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I am a 27 year old Mother of 3 beautiful children: Gregory Bryce 12-16-04 Ashton Riley 12-6-06 Cassidy Grace 2-4-08 I also miscarried my 3rd pregnancy in May 2007 And I am pregnant again due July 13 2011 I have finally met the man of my dreams and plan on spending the rest of my life with him ...Phillip I love you

  • My 17 week old has suddenly developed a raised red rash, milk allergy?

    My baby has been exclusively breastfed since birth. Well the day before yesterday I had to have a scope ran down my stomach and had to have anesthesia they told me not to breastfeed for 24 hrs to just pump and dump, well I didnt have enough milk stored for him so we had to get him some formula I have just put him back on the breast yesterday evening and he got up this morning with this big raised red rash on his cheek. I dont know if he had the reaction because of the formula??? Any opinions?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Liver pain after gall bladder removal...?

    I had my Gallbladder removed March of 2010 now since then I still feel as though I was having attacks which I went to the ER several times for and they tried to say its acid reflux or constipation etc. well here recently it has gotten severe I'm having these attacks constantly everyday and its still in the upper right part of my abdomen and feels like it goes all the way through my back I was told I have dumping syndrome due to the gallbladder removal but they told me it would only last a couple months it has been well over a year and its not stopping...if you dont know what dumping syndrome is ...after eating i have to run to the bathroom with 10-15 min. i have stopped eating anything high in acid , dairy, sugar, white flour, and now meat. These foods seem to make my dumping syndrome and the attacks worse...I am prescribed one hydrocodone pill a day for another condition and within about 25 min of taking it I have an attack...I swear I believe my liver is the cause and I dont know what kind of dr to see about it...I get the run around from dr's i am almost out of foods that i can eat and im in pain

    has anyone else been through this kind of thing and what happened ??? was it your liver ?? any answers appreciated

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Can anybody tell me what could be causing these symptoms, preferably a dr?

    Okay I have been having all of these symptoms now for over a year ...

    Severe joint pain and stiffness mainly in the neck/low back area

    Severe Muscle pain throughout my body (as though my muscles are all so tight they could burst)

    Fatigue...I could sleep 15 hours or more and still feel like I haven't slept 30 minutes

    Depression..I do not feel like myself I am not interested in doing anything at all

    Loss of Appetite(which may be because of the depression)

    And when I do eat within 15 minutes of a meal I have to run straight to the bathroom (diarrhea)

    I have been to several Dr's who I dont think know what they are talking about they look at me like I'm just there for the fun of it...

    I have been told maybe its MS , or IBS, or IBD, or who knows what but nobody can give me an answer they want to treat each problem individually but after over a year of that not helping I think my syptoms are related and maybe its one thing causing all my symptoms...

    I just want to be able to function normally again I am a 28 yr old Mom of 4 kids and I am in so much pain I'm close to being immobile and dont go anywhere because I practically stay in a bathroom I am at the end of my rope I dont know who else to ask??? I live in a small town and I dont know what to do to get a dr around here to refer me to someone else they act like im making it up ...

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • bad shooting pains in my vag?

    okay I am 33 weeks and 2 days preg with my 4th baby and i dont remember ever having this pain its so severe it puts me in tears feels like someone taking a knife and stabbing my vagina from the inside out...idk what could be causing it it just happens randomly...i have already been put on meds because of going into pre-term labor now i'm having these pains then i'm starting to lose bits of my mucous plug....anyone know what could be causing this?

    when i got this pain for the 1st time i swore i was tearing open and even went to the bathroom to see if there was any blood i'm miserable any help appreciated thanks in advance ... and yes i'm going to the dr asap just would like some input in the mean time

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Low lying placenta and 24 weeks pregnant?

    I am 24 weeks today and went to the Dr.'s office today, I had to have an U/S of my cervix and when they were checking it they said I had a very low lying placenta , it doesn't completely cover my cervix but I have been told I need total pelvic rest and hopefully it will move up?? Anyone else have this or know a little more about it? I'm hoping it moves up , but I dont know what the percentage is of it moving ...

    this is my 4th baby and I really dont want a C-Section I had all my other 3 vaginally and would like to again...anything you know about it is appreciated

    thanks in advance :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Ok so I need help with Nursery colors for a boy?

    I'm having a boy In July ...1st off his room will also be in my room I want a color that will work with my bedding and his etc.

    My room has a Burgandy/ Gold theme and also has shades of a calm green in it I really wanna do green in the room but I'm having trouble with what shade to do ...we are going paint shopping this weekend and I'm a little overwhelmed...HELP!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • lots of swelling in pregnancy need opinions please?

    Ok I will be 20 weeks pregnant Wednesday and for over a week now I have had massive swelling and not just in my feet and ankles's also in my legs which at one point I pressed my fingers into my thigh and it left an indention and also my arms and hands have started...

    Not only that but yesterday I started taking a dizzy spell and almost fell over, got very nauseous , and felt like I needed to vomit...then I seen like 100's of little white lights flying around my head that wouldnt go away for about 30 minutes...

    this is my 4th baby and I haven't ever done anything else like this ...what do you think this is ?

    i called my dr's office but they are closed so i will be going tomorrow but just worried about it now thanks in advance

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • my friend needs name suggestions for a boy?

    Okay a friend of mine is about 6 weeks and trying to figure out baby boy names ...she already has a girl name picked Sophia Grace, she picked Kruz or Cruz for a boy and wants it as a 1st name she needs middle name suggestions so I told her I would help her I need your help :)

    She already has 3 children whose names are :

    Kiara McKinzie Lashae

    Kennedy Rae

    Aiden Nathaniel

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Opinion on a girl's name?

    Okay we still don't know what we are having and we are having trouble deciding on the middle name if we have a girl

    the 1st name will definitely be:

    Lillianna ( after both of my grandmothers Lillian and Anna)

    We have both said we like Faith and it would go well with my other daughter's name Cassidy Grace

    But at the same time he wanted his grandmothers name in it as well her name was Elaine

    So I thought as a suggestion we could do Lillianna Elaina Faith , but when I asked him if he liked it then he says Elaina Faith sounds good ...I only want one middle name though its too long...

    I am not taking Lillianna out of the picture I have had this name picked for years and I'm stuck...

    I dont think just Lillianna Elaine or Elaina sounds right together, does it?

    so which do you like better?

    Lillianna Faith Butler

    Lillianna Elaina Faith Butler

    Lillianna Elaina Butler

    Maybe since we both like Faith and he wants just 1 middle name Lillianna Faith would be the best choice for us ....

    23 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Just for Fun, what is the most odd name you have heard lately?

    I'll start of the oddest names I have heard was a woman I met who named her daughter Ticker that is the first time I have ever heard such a what are some of the most odd or weird names you have heard of ??

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Why are ppl judging me so harshly over my pregnancy?

    Ok I'm almost 28, in a good relationship, and we own our own home, and I already have 3 beautiful kids who are all very well taken care of. I'm going to be 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow with my 4th baby. Me and my fiance are both thrilled with another baby being on the way...

    So what I want to know is why I constantly get bombarded with stupid questions?

    Whether it be by family or friends , sometimes even strangers will say stupid things like :

    What are you going to do with another one?

    Whats wrong with you ?

    How are you going to raise it?

    I mean come on I'm doing an excellent job with my other 3 they have absolutely everything they need I am raising them it's not like I am popping out kids and throwing them on other people to raise. I am happy why are people so ignorant?

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to cramp after sex when you are preg?

    I am 5wks 3 days pregnant with my 4th child and I don't recall ever doing this....

    After intercourse I am having cramps which kill me for about 2 hours afterwards. It feels like I've done about 100 crunches.

    So my question is have you ever experienced this? And is this normal ?

    I have had 3 other children , never had the cramping before...

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just wondering if you have recurring or weird dreams during pregnancy?

    I have had the same dream several times .

    I dreamt that I was in labor and gave birth to a son and a few minutes later a Huge shock happens when I give birth to his twin sister!

    I am actually 5wks 2 days pregnant. and I'm wondering what kinda dreams you have experienced .

    Even my Fiance has been having dreams that I was in labor for 2 days!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need suggestions for a girl's middle name?

    Ok so I don't know yet what I am having , but I want to have names ready for either 1st I'm focusing on a girls name.

    The first name will be Lillianna named for both my grandmothers Lillian and Anna

    The last name Butler

    I like Alexis or Abigail , but I'm not sure it flows well. What do you think?

    Feel free to suggest more middle names, I'd prefer feminine, cute names, possibly shorter ones too.

    Please don't suggest Grace because that is my daughters middle name already .

    thanks for all your help

    12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Ok I need to know if anyone else has ever felt this during pregnancy?

    This is actually the 5th time I've been pregnant and this is the 1st time I have experienced severe breast pain. They were already sore, but now in my left breast from the left side all the way to my nipple is a severe stabbing pain. And is so sensitive to the touch it's like a burning sensation.

    Have you ever felt this kind of pain?

    What caused it?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need some name suggestions boy and girl?

    Ok i don't know yet what I'm having but wanted to see if i could get some suggestions

    if i have a girl the 1st name will be Lillianna need some middle names...please dont say bad things about the name...she would be named after both my grandmothers(Lillian and Anna)

    if it's a boy my fiance wants Robert in it 1st or middle doesn't matter i also like Noah or Preston something along those lines

    i would like the name to fit with my other 3 children:

    Gregory Bryce

    Ashton Riley

    Cassidy Grace

    Surname- Butler

    thanx for all advice

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Need some opinions please...?

    Ok so my last period started on the 13th of Sept. only lasted 2 days then I ovulated on the 24th I had sex on the 23rd and 24th and I am driving myself crazy wondering if I am pregnant or not...not sure how much longer I should wait to get an HPT

    So do u think its possible I've been trying for quite some time now to conceive and had the Mirena taken out in Feb. this year.

    I'm starting to wonder if I can even get pregnant now....

    when would be the best time to take a hpt?

    help please

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • question about Multiple Sclerosis?

    I am a 27 year old mom of 3 small children and all at once for the past few months I have been having a ton of symptoms, every Dr. I have seen has given me a different diagnosis. and just a few nights ago my entire body went numb and I was having severe pain throughout my body. I began telling the Dr. all the things I have been experiencing ...blurred vision, double vision,chest pain, constant headaches. frequent urination, numbness and tingling throughout my body mainly in my right side, pain in my face, and he immediately told me he is almost positive I have Multiple Sclerosis or Fibromyalgia , but he said I dont really think it's fibromyalgia . Do you think this is M.S. ? I am just so worried I have to have a spinal tap in 2 weeks...

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • what do you think of these names?

    No I'm not expecting just wanna know your opinion on these names...I do plan on having 2 more children someday..

    For a girl I wanted to use Lillianna as a first name (named after both of my grandmothers, Anna and Lillian).

    But not sure about a middle name, was thinking about

    Lillianna Makinley

    Or for a boy I like :

    Gavin Presley

    Daven Parker

    any other suggestions are welcome:)

    I already have 3 children:

    Gregory Bryce

    Ashton Riley

    Cassidy Grace

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago