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Lv 42,779 points

*Teenage Gaga(and a MJ fan)*

Favorite Answers9%

Name:"Marina"(That's my nickname,call me that) Hobbies:Drawing,writing & reading Age: Let's say I'm not anywhere near the age to be able to drive yet, but I'm smart enough ( and mostly look old enough apparently)to pass as an 18 year old. I LOVE MJ, if you didn't guess that already. ;) My initials happen to be MJ too. School started Sept.7. School is horrible... I hate people!!!!!! ( at least there) Reason for display name: I am a teenage Gaga!! ( actually thats what people call me ;) ) My fashion sense is one of the things that prove it, along with my wanting to be different! ;) Except for my haters at school, one drawback. :/ Hmm... I realized I can still come on here sometimes. Remember: Spread the love,L.O.V.E.. (Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu-Everything I love is you.) Past names ( That I remember): *Cats are Warriors (MJ FOREVER!)* *MJ was Gone Too Soon* *Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu* Sry I've been busy with school, aiming for AP

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