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  • I think I have paid into the system long enough by working.?

    I think I should quit my job and rely on the system. Why not? I mean I paid into it. It is my money anyway. Other people are currently using my money. Other people that are highly capable of working reap from the system. Why can't I? I promise to pop out babies constantly and complain that others are keeping me down. I promise to wear designer clothes and drive a expensive foreign car. I mean these are the requirements, aren't they. I promise to whine about the rich man and how he owes me. I promise to worship Obama and all that he stands for. I promise to be ungrateful for everything that is readily given to me while most everyone else works their buns off to give it to me. Wow, what a cush life it will be.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do Hispanics get minority scholarships in Texas, when they are the majority in Texas.?

    I sit back and watch all of these scholarships being handed out to Hispanics here in Texas when they are the majority. I don't understand the whole equal rights thing when one race gets privileges over another. I think if people want this so called racism to disappear, they shouldn't offer anything based on race.

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How's this for fairness?

    A small business owner needs to lay off several workers to make up for being taxed by Obama. He goes to the parking lot and looks for Obama bumper stickers. These are the people he lays off. They voted for the man, so they should be the ones who suffer for it. Do you agree?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do liberals harp so much?

    The majority of liberals are the first people to talk about their rights and their freedoms. It is kind of odd that the majority of the men and women who fought and gave you those rights were conservatives and still are. Liberals criticize the conservatives but should get down on their knees and thank God for putting moral and honorable conservatives on this earth to defend their rights

    39 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama serves himself not you. He is a dictator.?

    Who else is totally frightened by this evil man? He is Hitler all over again. Let's hope that his followers don't agree to slaughter for him. Why are so many people falling for his craziness?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do the democrats call the republicans the uneducated?

    I laugh. One minute we are uneducated, and the next minute we are the rich and powerful who owe them something. The democrats are the ones that are voting in there presidents based on race and handouts. Wave a little word like free in front of them and they "come a runnin' ". If they are so educated, why are they lining up at the welfare office? It is not because they can't get a job. It is because they won't get a job.

    29 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do liberals. who claim to be open-minded, close-minded to conservative beliefs?

    Don't try to justify the murder of the unborn. It is murder not matter what.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Obama is the antichrist?

    See if you can answer without name calling, or is that too difficult? :)

    28 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think most of Obama's black followers voted for him base on race alone?

    I mean voting for a president based on race is racist. Like or not, every race can be racist.

    40 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't the government just give people a skill instead of a handout?

    There are too many people on welfare that don't work and are highly capable of working. Why can't the government pay to educate these people (vocational or a degree)? Once they graduate from the program, they should have to pay the government back at least 75% of what they received over a lengthy period of time. I don't think you should be allowed to be on welfare if you are capable of supporting yourself. You should have to pay the government back instead of the rest of us hardworking Americans. We all struggle with daycare, work, mortgage, etc... but we manage to make it on our own. We aren't rich, but we, at least, have our pride. I went to school and worked at the same time. I am married with three children. We struggled while I was going to school. I paid for school out of my own pocket. I didn't ask someone else to feed my children. It all paid off. It can be done. I guess it is too easy for these lazy people to sit back and receive welfare while the rest of us pay for it. I worked opposite of my husband, and we never used daycare. I was there for the children in the evenings after they came home from school.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do mothers who have their children out of wedlock get rewarded by the government.?

    It may be hard to raise a child on you own, but why is the rest of the country responsible for helping you raise that child. Where is the babies father? Those that are moral and wait until marriage to conceive our children support our kids and yours. We may have husbands to help us, but at least we know who our babies father. I know these tax dollars are meant to support the children, but why are you taking away from my children. Why am I being punished for someone else's immorality? Most of those single mothers who get that fat tax return run out an spend it on a flat screen or something else they really don't need. The money doesn't go to the children. Why isn't the government making the babies fathers pay? Married or not, he has a responsibility. I think, in order to receive government assistance, you have to line up for the depo shot to prevent further pregnancies. No shot, no money. I also think that if you are on welfare and are capable of working, you should have to be in a program to better yourself. When you complete the program or earn your degree, you should have to pay back the government at least 75 percent of what you received from the government.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why have public schools gone so far downhill?

    It seems the teachers don't care anymore. I am a concerned parent who is involvedin my children's education. I have visited the school and talked with a number of teachers to help improve my children's grades. The teachers aren't willing to make an effort anymore. I have encountered very few teachers who seem to want to teach. The rest of them seem to despise their job and the children. I

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Welfare fraud, what has Americans sunk to?

    I am a nurse. I take care of a lot of patients on medicaid. I hand them free medication samples authorized by the physician. They cry and whine about how they can't afford things, yet these people are dressed in designer clothes, they wear the bling bling of blingiest, and I escort them to their luxury cars after their appointments. Then I drive to the bank in my American made clunker to cash my paycheck (whats left of my paycheck anyway). I mean after taxes and deductions that pay for these people to live for almost free and then my insurance allotment for my family, I am left with almost nothing. I have not bling or luxuries. I guess in a way I am buying their bling and luxuries.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If I make more than a single mother, why does she end up making more after taxes?

    There are many single mothers out there. Some don't choose this situation. Others just keep having babies by different fathers. They are rewarded by the government for this. At one point I made 10 dollars an hour more than a single mother who had children out of wedlock. I had to pay taxes that year. She received a tax return. Her return was so large that she actually ended up making the same as I did that year. Is that fair? I am a mother. I married and then had children. I paid my way through school. I never relied on the government. I have to pay more to the government, and she gets rewarded for her immorality. Interesting, huh?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do democrats think the rich owe anybody anything? Why do they think the lazy are owed a dime?

    The rich, in most cases, have earned what they have. Let them decide where they want to put their money. The lazy need to get up off their duffs and contribute a little. Why do the lazy think they are owed anything, when they don't contribute anything themselves. If everyone would stop expecting handouts and actually work for a living, we might not have such a messed up country.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago