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christina d

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    So I started Fluoxetine 8 days ago today, day 1 was was totally anxious off and on, but i have a fear of meds, day 2 was super depressed off and on all day didnt sleep first 3 nights on it finally started to get a little more relaxed and better, well last night i had an anxiety attack today been anxious pretty much all day and totally 100% aggervated and frustrated. (Note i have 3 kids there driving me bonkers.) ugh I called the doctor, all he said was I can come off this try something new in a week, or give this a few more days. I Have pretty bad anxiety (social and general) as well as some depression, up till last night i THOUGHT i was getting better, the anxiety wasnt as bad but just today, ive been edgy.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Just starting prozac.......?

    Well i finally broke, 6 years of anxiety, and numerous months of depression, been battling that part off and on my whole life, and i had a melt down monday went to doctor and started prozac 20 today. Im sure right now my nerves are up cause of the meds and over thinking it, but I feel tired, but like wide awake, got random heartburn also. How long does it take to know if its gonna work or theres gonna be an issue with the meds?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • what are some ways to spell cooper?

    just looking at different ways it can be spelled thanks ladies!

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • what is going on with my period?

    i have a pretty regular 31 day cycle, (except when pregnant and right after miscarriage in february) my last period was on july 27th making my next period due this past friday, and nothing, i think i ovulated late i thought it was around the 10th but then i noticed again the gloppy CM around the 16th so i think that is when i actually ovulated, (have had a few stressers, but nothing to dramatic, like kid starting school, finishing up a move) i have taken 4 pregnancy tests on on the friday it was late then sunday yesterday and today and nothing, we always use a condom, and he pulls out before he even goes, so i really dont know what is going on??? any sugestions?, no cramping, lower back aching (dull) acne, breast sore(only one) and tired

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • what is with these period issues?

    i have a pretty regular 31 day cycle, (except when pregnant and right after miscarriage in february) my last period was on july 27th making my next period due this past friday, and nothing, i think i ovulated late i thought it was around the 10th but then i noticed again the gloppy CM around the 16th so i think that is when i actually ovulated, (have had a few stressers, but nothing to dramatic, like kid starting school, finishing up a move) i have taken 4 pregnancy tests on on the friday it was late then sunday yesterday and today and nothing, we always use a condom, and he pulls out before he even goes, so i really dont know what is going on??? any sugestions?, no cramping, lower back aching (dull) acne, breast sore(only one) and tired

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • my 15mo old has been sick?

    she has had a cold for about a week now, and been running fever anywhere from 99 to 102.8 for past 3 days she is tired alot and cranky and not eating well but keeping fluids great, however yesterday i noticed htat her gums were pretty red, and today they are bleeding, she has all her teeth through well except 2 yo molars and the bloods not from there, at the docs they put her on amoxocillin started it yesterday afternoon for ear infection, idk what is causing this anyone haev had expierience with this? my 3 year old has the red gums as well but no blood

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • question about period after miscariage?

    i had a miscarriage sometime at end of january levels were 0 on march 3rd, had a period on march 24th a regular period, (heavy cramps ugh!) my cycle is between 31 and 34 days this month i started yesterday morning woke to period, it wasnt alot, then i went about my day, usually if i start in morning i am bleeding full force within an hour or 2. This isnt the case at all, i was doing yard work and thought ok maybe im doing to much and just not bleeding, well idk if thats even a possibility, and today being day 2 of my flo, i should be like bleeding to death....tmi sorry but i bleed super super heavy for a good 2 or 3 days, last night i didnt even fill a pad, i bled not very much at all, i am used to filling overnight pads, and i barely would have filled a regular light flo pad, same with today had a pad on for past 4 hours and i could have got away with a liner easy, i am bleedind when i use restroom but nothing like usual. I did take a few hpt and were negitive over the weekend, so my question is is this normal for after a miscarriage to have weird periods? this will be 2nd cycle since loss, ( i was around 6 weeks) thanks in advance im not sure what to make of this or maybe if this is my new period

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • needing a little help with this late period?

    ok this is gonna be tmi and alot of detail however im kind of stumped on it, ok LMP was 3-24-10 (in jan had a miscariage, 6 weeks later period.) my cycle is between 31 and 34 days and i ovulated on or around 4-7-10 and i had unprotected sex, (didnt know it was unprotected condom broke!) on 4-2-10 and then again on 4-10 (condom didnt break that time :)) however i tested on wednesday frer and saturday with frer digi, both showed negitive, however i should have started, my boobs are a little sore, like id worked them out, and im tired and extremely irritable, to the point i was thinking i was gonna have to kill my unruley kids yesterday! (i wouldnt ever hurt them just a figure of speech.) but my question is when would be the earliest i could test, i know everyone is different but by saturday would i have recieved a accurate response?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • miscarriage in february and still nothing?

    i got pregnant on or around the first of january and started bleeding on the 29th hcg went up still for 3 weeks then bled again and on march 3rd hcg was 0 so sometime in february i lost it, its been like 3 weeks since my levels hit 0 and no period i am annoyed and irritable and stressed(as though i could start) but nothing took 2 hpt last week and negitive? how long should i wait before i worry?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • to get tubes tied or not?

    Well i am a single mother with 3 kids just had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago, needless to say i have had one bad expierence after another, after another I. I did the pill couldnt remember to take it right, did the shot gained a ton of weight, got headaches and no longer wanted sex period, and my pregnancys were horrible, with my son i had bad swelling, and serious exaustion, and with my 2nd i got so sore towards the end i couldnt walk my lower back and hips hurt so extremely bad and i had a kidney stone, with my last i had tension headaches and depression and ended up loosing my gall bladder after deliviery, i have had 3 sections, the second one they didnt get me numb and i felt everything, my third i busted my gut back open 3x! i know without a reason of a doubt i hate pregnancy like relaly hate it! and it dont like me much either, i battled nausea, soreness tiredness, and very bad anemia, i always said i wanted 4 but really my life isnt where i would have dreamed it of being, i love my kids to death and i think ok this is enough and good for me, i know i will always love babies who dosnt! I am soon to be divorced after 14 months of seperation ( and im talking 750miles) i want alot for my kids and myself and i am just wanting to get open opinions, i am soon to be 26, and my kids are 4 3 and 14mo. thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • what does this hcg level mean you think?

    ok my last period was december 21st and me and the bf (no longer together) had sex the 1st and a few other times last time being january 11th. then i moved out, on 16th i took 3 hpt all positive very faint but still there, and then i went to doctors there urine test was a negitive, and the blood test was a yes, but the doctor said it was a very very early pregnancy. well friday, i started cramping and bleeding felt like a regular period, ive had some clots through friday night, went to er ran hcg level came back at 57 which would make me at 2 weeks, so i retested levels today and i wont know till tomorrow, i am still bleeding which makes day 72 hours of bleeding its not as heavy as a regular period and no cramps and the cramps i did have werent unbearable, im still tired, and drained feeling (not low iron my levels were over 14 on that today!) has anyone had this before and the results were still not a miscarriage?? im thinkign i did loose it but i was just wondering whats the odds that i am just over 2 weeks pregnant and found out so soon???? thank you

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • posted this once really need advice please??!!!?

    idk how far along i am i had my last period dec 21st took 3 hpt on the 12th all positive adn confirmed blood test 23rd. doctor said it was very very early pregnancy so going by my lmp i would be about 6 weeks, but i probably wasnt that far, anyhow im needing to know if anyone has been through this and what was the outcome im trying to stay optomistic, yesterday i started cramping and bleeding i went to doctors, they did a pelvic and my cervix was still tightly closed, they ran blood tests to check levels but i wont get the results (takes 24 hours) and today is a weekend, i go back in monday to retest so tuesday ill have 2 tests, they did an ultrasound and they didnt see anything in there, they looked in my tubes and uterus, and nothing, they did regular and vaginal u/s and they sent me home, telling me to come back if it got worse cramps and bleeding, i passed several clots the cramps come and go, and i have a headache probably cause ive spent so much time trying to figure out whats happening! please anyone with there situation!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • bleeding pregnant help?

    idk how far along i am i had my last period dec 21st took 3 hpt on the 12th all positive adn confirmed blood test 23rd. doctor said it was very very early pregnancy so going by my lmp i would be about 6 weeks, but i probably wasnt that far, anyhow im needing to know if anyone has been through this and what was the outcome im trying to stay optomistic, yesterday i started cramping and bleeding i went to doctors, they did a pelvic and my cervix was still tightly closed, they ran blood tests to check levels but i wont get the results (takes 24 hours) and today is a weekend, i go back in monday to retest so tuesday ill have 2 tests, they did an ultrasound and they didnt see anything in there, they looked in my tubes and uterus, and nothing, they did regular and vaginal u/s and they sent me home, telling me to come back if it got worse cramps and bleeding, i passed several clots the cramps come and go, and i have a headache probably cause ive spent so much time trying to figure out whats happening! please anyone with there situation!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • help with a baby names stumped?

    i am looking to maybe start finding names, for boys or girls, my other children are

    Taylor Rayne (girl)

    Donavyn Adam-James (boy)

    Olivia Arlene-Yvonne (girl)

    dont know what im having yet but have no clue what names i even like or where to start! I would like names to flow like mine do! thanks

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 3 hpt all positive.......?

    yesterday i took 3hpt first response all positive went to doctors this morning and he took 2 and they were negitive??? so i got a blood test and now i am waiting for results but im having a hard time trying to figure out what is going on, he said maybe im to early or i guess my urine was really diluted! which it was pale pale yellow, and yesterday it was darker. whats the odds of my tests being wrong??? Also, my symptoms are darker nipples, was slight cramping past 2 days, now im not, bra is a little snug, and tired, i have had some stress though so i know some of this could be that!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • missed period negitive test?

    my last period was 10-14 every 31 days i have it, i did have sex on the 30, 31, and the 6th and the 7th and again last night, i shoulda had af yesterday, but nothing, ive been so exausted and moody as ever, but not uncommon for that time of month as far as being sleepy, i had a bad headache last night, but today i took a hpt and negitive. my ovulation dates were approx 30-2nd but i did have cm on the 31......could i be pregnant, still even though test was negitive? my symptoms. are really tired, irritable, some headaches frequent bm but its like im constipated sorry tmi! and soem light cramping in belly,

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • question about hpt from family doller?

    ji got a hpt from family doller and af is sceduled for tomorrow, but am worried about pg. so i tested about 5 minutes ago and the control window has the big blue line and in the test window theres a faint line and a much fainter and not even as wide line going up and down, i know a lines a line but could the test just not be accurate or maybe im seeing something thats not there, really dont want a nother baby quite yet, youngest is 10 months..and i AM on bc thank you in advance!

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • how big is your 10 month old?

    just compairing 10 month old is 25 lbs and 28 in. big girl~

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • what age can you let baby sleep......?

    i have a 9.5 month baby whos rolling tossing and turning, but never in her sleep she always goes to side, when is a good age that i can lay her on her tummy?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • brown instead of red?

    so i had been nursing for 5.5 months with my daughter and stopped in june, didnt get a period till september 13th my periods are usually 30 days apart. I wound up having no so protected sex on the 26th (condom broke) and i have been anxiously awaiting period well last night i started what i thought could be a period, it was pinkish brown spotting...the amount i guess has increased a little bit i would say about a panty liner with in a few hours. tmi sorry! and horrible cramping, and a headache this something i should be concerned with? i took a HPT 2 days ago well actually 2 tests and both were negative really not ready for another baby, but what could be going on with my body? i know brown blood is old and all maybe some sugestions as to what it sounds like is going on

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago