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I'm a shy fella that loves soft rock and the 60's, i'm foreign and my accent is the one thing that helped me gain friends and i have a witty way to comment on stuff, i also love reading

  • When and where is the festival of color?

    I heard of this festival where you get colored powder and look all cool. i've seen my friends post pictures of it in facebook. I just moved to NYC so i'm new to this city. Is there a festival of color here? i wanna go!! i just can't find it! please do tell where could it be located and the date. if i missed it. i'll go next year!!

    2 AnswersNew York City9 years ago
  • Used Book or Nook? Cheap or Stupid?

    I'm a lover for books, specially old english books like the Count of Monte Cristo and Don Quixote, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. I like going to the library a lot, but i wanna own my own books. I only own 1 book, The grapes of wrath(favorite), so i tought i would just buy a Nook and get books for a lower price. But i'm not sure if that's the best way to have books, or the cheapest. So what should i do? buy used books? Or get a nook? Please tell me the benefits and negatives of both ways if you know!! thank you!!!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Can i get instagram in an IPod Touch?

    I don't know much of the gadgets all my friends use(don't ask) so i have no idea if i can get instagram in my ipod touch. I seen a lot of my friends posting pictures from it to their facebook and i looked it up saying it was only for IPhone. i got no idea if thats true. I wanna buy an ipod touch soon, maybe in 2 weeks actually. But i wanna have instagram too! So can i get it on my ipod touch or should i just buy a iphone to only use it as an ipod touch? Also, i live in NYC and heard of Instaprint, i wanna check that out!! if it's in Brooklyn, than i can get closer than all my friends who live in Utah.

    5 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Army for citizenship? HELP!?

    The only way to describe this is by the book, the frog king. You know that part where the girl(me, except i'm a guy) has her foreign friend telling her he's being deported(my foreign friend in my case) well. My foreign friend is thinking of joining the army to gain his citizenship, but i think you need to be a legal citizen to join the army. He said they would let him either way and since he can't go to college since he's illegal and has no green card. He's just gonna try to join the army. He's got 10 years living here, his family just kicked him out of his house since he just barely finshed high school(June 2011) he's working illegaly(taking risks) but i wanna help him, he;s still not sure if the army can help him. Do they help or anything. please tell!

    5 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • Can you identify a song by it's beat?

    This is gonna be hard to describe, but i heard this song last year and a few months ago, that i frigging love. But i never understood the lyrics and didn't hear it that much to understand the lyrics either. I'm looking for it in Youtube but i don't even know the title or lyrics. only the beat! i made up these lyrics to the sound of the beat i have stuck in my head. Pretty much i'm asking if you know this disco, funky song=

    And i can't stop-gotta know-if i can have it my way!

    I really really cannot stop have to know my way!

    Come on now you pretty girl. Let's GO aga-in!


    Come mama, come in here, i'm-waiting for you

    Al again!!



    It kinda sounds like Thank you by sly and the family stone.

    It's a male voice that sings it. Please help, i have been searching for the past 3 days all night, Looking up the best 70's disco songs and 90's hits, i got no idea what the song could be, only that it's an oldie since i heard it in the radio station that plays oldies.

    2 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • how do go from NYC to Layton, Utah?

    After finishing High School.

    I moved from Layton, Utah a few months ago to NYC.

    i'm planning to go back since all my friends are there.

    But want to take my time going there, not just fly there. Is there any safe ways to walk all that distance or any places i could stay at for a small fee?

    i literally just wanna have a wilderness sabbatical kind of thing when i have to go back to Utah.

    I got no friends in NYC(maybe i'll make some soon) but i wanna be a step ahead just in case.

    i'll even ask this same question in 400 days (that's what i'm planning to)

    So please help.

    3 AnswersNew York City9 years ago
  • Is iced tea bad for you?

    I started to have a lil craving for Iced tea since i was young,

    Now that i have moved out of my house got my own job and saving to go to college.

    i'm drinking iced tea all the time.

    i buy a gallon to last me the week for breakfast, i buy a $1 can of Arizona zero calories iced tea

    with lemon on lunch and i come home to fill a glass of water and pour some powder iced tea and

    drink it.

    i been doing this since november and been wondering if it's bad for my health.

    i heard iced tea sticks to your teeth but never heard of anything bad for your health.

    any comments?

    please tell me!!!

    6 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years ago
  • Is my way to lose weight right?

    So i always wanted to lose weight and get on a diet and do all that stuff people do. I'm 6 feet tall and weight 220, and i'm 19 years old. I wear pants size 40, so yes, i needed this, anywho,

    i started this new job in the cleaners, it get really hot so i sweat a lot, and i do pick up and delivery so i have to walk alot,

    i'm living with my uncle until i save up enough to pay for a room. I eat a small breakfast, no lunch, a big dinner.

    I only been drinking water to not spend money and it's the only thing i can drink at my uncles house. Once i get my own room, and spend my money a bit, what should i do? eat the way i been doing or change or something??? i'm gonna pay for a gym membership soon after the room.

    25 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • How much are the electronics i want?

    I'm saving up my money and i need to know how much i need to buy a; 1) Electric guitar with an amp, 2)ipod touch that has a camera, 3) Small laptop 4) Photographers camera

    I'd rather buy them from a store, but tell me any advice, PLEEEEASE!!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • Hard worker or suicidal?

    I'm a depressed kind of person and hate myself a lot.

    But i never gone so far that i've started to cut myself or hurt myself. Anyway, i was left home alone in my uncles house for 3 days, i didn't have a key, so i could go out without getting locked out of my house. I worked out to pass the time since i'm kind of fat.

    I got so sore that my body was in pain, but i keeped goin or doing something to excersize on. I never noticed, but i literally kill myself working out. is this my own way to hurt myself and feel better? I've taken lots of gym classes in school since i really want to lose weight, and i never cared how bad my body hurted.

    I even ignore my hunger and thirst and sometimes sleep when i work. Am i a hard worker or just want to kill myself?

    2 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • How do i talk to Gaston Acurio?

    I need to contact Gaston Acurio, but he's so rich and famous that i have no idea where to look, all i find is places to learn recipes and i need to talk to him personally!! any help!!

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • I need a new ipod charger cord?

    My only ipod is an ipod shuffle 2nd generation and the charger cord for just broke.

    My problem is that the part broken is one of the wires inside right by the USB connector that plugs in the computer. I can buy one easy online but it takes 10 day to get here and i'm leaving Utah to NYC on Sunday!!!!!!!!!

    This is my question, should I:

    1. cut the xharger cord and try to twist on another cut charger cord?

    2. Wait in NYC and get a new one?(i'm gonna live with my uncle there so he'll have to buy it)

    3. Try to persuade my dad to buy me a new one(i'm 18 and got no money)

    Please answer soon!!! i'm leaving and i want music!!

    P.S. All my music is in my friends computer, he said he'll burn the music to some empty CD's he has, the thing is i' just impatient!!! and want to know if theres a faster way

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Can my uncle get me a green card?

    My uncle is a legal U.S. citizen, and i'm not, can he make me legal in some way? is there any hope for me?

    3 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Pool party, swim or stay dry?

    I'm going to a pool party in 7 hours and i need some advice!!!

    I'm a hairy person(chest and lower waist, plus my butt) and have a keg not a six pack, i'm fairly popular and if this pool party has girls(most possible) i don't want them to see my fat and hairy body, i don't care what guys say, but i get paranoid with girls around.

    I'm not sure if i should take my chance and jump in the water and show my body or just stay away from the pool and try to have a good time on the dry ground, or what if everybody goes inside?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • I'm gonna start living in NYC, what should i do?

    In July i'm gonna fly from Utah to NYC, so i'm partying my butt off with all my friends in here, but once i get to NYC and live with my uncle.

    Where do i get a new group of friends? i just graduated and i won't go to college for a while since money is pretty low.

    But i want to have a group of friends to depend on, has anybody found a place where friends are easy to make?

    i'm into reading, writing, pot smoking and building if that helps where i can look

    1 AnswerNew York City10 years ago
  • I want to fight the my friend, but i can't, what should i do?

    Since 10th grade i met this 12th grade guy that i instantly considered my friend, he bullied me because i got an accent so i sounded funny, all my friends laughed to but eventually advised me to beat the crap of him, i'm a nice guy so i ignored it.

    Now i'm graduated and this bully/Friend started to live in the apartment my sister and her friends share, a year ago he got kicked out for calling my sister a ***** and my bisexual friend(who also knows my sister) a fag.

    When i found out i wanted revenge SO bad! This guy is also a sick sexual person that talks dirty stuff with his girl and get racist if the girls don't go out with him, he's black and he asks out latino and white girls a lot, that he just creeps them out.

    Now i see in facebook that he's making moves on my friend who doesn't like him and it just kills me thinking the crap he's thinking to do to her if he could!!

    I want revenge so bad, but he's a football player and i never been in a fight in my life, i'm capable of fighting and killing myself but i know theres a more peaceful way to this.

    Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • I'm soon going to New York City, any suggstions on what i should do there?

    I like to read and write so i would love to find a library, but i also have a love for parties and fun, so i also love to find the good places where 18+ people hang out(cause i'm 18 right now) and the safest to just in case

    3 AnswersNew York City10 years ago