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I'm a mommy to a wonderful little girl who was born 9-22-07. Her father and i have been together for 5 years and just finally got married in October. I'm a stay at home mom and i enjoy every second with my little girl. As a stay at hom mom i run my little childcare so all day when we are not doing activities it's Dora, Mickey mouse club house, Little Einstiens, so when i comes to 2:00 i watch OLTL.

  • Can i change my daughters last name?

    My daughter is 3 1/2, in june my divorce will be final and I am going back to my maiden name, her father (my ex) has not been much of a father to her so I would like to change her last name to my maiden, we weren't married when she was born. Do I need his permission? Or can I just do it, or what are the chances the judge can favor with me? I won't hear from my lawyer until tomorrow

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • About Vermont lemon law?

    I bought a car in vt a month and a half ago and it will not pass inspection without. $1000 worth of work, on top of dying pretty much every time I drive it. Is there a lemon law that can get my $2800 back?

    Buying & Selling1 decade ago
  • I want to get a memorial tatto for my dad who had throat cancer?

    I already know I want his initials but I want the cancer ribbon to go around it, the only thing I can find for the color is head and neck ribbon is burgundy would throat cnacer be the same color ribbon as head and neck catergory or does it have a different color?

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Can convicted Child abusers be around children?

    leagally, the conviction is in CT, VT, and NH.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Spoiler...Can't believe Gigi picked him OLTL?

    I read that Gigi picks Skyler. I love her with Rex, I hope they work it out when Stacey leaves. I just can't believe they have her choosing to be with Skyler after all her and rex have been through.

    What are your thoughts and any spoilers would be fine too!!

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • if Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift are together then what is theyre celeb couple name?

    maybe i don't know thats all i got...either way have fun with it.

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • saving money in new home?

    My fiance and i are getting into our first home together soon, GAS heat and hot water is not included, any tips on saving money on gas during the winter, its 2 floor 2 br, we have a 1 1/2 yr old so it needs to be reasonably warm and how to save on the electric bill and any other money saving tips would be greatly appreciated. thank you so much in advance.

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Quote for Wedding Favor ?

    my friend is getting married on valentines day and i need a quote...i made favors...they are 2 hersey kisses made to look like a rose and i need a quote to put on the leaf of the rose, please no links, just short a sweet quotes. Thanks

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • need an OLTL update!!!?

    i have been on vacation an have not been able to watch OLTL starting mondays episode. can you please give an update...thanks!!!

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Travailing with my 16 month old?

    I am from NH and my family and i are going to Florida via plane. heres what i have for carry on...




    extra outfit for my daughter

    Mp3 player


    sippy cup (can i put juice in it?)


    coloring book and crayons (my daughter loves to color)

    a couple of books for my daughter(she'd rather read then play with toys)

    Does his look good, and should i add anything else, i was also thinking on adding my powered make up for touch up, and i think that has to go in a zip lock bag or something. Any suggestions would help me as i am a new mom and have never traveled on a plane with a child.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • long untill everyone figures out about Starrs baby?

    and the fact that Bess has her. i read that jess doesn't know about bess when she comes back through, so how long do you think this will go on for? and i'm hoping since this is happening that when they do figure it out maybe starr will decide to keep the baby. and all you moms, who else almost cried at the fact the baby died?

    P.S. no wonder why she lost the baby all the stress she put herself through trying to get revenge.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • OLTL...Todd and Marty?

    is anyone else getting tired of this story line. i want to her remember. does anyone know when she figures out what Todd is up to? i know she wont be the same so who knows whats going to happen with her and John. it seemed to me that the other Marty looked better with John. i know that this one is the original, but i liked the last one better. But i was just wondering if anyone had a clue when she figures everything ot.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • stay at home mom of 1 yr old looking to lose some belly?

    i am one of the lucky few who lost all my baby weight plus 5 extra lbs. but how can i lose more belly fat or tone it up some more. i'm 5'4 and am around 130lbs. i'm a stay at home mom who watches a 2 yr old also so i need easy mom stuff i guess. any suggestins would help

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • when should i get my settlement?

    a couple of years ago i was rear ended and now i have back pains, my car insurance company paid for medical, so my lawyer demanded a settlement of $25,000. when should i start to see the money and about how much should i get after he takes his 1/3?

    oh i live in NH if that makes a difference

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • another clue that jess is tess?

    did anyone else noticed in todays OLTL tess said she had nash when she was pregnant with bree now she doesn't, wasn't tess out through out the pregnancy?

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • a brief summery on how Passions ended?

    i havn't watched the show in a couple of years bc i was working and they didn't show it any other time, can you just give me a brief summery how it ended who ended up with whom, you know stuff like that. thanks

    2 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Who do you think is Rex's Father on OLTL?

    I think it might be a possiblity is it's that guy that gave Nat to Roxy. I can't reember his name but Jess' biological father. It's a possibility. And i want to know what was on that stupid tape that went down the fall with allison Perkins.

    11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago