (unsigned int length = 100000, char delim = '\n')


    if (file.good() && file.is_open())


    preline = file.tellg();

    char* TempString;

    file.getline(TempString, length, delim);

    line = file.tellg();

    return *TempString;


    else throw ConnectionError;


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Template Class Operator Overloading? No Clue.?

    I am trying to create a template class called Nullable<T> that allows my C++ code to use nullable types. Unfortunately, i'm having a hard time overloading all my operators. I'm wondering how to overload binary operators like +. Basically, I want this code to work:

    Nullable<int> a = 5; //This line works

    int b = a + 2; //This line doesn't

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ char array into int - Help?

    I have a program that reads a file and retrieves 1 line at a time of that file. Then, this is broken up further into char array's that can be processed. If I retrieve a char array of integers how do I combine everything into 1 large integer and save it as an int? For example:

    int Result;

    char[6] Data = "12345";

    //Please fill in the code here so that Result = 12345

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Command Line Params?

    I'm trying to add a feature to a C++ cli project of mine. I want it to use a switch statment to handle command line parameters. There are 4 of them.

    r - the root number

    S - the starting number

    t - the tolerance level

    s - a bool value

    Each would be followed by a number (except s which would be either si for true or so for false). How would I retreive and save that data? I have this so far but it is error prone.

    if ((argv[1]) == "r"){

    for (int a=2; (argv[a] != "S" || argv[a] != "t" || argv[a] != "r" || (argc-(a+1)) == 0); ++a)

    RNum += (int) (atoi(argv[a]) * pow(10., (double)(argc-(a+1)) ));

    B_RNum = false;}


    if ((argv[1]) == ("S")){

    for (int a=2; (argv[a] != "S" || argv[a] != "t" || argv[a] != "r" || (argc-(a+1)) == 0); ++a)

    SNum += (int) (atoi(argv[a]) * pow(10., (double)(argc-(a+1)) ));

    B_SNum = false;}


    if ((argv[1]) == ("t")){

    for (int a=2; !(isdigit(*argv[a])); ++a)

    TempString[a-1] = *argv[a];

    Tol = atoi(TempString.c_str());

    B_Tol = false;}


    if ((argv[1]) == ("s")){

    if (argv[2] == ("o"))


    SimpOSolve = false;

    B_SOS = false;



    if ((argv[2]) == ("i"))


    SimpOSolve = false;

    B_SOS = true;


    Please help. Thanks.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Segmentation Fault Error?

    I've built a program that finds the nth root of any number for you and I've recently started adding the feature of command line parameters. I googled it and used a if...else thing to handle the different parameters (probably should have just used a switch statment). The data I'm alowing is the root number, the starting number, the tolerance level, and a bool value. Unfortunately, when I go to check a parameter, I get a segmentation fault. Here is what I have so far:

    int main(int argc, const char* argv[])


    bool B_RNum = true;

    bool B_SNum = true;

    bool B_Tol = true;

    bool B_SOS = true;

    int SNum;

    int RNum;

    int Tol;

    string TempString;

    bool SimpOSolve;

    //Handle command line arguments

    //Look for different commands

    if ((*argv[1]) == (*"r")){

    for (int a=2; (argv[a] != "S" || argv[a] != "t" || argv[a] != "r" || (argc-(a+1)) == 0); ++a)

    RNum += (int) (atoi(argv[a]) * pow(10., (double)(argc-(a+1)) ));

    B_RNum = false;}


    if ((*argv[1]) == (*"S")){

    for (int a=2; (argv[a] != "S" || argv[a] != "t" || argv[a] != "r" || (argc-(a+1)) == 0); ++a)

    SNum += (int) (atoi(argv[a]) * pow(10., (double)(argc-(a+1)) ));

    B_SNum = false;}


    if ((*argv[1]) == (*"t")){

    for (int a=2; !(isdigit(*argv[a])); ++a)

    TempString[a-1] = *argv[a];

    Tol = atoi(TempString.c_str());

    B_Tol = false;}


    if ((*argv[1]) == (*"s")){

    if (*argv[2] == *"o")


    SimpOSolve = false;

    B_SOS = false;



    if ((*argv[2]) == (*"i"))


    SimpOSolve = false;

    B_SOS = true;


    Where am I going wrong? Thanks.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ 256 ASCII Chars in Dev C++?

    Hi. I'm trying to create an array of 256 unique ascii characters in Dev C++. I have gathered 213 from across the web and am now struggling to find another 43. I've already used the standard ones; 0-9, a-z, A-Z, all the ones on a keyboard and several html ones. Is there a quick way to find them? If there aren't enough ascii characters out there, are there other 1 symbol characters that totals 256 or more? Thanks for any advice you can give me.

    P.S. Some characters like ♥ show up as ? in Dev C++.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Base class - Derived class Help?

    Is it possible to replace a base class with a more specific derived class by setting them equal to each other? For example:

    class A {//Stuff};

    class B : A {//More stuff};

    A c;

    B d;

    c = d; //Now c has become d (class B with all the data of d in it)

    Is that possible? Is there another way to do the same thing? Thanks.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • C++ Class Hierarchy Function Help?

    I am building a series of header files for a program. One header file creates a hierarchy of classes like this:

    C_Object<> --> C_Int -->C_H

    --> C_Bool --> C_P

    etc. My first base class is a template. The second base classes I created with typedef. (Ex. typedef C_Object<int> C_Int) Finally the derived classes are a list of specific classes.

    Ok, down to business. I have a function that compares a char to a char in each derived class (3rd) and returns the corresponding class. Unfortunately though, I have a bunch of classes with different variables (C_Object<int> and C_Object<bool>). In another function that calls this one I need to know which base class (2nd) the class has. How?

    P.S. Sorry for the long explanation.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Math Question - Almost Infinite Pattern?

    If I have a number n, how do I represent this in mathematical terms?

    y = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)... until n = 2

    Im only in Geometry so please go easy on the math terms.

    I appreciate any help you can give me.

    P.S. This is not math homework.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago