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  • How can I enable my touchpad, using fedora 18 xfce?

    How can I enable my touch-pad and get my net-book to recognize smartphones/MP3 players?

    I'm using Fedora 18 Xfce (Spherical Cow) and am fairly new to Linux.

    The current options under preferences> keyboard and mouse> only give me Desktop-like mouse functions.

    When hooking up an external device, such as a MP3 player, or my Nexus 4 / iPhone's, I get nothing. It does not even recognize they're there. Weird... Like I said. I'm new to Linux and so far, I find this version the most appealing after trying Mint, Ubuntu, and some Jonnycloud ios thing.

    All help or pointers in the right direction are appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Is it possible to boot into Fedora Xfce from a UFD (USB flash drive) using the grub editor?

    Had a kernel panic crash with a Mint update and no longer have the Mint ISO for my net-book. I have a boot-able flash drive with Fedora Xfce on it, and was wondering if there was a way to use the grub editor to boot from the usb drive. I tried using the bios boot menu and changing the boot order to the usb but I'm greeted with an Intel message stating something about no configuring something??? I can only access the grub editor and grub command line at present.


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • How can I recover from a net-book boot-loader crash using grub terminal (Linux kernel panic/crash)?

    Ok, how do I explain this...I was having no issue with Mint (14 Nadia cinnamon) until clicking on the Important updates recommended shield icon. It updated and everything was fine. It finished the updates and I shut down normally when I was done. On reboot, I get a kernel panic unable to mount root fs on unknown-block 0,0 error. and some other error message I can't remember or retrieve at the present, because now all I get is a black screen when choosing "Mint Generic" or "Mint Recovery". Neither boot into Mint. Just a black screen with nothing. All I can do now is choose to go to the grub> command line or edit the boot command lines in grub with Ctrl E. I hardly know anything about Linux or programming and could use some help. Is there a way to correct this issue? I no longer have a boot-able Mint ISO USB drive to work with, but I do have a boot-able USB drive for Fedora Xfce from a previous experimentation. Anyway I could use that? My Acer One Aspire Net-book is now rendered useless. I know there's a way to fix this. Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks!!!!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • I'm using the Joli OS (ubuntu based) Linux. How can I switch to Mint on my netbook?

    I've recently upgraded my, I believe, Ubuntu based Joli/Jolicloud OS to its newer version, and find it to be no longer useful to me. I am trying to figure out how to switch to Mint through a USB image. I have tried booting through the computers F2 setting and F12 boot menu with a saved "Mint" ISO image, but it can't seem to read the "Mint ISO" image off of the USB drive...I can't figure it out!!!! What should I try next?...Am open to suggestions... Thanks.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Will my IRS tax refund be returned to me "plus interest" for their delay? Can the IRS be sued?

    Filed for my return about seven months ago and still have yet to receive my refund check. I was the victim of identity theft and filled out all the necessary paperwork a couple days after filing for the return. Wondering if their holding my money hostage will result in them having to pay me my money back with interest? Also, I'm wondering if it's possible to sue the IRS for their delay...I have outstanding government student loans that I could have paid back, but am unable to due to this delay. I'm not, not paying back my loans. I'm forced to pay only the minimum back when I could have it completely paid off with my return money. The government expects me to pay my loans off with interest "on time" when they can't pay me my money on time. Sorta frustrating when you're struggling financially. It's an added, unnecessary burden in my life that shouldn't be. Should I seek legal advice or just try and wait it out? Extremely aggravating knowing I'll be paying more than I have to on my loans because of the interest incurring. I'm so god**** super f****** pissed right now! Advice...Please! Thanks.

    13 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • What do think Humanities ultimate goal should be?

    What do you think we Humans, on a planetary scale should be striving for? What should be our goal as a whole?

    10 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Is dizziness usually associated with an upper respiratory virus?

    Doctor diagnosed me with a upper respiratory virus a day ago. I have a temperature of 99.4*Fahrenheit, which is much lower than it has been. I was told to get plenty rest and drink a lot of fluids, which i'm not doing because I'm moving and have two days to get my crap outta my apartment. I'm not sure if it's due to this or if a prescribed nasal spray could be the cause of my dizziness...The dizziness is way worse when I lay down.

    Any help/advice is very much appreciated.


    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Any alternatives to the 1egg called for in this meatball recipe?


    1 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef

    1/2 cup Progresso® Italian-style bread crumbs 1/4 cup milk

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

    1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1 small onion, finely chopped (1/4 cup)

    1 egg

    Wondering if I can substitute the one egg for something else. I'm out of eggs.... Wondering if Olive Oil or something else would work....Suggestions?

    I was also considering throwing in marshmallows....


    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine9 years ago
  • How to install flash player plug-in on Jolicloud OS?

    Flash content won't work. Say's it's missing plug-in for flash player. Using Jolicloud operating system, version 1.2 with chromium web browser.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons10 years ago
  • How do you make screensaver stay put on the Jolicloud OS?

    My Joli screen savers don't stick. They apply without issue, but then the home screen randomly reverts back to a blank background after shutdown and restart. So far this is the only thing I've found to suck about Joli. That and getting external hardware to work with the OS...Stupid printer. Anyway, nothing I do seems to fix the issue. I'm sure it's just because Joli's a little buggy since it's still in development, but if you know any fixes I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • Do you trust your elected leaders to make decisions that are in your best interest?

    Abbreviate your countries name, I'm interested in seeing the differences of opinion from around the globe. Thanks!

    5 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Is this website down, or is my computer messed up?

    Every time, for the past few days now, I've been receiving a "you do not have permission to access this site" message when visiting the link above. Wondering if it's my computer or if the sites just down. Let me know if you can access it. Worth 10pts...Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Will it ever stop raining in Florida?

    Raining two days straight now...and traffic sucks!

    2 AnswersWeather10 years ago
  • Is "" down or is it only my computer?

    Page says loading and never does.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • What do you think is the root cause of the current state of the economy?

    Question pertains to both the global and US economy.

    12 AnswersEconomics10 years ago
  • Factory restore unsuccessful (Acer aspire one), what now?

    I have an Acer Aspire One (Windows 7 starter) notebook, asking me to run the windows installation disk, this, after a failed attempt to restore to factory settings, which was brought on by constant "mouse clicking noises" and audio playing in the background, as if there were an invisible video streaming from somewhere. I also remember getting alot of "tab recovered" messages that would disappear in like two seconds. Anyway, my attempt to restore to factory settings "failed" and now I'm stuck with useless menus and black screens with white letters.

    Any help would be much appreciate.


    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • What was it? Dream or What? ?

    I woke up all paralyzed, couldn't move and heard what sounded like someone in the next room over. My eyes were open and I could see shadows moving under the crack of my bedroom door (I was sleeping on the living room couch) I very slowly started to be able to move. I jumped off the couch and bust into the bedroom all crazy to see wtf was goin on. I couldn't see cause it was dark and headed toward the light switch (Pull string on fan). Swear I ran into someone on the way to the switch and heard running on the tile floors. I freaked out, turned on the light, and nothing...WTF!?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • Can I make money taking out life insurance policies?

    Just wondering if this would be legal?

    Ok, say I was to legally adopt a few of the neighborhood crack-heads that live on the sidewalk, down the street from my house. Then, I'd take out a life insurance policy for each of the three crack-heads. Knowing that one of them will eventually OD on something, especially given the 1:3 odds, this would be beneficial for both me financially and for the crackheads, because now they gain self-esteem knowing that they're worth something. Thanks for the help! : )

    5 AnswersInsurance10 years ago
  • Is your MetroPCS out of service right now, or is it just mine?

    I'm on the west coast of florida, got a friend in Tampa, and another in St. Pete with the same issue. Wondering how widespread the service outage is.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago