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Good guy here with a love for people, my country, and God. Enjoy honest discourse on diverse subject matter.

  • Should ESPN have suspended Stephen A. Smith?

    ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith was recently suspended over statements ESPN says "suggested" women can sometimes provoke domestic violence. But have you heard his actual statements (in context)? Should he have been suspended after the apology? Was he incorrect or are we just being too politically correct?

    Here's the article.

    Smith's "controversial" words:

    1 AnswerCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Is it wrong for a guy to only like pretty girls?

    She doesn't have to be perfect. Just pretty. And in good shape. Again, she doesn't have to be in perfect condition, but in good shape.

    Today, it seems many black women are very overweight and have the attitude that all guys should still be attracted to them. I have no prejudice about overweight women. I simply am not attracted to them sexually. Is there something wrong with this?

    I have had women say I am snobby when it comes to this issue. But I disagree. If I have to watch what I eat and workout to stay in decent condition, shouldn't I expect the same in a black woman? I make sure I look decent, so shouldn't she? Let me know if I am missing something here.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How credible is the American government?

    How credible is our government in terms of telling the American public the truth about reasons for wars, the actual people or groups responsible for terrorist attacks, what they do with trillions of of our tax dollars, govt knowledge of UFO's, etc? Do we trust the "official stories" of most events that the authorities force feed us on multiple media outlets?

    Some of these official stories seem obviously contrived. Like the steel structures of the World Trade Center being liquified by a plane crashing into it. A group of structural engineers has traveled the U.S. and Canada telling people that the "official' story of 9/11 CANNOT be true. Another American witness who worked at the Pentagon at the time of the supposed crash there on 9/11, is suing the government for the truth. She says a missile hit the building, not a plane.

    On a scale of 1-10, how credible would you say our government is for telling us the truth? And please explain your reasons.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How do we know the REAL unemployment rate?

    If the people who are no longer looking for work are not counted...

    If the adult people who have never had a job are not counted...

    if a certain percentage of people who are incarcerated, or on parole or probation are not counted...

    and a few other groups are not counted...

    then HOW do we find out the REAL number of working-age Americans who aren't working?

    The way the unemployment rate is calculated is flawed, and obviously for political reasons. Anyone know how to figure it out?

    2 AnswersEconomics8 years ago
  • Can Dems and Republicans agree to disagree?

    It seems the political atmosphere as of late, has become so ugly and vicious. I know both sides have different perspectives on the issues. But the way our government is set up, we are supposed to find common ground to compromise. If our lawmakers hate each other, and if the political supporters on both sides hate each can this be a good thing? Why the hate? Can we all agree to disagree and keep it somewhat civil for the greater good?

    If not, why not?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • So Obama gave the CA Attny General a compliment?

    Kamala Harris is her name.

    As part of his introduction of her at a fundraiser, Obama called her strong, brilliant, tough...and the best looking Attorney General in the country. That is probably true. But the compliment was made into a sexist statement that could hurt her electability. Obama ends up apologizing.

    Is it me, or did everyone take the compliment too seriously and too far in the wrong direction? Should he have apologized to his friend of many years for the compliment?

    9 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Can open marriages last?

    I read an article on celebrity open relationships that suggest that this kind of relationship could be a trend in marriages. Some other celebs mentioned in another such article included Ashton and Demi, as well as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

    Would you consider an open relationship with your partner, and could it last?

    3 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Are open relationships the key to lifelong marriage?

    I read an article on celebrity open relationships that suggest that this kind of relationship could be a trend in marriages. Some other celebs mentioned in another such article included Ashton and Demi, as well as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

    Would you consider an open relationship with your partner, and could it last?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Ok, I'm ready to take the vegetarian list suggestions?

    I have been considering this change for some time now. I have finally decided to become vegetarian.

    I enjoy green leafy veggies and bright colorful fruits and veggies too. But I also need to consider good sources of protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, as well as healthier carbs. I can cook fairly well, so if you know of some great vegetarian dishes I should attempt, please share. Any suggestions for my first time grocery shopping for my new way of eating?

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Can I freeze kale, then thaw it and use for salads?

    Or will it wilt like lettuce after freezing?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Are you morally against gay marriage, yet legally in favor?

    Many people, perhaps because of religious beliefs or family upbringing, may feel morally averse to the concept of gay marriage. But many of the same people realize that the government is not the church, the family, nor is it a morally ruled entity. The government of America is supposed to provide fairness under the law for all citizens. That's why the statue outside the Supreme Courthouse has a blindfolded Lady Justice. Justice isn't supposed to peek into peoples' private lives to decide if they deserve real justice or just the appearance of it.

    So, are you morally against, but legally in favor? If so, why?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is there a rise in homosexuality in recent years?

    The gay marriage issue is on the political table now, because huge numbers of gay people want the right to marry. Is it just that its becoming public knowledge or is there actually a rise in numbers of people who identify as gay? If so, what is causing this rise in numbers? Societal influences, culture and education, financial instability, hormones in the food? Is humanity evolving into the androgynous Eloi from H.G. Wells' THE TIME MACHINE?

  • Why don't more people know about the wealthy history of African civilizations?

    The wealth of Africa was taken when Europeans first landed on her shores. The desperate poverty and raping of Africa continues today. War is a tool of colonizing nations to destabilize African regions so that the natural resources can continue to be taken by other nations.

    Africa as a continent is more wealthy in oil, gold, diamonds, emeralds, and many other precious metals and precious stones than any other continent. Always has been. There were modernized, wealthy, technological societies throughout Africa thousands of years ago. Africans had paved streets, streetlights, machines, compasses, indoor plumbing, etc THOUSANDS of years before Europe.

    Where did the wealth go? Where did the knowledge of this rich history go? And why are so many 21st Century people ignorant of this history and the respect for Africa's contributions to the modern world that is due?

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • Uncooked kale tender?

    Do you know a method of marinating or preparing uncooked kale that is tender? I like kale and want to eat more of it at home. But when I make kale salads, its kinda tough. I want it softer like the salads at Veggie Grill. Any recipes or ideas?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Have you tried "light lipo" treatments?

    I guess it is basically liposuction without the cutting, done by lazer light that shrinks and kills the fat cells and causes your body to eliminate the fat from within the cell walls.

    Have you tried this and how was its effectiveness?

    8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Have you had an auto accident on marijuana only?

    There was a recent driving test done on tv with a professional driving instructor and the Highway Patrol. They had 4 people smoke marijuana then drive a driving course with cones and turns etc. They had them smoke marijuana, then tested their THC level 4 or 5 times to determine how their driving was affected. Their driving was actually safe until their THC level exeeded between 8 and 10 TIMES the legal amount to be considered DUI.

    Video of the driving test:

    There is a new bill in CA to make it possible for law enforcement to give DUI tickets to people with INACTIVE marijuana in their system. It remains in the body for up to 30 days. (There is a law like this already on the books in Arizona.)

    Is this much ado about nothing? Where is the danger? Have you or anyone you know ever had an auto accident on marijuana ONLY? I've never heard of this.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Anyone ever try "light lipo" treatments?

    It is a weight loss treatment that uses light to basically destroy fat cells. If you have tried it, how effective was it?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Are you a Gemini who loves Scorpios?

    Or a Scorpio who loves Geminis? If so, why do like them? What traits in the other attracts you?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • What can the U.S. learn about Kim Jong Un...?

    Former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman spent 2 days with his "friend", Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea. Rodman is the first American to meet him on North Korean soil. Rodman characterized Un as "an awesome guy." Rodman also said Un had a message for President Obama. The message: "Call me, I don't want war."

    Is there anything the U.S. can learn from this about diplomacy and foreign relations? Shouldn't American Presidents have an open line of communication with world leaders BEFORE considering military action? (No U.S. leaders have even TALKED to this guy.) Could there be much lost in translation between U.S. diplomats, the intelligence community, and the Commander In Chief of U.S. Armed Forces?

    (Take on any of these questions or all of them.)

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago