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  • Odds of existing are so low that it doesn't even make sense?

    I just don't get, I shouldn't even exist and if ever I did I should be a) an insect or b) dead since millions of years or to be in billions of years. It's irrational there would more chances of winning the national jackpot 25 times in a row than be alive as an human right now.

    The only way I see it possible is if the numerator is infinity, then we would live an infinite number of time over an infinite number of time.

    4 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Why people here say sugar makes you fat?

    I would like a scientific proof of that because to my knowledge only a chronic caloric surplus can make you fat, whether it's sugar, complex carbs, dietary fat or proteins doesn't matter much at this regard.

    14 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago