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Senior Citizen (haiing from family of Army and Police Officers)with over 45 years experience in International Trade Logistics modalities.always admired old time vetarans like Nehru,Gandhiji, Vallabhai Patel,Moraji Desai,Acharya Kriplani,and VPNaik who made Mumbai come in fore front in Industrial Sector. Interested in interacting and parting my knowldge with like minded people in the progress of the State and Nation.

  • Millions of drops make an ocean for RELIANCE?

    Of late the Reliance Telecom have adopted a novel method of fleecing the mobile subscribers. Even when the subsrciber deposits the cheque much in advance even a week before the due date, the Reliance Gallary staff and the Collection Agents jointly make the cheques vanish permanetly or atleast for 10-15 days period and re-surace,making an excuse for the Reliance to charge you Late Fee When you complain the Customer Dept. they waive the late fee and reuest you to clear the bill with an assurance that the amount collected in exes will be adjusted in the next bill.But when you reeive the next bill you are subected to another shock to find that the late fee waived is once again charged in their next bill.

    Perhaps the Reliance staff want to show that they are prompt in collecting the dues from the subscribers who default even though the customes have made the payment very much in advance. Also there is a probability of the Reliance staf colluding with the Collection Agents in unauthorisedly pledging the Customers' cheques to raise short term funds.

    fromt the grey market The Reliance Staff is misusing/ manipuating the funds at their disposal in trust. There is no resonse from the Customers Service Dept. on this issue.

    Can any one find a solution for his problem?.

    2 AnswersInvesting7 years ago
  • Millions of drops make an ocean or RELIANCE?

    Of late the Reliance Telecom have adopted a novel method of fleecing the mobile subscribers. Even when the subsrciber deposits the cheque much in advance even a week before the due date, the Reliance Gallary staff and the Collection Agents jointly make the cheques vanish permanetly or atleast for 10-15 days period and re-surace,making an excuse for the Reliance to charge you Late Fee When you complain the Customer Dept. they waive the late fee and reuest you to clear the bill with an assurance that the amount collected in exes will be adjusted in the next bill.But when you reeive the next bill you are subected to another shock to find that the late fee waived is once again charged in their next bill.

    Perhaps the Reliance staff want to show that they are prompt in collecting the dues from the subscribers who default even though the customes have made the payment very much in advance. Also there is a probability of the Reliance staf colluding with the Collection Agents in unauthorisedly pledging the Customers' cheques to raise short term funds.

    fromt the grey market The Reliance Staff is misusing/ manipuating the funds at their disposal in trust. There is no resonse from the Customers Service Dept. on this issue.

    Can any one find a solution for his problem?.

    3 AnswersInvesting7 years ago
  • Spurious goos or Branded one?

    If you ever visit CST.right from CST Railway Station on the D.N.Road,right under the nose of Police Battalions stationed over there, you will see some marketing people, mostly ladies with bag full of Shaving Blades under the brand :GILLET". Before delivering the goods to the buyer, these ladies make sure that they tear-off the plastic wrapper and hand only the naked Blades to the buyer while they retain the plastic wrapper.

    No amount of cajoling them will make them deliver the blades with wrapper intact, may be probably because:(1) they are not parting with the benefits or freebies from the Manufacturers or (2) they are recycled/stolen and/or spurious products and they do not want to be caught leaving any evidence. .

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Spurious goos or Branded one?

    If you ever visit CST.right from CST Railway Station on the D.N.Road,right under the nose of Police Battalions stationed over there, you will see some ladies with bag full of Shaving Blades under the brand :GILLET". Before delivering the goods to the buyer, these ladies make sure that they tear-off the plastic wrapper and hand only the naked Blades to the buyer while they retain the plastic wrapper.

    No amount of cajoling them will make them deliver the blades with wrapper intact, may be probably because:(1) they are not parting with the benefits or freebies from the Manufacturers or (2) they are recycled/stolen and/or spurious products and they do not want to be caught leaving any evidence. .

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Is this warning bell?

    Off late the Reliance Mobile Communication Galleries in Mumbai are shrinking in size and there after making vanishing trick. Even the Drop Boxes are vanishing .Either Reliance is in big trouble which forces them to cut costs or they are upto some big event which is certainly not in the interest of Public at large.I am really confused as to whether I should switch over to some other Service Provider? Ambani's ae well considered as Role Model for administration of business an hope they will keep up their name and reputation

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Virus of Politics in Tamilnadu Laptops?

    The recent State-wide agitation of Students could have been avoided but for the over zealous Authorities who have provided the Free Laptop to the Second Year College Students leaving the Final Year Students. They could have well considered to gift the Laptops to the Instituion Library, where the needy students could have availed the Laptop on loan and returable basis just like they avail books. from the Colelge Library..

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • Will the Railway ensure safe travel for the passenger while asking for ID proof.?

    Today's Times carries a news on page 3 reading 'IDs must for Long Distance Train Travel " I have been travelling for over 60 years and the condition of travel has been reduced to the British Era, when the British locked the passengers holding III Class tickets.

    Right from the starting point to the ending point, the passengers who pay through their nose for the Reservation never been allowed to travel without facing the harrowing discomfort of encroachment of their seats and berths by railway employees as well as other people holding unreserved tickets boarding or alighting at every station and many time relieve the passengers of their luggage and other valuables..Despite repeated complaints the Police and Railway Ticket Examiner/Conductors turn a blind eyes to the complaints of bonafide passengers since these encroacher-passengers are the source of the additional pocket money for the Police and Ticket Examiners/Conductors. What action the Railway is going to take against such encroachers and unauthorised Railway staff ? It is a shameful condition that we are being subjected to prove our identity to travel within our own country.

    3 AnswersHealth & Safety9 years ago
  • How much more can the KFA employees made to suffer?

    Today's Economic Times bears a news on Page 3 reading: KFA Staff Get Notice for Tax that Co. hasn't paid". instead of helping the already harassed the staff who have not been paid their wages

    all along. While they are pumping billions to keep the financially troubled Air India running at the cost of Public Exchequer, they are targetting the Private Enterprise and their innocent common man.

    If this rule is to be followed, the over zealous Department is vicariously responsible for favouring Air India . Notice of recovery should be served on all officers and the staff of Air India and concerned Department for the failure to recover the dues from Air India.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Maha Fraud by Mahanagar Gas?

    Mahanagar Gas have collected deposit running into millions at the rate of Rupees six thousand per Flat from various Housing complexes like Lok Everest Housing Complex and Societies around the vicinity at Mulund West and has been sleeping over the issue for the last three years without providing the piped gas connection promised by them. Whenever they are contacted they are very casual and elusive. While the consumers face problem for Domestic Cylinder, Mahanagar Gas have contributed their might to torture the already harassed public.

    With Anna Hazare having left the public high and dry it appears Mahanagar Gas people appear to have been gained added vigour to pounce on the people with more vengeance and misuse the public fund without any social or moral responsibility on their part to provide the piped gas to the Societies from whom they have taken the money. We are really at a loss as to whom we have to approach for redressal as the process is time consuming at the present situation? Can they be prosecuted under Essential Commodities Act for their unethical practice?

    1 AnswerCorporations9 years ago
  • How can a loss making Unit in the Oil Sector Invest Billions in Overseas Oil Sctor?

    On page 17 of today's Times of India, there is a news about the ONGC group submitting $.5 bn bid for Conoco Assets in Canada.

    While our Ministers are lamenting about the Loss in Petroleum Sector and trying to curb the supply of Gas Cylinders for Domestic consumers,we hear about the ONGC's attempt to go on Investment Spree for controlling Overseas Oilfields. One can not understand the Logic behind such policies as to how the Company can find surplus funds when they are unable to sustain the subsidies on the domestic Gas Cylinders? Can any body throw light on this?

    4 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • How can a loss making Unit in Oil Sector submit a $.5 bn bid for Conoco Oilfeild assets in Canada?

    Today's Times news on page 17 caries a heading" ONGC Led group submits $.5 bn for Conoco assets"

    While our Netas are trying to curb the supply of Gas cylinders to domestic users on the ground of loss due to subsidy, even after inflated cost of expenditures and paying exorbitant ad-hoc dividends to the Government, if the Petroleum Organisation is is a position to bid of such a magnitude for Overseas Oil Sectors, what does it imply? Can any body throw light on this?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How can a loss making Unit in Oil Sector submit a $.5 bn bid for Conoco Oilfeild assets in Canada?

    Today's Times news on page 17 caries a heading" ONGC Led group submits $.5 bn for Conoco assets"

    While our Netas are trying to curb the supply of Gas cylinders to domestic users on the ground of loss due to subsidy, even after inflated cost of expenditures and paying ad-hoc dividends to the Government, if the Petroleum Organisation is is a position to bid of such a magnitude for Overseas Oil Sectors, what does it imply? Can any body throw light on this?

  • Why penalise innocent Bankers alone for Political Fraud?

    The Times of India dated 23 August,2012 carries a news on Front page" BANKS ,CITY BUILDER IN MEGA SCAM? followed on page 7," Firm failed to carry out the projects in UAE,Europe" involving Zoom Developers -a major Construction Company and Real Estate Developers, where the Consortium headed by Punjab National Bank has provided Bank Guarantees to the tune of around 2,650 Crores.

    The Company had entered into arrangement with Several Low Income Housing Societies of MHADA Colony, Vikhroli, a fast developing suburb in the Eastern Mumbai, under SRA Projects proposal and as Temporary alternate arrangement the Company was supposed to provide temporary Residential accommodation to the Members of the Housing Societies who have handed over their Society Building to the Company for demolition and Redevelopment till they complete the Redeveloped Complex where the Members will be eligible to get an increased area of accomodation, while the Developers enjoying the benefit of sale of extra FSIs on the balance FSI available for sale to other public.

    While the Company got into the trouble where the MAHADA Authoities held up the proposals due to Political wrangles for no fault of the Company, and the people who have handed over the Buildings to the Company for Redevelopment are rendered homeless as their Society Buildings have already been demolished and the construction work has been Stalled by the BMC/MHADA Authorities and .Adding fuel to this the residents have also not so far received any alternate accmmodatin and rent as per the arrangement.

    Around mid 2008 just before the General Election,there was a Raid on the premises of Zoom Developers making the Cash rich Company go Bankrupt abruptly.

    The authorities never bothered about loss of employent to several employees and depriving thousands of their legitamate housing accommodation and rendering them homeless for no fault of theirs.

    The Company appears to have been a victim of Politcal Fraud and the Authorities who are more loyal to the Netas than the Tax Payers , have killed a Flourishing Company for their own benefit.

    making the Company fail ithe Overseas Projects for no fault of theirs.

    While the Media is announcing the Lapses of the Company, the Media has also a moral obligation to find out where the money has gone and expose those responsible for vanishing of the funds of several thousands crores, because if the Overseas Principals decide to cash the Bank Guaratnee, it is not only affecting our Bankers financially but also our Nations Image.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Why penalise innocent Bankers alone for Political Fraud ?

    The Times of India dated 23 August,2012 carries a news on Front page" BANKS ,CITY BUILDER IN MEGA SCAM? followed on page 7," Firm failed to carry out the projects in UAE,Europe" involving Zoom Developers -a major Construction Company and Real Estate Developers, where the Consortium headed by Punjab National Bank has provided Bank Guarantees to the tune of around 2,650 Crores.

    The Company had entered into arrangement with Several Low Income Housing Societies of MHADA Colony, Vikhroli, a fast developing suburb in the Eastern Mumbai, under SRA Projects proposal and as Temporary alternate arrangement the Company was supposed to provide temporary Residential accommodation to the Members of the Housing Societies who have handed over their Society Building to the Company for demolition and Redevelopment till they complete the Redeveloped Complex where the Members will be eligible to get an increased area of accomodation, while the Developers enjoying the benefit of sale of extra FSIs on the balance FSI available for sale to other public.

    While the Company got into the trouble where the MAHADA Authoities held up the proposals due to Political wrangles for no fault of the Company, and the people who have handed over the Buildings to the Company for Redevelopment are rendered homeless as their Society Buildings have already been demolished and the construction work has been Stalled by the BMC/MHADA Authorities and .Adding fuel to this the residents have also not so far received any alternate accmmodatin and rent as per the arrangement.

    Around mid 2008 just before the General Election,there was a Raid on the premises of Zoom Developers making the Cash rich Company go Bankrupt abruptly.

    The authorities never bothered about loss of employent to several employees and depriving thousands of their legitamate housing accommodation and rendering them homeless for no fault of theirs.

    The Company appears to have been a victim of Politcal Fraud and the Authorities who are more loyal to the Netas than the Tax Payers , have killed a Flourishing Company for their own benefit.

    making the Company fail ithe Overseas Projects for no fault of theirs.

    While the Media is announcing the Lapses of the Company, the Media has also a moral obligation to find out where the money has gone and expose those responsible for vanishing of the funds of several thousands crores, because if the Overseas Principals decide to cash the Bank Guaratnee, it is not only affecting our Bankers financially but also our Nations Image.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Has the inefficiency bug also take toll of TATA TELECOME?

    Off late, there has been lack of communication between Tata Telecom Service Providers and their Back Office. The Call Centre continuously calls the Subscribers and keep pestering them about the payment of bills which have been paid months back. The lapse is due to system failure or having incompetent people who are responsible to keep the MIS or feed back and the accounts updated. Once upon the name of TATAS was synonymous to Efficiency promptness which now has become a past history.

    3 AnswersLand Phones9 years ago
  • What to do when MRTP/FDA Authoritis ignore violations?

    If you are watching TV advertisement by manufacturers of "PURE IT" Water Purifier, who claim to purify contaminated water even from obsolete tanks, and Mithi river etc.I feel the advertisement is prima facie misleading and devoid of Advertisement ethics. I wonder what the authorities are doing even after viewing the clandestine advertisement

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Is it a Bharat Bundh or an open announcement to witness the Subvert Politicians Time Pass?

    The Bundh is called in called in protest of rise in Petrol Price. The petrol is usually the subject of those who owns car or other vehicles. What about the common man. You can avoid the extra burden if you do not purchase petrol or restrict the consumption which is within your control.

    But today the Political hooligans in the name of agitation, have started damaging public property and caused loss to a great extent.Who will bear the cost of such loss, certainly not those who called for the Bundh. The same is going to be on the shoulders of the common man as a added tax in the forthcoming days. The people who are on the spree will just pose before the Camera as a National Hero as if they have done a great favour to the Nation and the common man. The people should start thinking and shun these politicians as it is the same Netas who intentionally and indirectly make sure that the increase in the prices remain untouched by their subversive acts & fooling the public.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Is it a Bharat Bundh or an open announcement to witness the Subvert Politicians Time Pass?

    The Bundh is called in called in protest of rise in Petrol Price. The petrol is usually the subject of those who owns car or other vehicles. What about the common man. You can avoid the extra burden if you do not purchase petrol or restrict the consumption which is within your control.

    But today the Political hooligans in the name of agitation, have started damaging public property and caused loss to a great extent.Who will bear the cost of such loss, certainly not those who called for the Bundh. The same is going to be on the shoulders of the common man as a added tax in the forthcoming days. The people who are on the spree will just pose before the Camera as a National Hero as if they have done a great favour to the Nation and the common man. The people should start thinking and shun these politicians as it is the same politicians who intentionally make sure that the increase in the prices remain untouched by their subversive acts & fooling the public.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is the Society at large including Parents and Teachers guilty?

    Of late there was a news about our former President feeling unhappy about the Children not respecting National Anthem.

    This was followed by another News in the Papers about a Teacher in one of the Towns in MP asking the students to bring booze and forcing the Girl Students to Dance.

    Last week the News rocking the whole Chennai Metro about a Teen student aged just 15 years from ST.Mary's Convent in Chennai Metro slashing her throat and and stabbing the Teacher in the abdomen killing the Teacher on the spot in broad daylight with several students and Teaching staff remaining mute spectators. Thacher's fault was that she was just trying to impart the knowledge about maths in the students' brain and when she failed, she wrote the remarks in his School Diary to draw the attention of his parents. Apparently the boy was a spoilt brat splurging with his heavy pocket money provided by his irresponsible parents, and displaying vulgar disparity of his economic superiority among his peers.

    Although I have full sympathy to the Teachers ,most of the Minority Schools only look at the Pockets of the Parents and while they are strict about students Uniforms and attendances etc. they fail to inculcate good moral behaviour in the children.Instead of turning our good future citizens when they pass out, they just remain emotionless Robots.

    I am sure, while the student may at the most be lodged in a Juvenile Home because of his age, and will come out soon with the help of the money power wielded by his parents and enter in the world of crimes of higher magnitude. . In my opinion, this was not a spontaneous action, but a coolly calculated and perpetrated crime committed by the boy and deserves hanging till death without any sympathy as a lesson to others.

    Time only will answer the question as to the compensation both financial as well as psychological to the motherless children and family members of the Teacher who paid with her life for being a good Teacher showing keen interest in the students future.

    1 AnswerEtiquette9 years ago
  • Is human life cheaper than that of Dogs?

    With due respect to the Animal Lovers, and the BSPCA, the news appearing for the last few days about the Dog Lover keeping the stray dogs confined in her home in spite of Society's objection. You don't need an army of dogs to take care of her aged mother. Her claim that " officials of different department keep coming at odd hours" does not carry any weight , unless the Member and the old lady are involved in some commercial/or other activity from the premises besides residential. They should discuss the mater and arrive at a workable solution.

    As per the news, the Member has tried to convert her house as a shelter for Stray dogs in a residential area, at the risk and cost of endangering the life of the neighbours and children around exposing them to danger of rabies and can be legally expelled from the Society besides a criminal charges for her vicarious involvement.

    If the Member is still adamant, the Society with the help of BSPCA should pursue the matter legally against concerned Member , after ascertaining whether the concerned Member has taken the relevant permission for keeping the stray dogs and whether the Municipal Authorities have permitted her to convert the flat as a Dog Kennel/shelter, with the Society's N.O.C.

    We should show love and affection towards the Animals, but certainly not at the risk and cost of human lives and especially when it affects and interferes with others' normal life and their rights. Providing her with legal assistance for defending a violation is against equity and justice and patently violates the right to normal life of other human beings ..

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago