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I am a 28 year old female bartender who loves animals.
How do I know if he still loves me?
I ve been with my boyfriend for 10 months. I love him so much. Everything has been great until 3 weeks ago. I was supposed to move in with him so I gave up my condo. He backed out at the last minute because he was worried about his kids. They are being raised religious and have been taught that it s wrong to live together if not married. He thought he can talk to the kids but said now he needs more time. Lucky for me I got my place back. I asked if he still loves me. He said he does he just needs more time. I was never insecure before but I am now. I m overanalyzing everything He does. I m miserable. He doesn t say I love u as much anymore as he used to. How do I tell if he still loves me. So scared of losing him?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agoHe backed out on moving in together? Should I forgive him?
My boyfriend of 9 months and I were supposed to move in together. He is the one that brought it up but was struggling with if we should do it yet or not. His family is religious and his 3 kids were taught that it's a sin to live together without being married. I am not religious but I sort of get it. He decided it would be OK to let me move in so I did not renew my lease at my duplex. The night before we were supposed to move me in to his place he backed out saying he needs more time because of the kids but he still loves and wants to be with me. That gave me less then 2 weeks to find a new place. Luckily I worked out being able to stay at my duplex. I want to forgive him but I still feel so hurt. He put me through crazy stress and I was looking forward to our relationship progressing. Should I just forgive and forget?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoAm i pretty?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoWould I be considered an attractive woman?
Please no rude or mean answers!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoWould I be considered an attractive woman?
Please no rude or mean answers!
4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWhy did he turn me into a booty call?
9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoFeeling incredibly hopeless. Thinking of suicide?
I had a nervous breakdown tonight. Cried for hours and my face hurts. I am so incredibly lonely I want to kill myself. I cant believe that a beautiful 31 year old woman cannot find a boyfriend in 4 years. I honestly cant fathom. I must be a bad person or clearly something is wrong with me. Every guy I date abandons me. THe ones that do stick around only want sex. I have no self esteem so I give in. I am in total disconnect with the world. I have few friends and no family I am close with. I am a bartender at a strip club and the only socialization I get are with customers. Of course none of them are suitable life partners. Ive tried online dating and everything else. Nothing works. Believe me I have the looks so it cant be that. I must just be a vile unworthy person. Anyway Ive decided I cant live without love. If I cant have that I just wont go on. Ive lost the will to live and am just extisting in a dark, horrible reality that is my life. I have a knife in front of me and am thinking about just one deep cut and it will be all over. What should I do?
5 AnswersMental Health7 years agoHe used me for sex. How to get over him?
I really like this guy I met two months ago. Im really upset because Im pretty sure hes just using me. Hes taken me out on 6 dates, usually once a week. He says that's all he has time for because of work, school and coaching. He tells me he really likes me in person but is very inconsistent when it comes to communication. He will go days without talking to me unless I text him first. However, he will like most of my facebook statuses. I feel like I have to initiate most dates. I saw him the other night for the first time in 3 weeks. I told him how hurt I am that he hasn't wanted to see me. He said hes been to busy to see anyone. So after he said that I decided to not text him again. Then a few hours later he asked me if he could see me later that night. I said I had to work until 2 am and he said that's ok. I told him I will not be his booty call. He apologized and said Im not a booty call and that he misses me. But if he missed me that much why couldn't he see me in three weeks? We live 15 min from each other so Im not buying it. I know I have to get over him but I don't know how. He is so gorgeous and fun. Should I keep seeing him even if I feel hurt? Is there a chance he could want more with me someday?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat is his deal? Help please Im upset!?
I have been out on about 6 dates over the past two months with a guy I really like. I met him on facebook. He is a really busy guy. Hes an accountant and goes to school for his MBA. He coaches softball on top of that. He says how much he likes me in person but is horrible over the phone. He only texts me when I text him and rarely initiates. He always texts me back and seems happy to go out with me but Im sick of initiating because I don't know if he really cares. Whats really frustrating is he will go days without any contact with me. He always likes my facebook posts but cant pick up the phone and just say hi. Its confusing and sending mixed signals. I havnt seen him in almost 3 weeks because he says hes been so busy. How the hell does he have time to go on facebook and comment on my stuff but not text me? He hasn't set up another date but just texted to say hi a week ago. Tonight I posted a picture of me and he commented that I was a hottie on facebook. Im really confused. I feel like this is game playing and Im too old for it. I am 31 and he is 34. Why does he do this and what do I do? I really like him but am not texting him to see how long it takes him.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoNeed dating advice now please help?
I have and insane crush on a guy I met through facebook. We have gone out on 5 dates so far once a week because he is busy. He is an accountant and goes to school for mba and coaches softball. The problem is he never texts me between dates. He only does to make plans. We have little to no contact unless I text him, then he always responds. I asked him to hang out this week and he said he has too many baseball games and cant. I have decided hes not interested and not to text him anymore. However last night I posted a pic of myself on facebook looking hot. He liked it and commented that I looked hot but he cant pick up the damn phone and call or text. So I decided Im over these games so I updated my online dating profile. Well to my surprise this morning I got a wink from him on my dating site. I cant believe hes on there. This is bad. Now he knows Im shopping around when I have been seeing him. Im also kind of mad that hes going on there too. Im confused on what to do. Should I return his wink? Should I stop contact with him to see if he gets in touch? Why is he playing these games?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoGuys? are you ever too busy?
I have a huge crush on this guy. We have been seeing each other for the last month and a half. I have been so frustrated though because he only wants to see me once a week. We usually have a nice date and then I sleep over at his house. He is a really busy guy. He is an accountant and goes to school online for his MBA. He also coaches softball which leaves him not so much time to see me. However, I am the one initiating most of the dates. He always texts me back and says yes to my dates. It drives me nuts that he goes days without texting me unless I text him first. He apologized and said hes not a big texter but he will try to text me more. He only likes texting to make plans but not to chit chat. It has been over a week since Ive seen him and he said hes been swamped with coaching baseball games and school last week. I texted him today asking if he has time to see me this week and he said too busy with baseball but things will slow down soon with a ;(. I don't get it because he tells me how much he likes me and loves spending time with me when were together. I only feel insecure when I leave not knowing when Ill hear from him. I feel like hes not putting much effort but always accepts when I ask him to go out. I know he is super busy but I feel like he could make time if he really wanted. Is too busy an excuse? Should I end things because hes just not that into me or give him the benefit of the doubt?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoIf I stop chasing him will he chase me?
There is this gorgeous guy Ive been seeing the last 6 weeks. Weve had about 5 dates. He tells me he likes me a lot and seems very attracted to me. He takes me out on nice dates like movies, pool and bike riding and we have been sleeping together. The problem is he is horrible at communicating. When we are together he expresses how much he likes me and says Im the coolest girl hes met in a long time. However when I leave his house I wont hear from him for days unless I text him. I talked to him about it and he apologized and blamed it on his busy schedule and hes just not a texter. He goes to school, works full time as an accountant and coaches softball so I believe that he is busy. But I feel like I have been initiating most of the dates lately. He always responds to my texts but hardly ever texts me first. Im starting to feel not important to him. He says he thinks of me but how can I believe that when I don't hear from him. We had our last date 5 days ago and I asked him when we could have another before I left. He said yes a week from now cuz he has 5 games this week. I have not heard from him since and I havnt texted him cuz I want to see how long it takes him to text me. Does he just like it when I initiate or is he just not into me? If I stop asking him out will he start putting in more effort or should I move on?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoFeeling depressed and suicidal! Help?
I really cant take it no more. Im so alone and I don't know why. Im a 31 year old very attractive woman. I have a great body and good job. I don't have a criminal record and am a kind person. Im so God damned sick of being alone. I went to a movie by myself tonight and felt like vomiting because I cant stand seeing couples. Ive tried dating for the last 4 years and every guy I start to like loses interest. The only guys that are really interested in me are old enough to be my dad or Im not remotely attracted to. Im so sick of seeing everyone engaged or married and living their happy little lives while every day I wake up I wish I hadn't. I just don't see it changing and I cant take it any longer. I want so bad to come home to someone who loves me instead of this empty house. I have been seeing a guy I really like but he is so busy he only sees me once a week. I don't doubt that hes busy but I feel like I don't deserve more so take what I can get. What is wrong with me that no one cares for me? I ask myself what is so bad about me? The few close friends I have are married with their own little families and never invite me to anything. Sometimes I just want to get a gun and blow my brains out. What is even stopping me anymore?
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoShould I give up on him?
Ive been dating a new guy for past 6 weeks. He is my dream guy. When we are together I don't doubt that he likes me. However when I leave his place its a different story. I feel like I have been initiating almost everything. He can only see me once a week. He says this is because he works in accounting, goes to school for his MBA and coaches softball. He says hed like to see me more but had not much free time. I don't buy this because we live 10 min away. He always texts me back when I text him but he hardly ever initiates. I feel like if I didn't text him I might not hear from him. He will go days without texting me. But when I do text he always texts back with smiley faces and seems happy to hear from me. I talked to him on our last date about the once a week thing. He apologized and said he sees me as much as he can and knows I deserve more but that's all he can offer now. I said im okay with it cuz I don't want to lose him but Im not. We have been sleeping together and Im worried that's all he wants. He does take me out on nice dates though so Im not sure. I left his house 2 days ago and he hasn't texted me since. Im sick of feeling like Im not important to him. Should I initiate a text again or just leave him alone?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHe can only see me once a week?
Ive been dating the guy of my dreams for the last 6 weeks. We have had one date a week. He doesn't text me much though, only to make plans. He says he is not a texter but I told him I liked more contact so he said hed text me more. We have an amazing time together, he takes me on fun dates and we have great sex. I mentioned on our last date I wish I could see him more then once a week. He says that's all he can give me right now because his jam packed schedule. He works in accounting and goes to school for his masters in business. On top of that he coaches softball 4 days a week. He has a lot less free time then me and I understand that. I told him Im not trying to pressure him and that Im glad he spends time with me. He replied that any free day he gets has been spent with me and that he likes me a lot. I backed off cuz I don't want to lose him. Secretly though Im sad. We don't talk much at all during the week and I miss him and wonder if hes thinking about me. He always texts me back if I text him but doesn't initiate much. If I pressure him he might not like me anymore. I am not happy with this arrangement. I know hes not seeing anyone else cuz Ive been sleeping over after our dates and he always tags us out together on facebook. How can I get him to spend more time? Why can he only see me once a week when we live in same city?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoAm I being needy?
Ive been dating a guy I have a huge crush on for the past 5 weeks. We have been seeing each other once a week because he is extremely busy. He works in accounting and goes to school and coaches softball. We have a great time together and are very attracted to each other but he only texts me to make plans and sometimes I go days without hearing from him unless I text him first. I talked to him about this and he said he was sorry and will try to text me more and hes glad I said something. However, I feel like I have been initiating most of the dates. He seems really glad to hear from me when I do contact him but I wish hed ask me out for once. Tomorrow will be our fifth date and I want to talk to him but Im scared he will be scared away. I just would really like to see him more and hear from him but don't know if that's what he wants. I don't want to be just a casual fling. How do I bring this up to him without freaking him out? Am I being needy?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI need dating advice asap!!! Please help!!?
I really like the guy Ive been seeing for the last 5 weeks. Things are going well. We have great conversation and a lot of fun. We are both very attracted to each other and have been sleeping together. I have a problem though. He goes MIA between dates. He never texts me unless I text him. Then he will always respond like hes happy to hear from me with smiley faces but almost never initiates. He only texts to make plans and never sends flirty or miss you texts. Sometimes I go days without hearing from him. He is a busy guy with work, school and sports coaching so I try to give him space and not seem needy. I talked to him about it on our last date and he apologized and said hes not a texter but he will try to step it up for me and is glad Im concerned because It shows I like him. Well since then it has been 5 days and he did text me once to say hi but didn't ask me out for this week. (we have been going out once a week.) When we are together I feel good about him liking me but then when I leave I feel insecure and am not sure when I will hear from him. Since I already asked him how do I fix this problem without seeming like a nag? It is honestly driving me crazy!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoIs he not interested in me?
Ive been dating a guy once a week for the last month. He is busy with work, school and coaching so I try not to ask for more then that. We have a great time together and he says he likes me a lot. However, he is very bad with communicating on the phone. He only texts me to make dates, never just to say hi. I talked to him about this and he said he was sorry and not a big texter. He said he will make more of an effort. I will go days without hearing from him sometimes but he will like my facebook statuses. We have been sleeping together so Ive grown attached. I feel like Ive been initiating most of the dates. He texted me the other day just small talk. I was hoping he would ask me out for this week but he didn't. Im confused. I feel like he said he would make more effort but I feel like its lame and inconsistent. Should I just move on and not see him? Is he not interested in me?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago