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I am a Follower of Jesus Christ and a mother.

  • What is going on with my Mastiff?

    I have a 2.5 year old Mastiff female who has been wonderful. All of the sudden, she is peeing all over my floor, on my clothes, etc.. Yesterday, she bit my husband when he moved her bedding and last night she was in our room and when my husband went to let her outside he noticed that my clothes were wet. She had peed on a pile of my dirty clothes and then was laying on them.

    I have no idea what is causing this, but it has to stop. She is not acting like herself at all. Any ideas/suggestions?

    We also have a Great Dane and he isn't acting like this at all.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I need a good family SUV/Crossover... What do you recommend?

    We have been looking for a SUV/Crossover vehicle with decent gas mileage. A few friends of ours have recommended the Hyundai Santa Fe and the Kia Sorento. Also, my husband likes the Ford Escape. We drove a dodge journey on vacation.

    what do you recommend and why?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What does a positive look like on a Target (up and Up) test look like?

    I through away the packaging last month and I can't remember what the results should look like!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who wrote a workbook on faith?

    I did a workbook/Bible study on faith a few years ago. It was awesome. The author wrote a few different workbooks... but in this particular one the Author talked about learning to forgive yourself for past sins, just as God has forgiven you.

    Does anyone remember/know who the author is Or what the book is calleD?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me anything about Peterson AFB?

    My husband is getting ready to PCS and on our options were Peterson AFB, What is base housing like? Should we live on Economy or on base. We are currently at WPAFB and live on the economy.

    What kinds of activities are good for kids?

    And if the economy living is better, which neighborhoods?


    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give advice on Macdill AFB and Peterson AFB?

    My Husband and I are coming up for PCS and we are turning in our top stations, but we looked online to see the openings and there is one at Peterson and Macdill for job/rank.

    Can anyone give the pros/cons of these AFB?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • My 3 year old refuses to sleep! What can I do?

    My 3 year old refuses to sleep. Everyday nap time is the biggest battle. I put him in bed and he gets up for HOURS. I stay consistent, I don't let him out of his napping obligation. BUT, 90% of the time he doesn't sleep. And then, he's whiney, mean, exhausted. And come bed time, it's another 2 hour ordeal on going to bed. He gets up constantly, he cries, whines, throws a fit.And by then it's 10pm before he's laying down quietly and 1030 before he's asleep 1/2 the time. The biggest problem-- he's up again at 630-7am. He's not getting any sleep and he's mean, cranky, whiney, tired. And this is the same routine over and over and over. I don't know what to do anymore.

    He's exhausted and I am frustrated. Any ideas?

    41 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Questions about Dead And Gone, SOokie Stackhouse Novels?

    Hi for those of you who have read the series... I have a few questions about the last book.

    In the end...

    1. Sookie said that she couldn't feel the bond anymore- then she was refilled with Eric's blood and she felt him again when he was excited about the Fairy War. Did she just lose too much and was able to replenish and get back on track with things?

    2. When she was questioning Eric as to why he didn't show up and he said she was killing him... Why didn't Eric show up? He would have known that she was in Danger.

    3. I think that Niall was really talking about Eric when he said the Vampire really loves you, because Eric told him that sookie was his woman and his alone. However, Sookie says at the end he didn't tell which Vamp. What do you think?

    Thanks for the Answers!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why does my dog randomly vomit up foamy, bile?

    I have a 6 month only English Mastiff. She seems to randomly throw up a foamy, stomach bile. Today she did it in her kennel at 7am. And 3 days ago she was laying on her "bed" in the living room and got up and vomitted on the kitchen floor. I am just curious is there something that I can do to help fix this?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What can be done about this?

    Before my husband and I got married he was friends with a girl in the AF. She had given him a lot of gifts and a bed and nightstand etc.. When his ex left and took all of the furniture. Anyways, This was over a year ago and he gets an email from this girl and she is wanting her bed back all of the sudden. He has emails from her A year ago saying he could keep it she didn't need it, it was her guest room bed anyways. Well, now she has her bf and his son moving into her house and she wants her bed back. She is threatening to call the cops and show up at our house to get it and everything else. What can the cops do? She gave it to him? I hate this girl. She wrote my husband an email in december and wanted paid back for gas that she had put in his truck and everything-- now We kept her 2 dogs for 4 months while she was in Iraq and we didn't charge her anything. She sent him a bill for 1300.00 for random bs stuff-- pizza or gas or wahtever. She said that her boyfreind said if Chris didn't pay it he was taking him to court. So, now here we are 5 months later and my husband has been giving her money to cover some of the stuff she wants paid for-- and now it's her boyfriend is going to show up with the police to get the bed.

    SO, my question is: what can the police do? Is she just blowing smoke? What should we do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone read CHris B's posts about his wife not having sex?

    Well, I guess I asked my question. There used to be a poster on here that was Chris B. He posted all the time about his wife not putting out, not being intimate, or whatever...

    Did anyone follow his posts?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Has anyone been on FOLLISTIM and IUI?


    I went to the RE today it's about the 6th meeting we have had. But, we decided that this coming cycle would be the cycle we do an IUI with injectables (follistim). My husband has extremely low morphology. Has this happened to anyone before? Can you tell me your Experiences? I need some positivity. I am just about drained! Lol, with diabetes, adrenal hyperplasia, low morphology, blahblahblah... :-) Ladies, please share and let me know what happened with you!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has any one had any luck with IUI's?

    I've been told that the chance of my husband and I getting pregnant with an IUI is slim to none, but our insurance covers it and I want to try that before In Vitro. So, they would put me on hormone injections and then we would do the IUI.

    Has anyone had luck with this? Have you had multiples? Can you share with me what happened with you?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Where has been your favorite place to be stationed with the AF?

    My husband and I are getting ready to fill out our top 8. We have been to Andrews and Wright Patt. Any good locations anyone can recommend and why? We know for sure Hickam is on our top because of a doctor that is at that base.

    All the help would be greatly appreciated!

    oh and we are looking for Overseas and in America!

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why the potty regression?

    Christmas time my son was potty trained. He spent the week with his dad and came home and I basically had to retrain him. He did AWESOME. Now this week, he won't tell us he has to go potty, he has had numerous accidents, and he is refusing to go to sit on the potty if we ask.

    His dad's girlfriend made the comment the other day that when they went to the park he had to pee and they wouldn't let him pee outside (there were no bathrooms, but plenty of trees or bushes) so they took him home and he peed his pants and they wouldn't let him go back to the park.

    Should I see a doctor and check for bladder infection? Or, should I account this for being punished? I am lost. AND, irritated at his father.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What do I do about my 2 1/2 year old?

    My son is getting a little out of control during the day at "school". At home he is a pretty good kid for being 2 1/2. :-)

    But, he keeps having incidents. Today he kicked the one of the other boys out of the blue. He hits them, etc.

    Last week he had 3 bad days. 1 day he was just plain ornery. He dumped his juice, bounced on the couches, hit kids, took off all of his clothes and ran around naked, etc...

    Today, he kept his clothes on. But, was violent towards other kids.

    I have tried taking away trains, time-out, going to bed early, only a shower and no bath playtime. My mom said that punishing him after the fact would get us nowhere because he will forget what he was getting punished for. The care provider puts him in time out immediately.

    What can I be doing at home? I don't see this behavior from him! I am embarrassed and shocked. Is this all 2 year old boys? is it a stage? etc? Someone... please... help!!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I am so confused... what is all of this?!?

    Hi All,

    Ok, so this month we BD'd the 2 days before ovulation and on ovulation day. I had my hips lifted with a pillow and everything. That was 5,6,7 of this month.

    NOW- this week...

    I have been exhausted! To the point that I have gone to bed at 9pm. I have been hungry at strange times. Also, I had some pulling like cramps on left side and then right side. I've also had intermittent headaches and waves of nausea. And, I am losing my mind. I will be mid sentence and forget what i am saying or be thinking something and completely lose train of thought!

    I took a test yesterday, and it looked like a faint line but it faded away after 5-10 minutes and then today I took another test, different brand, and it was absolutely negative.

    I have been trying to conceive for a while now and I just don't know why I would have these symptoms with a NEGATIVE!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Negative pregnancy test, but weird symptoms... Can I have your opinion?

    HI!!! I have been TTC since September! (I know compared to some that's not very long! :-)) But my question is this. I ovulated on Jan 5. My period is due Jan. 18th -ish. I have had some cramping on the right side, and then felt some pulling today. I worked out and I had very low cramping again. My sense of smell is a bit heightened (but that could be bc I want it to be). I took a pregnancy test this AM and it was negative. Do you think that maybe my HcG levels weren't high enough if I am just at 10dpo?

    Thanks for the input!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How do I put music on my ipod?

    I have a new ipod that my brother gave me. It has music on it, and I have it plugged into my computer and I want to add my playlist that is on Itunes to the ipod. I don't know how... Can someone help me please?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Surgery/anesthesia and pregnancy?


    I am having a tonsillectomy on Friday Morning. However, I have been trying to get pregnant and I am not sure how it will work. If I am pregnant will they still let me have the surgery? What will happen?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago