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  • I’m dating someone over the age of consent, I’m 21, he’s turning 17 in March.  Age of consent is 16, does this make me a pedo?

    So I’ve been dating someone for the past month and a half whose above the age of consent where I live (Delaware, where it’s 16 if the other person is under 30) and where he lives Australia (16).   Our former mutual best friend set us up, I’ve known him for two years through politics.   

    Well, now he’s trying to attack me and destroy me and friends are yelling at me that I’m a pedo after he sends them doctored texts.  They think I’m dating Tom for sex when I haven’t done anything sexual because we live long distance and we both know sexting would not be ok.   

    I love Tom, he’s an amazing person who I’m just absolutely crazy for.  He’s the first person I’ve ever felt this way about.  I dated him as I told my friend with reservations because he’s so young, I wasn’t going after young guys, my friend set us up and I was barely ok with it and then I fell in love.

    Another friend is telling me while phycology says I’m not a pedo, and neither does the law, society is different.  He says most people will think I’m a pedo and try to hurt me, is that true?  

    And does dating someone almost a year over the age of consent make me a pedo?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Will my best friend forgive me for accidentally outing him?

    So basically, my best friend is Bisexual and he told me the day I finally told him I am gay.   He then denied it for months before finally admitting to it again.   I knew he had been lying the whole time but didn't want to force him into doing anything he didn't want, and pretended I knew he was "straight".

    A month ago he introduced me to all of his friends from school (him and I met through politics on FB) and I was talking to his friend and I told him Max and I actually are extremely close, I said, he has told me some pretty big secrets and she said they probably were minor ones.   I told her they weren't but I couldn't tell her what.

    A day later she kept asking me to tell her, I didn't, I did say I told a co-worker who said "I knew it" and she just guessed.   I was wrecked with guilt, but not as much as I should have been, because I had been a dick.   All I wanted in that moment was to finally tell someone because I was really excited about it, and at the same time I was really worried for him.

    He set me up with his best friend who I am still dating and then begged me for "it" while near tears for weeks after, until I told him I ****** up when I was half asleep.   

    I shouldn't have told.   It was a stupid decision, and the worst part is, is how accustomed to the bad decision I have become.   I worry more about how I ****** up my friendship with the closest person in the World to me more than the fact I hurt my best friend.

    I don't know what to do.  How do I fix it?

  • I had a fight with my best friend last night and discovered weeks after spilling a secret, we might not be as close.  How should I fix this?

    So basically, my best friend and I met 1.5 Years Ago through Politics.   We weren't close at first but since January we have been pretty close.   He even introduced me to all his friends at school in the past few weeks (we live far apart).   He used to tell me everything but I accidentally let loose a secret a few weeks ago (that he's Bi) and things haven't been the same.   He still seemed to care for me a lot but last night we had a big fight where he yelled at me for dating his best friend, who he set me up with.

    His other friend told me the reason my friend and I might not be close anymore is because I became friends with her and started dating his best friend.   She said I had to choose between them.   

    My boyfriend is quite concerned, and I am too.   I know I messed up big the other week but I have been doing my best to fix things.   It seemed to be working, until he called me fat last night and we had a spat.  Should I ask my boyfriend, his best friend, to smooth things over since they have known each other for 10 years?   

    Should I just let things calm down?   What should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends5 months ago
  • How do you know when your friend and you are close?   ?

    So my best friend is actually someone I met through politics online.   We have been friends for a year and a half.   We met through CANZUK, which is the abbreviation for the potential EU like Union between, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.   He is from Australia and I am actually from America but am moving to the UK next year.   Over the past year we have got to know each other really well, and we have shared a lot of deeply personal secrets about each other, he talks about wanting to share a flat with me when he moves to London, I am dating his best friend who he set me up with, I know all his friends in his personal life and I am the only e-friend to know them.   

    I guess that means we are close, one of his friends told me we are super freaking close.   I asked how close is that, and she got pissed.   She was the one who said out of the blue that we were really close, though.   

    I have Autism, and I don't know how to read people, how do I know how close my best friend and I are?   How do I develop strategies for knowing in the future?

    Friends5 months ago
  • What is the age of consent to an American abroad if you are dating a foreigner above the age of consent in your state, and in his country?

    So I am 21, dating a 17 year old from Australia who my best friend introduced me to.   One of their friends was bullying me and mentioned that I was violating US Law for Sex Tourism.   I didn't understand how this could be the case, I am from Delaware, the age of consent here is 16 if the other person is under 30.   I assumed the American law I am forced to comply with would matter in Australia as well as his law (16 years universal).   However, US law states it is 18, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED.   Is the otherwise stated your state's age of consent?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 months ago
  • Is it weird I consider my half English great grandmother to be Irish when I do my family heritage breakdown?

    So, I come from a mostly Irish family on my mothers side.   My grandmother is 75% Irish, and my grandfather is half Irish & English.   My great grandmother is slightly more Irish than English due to her paternal great grandfather being 75% Irish, and since her father married into an Irish family, I always just counted her as Irish.

    Is that weird?   Or inaccurate?   I am only asking because I am moving to the 6 Counties next year and while I know being a third Irish won't be all too impressive to Irish people, most of them, I don't want people to tell me "Oh, you are 3.5% English, you can't count that as Irish".   Am I way overthinking this?

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science7 months ago
  • How to Find a Boyfriend?

    Hey Yahoo, as I regret my choices in life that led me to ask the internet this question, I have to ask. How does one find a bf?

    I have High Functioning Autism and am also gay. I turn 21 in a few months and I am still a virgin and have never had a boyfriend.

    My friend after I told him I was both, was like, "Dude, being gay and autistic, that must be hard."

    To make things worse, my parents have no concept of social skills. They divorced shortly after I was born, and my father was abusive towards my mother and I.

    I could not count on getting the right advice from him, just the wrong advice.

    My mother was no better, with every boyfriend she had being a fuckup.

    Now I have no idea how to keep friends, because I feel I am probably way too clingy and open. Much less find someone I want to be committed to.

    So, what should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Justinian s Code and Homosexuality?

    So, I have been a longtime fan of Justinian and Theodora. As a History Buff and Monarchist, they are among my favourite people in World History.

    However, I might have just discovered something possibly disturbing about them. They might have given the death penalty to homosexual men.

    However, I would hope and do feel this would not be the case. Theodora had many lesbian lovers while married to Justinian. Would she not object?

    Moreover, those who claim Justinian was a bigot, also claim that he outlawed divorce and prostitution.

    Theodora encouraged him to make it easier for women to get a divorce, and she was a former prostitute.

    Moreover, the majority of his code seems enlightened.

    What is more likely to be true?

  • Student Loan Help for Studying in Austria?

    Dear Yahoo Answers,

    I am a student from the USA with Credit above 700 who wants to Study in Austria.   The problem is, I am having trouble finding loans to study in Austria.   Austria is where my grandparents are from and I want to move there, permanently.   However, that does not give me Austrian citizenship so I cannot qualify for a student loan from an Austrian Bank.

    This means I have to take one from an American bank.   My bank that I use told me to get a loan, I have to go through an American program.   Would that mean that I could go to one of the University of Vienna's sister schools and simply attend classes in Vienna for 3 years?   Is that possible?

    If that is not possible, the only loans that I FOUND internationally for students are for studying to be a Priest.  I am Catholic but never marrying is a big commitment to me.   

    I also heard of Personal Loans and other loans I could take.   But I also heard that you have to start Personal Loan payments right away.  That would mean I would have to pay every month for the amount I took out for room and board, so I don't have to go into my savings every month.

    What are my options?   What loans can I take that are student loans or just loans you don't have to pay back for at least a year?   

    Worst Case Scenario is I save $5,200 to pay for tuition and room and board for next year, but that is not ideal for me.

    Financial Aid1 year ago
  • Celebrity Crush on a Minor?

    I am an American, about to turn 18 years old and I have a crush on MattyB a 14 yo Rapper from Atlanta. Am I allowed to post about this or will I get in legal trouble? Also what is the limit to what I can post? I know that explicit stuff is not allowed, also I find that immoral. I am a gay male and the stigma is different if that helps. I know in a democracy everyone is supposed to be equal but there is still a stigma. People seem to think men are sex offenders, especially gay men. I am just wondering what I should do to protect myself while trying to compromise my freedom as little as possible.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Help I am paraniod???????????????????????

    I really like music espeicially One Directions music bet yet since Saturday I have been afraid I don't like them anymore when I do. I am so afraid that I don't like them that I can't like them. I mean common I had a nightmare last night that they were banned in 37 countries. I woke up right away. Is there anything I can do to stop being paraniod? I mean I am paraniod about other things too like accidentally chopping my feet off while using a lawnmower.

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What apps can I watch Star Trek the Next Generation without paying?

    I do not want to pay at all. I want all episodes to be available.

    1 AnswerDrama8 years ago
  • How do I sovle this problem using the elimination method?



    I just came back freom spring break and I forgot all my algebra?! Please re explain it to me!

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • My iPod wont let me redeem a gift card?

    My moms credit card got stolen and now her card is invalid and my iPod will not even let me redeem a gift card! Help???

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • How do i grow my penis?

    Im 13 and my penis is only 3 inches when not errect but 5 inches when errect how do i make it grow? Plz help i asked a queston and never got it anwsered.

    1 AnswerMen's Health9 years ago
  • When will i start being able to produce semen?

    I would also like to know about stuff we learn in health class ive really not been paying attention.

    5 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Are my parents to strict and up tight?

    Im 13 and my step mom and dad wont let me...

    1. Use the microwave.

    2. Use a butternife.

    3. They have parental controls on my computer.

    4. Will only let me watch the disney channel on tv.

    5. Do not let me watch PG movies and up.

    I have to ask to have a....

    1. Drink of Water.

    2. Use the bathroom.

    3. Have a snack.

    4. Take a shower.

    5. Watch TV.

    I personaly thin k i have no freedom. Anmd im 13 and feel like im more mature than most people my age I read the New York Times everyday for heavens sake. Do I feel right to feel this way?

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago