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  • Please give me some relationship advice?

    My boyfriend and I are high school seniors. We have been together for fourteen months. We really do love each other, would do anything for each other, and have a great relationship. (If you're going to say things like 'No, you don't you're both too young,' then please just don't answer.) However, he is going far away for college and I am staying in state. It's a 3 and 1/2 hour plane ride from where I will be to the college he'll be at.

    I know this is absolutely horrible, but I think long term. I can't help thinking that it's not going to work for us when we start college. It's way too much of a distance, too inconvenient to fly to and from that often, and would take two days if we drove to and from. I know I won't be able to handle it when he's 1500 miles away and I have no idea what's going on with him/ other girls trying to be with him. It's not that I don't trust him, but it would just be miserable for me. It would also be so difficult to keep the relationship strong when I can only see him over Skype, and I can't help thinking we would drift apart.

    So, my question is: Should I end the relationship now? I know it sounds awful, but my reasoning is that I would rather be sad and get over it now then have to break up right as I move out and am trying to be on my own at college and be really sad about it then. It is a little early to be thinking about this since we don't graduate until June, but I'm really scared about it lately. I can't help but wonder, what's the point of keeping the relationship up (although it is a great relationship and we do everything together) if it's inevitable that it will end and I know it? My boyfriend and I haven't really talked about it, but I know he thinks it's going to work when we're separated.

    Do you guys have any advice as to what I should do? I'm really torn. I don't want to break up with him at all, but I also would rather be sad now than later. I have to pick my poison. Any help is appreciated! Thank you so much :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • (Calc) An object has a constant acceleration...?

    ....of 42 ft/sec^2, an initial velocity of -18 ft/sec, and an initial position of 3ft. Find the position function describing the motion of this object.

    I know that f(x) is position, first derivative is velocity, and second derivative is acceleration. But how do I find f(x)? I don't get it. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Question about dying my hair?

    I first dyed my hair in January of 2010 from a dark brown to light golden brown (at a salon). Now, I don't want to go back to my original hair color, but I would like to dye it medium golden brown. About two months ago, I dyed it medium golden brown myself with the Nice N Easy permanent foam dye. It was exactly what I wanted, but I noticed during that week that the color was washing right out in the shower! After that week, my hair turned back to the light golden brown color. (I wasn't using a color safe shampoo/conditioner.)

    So, my question is, what did I do wrong? Was the dye not strong enough, do I have to get my hair colored at the salon? I bought a John Freida permanent foam dye and want to try to get my hair to medium golden brown again today, but not if it is just going to wash out and go back to being light golden brown again. Any tips on what I should do to make the color last permanently? Thank you so much! :)

    5 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Help accessing my account? Forgot password?

    I need to register for the SAT on January 22, and today is the last day to do that (I realize I should have done it before, it's a long story). I forgot both my password and answer to my secret question so I cannot reset my password or access my account. How can I access my account by midnight? I tried to make a new one with a different email address, but it recognizes the information is already associated with another account and won't let me create it. thank you so much :)

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • is he my boyfriend yet or no..?

    this guy and i like each other, he asked me out last week and we went on a date, everything went well and now when we're together we hold hands and i kissed him on the cheek a few days ago. one of his closest friends who we both know refers to me as his girlfriend, but i'm not sure if we're officially a couple? cause technically, he never asked me to be his girlfriend. so im not sure. are we just dating? i have no idea. i think he thinks i am his girlfriend but he never asked..not sure. am i? thanks for your help :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to remove "Antivirus Action"?

    a fake rogue/virus called "antivirus action" installed itself on my computer and will not go away no matter what i do. when im in normal mode on my computer, the "antivirus" warnings keep popping up and it won't let me pull up iinternet explorer or even the task manager.

    i am currently in safe mode with networking. i do not have an antivirus program on my computer (usually, i do, but my hard drive recently crashed and i haven't put my antivirus back on it since it got fixed).

    i downloaded "spyware doctor" and ran several scans; it said all infections/viruses/trojans were cleaned out, but when i rebooted into normal mode, the "antivirus action" was still there and it will not go away! how do i get rid of it? thank you! :)

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • is "date night" appropriate for a 15 year old to watch with parents?

    any awkward scenes that wouldnt be good? i heard its a hilarious movie, but i dont want to watch it with my parents if its inappropriate, i'll just watch it with my friends. haha. thank you! :)

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • what to use to get music on my ipod?

    i've been done with itunes ever since they started charging 1.29 for songs. i used for awhile, and it was great, until apple shut it down.

    rhapsody isn't compatible with ipods. i've tried napster, didn't like it. i've tried emusic. i don't want to download all my songs illegally because im afraid of getting sued (im a wimp, i know) but i might just start doing it anyways.

    does anyone use a good online music store that charges no more than 1 dollar for songs? or any way of getting music? (not limewire though).

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • have i already ruined my chances at uva? please read..?

    im going to be a junior in high school this year. im taking 2 ap classes and 2 honors classes.

    freshman year (4 honors courses)- 5 As, 2 B+s, weighted gpa of a 4.14

    sophomore year (2 honors courses, 1 AP)- 2 As, 1 A-, 1 B+, 3 Bs, (not good, i know. i got distracted and started screwing up halfway through third quarter.) weighted gpa: 3.78

    junior year i plan to make all As (weighted gpa: 4.4). i know it will be difficult, but i am very determined and i have to make up for messing up sophomore year.

    if i do get straight As this year and do really well on the SAT as well as the SAT II's and have some strong extracurriculars, do you think i have a shot at UVA? (im instate if it matters. northern virginia) or did i mess up sophomore year too badly already? thank you so much, im freaking out about college right now!

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • free drm removal software/ transferring rhapsody music to ipod?

    i recently got rhapsody and i want to transfer the songs i get a subscription to for $10 a month to my ipod, but apple isnt compatible with rhapsody. i need a software that will remove the drm protection from the songs so that when i transfer them from rhapsody to itunes, they can be converted from wma format to aac. does anyone know a good, free drm removal software that could do this? i've been looking but you have to pay for most of it, and i want it for free. can anyone help me? or if theres any other way you know of for transferring rhapsody songs to itunes, i would really appreicate it! :)

    oh and not the drm removal software analogwhale, it doesn't work on my computer for some reason.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • German speakers, can you please tell me what this means?

    "Ich Bau Ein Joint und Zieh 1-2 mal lehn Mich Zurück Und Denk Noch Das Ist Vor 1 Jahr Wahr "

    so that it makes sense in english, google wasn't much help. thank you! :)

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • is The Stepfather an okay movie for a 15 year old to watch with parents?

    any sex scenes or anything? thaaaaanks

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago

    my mom's hand got slammed in a car door and her wedding ring actually got bent and will not come off her finger. her finger is becoming swollen. we have tried putting slippery vaseline & soap on the finger, but it is much to painful to take off the ring that way and is turning her finger blue. PLEASE HELP. HOW DO WE GET THIS RING OFF?!

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't he text me back like he used to? I know i sound lame but please help?

    okay, so i've known this guy for three years now. he's kind of...adorkable. you either hate him or hate him and love him at the same time. people have been telling me that he likes me since last year, and that used to make me unhappy because he's just...ahh you would have to meet him. and i only thought of him as a friend. but recently, like maybe at the beginning of this year in october, i started feeling like i might care about him as more than a friend. which freaked me out at first because he's the last person i thought i would fall for...if you had asked me last year, i would have told you you were crazy. this just happened.

    but anyways. he texts me all the time, whether its about school or just asking whats up. and he usually replies like next-minute, sometimes even the same minute. but lately, like since this past weekend, he doesn't reply or text like he used to just last week. i mean, he'll text and not reply for a few hours or until the next day. sometimes he doesn't even text at all. he would text "whats up" a few times a day, and now he never does. he hasn't replied to my last text (which was a question, and he always replies to questions), and i just want to know what's going on. any thoughts? much appreciated :)

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is Whip It okay for a 16 year old to watch with her dad?

    are there some weird like, sex scenes or anything? my sister wants to know before we start watching this with our parents...or any "steamy romance" scenes, as my sister puts it...? thanks sooo much!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is card stock the same thing as poster board?

    I need to know for a school project...and if it's not, can I find card stock at like a cvs or a walgreen's? thanks:)

    3 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • How to blow up a picture from a newspaper? Christmas present for my dad- please help :)?

    My dad was the number one player on his high school tennis team from 1970-1973 and he is very proud of it. He and his team were published in the local paper various times, and I know we have a few of those pictures and articles clipped from the papers saved in photo albums. What I would like to do is have one of these pictures blown up so I could frame it and hang it on a wall somewhere in the house.

    Is there any place I could go to have this done? The picture is in sepia and was published in the early 70's, so I can't do it myself. If you know a place that could do this, please let me know! Thank you so much and happy holidays everyone :)

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Please help: Is this girl a bad friend or a good friend?

    i liked this guy, and she said she would try to hook us up. she started texting him and said she mentioned me as much as she could (which i didn't want her to do that much but she did) and he ended up falling for her. he asked her out and she said yes, even though she'd known i'd liked him for awhile. she just came up to me and went, "oh, by the way, he asked me out today and i said yes. hope you don't mind." i felt like crying.

    i think that's a really mean thing to do and i would have never done it to her. i would have said to the guy as nicely as possible that i just wanted to be friends. chicks befor d*cks, right? i guess not. i got upset when i found out she said yes and now everyone in that group of friends is mad at me because apparently they think im the one being a b*tch. they say that im just jealous. i didn't even do anything :(((

    its not that im jealous, honestly, my feelings for him are gone now. its just the concept that she would say yes to him even when she knew how i felt about him before she did. i also told her i'd be upset if they were to go out a long time before he asked her out. everyone except one girl in that group of friends are mad at me, but every single one of my other friends say this girl who's dating the guy i used to like is a backstabbing b*tch.

    is she a bad friend, or am i the bad friend? i really don't understand what i did wrong. please don't just tell me im a b*tch, i already feel terrible that everyone is so mad at me. i feel like even if this friend shot me, they would find a way to make it my fault. please help. thanks so much.

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Is this party idea too little kid-ish for a girl turning 15?

    my little sister was thinking about blacklight/cosmic bowling for her fifteenth birthday. they (her and a bunch of her friends) would blacklight bowl from about 8:30-10:30, but before they got there they would have gone out somewhere nice to eat. they would then return to the house after bowling for a sleepover. she wants to know if it's cool enough for a 15th birthday party? thoughts on this idea? or if you have any better suggestions please let me know.

    7 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Chemistry help- energy and calorimetry???? PLEASE HELP I DON'T GET THIS STUFF.?

    ok q=(m)(Cp)(delta T)

    40.0 grams of water are heated from 10.0 degrees Celsius to 30.0 degrees Celsius. Determine the heat absorbed in joules.

    how do i solve this? thank you sooo much(:

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago