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  • So my period is being weird?

    Ok so its about a week late my boobs were sore so I knew I'd get it soon but its like really light like barley is coming out and its also brownish... but it has to be my period right?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Dont you think its stupid when girls think they have a chance with a celeb?

    Well I'm into this band and when I like a band I like them so yes I'm going to get a meet and greet pass from my mom for my birthday when they come to town i don't think I'm going to marry them or anything I just want to meet them and enjoy a concert!! But my friend is being stupid she thinks she's gonna marry one of them seriously... but she's not going to the meet and greet and she's mad cause he "might like me because everyone says I'm beautiful" like come on how do I talk some Damn knowledge to her Ughhh!!!!

    5 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • Guy and girls: question about virginity?

    how old were you when you lost your virginity ? and to who? and if your still a virgin how old are you?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • So my friend told me she dont fart?

    Lol we are girls and she said she doesn't dart and she was dead serious and got pissed off when I said what liar everyone farts why would someone even lie about them never farting??

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • What is up with my friend long but please help?

    We worked together at this HORRIBLE store everyone hated it there including her. Managers had favorites...and talked about employees to other employees if you were goo they would give you all the work etc well I looked for another job and I got it its at a doc office I do scanning! It's easier more pay benefits and off on weekends:) when I was looking for a job she would say little remarks like " well you're not gonna get you're bonus cause you wanna leave..." but I was there for my bonus my sucky bonus of 40 dollars lol yeahh well I got the job at the doc office and I left the store with a notice. She text me one day " so I went to the doc today and I don't see how you can do anything they were doing!" Bitttchhh lol I just brushed it off but then during Christmas eve she text me to see how I was doing and if I'm having to work I said no I'm off but they are still paying me which is good she replied isn't that stealing??? Like Wtf now she don't talk to me at all this girl claimed to be my best friend for 5 years!!!! The day After I left the store she also told me everything is better and on fb she always puts about how much she loves her job....Wtf is up with her?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • So what do you think is up with my friend?

    We worked together at this HORRIBLE store everyone hated it there including her. Managers had favorites...and talked about employees to other employees if you were goo they would give you all the work etc well I looked for another job and I got it its at a doc office I do scanning! It's easier more pay benefits and off on weekends:) when I was looking for a job she would say little remarks like " well you're not gonna get you're bonus cause you wanna leave..." but I was there for my bonus my sucky bonus of 40 dollars lol yeahh well I got the job at the doc office and I left the store with a notice. She text me one day " so I went to the doc today and I don't see how you can do anything they were doing!" Bitttchhh lol I just brushed it off but then during Christmas eve she text me to see how I was doing and if I'm having to work I said no I'm off but they are still paying me which is good she replied isn't that stealing??? Like Wtf now she don't talk to me at all this girl claimed to be my best friend for 5 years!!!! The day After I left the store she also told me everything is better and on fb she always puts about how much she loves her job....Wtf is up with her?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Why am i shaking? sugar rush?

    I don't feel cold... could it be because I ate a lot of chocolate strawberries?

    3 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • What happens if im at fault in a accident?

    I rear ended someone in traffic... my car is totaled I still owe about 8,000 will my insurance cover it? also the person I hit has a dent on the back of theyre car will my insurance pay them??? Noone was hurt in the accident I'm just really nervous...

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • What happens if im at fault in a accident?

    I rear ended someone in traffic... my car is totaled I still owe about 8,000 will my insurance cover it? also the person I hit has a dent on the back of theyre car will my insurance pay them??? Noone was hurt in the accident I'm just really nervous...

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • How can i get over the guilt of a car accident?

    Ok so I rear ended a car today on the high way he braked, I hit so technically its my fault since I hit him from the back. His car had a dent mine was totaled.... he was ok he even could drive his car fine I just feel so sad I can't stop crying, can't sleep. My neck hurts:( I just feel so bad that I ruined the car my dad gave me and that our insurance is gonna go up and we have to get a new car... I feel bad cause all the money my dad put into the car I feel so stupid like how could I do this I've always been safe or so I thought. I keep replaying ith in my head and what I should've done help I'm stressed out... BTW I'm 19 driving for two years first accident ever.

    9 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How do i get over the guilt of a car accident that was my fault?

    Ok so I rear ended a car today on the high way he braked, I hit so technically its my fault since I hit him from the back. His car had a dent mine was totaled.... he was ok he even could drive his car fine I just feel so sad I can't stop crying, can't sleep. My neck hurts:( I just feel so bad that I ruined the car my dad gave me and that our insurance is gonna go up and we have to get a new car... I feel bad cause all the money my dad put into the car I feel so stupid like how could I do this I've always been safe or so I thought. I keep replaying it in my head and what I should've done help I'm stressed out... BTW I'm 19 driving for two years first accident ever.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Just got in a accident?

    So I hit a car from behind and my car got towed cause it is ruined.....we called insurance right away. What usually happens?? Will the insurance help me get a new car

    5 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • I caught my neighbor keying my car can i call the cops?

    I got her on tape too what can I do?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Does this sound good for a tattoo and ideas on where to put it are welcomed?

    "your love is my strength"

    Yes its about god

    2 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • One source talent interview for modeling?

    Ok so Im 20 and I want to start a modeling career and I was wondering if I get the interview with one source talent are they legit?

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • What are some sayings that would look good as a tattoo?

    I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on both my wrist so maybe two word phrases? any ideas I want something meaningful

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Help!!! her boyfrirnd is bringing her down!!!?

    My sister has been with this guy for 5 years they have a 4 year old but seriously I am starting to see that he is truly a loser and my sis is stupid for being with him.... he's always changing jobs and today I found out he hasn't had a job in two months from a friend. They currently live with me and my parents and pay no bills. I asked my sis if he worked she said yes. It's like she never tells me the truth..... I even found out he told his friends thar he doesn't need to work right now that they just got they're taxes and my sis makes 15 an hour and she can support him since he supported her when she was in school? Like Wth he didn't support her when she was in school my sis got preg at 17 by him he's 3 years older. I just wish she can open her eyes. I love my sister. We should be able to tell eachother everthing but when anyone tries to ask her about if he works or are they saving money to move out she gets mad.

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • My sisters baby father is a loser?

    My sister has been with this guy for 5 years they have a 4 year old but seriously I am starting to see that he is truly a loser and my sis is stupid for being with him.... he's always changing jobs and today I found out he hasn't had a job in two months from a friend. They currently live with me and my parents and pay no bills. I asked my sis if he worked she said yes. It's like she never tells me the truth..... I even found out he told his friends thar he doesn't need to work right now that they just got they're taxes and my sis makes 15 an hour and she can support him since he supported her when she was in school? Like Wth he didn't support her when she was in school my sis got preg at 17 by him he's 3 years older. I just wish she can open her eyes. I love my sister. We should be able to tell eachother everthing but when anyone tries to ask her about if he works or are they saving money to move out she gets mad.

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago