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Physics undergraduate. I need help from time to time, so I try to help out as well from time to time.

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    Please help me with this problem.?

    I've done the problem several times, albeit with different numbers and I keep getting it wrong. I am always off by a factor of squaring the denominator, but I am not sure why it is squared.

    Mathematics1 year ago
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    Stokes Theorem P0.11?

    The function in Example # is F(x,y,z)=y^2i+xyj+x^2zk

    I don't understand this because stokes theorem is supposed to be in three dimensions I thought, and the function is in three dimension, but it is a two dimensional graph and al the online resources show two dimensions.

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • If something is not listed on a restaurant menu, can the restaurant charge for it?

    A colleague was telling me that if a customer asks for extra pickles, ranch or something that isnt listed on the menu, we cant charge for it. We stick to this policy for dine in customers, but we charge for EVERYTHING extra for pick ups orders. We are in virginia, and I cant find laws stating we cant charge for this, so I dont see why we wouldn't be able to.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
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    Oxidation numbers?

    What are the oxidation states for Cu(s) and Cu(NO3)2 in the reaction at the bottom of the screenshot?

    2 AnswersChemistry2 years ago
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    Significant figures?

    Can someone explain why my answer is wrong? The final answer should have 4 significant figures, and I have no clue why there is a percent sign. They teach significant figures in every into science class, so this isn't my first time dealing with them but I have never seen them with percents before like this,

    2 AnswersChemistry2 years ago
  • Finding Critical Points?

    I have to find the critical points and local extrema of the equation:


    When I it, I got (0,2) and (0,0) as critical points, but when looking at the solution my professor has posted, she also got (+-sqrt(3,-1) and I don't know how.

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • Finding the Principle Unit Vector?

    Okay so I find T which is (dr/dt)/|dr/dt|

    This is the unit tangent vector, and we plug in the t value.

    Then we find dT/dt/|dT/dt|, but this usually results in 3 quotient rules. Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve the quotient rule?

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • ENDGAME SPOILER, but also legitimate question for someone who has seen it.?

    I mean this doesnt really give much away, so it isnt a spoiler really.

    Tony says he learned from his father that no amount of money could ever buy a second of time. The response he received was, "He sounds like a smart man." But what does this mean? It essentially means that time is invaluable, but the way this was said, the movie made it seem like this was supposed to be more significant than I took it to be, so can someone explain how this applies to Tony and what exactly it means?

    2 AnswersMovies2 years ago

    Alright, I couldn't make it much clearer. If you havent seen the movie and you dont want it spoiled, turn away now.

    I mean it.



    I said get!!

    Okay now towards the end, at Tony's funeral, the camera shifted to almost everyone that had a presence in the MCU and knew Tony. It displayed it in order of importance kind of, at least important to Tony. First Morgan and pepper, then Steve, then Peter then thor. There was one guy towards the back who was standing by himself, behind the guardians of the galaxy if I remember correctly. Who was he?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
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    Vector Calculus?

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
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    Vector Calculus Homework Check?

    So I am only worried about #1 right now.

    So I have f(x,y,z)=2x+y+z=2,

    I know P=k

    So I take the gradient of F

    dF/dx=2, dF/dy=1, dF/dz=1

    gradient of F=2i+j+k

    |gradient of F|=sqrt(4^2+1+1)=sqrt(6)

    |gradient of F x P| = 1

    Double Intergal of |Gradient of F| dxdy

    Convert to Polar

    Double Integral of |Gradient of F|rdrdtheta inner bounds 0 to 1, outter bounds 0 to 2pi

    Evaluate the Integral: pi*root6

    1 AnswerMathematics2 years ago
  • Spot the error in the proof, Calculus?




    Taking the derivative:




    2 obviously doesn't equal 1, so why isn't this true? Everything seems true.

    2 AnswersMathematics2 years ago
  • Why is Tolkien's work so well known and popular?

    Okay, I am not disrespecting Tolkien, I loved LOTR and The hobbit, I even read The Silmarillion. It is a great story.

    I have also read many other books such as the Dragonlance series, A Song of Fire and Ice and The Legend of Drizzt.

    They are all amazing, absolutely awesome works of literature. I know A Song of Fire and Ice is popular, but only because of the show, so if the TV show GoT was never created, I am sure LOTR and Tolkien's other works would be the most popular of fantasy novels, easily of all time, but why?

    What do his novels have that the others I have mentioned do not? Out of the four series I mentioned, I could not pick a favorite, so why is Tolkien the spokes person for fantasy novels?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors2 years ago
  • How to open up a Python Script?

    Hello. So I am teaching myself Python, but I have a very basic and elementary question.

    I downloaded python for windows

    Python 3.7.3amd64.exe.

    It was a total of four programs from that file. I don't know what Python Modules Doc and Python Manuals are, but they don't give me what I want, the script. Then the other two files I downloaded are Python 3.7 and Python IDLE which both open up a Python Shell, but I cannot figure out how to open the actual script.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design2 years ago
  • Find the general solution of the DOE?


    2 AnswersMathematics2 years ago