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    What are these bumps on my arms? ?

    So a few months ago I was diagnosed with dyshidrotic eczema & a secondary skin infection ( infected eczema ) they gave me lots of meds for it and it all went away.. I thought. It hasn’t flared up as bad but ever since then I have gotten these small skin color bumps that itch like crazy on my arms. It doesn’t look like eczema and I can’t find anything else on the web. Please help! It gets in the way of work because of how itchy they are! Sometimes they appear then go away then come back and go away. I can’t find the cause of it either. 

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 year ago
  • Can you take off specific Drill weekends as a Marine Corps reservist?

    Hello, I’m currently in the Marine Corps reserves and I’m new here. Is there a way to take off certain dates in the future as a reservist that you’re unable to work? For example I’m supposed to be traveling for a week during the summer but I was told there was mandatory two weeks of drill each summer and if that two weeks of drill fall under the same dates of my travel would there be a way around it?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 year ago
  • Where do you go after MOS school? Reservist? ?

    I’m currently in my MOS school at camp LEJUNE North Carolina. For logistics school. I graduate December 20th and I was wondering. When I get my orders back home where do I go what should I expect? Thanks!

    2 AnswersMilitary1 year ago
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    Can anyone tell me what these small itchy blisters are?? ?

    So for the past 5 days or so I started noticing these small clear blisters in clusters appear on my body. Starting on my elbows and then next thing u know my arms are covered ( including my tattoo) my hands are covered, my palms are covered & my soles of my feet are covered in these small itchy blisters as well. I saw something related to dyshidrotic eczema and it sounds like that’s what it is. But 99% of people with that condition only get it on hands and feet. Can anyone please help me with what I have. I’ve been taking allergy medication and using ointment. 

    4 AnswersFirst Aid2 years ago
  • these weird bumps forming on my arms and hands? Possibly Milia? ?

    So this started last week. I woke up and noticed these small little white bumps on my elbows & they itches like crazy. Jus little clusters of them. I didn’t think much on it but now today I notched they’re in between my knuckles, on my wrists and on my fingers & all over my arms and I can’t stop itching!! I tried showering and lotion but nothings working? What could this be and how do I stop it?!?! 

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions2 years ago
  • Scratching to the point of bleeding?

    So long story short I’m a United States marine. During one of our training ops we were outside and I got a bunch of chigger bites around the lower part of my leg. For the first week or so they itched but it wasn’t anything to unbearable. Skip forward 2 monthes and there still there!!! And they itch worse then they did before & it’s to the point where I’m scratching so hard in my sleep and during the day to the point where the bites start to bleed & they heal up but I end up scratching the scab off also causing bleeding. It doesn’t look infected and I haven’t been sick. What should I do?!

    6 AnswersFirst Aid2 years ago
  • what attention deficient do I really have?

    So I’m 20 and growing up I’ve headed different answers from different doctors and I want your opinion. I’ve heard I have ADD, ADHD & OCD.

    To start off, I tend to think ALOT, non stop every day about anything and everything. Sometimes they can be destructive, depressing thoughts but most of the time it’s day dreaming about the future of the past in a neutral way. It’s hard for me to read books because my mind wanders off so much & i always lose my concentration. I’m not very hyper and I don’t fidget a lot & I’m normally able to control my emotions. I like to do things my way & my way only & the way that works best for me. If that gives u any idea please let me know

    3 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Is it possible to add to a quarter tattoo later on in the future?

    Hey guys, so I’m a United States marine and there’s some strict tattoo regs as most people know. When I get back home I was planning on getting a quarter sleeve from my chest down to a quarter of my arm ( above 2 inches from elbow ) of a Japanese traditional tattoo. Question is, when I get out of the corps, would it be possible to turn the quarter sleeve into a full sleeve without making it look obvious?

    1 AnswerTattoos2 years ago
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    Can a tattoo artist touch up tattoos to make them more realistic?

    So I have a for arm tattoo that has a rose on it and when I first got it finished it looked realistic and I loved it. But after it fully healed it started to fade ( which is normal ) but some of the shading went away and it just looks like an amateur drawing of a rose. I was wondering if a tattoo artist would be able to do anything to make it seem more realistic and touch it up? Thank y’all

    4 AnswersTattoos2 years ago
  • How long is school for my MOS?

    So I just graduated at recruit training depot Parris island South Carolina as a United States Marine. My MOS is 0411 logistics. Could anyone tell me how long the school house will be for my MOS after I complete MCT. Thanks

    3 AnswersMilitary2 years ago
  • What job could I apply for in the civilian world?

    So I’m shipping out to Marine corps bootcamp tomorrow morning and I’m going in as a 0331 LAV crewman. I am in the reserves and was wondering, what job I could apply for once I complete bootcamp & school. In reserves I will be working one weekend out of every month so I need another job in the civi world to maintaine a steady income. Thanks!!

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Dental question about the military!?

    So I ship out in 5 days for boot camp parris island SC for the marine corps, everything has been smooth sailing & im just waiting to go now. The only problem is I forgot I had crowns on my front teeth because I got them knocked out as a young kid. I still have my adult front teeth but they’re just shaved down and there’s a crown Over them. I completely forgot to mention it. Will this be a problem? If so please help me with any additional questions thank you!

    1 AnswerMilitary2 years ago
  • I have a couple questions about the firearm shooting laws in Maryland USA.?

    So I recently purchased my first gun ( mossberg 88 ) 12 gauge and I love it. Only problem is I don’t have a lot of private land near me and I really don’t prefer to use money for a range. There is land owned by the county I live in though & was wondering if it was legal to shoot out in the woods on county land? I know this question is kinda silly but any answer will help. Just very new with gun laws. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHunting2 years ago
  • Can you switch to reserves in military after already singing for active duty?

    Hi I am 18 years old and long story short I joined the military. I singed a 4x4 contract for active duty & I have gone to Meps already for the tests & medical tests but have NOT sworn in yet. I was wondering if there was any way of switching to reserves after already signing the contract for active duty? Thank you

    12 AnswersMilitary2 years ago
  • Not sure about joining the military anymore? Please help?

    So I’m 18 and I signed up for the marines a couple monthes ago. I’ve been to meps but I’m still waiting to swear in. I singed a 4x4 contract for active duty but I’m rethinking my decision now.

    I am a very free spirited person & I like to be able to have freedom & live my life the way I want. I like having the freedom to go out with friends & see loved ones anytime I want. I do have a full time job which I don’t mind and was also thinking. Maybe I should do the resérvese that way I still join the marines but I have more free time and freedom. Any help would be great

    5 AnswersMilitary2 years ago
  • Do marines get to have a life outside of military ?

    So I’ve been thinking about joining the USMC but one thing that’s holding me back is the lack of free time. I’m not to sure on how the whole process works yet but after boot camp I understand you get 10 day leave & then after that SOI. But once you’re stationed somewhere what’s next ? Will you be able to leave the base, will you be able to go out to bars on certain days. Or will you be stuck on the base forever until your next holiday/ vacation day comes?

    1 AnswerMilitary3 years ago
  • Can anyone help me on some military advice? It’d be much appreciated?

    So I’m planning on joining the marines soon. The earliest I would leave for boot camp would be in March. I currently have a recruiter & im not sure what job I would be doing yet but I’m nervous that once I get out I’ll be lost in direction. I do not want to end up homeless. I want to be able to make enough money so when I get out of service I have a place to stay and won’t end up homeless. I don’t want to put all this time into the military just to end up working a 9-5 job that I hate barley making it by. Please help

    3 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit3 years ago
  • how to overcome the fear of death?

    Ever since I could understand what death was, it scared me. I don’t think it’s death itself. But what comes next. I myself am not a very religious person and I do not judge those who are but I get these panic attacks evrytime I think about “ what’s next “. I always think to myself “ wow when I die, that’s it, FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY, there is no going back, no reliving a child hood, you’re gone for literally forever. “ and I know when I’m dead I’m not gonna know I am but it scares me because eternity is forever. And I’m scared that there’s nothing after this life.

    13 AnswersPsychology3 years ago
  • How long does it take to actually schedual an appointment for a tattoo?

    I realize they need to draw your tat and make a print of it to trace. How long on average does it take to call, set up appointment, get ur tat drawn & actually get it finsihed ?

    7 AnswersTattoos3 years ago