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Pumpkin Jelly
Am I pregnant?
I have been on the pill for over a year and have been pretty good at taking it on time. However a few weeks ago I took one pill approximately 12 hours late. I am supposed to get my period today but I usually get it in the morning and I am very worried because I haven't gotten it yet. I will take a pregnancy test soon I just want to know if I should be stressing this much. I have been getting light cramps the past few days. I am sexually active and do not use condoms.
1 AnswerPregnancy6 years agoBleeding On Birth Control?
I've been on the pill for a month and 2 weeks. I am sexually active and do not use a condom. I take the pill regularly at the same time everyday and have not missed a pill.
Yesterday I was bleeding (not my period, I'm two weeks into my second pack of pills) all day. Not heavily like a period, and I didn't have to wear a pad or anything.
I didn't have this happen during my first month of pills, is this normal? I don't have any other symptoms of pregnancy or anything like that, but I just want to know if this is normal.
Thank you.
1 AnswerPregnancy7 years agoChanging day that I start my birth control pill?
I'm about to start my second pack of birth control pills, and I was wondering if I could change my Monday start to a Sunday start. Could I just skip the last inactive pill and take the first active pill of the next pack, which would be Sunday? Will that affect anything? I'm only skipping one inactive pill on the last day. Thank you!
2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years agoDoes Best Buy do mail-in rebates on phones? ?
I'm trying to avoid the mail in rebates on phones that Verizon does. I want to buy an iPhone. If I bought it from best buy would I not have to get the mail-in rebate?
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years agoWhy hasn't UPS delivered my package?
The tracker said it left the facility and is out for delivery at 5am this morning and said it would be here "by end of day" normally packages come around 4pm, but it's after 7pm and it still says its out for delivery. Will it come tonight? If it doesn't, will it come tomorrow?
1 AnswerCorporations9 years agoGood Strings For A Yamaha F310 Acoustic Guitar?
I have a Yamaha F310, and it's a bit on the older side. I have a few spare D'Addario strings (I believe they're replacements for the 6th & 5th strings). Does anyone know what strings i should get for my guitar? Thanks!
1 AnswerPerforming Arts9 years agoWhat Year Was My Guitar Made? ?
My guitar was given to me by someone I know, it's used, but I have no idea how old it is so I'm trying to find out the year it was made. It's a Yamaha f310, and works so amazingly. Is there any websites where I can search my guitars 8 digit code (unsure of wha the code is called) and it gives me the date of manufacture? Thanks so much for any help!
2 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years agoIs a Yamaha F310 acoustic guitar a good guitar? ?
I was just given a Yamaha F310 acoustic guitar by a friend of mine. I want to learn how to play, and the former owner of the guitar didn't use it much and gave it to me. It's in great condition, just a scratch or two here and there but it looks good. Needs a little tuning but it's overall in good shape. I wanted to learn a little more about this guitar and I was wondering if it was a good guitar.
1 AnswerPerforming Arts9 years agoIs a Jasmine by Takamine S35 acoustic guitar a good guitar?
Hi, I've never played guitar before and I'm looking for a good beginner guitar. I've been looking online for awhile now and I've come across the Jasmine Takamine guitar. It's very cheap, definitely a good price for me considering I don't know how to play guitar yet. Does anyone own/have used a Jasmine by Takamine acoustic guitar before? I want a good quality guitar for a beginner. Now I'm not expecting some amazing top-dollar guitar, considering this is a lower-end guitar. I've found some incredible deals with it online, so if this guitar is decent, I won't hesitate to buy it. Thanks!
3 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years agoWhy did my Hermit Crab die?
My hermit crab died and I have no idea why. I do not believe it is from improper care, because I give my crabs everything they need. I did my homework when I got them so I know what their care needs are, and i believe i met those standards. Last night I went to feed my crabs and I saw one of my eldest crabs halfway out of his shell. He wasn't moving. I picked him up (he drooped out of his shell just a bit) and held him in my hand. He moved a little, showing some signs of life. Since he was still partially alive, I wasn't going to bother him any further (it was obvious that the end was coming). I divided my tank in half so that he could be comfortable without being bothered by the other crabs. He passed away by this morning. I took his body out of the tank (left his shell behind because he had fallen out of it) and i went to go bury him. I forgot to take the shell out of the tank so then, of course, one of my other crabs moved into it. I'm getting nervous because I don't want my other crab to get sick from being in the shell. I hope he's alright, he seems pretty comfy and content in that shell.
Anyway I'm pretty sad because I really liked my hermit crab. His name was Herbert. No, he was not a crab I had for a week. I had him for two years. I rescued him from a shop on the boardwalk. I got him the same time as I got my other crab (whom is still alive today AND the same crab that moved into Herbert's old shell) and he couldn't be doing any better. That is why I'm puzzled.
Here's a rundown of my tank setup. I have a 20 gallon tank with coconut fiber as substrate. I have a lot of tank toys and extra shells all around. They get one dish of fresh water and one dish of salt water. they get fresh fruit/veggies every other day and a good commercial food everyday. I mist the tank daily with warm water to keep the humidity up. There was a total of 4 crabs in the tank, now only 3.
No he did not die from stress because I've had two crabs in the past die from stress a day or two after I got them. Those crabs died and their legs fell out. Herbert died and his entire body came out of the shell in one piece.
I really love my crabs and I'm posting this because I want to know if I did anything wrong because I want the best for my hermits and I want them to live long, happy lives. So If you have any tips or changes I should make to my setup, please do say.
2 AnswersFish9 years agoOne Direction coming to Susquehanna Bank Center in August 2012 with Big Time Rush?
I want to get tickets to a One Direction concert and I was wondering it it was true that they are coming to the Susquehanna Bank Center in August 2012. They're on tour right now with Big Time Rush as their opening act. Although, I'm getting really confused whether or not One Direction is going to be with Big Time Rush on that tour date. On one site I looked at, it said Aug 10, 2012 Big Time Rush & One Direction. On another site, It said Aug 10, 2012 Big Time Rush With Cody Simpson. I don't know which one is reliable and I do not want to buy the tickets and then find out that One Direction isn't in that concert. Please help?
It's very difficult because there is a concert for Big Time Rush on Aug 10, but I'm trying to find out who their secondary/opening act is. In this case, I'm trying to find out if One Direction will be with them on that concert date.
Thanks so much!
3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoOne Direction coming to Susquehanna Bank Center in August 2012 with Big Time Rush?
I want to get tickets to a One Direction concert and I was wondering it it was true that they are coming to the Susquehanna Bank Center in August 2012. They're on tour right now with Big Time Rush as their opening act. Although, I'm getting really confused whether or not One Direction is going to be with Big Time Rush on that tour date. On one site I looked at, it said Aug 10, 2012 Big Time Rush & One Direction. On another site, It said Aug 10, 2012 Big Time Rush With Cody Simpson. I don't know which one is reliable and I do not want to buy the tickets and then find out that One Direction isn't in that concert. Please help?
It's very difficult because there is a concert for Big Time Rush on Aug 10, but I'm trying to find out who their secondary/opening act is. In this case, I'm trying to find out if One Direction will be with them on that concert date.
Thanks so much!
2 AnswersMovies9 years agoHURRY 10pts BEST ANSWER! List of all compounds containing Bromine!?
I really need a list of all compounds containing Bromine for a report I'm doing. I can't find any information on compounds containing Bromine in any chemistry website or any of my chemistry or element related books and textbooks.
Please, I'll choose best answer to whoever helps me! Please!
1 AnswerChemistry9 years agoBathing A Baby Bearded Dragon? (HELP ME PLEASE!)?
Hi, I currently have a baby Bearded Dragon. I've had him for about one week, and he's a little under 6 inches long from head to tail. He's had tons of contact from me. I hold him multiple times a day, my hand is always in his tank petting him, hand-feeding him his veggies & fruits, and dropping in crickets. He's very active, alert, yet still a baby. If his temperament stays the same throughout his whole life, I'd say I have a happy, alert, active, friendly, socialable dragon. He's great!
I know all of his care, except bathing. My guess is that this is really his only week of constant human handling, and he's adapting to it well. I was told to bathe him weekly to keep him hydrated, as they don't drink from still water, and he does not like the misting, so I stopped that.
Could an EXPERIENCED beardie owner tell me how to properly bathe a BABY bearded dragon under 6 inches? I know it involves warm water and soaking, but I'd like to know the process to make my dragon comfortable, calm, and clean! Thanks Guys! (:
2 AnswersReptiles10 years agoA Few Questions About My Baby Bearded Dragon...? (Help)?
I have two bearded dragon babies. One is under 6 inches and one is about 6 inches roughly. They're housed in the same tank but it's temporary and are only together for just a week, maybe two. They were tank-mates from the person I bought them from. They're very sweet and very adaptable! I've had them since Monday, And I have a few questions re guarding their eating & bathroom habits.
1) My Beardies eat no less than 10 crickets a day. Is this the appropriate amount? I feed them until they eat no more during their feeding periods, and this is the usual amount. Is this the right amount for two baby Beardies?
2) I feed my dragons a dish full of collard greens & mustard greens. Freshly added each day, and removed at night. I also have been giving them prickly pear (cactus fruit) as a staple fruit & papaya as a weekly treat. They eat the greens right from my fingers and eat it from the dish as they please. Are these "good" veggies & fruits for them?
3) My Beardies have bowel movements every 2 days, from what I've observed, or every other day. Their fecal matter is smaller than a quarter. It's black, white, & brown. Is this normal?
4) My smaller Beardie's tail is a bit "chewed" the very tip, less than a centimeter of it is darkened and a little mangled & crusty. It was like this when I bought him, because he was picked on a lot and bitten by this very agressive Beardie in the tank (which i did not buy). I know it's from another beardie biting him, but my question is how do I make it heal? It looks beyond healable, but I don't know. I've found these wound topical medications at PetSmart for reptiles such as Q-Tip. Can I apply a little of that and see if it helps?
4) I handle them everyday, multiple times a day, for about 10-15 minutes. I try to keep them warm, and hold my hands over the heat lamp to make them warm before I handle my Beardies. They love to investigate, and are always crawling on my arms and on my bed blankets. Is this okay?
5) Also, My Beardies lick me & eachother a lot & objects. They lick my hands when I hold them (I wash my hands before/after handling), they lick the rocks and reptile carpet and glass in their tank, they lick eachother, they lick things in my room. It's really wierd, but could you explain to me what it is?
1 AnswerReptiles10 years agoHow to Lower Humidity In A Bearded Dragon's Tank?
Hi Guys. I currently have two baby bearded dragons. They're in the same tank, but it's temporary and they were cage-mates at the store where I bought them from. My humidity levels are soaring, though. On the hot side, the temps range from 40-50%. On the cool side, they range from 45-75%. They are the incorrect humidity levels for a Bearded Dragon, and I don't know how to keep the humidity levels down. When I have the basking light on, the humidity levels drop. But once I turn it off they soar. Could you give me some tips on how to lower humidity? I have 40-gallon-Breeder-Style tank with a screen sliding lid. I have a basking light, an infrared night bulb, and a UVB light.
Any tips on how to lower humidity without buying an expensive humidifier or whatever? Cheap ways, I'm on a budget! Thanks! (:
5 AnswersReptiles10 years agoCleaning Reptile Carpet?
I just bought a new roll of Reptile Carpet. I've never used Reptile Carpet before, but I decided that you have to experiment with substrates to see what your reptiles like best. Anyway, I want to know how to clean the carpet. The roll I bought came in a kit with other things made by Zilla (reptile supply brand. and it didn't come with any instructions on cleaning the carpet. I know you can clean it, because I've read online comments on Zilla being a very good brand of carpet because of it's eco-friendly (made out of recycled bottles & re-usable by washing).
Could tell me how they clean their Zilla Reptile Carpet, or any other brand that is basically that same as Zilla's carpet? I would like to know how you clean it, what detergents/soaps (if any) to use, and how to dry (is it machine dryable, or air dryable?)
5 AnswersReptiles10 years agoHousing Two Bearded Dragons Together? (Experienced Keepers Please)?
Hi. Before you answer & start judging me based on the title, please read ALL of the information I leave below. I'm so super serious on this matter right now, so please no goofing around or anything.
I just bought my 55 gallon tank yesterday with all the appropriate lighting, bedding (reptile carpet), decor, & more. Everything I need for a Bearded Dragon basically just without the Bearded Dragon. Well, my brother wants a dragon too, but he doesn't have the money right now to buy the tank. The Bearded Dragons we want are on sale for today only, half price, a very good deal considering what the price was before. I wanted to know if it would be okay to house two bearded dragons together in a large tank for a little under three months. Please Note:
- The Dragons are both Juveniles
- They are coming from the SAME tank at the SAME store, so they've had contact with each other for a while.
- They are both approximately the same size (they're on the smallish side, which we wanted).
- They are only staying in the same tank for under three months (about 9-10 weeks)
- There's plenty of space for them in the tank.
- They will receive their own play times out of the tank separately.
- The genders are unknown, but we were told most likely two female.
It's only TEMPORARY. They will be given the best care you can possibly give two Bearded Dragons. There's no budget for these animals (For me, that is. I will be spoiling both dragons rotten!) When the weeks pass and my brother has the money, we will put the second dragon in it's own roomy enclosure.
Would this be okay? (Yes i know i've answered questions about people putting their dragons together saying it was not okay, but those people meant permanent housing. This is temporary). I just want so reassurance on this. Thanks Guys! (:
3 AnswersReptiles10 years agoBathing a Bearded Dragon?
For Juvenile Bearded Dragons, is it appropriate to bathe them? I mean, I was told to bathe them in a container of lukewarm water up to the dragon's elbows and let them soak in it, and that's how they get clean and stay hydrated. Is this how you do it, or are there other ways? Do you do it once a week or more/less than that? Help?
3 AnswersReptiles10 years agoFeeding A Bearded Dragon? (Help Me!)?
Hi guys. I'm buying my first Bearded Dragon soon & I've been looking all over the internet for some information. I've figured everything out except feeding. I have just a few short, easy questions on feeding/food of Bearded Dragons (both Juvenile & adult, but mostly Juvenile). Thanks Guys! (:
1) How many crickets a day should a Juvenile Bearded Dragon Eat? (any extra info on feeding live crickets/worms would be great!)
2) How much greens should a Juvenile Bearded Dragon Eat? (I plan to give chopped Collard Greens & Dandylion Flower Petals)
3) How many days a week should I dust my Juvenile Bearded Dragon's food with calcium power & multivitamin powder?
4) How do I get my Bearded Dragon to eat vegetables if he's coming from a place where vegetables aren't an option?
5) Will my Bearded Dragon eat freeze-dried worms? How do I get him to eat un-live food?
Thanks Guys! EXTRA Info will get you a one stop shot at Best Answer! (: <3 At 5 STARS!
3 AnswersReptiles10 years ago