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Lv 31,458 points


Favorite Answers9%
  • I am interested in becoming a bone marrow donor, but can not afford the tissue typeing test that is required?

    I already donate blood regularly, because I have a rare blood type. I have recently started researching the marrow donor needs in USA and think that I would like to sign up. The fee to become a potential donor is $52 (of which I do not have right now). I will eventually be able to pay this fee, but I can't do it now and all I can think about is "what if someone needs my marrow NOW?"

    What other options do I have? Is there a way to get on the list for free? I have never been asked to pay when I donate my blood every 6 weeks, so I was a little shocked when I was asked to pay for my marrow registry.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.


    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • a few questions about small city government?

    does anyone know if Cypress, Texas has a mayor? How does an unincorporated city become incorporated? how do you run for public office with no experience.... how/where do you start?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • 14 month old boy with abnormal blood lab results... HELP!?

    at 7:30 pm on saturday evening my son had a 99.6 fever, and black stools. i took him to the ER and in the 20 minutes it took us to arrive his fever had gone up to 102.1. they keep him over night and did lab work (i do not have copies of yet) and x-rays of his cheast and abdomen. They informed me that everything was normal and it was probally just a virus that caused his fever to spike, and sent us home.

    sunday morning when we were released from the hospital his fever was 99.1 and they said to bring him back if it spiked over 102 again. at 11am it spiked to 102.1 and, as told, i took him back. while in the waiting room his temp droped all the way down to 98.9 so i took him home before being seen.

    monday morning he was fine, but my husband took off of work to keep an eye on him. he had a normal temp all day but around 4pm it spiked to 103.1 with out warning. (this was after almost 3 days of rotating between ancetimiephan and ibprofien every 3 1/2 hours with the maximun dose for his

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What would be an apporprate gift to give to a friend that just had surgery.?

    My supervisior had a gastric bypass yesterday. She and I are friends outside of work (we scrapbook together) but the gift should still be approprate for a boss.

    because of the type of surgery candy is not an option. I was thinking about maybe making a basket with chicken brooth, bath supplies, flowers, a book, and things like that.

    any thoughts? suggestions?


    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • CHILLI recipes / ideas / help?

    We are having a chilli cook off this comeing friday at my job.

    There are two catagories: Best Tasteing and Hottest.

    Please share you best receipe and/or ideas.

    At the end of the cook off the winners chilli will be sold in serving size portions and all proceeds will go to The March of Dimes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on personal responsibility and all that goes with it?

    What are your thoughts on personal responsibility, universal health care, welfare programs (medicade, TANF, foodstamps, WIC)?

    Who is your favorite canadate and why? What does that canadate stand for that you admire so much?

    I won't tell you were I stand at this point because I want your answers to be honest and not just looking for 10 points.

    Enlighten me.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Universal Healthcare?

    are you for or against universal health care? please tell me in detail why you feel the way you do.

    i won't say what i think about it, i just want to hear your opinions.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • what is a good way to decrease negitivity in the work place?

    It seems that most of my coworkers dislike me. I am not sure why, but I feel as though it may be because of my age. I am only 22 and I work at a good, international human resources department.

    I don't have relatives here; I was hired based on my resume NOT because of someone I know.

    Also, I was one of 80 temps that were brought in for training and was one of 3 that actually got hired.

    I think I am the youngest one here, could that be the cause?

    If not, what would you think the cause is and how should I go about fixing it? I know i am not here to make friends, but it would help if I wasn't hated.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • weight loss surgery. pros & cons. tell me your personal expericance please.?

    I am 22 years old, female, 5 feet tall, 200 lbs.

    My husband and I are done haveing children.

    if you have had any sort of weight loss procedure could you please tell me what surgery you had, the pros and cons, and a little bit about how it helped you, or made you regret it.

    thank you so much for your time!

    38 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • why are so many people looking for a handout?

    i read questions on here everyday about what people think should be provided to them for free from the government.

    so my question to you is WHAT do you want for free, and WHY don't you want to work hard to earn it?

    no thumbs down here, just curious.

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • christmas gift for my son's nanny?

    I have an eight month old son, and his day time nanny is great. She has him weekdays while my husband and I work, and he really loves her.

    I have no idea what to get her for christmas. Here are something I know about her.

    She is Lutheran.

    She is Hispanic

    She is a very loving person.

    do you have any gift ideas? I met her at church, and other than her strong faith i don't know much about her. I mean i know her and i trust her with my son, but i don't know what her hobbies are or anything.

    any thoughts?

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • is it normal to feel as if you have the flu after donateing blood?

    I donated tuesday, and ever since then i have felt a little ill. today is much worse though. i feel like there are needles pokeing me all over my body, i am very hot to the touch, but i feel so cold so i am all bundled up.

    i live near houston texas, and it has been between 70 and 80 degrees this week, up untill today where the temp is about 50ish. I know that it may be the weather, but i have a feeling its not since it started shortly after i donated.

    so i guess my question is has this every happend to you before, if so what did you do for it, and when did it go away?

    (oh, and yes i have been drinking plenty of fluids)

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Who is more racist, whites or blacks?

    due to some of the posts that i have read today i would like to know ya'lls opinions.

    nothing more & nothing less.

    23 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • if you are voteing for hilllary, do you know why?

    quite frankly i am concerned that women will vote her into office simply because she is a female.

    what i want to know is WHY you support her, do you even know?

    i won't give you any thumbs down, i respect your choice, i am just curious as to why...


    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • are you voteing for hillary, yes or no?

    i am just conducting my own little poll here.

    i don't need to know why, just answer yes or no please.

    if no, please type the name of who you support.



    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I feel a baby moving, but i am not pregnant anymore.?

    I have a 8 month old son, and i know that it is somewhat normal to feel the baby move even after he is born... The thing is that it started happening again when he was about 6 months old, and it is still happening.

    I have an IUD, and i have taken a few tests just to make sure... i am not pregnant.

    has this happened to anyone else before?

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Are you for or against John McCain, and why?

    I am almost sure that I will be voting for McCain.

    Please tell me specifically why you would or would not vote for him.

    Serious answers only, please.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago