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  • My old college friend doesn't seem to want to reconnect?

    We're both 25 years old. We were college roommates and got on really well. We haven't seen each other in 5 years. We just drifted apart I guess but he still actively likes all my posts on social media. After we graduated I started to work and travel frequently both domestic and international just trying to see the world. I decided to take initiative and reach out to him thru text. We both live in New Jersey but on opposite ends. He replied a half day later and said its been forever. But he never actually said lets meet up. It was his birthday last week and he was in town and didn't tell me. He has a new group of friends that he is always with. I don't care abt being apart of his new circle or even being an active part of his life. But I do miss him and elf like to catch up over drinks. I texted him happy bday. He replied over 24 hrs later and thanked me but again did not suggest we hang out. Then yesterday I find out he was in town again and did not tell me. He was with his friends. Why is he acting like this? I'm confused cause he still likes all my posts on social media. I miss my friend. All I'm trying to do is sit down with him and catch up on his life.

    8 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • My old college friend doesn't seem to want to reconnect?

    We're both 25 years old and we've haven't seen each other in over 5 years. We were roommates in college and got on very well. Long story short once I graduated college I started traveling frequently domestically and internationally just trying to see the world. We both live in the same state of New Jersey but on opposite ends. I finally decided I wanted to hang out with him cause I truly miss him as a friend/brother. But when I texted him it took him half the day to respond and then he said it's been forever. But he didn't actually say we shd meet up. It's weird because he likes all my pics/status on social media. Just last week he was in town for his 25th b-day in AC and didn't even mention it to me. He has a whole new group of friends that he's with all the time. I don't care abt being apart of his new circle. Not even asking to be an active part of his life. But I would love to meet up for drinks and catch up. Then this week I saw that he was near me again and didn't even tell me. Again he was with his friends. I even texted him on his b-day and he texted me a day later thanking me but didn't even mention us getting together soon. Is he dense or he doesn't want to catch up?

    4 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Is this a good starting pay?

    I am 25 years old. Have a. Communications degree and I am making 16.41 an hour at my mortgage job. When I graduated college over a year ago I took a job making 10.50 an hour. Worked there for a year and then started this new job at 16.41 an hour. Is this average? Am I doing ok? I live with my parents m, I'm single and no kids.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • When will I get my paycheck from this job? Only worked 2 full days before I quit?

    I worked at a job 2 days on June 13th and 14th. I quit afterwards because I got a better job. I signed up for direct deposit so would I recieve my 2 days of pay thru direct deposit or would I get it in the mail? And when should I expect to get it? It's been about 3 weeks now since I quit and haven't gotten anything from them yet. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Am I really gonna have to wait 4 pay periods before I get my first paycheck? (New job)?

    I am freaking out right now cause I start a new job on Tuesday July 5th. I was filling out my on boarding paperwork for the company and it was saying how I wont receive my first paycheck for 4 pay periods. Is this normal? I am doing direct deposit. Is it that they were giving me the worst case scenario? Or am I gonna have to wait 8 weeks to get my first paycheck? Is that even normal? I need opinions thank u. Btw I would get paid every 2 weeks as its bi-weekly pay.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • What would my net pay be?

    I will make 16.41 an hour, 37.5 hrs a week. Get paid every two weeks. Single no kids but want to claim myself as a dependent. What would my net pay be around? This would not include 401k or health insurance. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance5 years ago
  • What's wrong with wanting to stay single?

    I'm a 25 year old male and I like my single hood. Never had a girlfriend cause I don't want one. I also don't want kids either, my mom asked me tonight when I'm going to get a gf and I told her idk when the time is right but truculent I have zero interest in a relationship and I didn't want her prying into my personal life. I just think it's annoying when society says this is the way to live. Why is being alone seen as so weird/odd. I'm just happy being me I mean what's so wrong with that? I have other hobbies/interest like traveling. I just came back from Paris two weeks ago. What's wrong with staying single? Settling down is not for everyone

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How is the job market in Sol Cal these days? Aka the economy?

    Has it gotten a lot better or is it still bad and tons of unemployment?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • My mom got mad at me cause I asked for my money back?

    Hi, I'm 25, college educated and work full time. (I only mentioned that to show I don't mooch off of my parents). Mom has a habit of borrowing money and then "forgets" to pay me back. Normally I let it go cause it's mom and I love her. I have my own bills to pay top so this time she borrowed money from me real quick after dinner. It was $20. On way home from dinner she said if I don't pay you back tonight, I'll get u Monday. I jokingly said "Monday?!!" Sister who was in the front seat asked me "what's the problem?" I said to my sister I would like my money back tonight if possible." My mom snapped started saying I was not her son, saying f*ck you, f*ck you. Then started talking about all she's done for me growing up, guilt tripping me. Am I wrong? Not trying to be rude but isn't that what parents sign up for when they DECIDED to have kids? This is why I don't ask for money back cause this the reaction I'd get.

    8 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Should I be made to feel bad for asking my mom for my money back?

    Hi, I'm 25 years old, college educated and work full time. I rarely, rarely ask anyone for money, especially from my parents. Anyway long story short. Sometimes my mom will borrow money from me and then "forget" to pay me back. I'm annoyed by it sometimes but I brush it under the rug and let it go cause it's my mom and I love her. This has happened 3 times in the past 2 months where she forgets to pay me back. So this 4th time she asks to borrow $20 from me. on the way back from dinner, she says, if I don't get u the money by tonight. I'll give it to you by Monday. Then me joking said "By Monday?!!" "Well you forget sometimes" my sister who was in the front seat, butted in and asked me what the big deal was. I said to my sister, "I would like my money back tonight if possible." Well my mom snapped on me and started cursing at me saying "f*ck you, f*ck you. She just lost it, said I wasn't her son anymore. Then she started mentioned all the things she's done for me growing up. I mean why do I have to be the bad guy? This is exactly why I never ask mom for my money back cause she would act like this. She said I was being disrespectful but I was joking when I said it, she just took it the wrong way. Was I in the wrong for asking for my money back? I mean I NEVER ask my parents for money unless I really really needed it too but I rather handle things on my own cause I know they can be pretty petty. She's a great mom, I mean am I in the wrong here? Do I deserve this guilt trip?

    16 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • What's wrong with being a private loner?

    I am 25 years old. I work a full time job and only get weekends to myself. I don't have any friends, just associates. I prefer my own company and I love staying to myself more than anything else. I travel often to different places almost every other month and I'm college educated. I am also single. I don't share many personal details about my life with people, particularly my family. I am close with my parents and sister but the rest of the family I have drifted apart from. I still see them for certain holidays and rare get togethers but I pretty much stay to myself and do my own thing. My family, particularly my 70 year old grandmother doesn't understand this as we used to be extremely close when I was a child up until my late teens. Although we live 30 miles from each other. I see her about once a month, if that. Thing is I'm just living my own life and after working all week I just want time to myself on the weekends at home. Which is pretty much what I do every weekend if I'm not traveling and I don't see anything wrong with it, I think I deserve it after having to deal with crazy co-workers and clients I put up with during the week. I don't have the energy to want to do much more than that and I love it that way. My grandma is stuck on the past. Our family is big so she is always doing something with someone. I still love my grandma of course but I admit I don't feel as close to her as I did when I was younger I mean should I feel guilty about this?

    6 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Why are some people so private?

    My cousin with very private with certain things. He doesn't discuss his income, love life, when something is bothering him or when books trips alone. He had booked a flight to Paris back in August and didn't tell the whole family about it until Xmas. He had confided in me that he was going to Atlanta in the next month and told me he didn't mention it to anyone yet. While on the phone with our grandma, I accidentally let it slip that he was going to Atlanta. Our grandma is the kind of person to spread the news to the rest of the family whenever she hears any updates about the family. When I told my cousin I let it slip. I could tell he was visibly upset/annoyed but brushed it off and said it was ok. Now I haven't spoken to him in the last week because he hasn't been taking my calls. Why are people so weird/private. Like what's the big deal? He's a grown 25 year old man

    16 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships5 years ago
  • Why are some people so private?

    My cousin with very private with certain things. He doesn't discuss his income, love life, when something is bothering him or when books trips alone. He had booked a flight to Paris back in August and didn't tell the whole family about it until Xmas. He had confided in me that he was going to Atlanta in the next month and told me he didn't mention it to anyone yet. While on the phone with our grandma, I accidentally let it slip that he was going to Atlanta. Our grandma is the kind of person to spread the news to the rest of the family whenever she hears any updates about the family. When I told my cousin I let it slip. I could tell he was visibly upset/annoyed but brushed it off and said it was ok. Now I haven't spoken to him in the last week because he hasn't been taking my calls. Why are people so weird/private. Like what's the big deal? He's a grown 25 year old man

    1 AnswerFamily5 years ago
  • Why are some people so private?

    My cousin is very private about certain things. Like he won't share about how much he makes or his love life , when something is bothering him or when he books trips that he "supposedly"takes alone. He booked a trip to Paris back in August and just told the whole family about it at Christmas. What's the big deal? He confided in me that he was going to Atlanta in the next month and informed me that he hadn't mentioned it to anyone yet. When I was on the phone with our grandma I had accidentally let it slip that he was going to Atlanta. Our grandma is the type of person to spread the news to the rest of the family when she hears any kind of news about the family. When my cousin found out what I did, I could tell he was visibly upset/annoyed but he brushed it off and said it was ok. But I don't understand what the big secret is? Why are some people so private? He's a grown 25 year old man.

    25 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Does the metro Paris accept American Visa Credit cards?

    I'll be in Paris and I heard the metro and RER stations don't accept Amrican Credit cards but at the same time I heard that they do but only Visa or MasterCard so which statement is true? And if they don't how do I pay for my train tickets if they only accept coins if there's no change machines around? I I mean I know the metro is like 3 euros but I heard the RER B going back to my hotel is around ten euros. Thanks for the help!

    8 AnswersParis5 years ago
  • What is the weather in Paris like in mid March?

    I heard that it tends to be on the rainy side. Does it rain all day long or our there breaks in between or does it just drizzle. I'll make sure I'll dress accordingly anyway. I don't mind exploring Paris in a little rain just as long as it's not terrential down pours lol.

    2 AnswersParis5 years ago
  • Why is my cousin behaving strangely towards me?

    My cousin and grew up together and were close as kids. We're both 24 years old. Although we're not as close as we use to be, we still see each other on holidays. She got pregnant unexpectedly last

    spring. We were both in college but she took two semesters off because of the pregnancy. I graduated with my bachelors in May. She didn't show up to my graduation. She claimed she had to work, but then the following day,she took off for a friends birthday. I thought that was kind of weird but I just brushed it off. She had her baby a month ago and I rushed up to the hospital to see her and her newborn son. This past year I have been traveling a lot, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Vancouver and San Francisco. I just booked a flight to Paris for late winter in March. I told the family at Xmas and everyone was thrilled and wanted to talk about it, except her. She didn't even acknowledge the topic, instead she insulted me by saying I had a "bad" haircut. She didn't bring up Paris not once. What do u think this strange behavior is coming from? She is currently unemployed and is not enrolled in college at the moment.

    2 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Why is my cousin behaving strangely towards me?

    My cousin and grew up together and were close as kids. We're both 24 years old. Although we're not as close as we use to be, we still see each other on holidays. She got pregnant unexpectedly last

    spring. We were both in college but she took two semesters off because of the pregnancy. I graduated with my bachelors in May. She didn't show up to my graduation. She claimed she had to work, but then the following day,she took off for a friends birthday. I thought that was kind of weird but I just brushed it off. She had her baby a month ago and I rushed up to the hospital to see her and her newborn son. This past year I have been traveling a lot, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Vancouver and San Francisco. I just booked a flight to Paris for late winter in March. I told the family at Xmas and everyone was thrilled and wanted to talk about it, except her. She didn't even acknowledge the topic, instead she insulted me by saying I had a "bad" haircut. She didn't bring up Paris not once. What do u think this strange behavior is coming from? She is currently unemployed and is not enrolled in college at the moment.

    3 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Is it easy to find RER Train stations in Paris?

    Im going to Paris in March. Thing is my hotel is on the outskirts of Paris right next to the airport. I know that I just take the RER B train right from the airport into the city of Paris, because I want to see Notre Dame cathedral first. After that I just plan on strolling the streets of Paris and eventually see the eiffel tower at night. But my question is, are there RER train stations throughout Paris so i can get back to the airport to reach my hotel? or is this going to be a little challenge?

    5 AnswersParis5 years ago
  • At 25 years old, am I behind in life?

    I don't know if I'm over thinking this but I've been questioning myself. I'm a 25 year old male from NJ. I have a bachelors degree, I am single (by choice) and live at home with my loving parents. It's my sister and I, she is 22 and is in her last year of college. We all get along great and our parents love our company. I work a full time job, it's not a job a I see myself at in the long run, but it's a job and it pays the bills. This past year, I have traveled alone to Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Vancouver and I just booked a flight to Paris for the very first time for spring 2016. I already know that I don't want any kids because I want to travel and don't want to raise children. Although I love my parents and I know they like my company, I do eventually want to get my own place but right now is not the right time. Once I do get my own place, whenever that will be, I have plans of moving out of state, possibly to Austin TX, because I hear the economy is pretty decent down there. Idk I just feel like I should have all the answers and have my life figured out by now. Apart from living with my parents I try to be as independent as I can be. I pay all my personal bills on my own and rarely ask my parents for any money although I know they would help in an instant. I contribute to groceries and such. Am I over thinking things?

    4 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago