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  • Can anyone help with this double integral?

    (double integral) (2x + y)^8 dx dy




    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How does temperature and pressure effect equilibrium constant?

    Does it depend on the phases, number or moles, or do the same effect hold true regardless.

    Thanks for the help

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Can someone solve this simple system of equations?

    3A - 5B = 1

    5A + 3B = 0

    I tried it like 10 times using a few different methods, and apparently i keep getting it wrong. Just checking to see if the answer given is wrong or if Im just making a stupid mistake that i can't find.

    Thanks for the help

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can you return more than 1 value from a function in C++?

    I'm using visual studios to write a program in C++ that does stuff with matrices

    The main has to call a function that will read a matrix from a data file, along with how many rows and cols (the rows and cols are value are from the file itself, just the first 2 numbers of the file)

    so the program sets the first value of the file to rows, the second to cols, then the rest to a matrix A[50][50], but i need to send all three values back to the main.

    So am i going to have to make it into a matrix again to send it back or can i send back multiple values somehow

    -----Heres my code so far if it helps----

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <math.h>

    void read(void); //function i want to return 3 values for

    void header(void); //just displays a header, nothing else

    int main(void)


    char fil[50];

    int rows,cols;




    void read(void) //will read the data file


    double A[50][50];

    int rows,cols,i,j;

    char fil[50];

    printf("Please enter the name of the file\n");



    FILE *readf;


    fscanf(readf,"%d %d",&rows,&cols);

    printf("Rows = %d; cols = %d\n",rows,cols);

    for (i=0;i<rows;i++)


    for (j=0;j<cols;j++)





    for (i=0;i<rows;i++)


    for (j=0;j<cols;j++)


    printf("A[%d][%d] = %.2lf\t",i,j,A[i][j]);






    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I calculate the RMS current through the capacitor at the resonance frequency?

    Data: ε_RMS = 150 V, R = 880 Ω, L = 10.0 mH, C = 0.400 mF

    If it helps, all 3 are connected in series starting with the inductor and finishing with capacitor, or the other way around depending on what direction its going

    i also need to find resonance frequency which i though was just 1/sqrt(L*C) [which gives you 500 Hz] but thats not correct.

    Thanks in advance for the help

    --what i did--

    omega = 1/sqrt(L*C)

    found X_L and X_C

    X_L= L*omega


    plugged it into the equation

    Z=sqrt(R^2+(X_L - X_C)^2)

    then plugged that into

    ε_RMS = Z * I_RMS and solved for I_RMS

    i got .000194 A or 1.94E-4 A, which was not correct

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • A 100.0-mL buffer solution is 0.175 M in HClO and 0.150 M in NaClO. What is the initial pH?

    I thought to figure one of these out you needed pKa/b or Ka/b. The answer is 7.47, I'm just not sure how to get to that.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Questions about the ip address, subnet mask, and default gateway when connecting an xbox to a computer?

    In order for me to connect to xbox live, my xbox needs to connect to my computer which is connected to the internet, do i need need to use the same subnet and gateway for the xbox's network settings as the computer uses to connect to the internet. And should the only difference between the ip and gateway be the last set of numbers (if gateway is: xxx.yyy.zzz.bbb should the ip be:

    autoconfig isn't working and last time i had this problem i had to manually enter in values for the ip, subnet, and gateway. And it took a long time to figure it out. Thats the basic question, i just go into more detail below, might be helpful if you read but not necessary.


    I just got my xbox back from getting repaired and now i cant connect to xbox live. It says the ip address is not right.

    I already called the xbox help line but they couldnt help me at all.

    Im in a college dorm and the only way were allowed to and able to connect is to connect through a computer. I had trouble setting everything up but after i got the ip and other numbers right it worked without a problem, i got it repaired and they sent me a new xbox, i put all the setting exactly the same as when it last worked and now i cant connect


    i used the ipconfig on the command window and it gave a ip and gateway with numbers like, they only differed by the last number (as apparently they should).

    i was told to use the same first 3 numbers (139.42.6) then changed the last number since ips need to be unique. I used the same subnet and gateway for the xbox as the computer uses to connect to the internet and its not working.

    What im confused about is that before i sent it away, the ip, gateway, and subnet were drastically different that the number i get when i use the ipconfig. I almost got it to work using the original numbers and cant make any progress using the new numbers i got off of the ipconfig.

    i got the original numbers the same way i got the new ones, so i assumed they change over time, if they don't then i have no idea why they are different now. And do the xbox settings need the same numbers as the computer lists in the ipconfig menu to connect? It seems the only time i made any progress was using numbers no where close to the ipconfig numbers.

    Sorry if its a bit confusing but its kinda hard to explain, thanks in advance for the help

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me get x(t) and y(t) from a parametric equation (x-3)^2+(y-4)^2=81?

    Determine the parametric equations of the path of a particle that travels the circle:

    (x−3)^2 + (y−4)^2=81

    on a time interval of 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π:

    if the particle makes one full circle starting at the point ( 12 , 4 ) traveling counterclockwise


    its wants what x(t) equals and what y(t) equals

    thanks for the help

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can someone check my algebra on [ ((y+18)/3)^2 ]*(18-y)?

    this is part of a larger problem that wants me to find the work required to to pump water out of conical shape. I set up the problem right and everything but I'm following along with my professors work and they got a different answer when they simplified the above expression

    i got

    (1/9)*(324y - y^3+5832 - 18y^2)

    professor got

    (1/9)*(324 - y^2) <-- seems like thats just (1/9)(y+18)(18-y)

    after i integrate (and i checked with a integration calculator so i know i did that right) and plug in the numbers get a vastly different answer than my professor and I'm pretty sure its a mistake in algebra since all the work is shown and the only difference is this part

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How much work is done by electrical charge put on a spherical surface?

    I thought i understood this stuff but for some reason i can't get this one, any help is greatly appreciated


    How much work do you have to perform to place Q = 3.06 μC charge on a spherical conducting shell with a radius of R = 26.2 cm?

    I tried kQ^2/r and kQ^2/(2r) (someone said that worked) but neither worked. I'm looking through the book but can't find anything that seems helpful


    Thanks again

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • I don't know what im doing wrong with this sound intenstity over distance problem, can someone help?

    The intensity of the sound from a certain source is measured at two points along a line from the source. The points are separated by 12.0 m, the sound level is 60.70 dB at the first point and 52.27 dB at the second point. How far is the source from the first point?

    I'm using the I=P/4(pi)r^2 equation


    r1 + 12 = r2



    after plugging in a few things, doing some algebra, i get

    I1*r1^2 = I2*r2^2

    plug in r1 + 12 for r2, multiplied it out, did some more algebra, and it gave me a quadratic, after solving for that i got 154.6 m (i know the quadratic part is right since its a program i used multiple times before and it worked fine)

    I solved the problem using different methods and got the same answer. So it looks like I'm using the wrong equation or one of my givens is wrong

    Can anyone help, thanks in advance

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Why do i get an answer of 1 when i enter r for one of the variables in matlab?

    The program is suppose to ask whether the matrix (which is imported for an outside file) is organized in rows and columns; if it is in columns then it is should changed it to rows.

    I got that to work but when i enter 'r' for rows it gives me back an answer of 1 (it doesnt really effect my program but it is bothering me).

    I can remember my professor saying something like this could happen but i forgot how he said to fix it or what caused it

    heres my code:

    file=input('Please enter the name of the data: ','s')


    format=input('Is the data organized in rows or colums (r/c): ','s')

    if format == ('c')


    disp 'The data was in colums and has been coverted to rows'

    else format == ('r')

    disp 'The data is in rows'


    clear all

    thanks in advance for the help

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Which one of these objects will reach the bottom of a ramp first? (using moment of inertia and mass)?

    The five masses below all have the same radius and a cylindrically symmetric mass distribution. They start to roll down an inclined plane, starting from rest, at the same time and from the same height. Give their order of arrival at the bottom (i.e. ABCDE, DCBAE).

    A) Icm= 1746g cm2, M= 44g

    B) Icm= 1104g cm2, M= 41g

    C) Icm= 1358g cm2, M= 41g

    D) Icm= 1837g cm2, M= 50g

    E) Icm= 1396g cm2, M= 50g

    I thought it was the largest Icm reached first (or last) but that wasn't right

    already tried:



    they weren't right

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Are these statements regarding forces effects on velocity and speed true or false?

    1) If a net force acts on an object, the object's velocity will change.

    2) If two objects have the same acceleration, they are under the influence of equal forces.

    3) If an object's speed does not change, no net force is acting on the object.

    4) During the collision of a car with a large truck, the truck exerts an equal size force on the car as the car exerts on the truck.

    5) An object's velocity will change if a net force acts on the object.

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • are these statements true or false?

    1) If a net force acts on an object, the object's velocity will change.

    2) If two objects have the same acceleration, they are under the influence of equal forces.

    3) If an object's speed does not change, no net force is acting on the object.

    4) During the collision of a car with a large truck, the truck exerts an equal size force on the car as the car exerts on the truck.

    5) An object's velocity will change if a net force acts on the object.

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • My xbox 360 can not resolve the DNS server, working on it for hours can't figure it out?

    I live in a college dorm where i have to connect my 360 to my computer, which connects to the internet. I got the crossover cable (connects 360 to comp) and usb to ethernet adapter (gives me another internet port)

    I opened the network connection and click on the xbox connection and try to manually put the dns in. also tried automatic.

    Tried the same on my xbox options, manually putting in the dns and automatically

    Used the command prompt to check what my dns is, didn't work when i entered it

    I tried to call mircrosoft and they couldn't help and neither did their website, can anyone help

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to form a memory (possibly a false one) due to someone telling you something?

    For example, if someone was mugged and they said they did not get a good look at the perpetrator. Someone later suggests that the suspect had black hair so the person now believes the suspect had black hair

    sorry if it is confusing, not exactly sure how to word it.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do I transfer music from my ipod to my Vista PC?

    I googled it already and i said to show hidden files, but the "ipod control" folder will not appear.

    Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Can't connect to BearShare, Any suggestions?

    My firewall isnt blocking it, my virus protector isn't blocking it. I can't figure out how to connect, anyone know what might be the problem?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What book is a good guide for body language?

    What is a good book for learning how to read body language?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago