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Yahoo! Answers is my salvation from being bored to death. I'm a mommy. I used to work for the government. I waited tables for 100 years. I am currently a teacher. I'm a trivia nerd. Ask me anything!

  • Why won't my blu-ray player turn on?

    I have a Sharp BD-HP24U. I was trying to set up my Netflix account when I was prompted to update my firmware. I was having trouble doing it automatically, so I followed the instructions on how to do it manually from a USB flashdrive. Everything updated as it should. The last two instructions say to "Press POWER to turn off the player." and then "Remove the USB memory device." I did this, waited a few minutes, and then attempted to turn the blu-ray player on. The only thing that happens is the power light blinks for a few seconds and then turns back off. How do I fix this?

    2 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Parents, I need dating advice...?

    I’m not sure how to word this question, so bear with me.

    I have just gotten out of a relationship (3 months ago) and have been meeting new people. I’m not looking for a relationship right this instant (obviously), but it is something I want sometime in the future.

    I have a 6 year old son who DOES NOT meet any guy that I go out on a date with. He will not meet anyone new unless I am in a committed relationship with the guy.

    I met a guy that is in the Air Force. He is stationed in the same state that I live (he is stationed here for at least a year). He is a great guy and it’s very weird (in a good way) how much we have in common. I can feel myself already falling for him. My only concern is that he’s in the military. If we were to evolve into a serious relationship – I would have to make a lot of sacrifices. One of them is my son and I moving away from my family if we were to get married.

    I know that I’m getting way ahead of myself, but I feel that I need to think of all the possibilities of what could come from this. Heck, we may not last a month and I won’t have a problem. ;-)

    That’s my situation. Here’s my question:

    Should I just nip this in the bud and not pursue it since my child is in this situation or should I see how it works out? Is it a good idea (parenting-wise) to date this guy?

    I have a close family and I know that if I were to move I would miss my friends and family here – but I would LOVE to see new places. I have no problems with moving. I’ve toyed with the idea of moving out of state for employment purposes recently.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need some unbiased opinions. Help?

    I currently work for a federal grant. The salary is great (I just graduated in May 2008) - $40,000. I thought it would be my dream job. I want to work with ex-offenders and help them to rehabilitate. The job description for this position led me to believe that this is what I would be doing.

    In reality, all I do is sit at my desk - all day - and wait for my phone to ring. Since I have nearly nothing to do all day - coworkers come to me and ask me to do things for them. I do not mind the work (I would go mad if I had nothing to do), but I wish I could be doing MY work, not theirs.

    This grant is approved up until June 2010. So I have a definite job for the next 15 months.

    I constantly check the state civil service website for job openings and found an opening that I would love - Juvenile Probation Officer. There is a big difference in pay (but that is to be expected). The pay ranges from $2,605.20 to $4,826.00 monthly depending on experience, test scores, etc.

    Should I apply? If I do apply and am offered the job - should I take it?


    Definite job for the next 15 months earning $3000 monthly - but I'm not happy.


    New job with job security with a pay cut.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • *Riddle* This might be a little easy.?

    Five cats can catch five mice in five minutes.

    With that in mind, how many cats does it take to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?

    10 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Demetri Martin's New Show "Important Things"?

    Who watched it last night on Comedy Central (before the Daily Show)?

    I absolutely loved it!

    What did ya'll think?

    3 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Riddle number 3 for the day (from me!)?

    Imagine a digital clock.

    How many times will the clock display three or more of the same number in a row over the course of one day?

    In case you were wondering, the clock in this puzzle displays time on a 12-hour scale, not military time.

    **Good luck**

    13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Ok. Maybe this is a little bit more challenging?

    A boy and his big sister are sitting around the kitchen table chatting.

    "You know, sis, if I took away two years from my age and gave them to you, you'd be twice my age, huh?"

    "Well, why don't you just give me one more on top of that? Then I'll be three times your age."

    So just how old is each sibling?

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I'll be impressed by the first right answer! Way Too Many Mice!!?

    Mice are famous for their ability to multiply at breakneck speeds. The type of mouse we have here gives birth once a month, birthing 12 babies each time. Baby mice mature and can give birth two months after they are born.

    You picked up one of these darling baby mice at the pet shop and brought it home the day after it was born. In 10 months from now, how many mice will you have?

    14 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Am I being selfish (parenting)?

    My boyfriend and I talk about marriage and the future. I have a 6 year old from a previous relationship. I've told him that I don't want any more kids (I wasn't a kid person in the first place). He says that he wants to carry on his last name.

    I have since changed my mind and realized that once we are married, I would love to have a child with him. The problem is that he wants a boy. Period. If we have a child and the baby turns out to be a girl - he wants to try AGAIN!

    There is no part of me that likes the idea of having THREE kids. I know that I couldn't handle it (I adore parents of more than 2 children!). He says that it is unfair b/c he won't be able to carry on his name if he doesn't have a boy.

    (He is the only son of his father, and his father is the only boy of the he is the last boy from the immediate family with their last name.)

    Am I being selfish for not wanting more than 2 children?

    If we do not have a boy is it really the end of the world?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Colbert Report 01/29/2009!?

    Was it just me or was last nights episode one of the funniest ever!?

    The Countdown to Wing-Ageddon had me crying!

    Agree or Disagree?

    4 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Parents who have only 1 child?

    Am I the only person who doesn't remember the exact age of milestones? I'm asking parents who have 1 child b/c the more kids you have - the more things stick in your memory.

    I cannot remember how old my son was when he sat up by himself.

    Or first drank from a sippy cup.

    Or first fed himself with a spoon or fork.

    Or first walked.

    Or first talked.

    All of those milestones are in his baby book (of course!) but if I am asked - I always have to refer to the book.

    Is this normal?

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is it too late to be a stay-at-home mom?

    My son is 6 years old and in Kindergarten.

    I have worked since he was born (...and graduated college). I am currently employed under a grant that expires in June. I have been doing some job searching and nothing seems to interest me.

    The more I think about it, the more I want to volunteer at school and with his sports (soccer, football, etc). I also want to be able to keep a neat, organized home with more home cooked dinners than take-out.

    We have discussed the possibility - but I'm scared that it's too late. I don't have a baby to take care of...I don't want to get the stigma of being lazy.

    I just need some opinions. Should I continue in the workforce or should I do what I want?

    *if it helps, money will not be a problem.

    21 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I may regret asking this.....?

    Am I the only one who finds Katt Williams extremely annoying? ...and grossed out by his excessive sweating?

    5 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Does anybody have Regional Jokes?

    I'm from Southern Louisiana, Cajun Country, and we have jokes that are centered around the culture. For example, Boudreaux and Thibodeaux have about one million jokes! Each joke is told with emphasis on dialect and such.

    I was wondering if there are other areas in the US or abroad that have the same thing?

    Here's a couple B & T jokes:

    Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were walking through the woods the other day, when a flying saucer landed near them. A door opened, and two little green aliens climbed down out of the spacecraft.

    Thibodeaux turned to Boudreaux, "Mais, look at dat. What you tink dat is?"

    Boudreaux, aiming his shotgun at the little space critters, replied, "Thibodeaux, I don' know, but you hurry back to de camp, put on de rice pot, and start makin' a roux!

    Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were walking through the woods the other day, when a flying saucer landed near them. A door opened, and two little green aliens climbed down out of the spacecraft.

    Thibodeaux turned to Boudreaux, "Mais, look at dat. What you tink dat is?"

    Boudreaux, aiming his shotgun at the little space critters, replied, "Thibodeaux, I don' know, but you hurry back to de camp, put on de rice pot, and start makin' a roux!

    (roux is a gravy...and there is the joke that Cajuns eat ANYTHING)


    Boudreaux was sitting in the City Bar in Maurice, Louisiana, one Saturday night, and had several beers under his belt. After a while, he looked at the guy sitting next to him, and asked him, "Hey, you wanna hear a good Aggie joke, you?"

    The big guy replied, "Let me tell you something. I'm an oil field roughneck, I weigh 270 pounds, and I don't like Cajuns. My buddy here is a pro football player, weighs 300 pounds, and he doesn't like Cajuns either. His friend on his other side is a professional wrestler, weighs 320 pounds, always has a chip on his shoulder, and he likes Cajuns even less than we do, and we are all Aggies. Do you really want to tell us an Aggie joke ?"

    Boudreaux, all 150 pounds of Cajun attitude, told him, "Mais, I guess not. After all I don't want have to explain it three times !


    Boudreaux won $10 million in the Louisiana lottery last week. Bright and early the next morning, he got in his Country Cadillac, and drove all the way to Baton Rouge to collect his money. When he walked in, he told the lottery man, "Hey, I'm Boudreaux, the lottery winner, and I'm here to collect my money!"

    The lottery man said, "Well, Mr. Boudreaux, it doesn't work like that. You can't have the whole amount at one time, but we will pay you half a million a year for the next twenty years."

    Boudreaux, upset, told the man, "Mais, no, sha, I won the lottery and I want all my money right now. I don' want to wait for twenty years to get it !"

    The man tried to calm Boudreaux down, telling him that's how the lottery works.

    Boudreaux, really angry now, said, "Mais, if dats de way y'all wanta be, jus' never mind! Here's your damn ticket --- gimme my dollar back!"

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Am I a Bad Mom? (20 more characters....)?

    I apologize in advance for the length, but the question requires the backstory.

    My son is 6 years old.

    His father REFUSED to sign the birth certificate when he was born.

    For the first year of my son's life I tried to make it work with his father - but his father was on drugs, in and out of jail, and abusive towards me. The final straw was when he punched me in the face, while I was driving, with our son in the backseat. A policeman happened to be behind us at the traffic light and arrested him. I placed a restraining order on him for one year.

    He did not choose to become active in his sons life until he was four years old. Even after that, my son would come home from his father's saying disturbing things, "Daddy went to the store while I watched cartoons" "Well, was Grammy with you?" "No, I was all by myself like a big boy." He even left my son in his truck while he went into a bar!

    Once I found out these things, I contacted CPS and refused to allow him to see our son.

    Just recently (in the past year) he has gotten his life on track and is being responsible. I slowly allowed him into my son's life once again (supervised visitation, etc.).

    Now during all of this my grandmother, my son's great-grandmother, has been a constant in his life. She asks for him to visit her every other weekend. She starts to have "withdrawals" when she and his "poppy" go too long without him...hehe.

    Here is my problem. Last weekend was his dad's weekend, but dad was working and did not get the visit. This weekend is his "Grandy's" weekend. I told her that she can still have him. She should not be punished. If the situation was reversed my son's father would not "give up" his weekend for "Grandy."

    Now my ex is telling me that I'm selfish and he will not pay me child support until he gets to see his son. I have already told him that he can have him on his next weekend. Well, he went on to call me numerous names and cursed like a sailor. He told me that I'm a bad mom.

    What would you do in this situation?

    29 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Any help/advice will be appreciated?

    My brother-in-law was injured in a random act of violence. A drunk driver literally ran him over while he was standing at a gas station putting gas in his motorcycle. Before the injuries he had been deployed to Iraq w/ the National Guard and returned home. He was working as a security guard.

    He will not be renewed (whatever the term is) with the National Guard and he can no longer work as a security guard. He cannot perform the duties required. He graduated high school - but has no further education.

    He is working so hard to find a job to help with bills - but it seems like there is no work for him. The skills that he has are useless b/c they also require duties that his body can no longer perform.

    I have suggested some sort of clerical/office job. He doesn't seem to excited about that possibility. He wants "work" but no one will hire him.

    He can walk...but not for extended amounts of time. He cannot run. He cannot lift over 50 pounds.

    He had numerous surgeries on his legs. The rehab has gotten him walking - but not back to "normal."

    Does anybody have any advice that I may give him? Any tips on how to find "real work"?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    My boyfriend and I just signed a new lease and moved into the house. The house is amazing and cheap (compared to the other houses in the area). There is an apartment attached to the house. The landlord told us about it. That's it. She told us it existed. Period.

    My boyfriend met the guy who lives in the apartment and they hit it off. They went out a couple of nights ago to play pool. While hanging out, the guy tells my boyfriend that the apartment and house share water and gas.

    What the hell? The landlord did not mention this to us. Had this guy not told us - we would be paying for his water and gas without even knowing it.

    I love this house and do not want to move. The guy has already told us that he would pay part of the water and gas bills. However, I do want my landlord to know that what she did was unacceptable. How do I go about this in a civilized manner?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What to do with my benefits?

    I currently work for the government. This is temporary and when the grant that I work with expires (June 2009), I will no longer be employed by the state. I have been making contributions into a retirement account through the state. When I am no longer employed - what can I do with the contributions I have made? I am extremely new to this and need help! Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • When should I give notice?

    I'm the only person that does my job except for my boss. I have a lot of responsibilities - giving my boss LESS to do.

    I have accepted a new job and start October 20th. I want to tell my boss asap so that we can start looking for a replacement and I can train him/her. My friends and family tell me to wait until Monday to give her my notice - but it's killing me keeping it from her (and it's been one day!). I'm not sure how much I would enjoy my weekend having this weighing on my mind the whole time.

    I know the usual thing is to give two weeks notice - but Monday will be a three week notice (not that huge of a difference).

    My problem is should I wait until Monday or tell her today?

    11 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • A little advice on quitting?

    A little background: I graduated in May with my B.S. in Criminal Justice. I have since continued to work for a restaurant full time as the office manager. My current boss just gave me a substantial raise and offered me salary and benefits beginning in January.

    This Monday the District Administrator for the local Probation and Parole office called me. I had completed my internship there, so he knew me. He called to offer me a position that has opened up. This position is my dream job and pays way more than my current job. It is what I went through 4 years of school for! I interviewed and got the job....all of this happening this week. I plan on starting this new job on October 20.

    How do I tell my amazing boss who has just given me a great raise that I'm quitting? Also, how do I let her know that I wasn't searching for this job - it just presented itself to me?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago