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Lv 43,349 points

The Fool On The Hill

Favorite Answers12%

My favorite bands are~ The Beatles, Aerosmith, RHCP, Green Day, Blind Melon, Streetlight Manifesto, Twisted Sister, Good Charlotte, OK Go, Anti-Flag, The Doors, Rise Against, Bowling For Soup, John Lennon (is my hero), Johnny Cash, The Killers, They Might Be Giants, No Doubt, P!NK, The Ramones, and all classical music :D My favorite genre is punk, any subgenres of that as well (: I love to meet new people, I truly do, I love talking to them and everything, so never be afraid to message me! :D ~ It's okay We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too.~ ~"Leap and the net will appear. "~ ~I'm afraid that some times
you'll play lonely games too.
Games you can't win
'cause you'll play against you...There are some, down the road between hither and yon,
that can scare you so much you won't want to go on.~

  • I was just wondering, for limos?

    We live in Orange County, Ca, and we were planning on taking a limo to our Winter Formal dance. My friend found I dunno, like, I've read the reviews I could find on it, but wasn't sure how legit it was?

    I'm just kinda worried about *this* limo company. Does anyone have other options for other limo companies with good deals? Or is this limo company alright?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • My best friend is getting to me?

    Hey :) So, my best friend and I are really close, and she really doesn't have any other friends besides me. She's afraid to be alone (so she's extremely clingy), she's always frustrated or pissed or complaining, and she is *never* happy.

    I know that it's hard for her, but she doesn't try, and she only complains, so I'm sorry if I sound b**chy, but after every single day of her having some other melodramatic problem, I'm done.

    I have my own issues to worry about, and I can't keep listening to her complain day after day after day. It's really getting to me, but I don't want to *not* be friends with her, because I'm all she has :/ I don't know what to do?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Imovie versus Final Cut Pro?

    I've been editing videos with imovie '06 for about a year now, so I'd say I'm pretty comfortable with imovie, and I was wondering, which should I get, Final Cut or imovie? I've heard different things from both.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • putting music on imovie'09?

    Well, my first time using the new imovie version and so far, I really don't like it :P. Well, I know how to get music ON imovie, and I know how to put it so where it plays at a certain point. my question is... Can you somehow put the music down and THEN put the clips together? The videos I like to do are times with the music... and on imovie, I only know how to put clips together and THEN put the music on the clips.

    Is there somehow I can put the music on, and then put clips together?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I won't forgive my dad?

    Ok, so, a little background info on me:

    I'm 16, live in California, and I have 3 half sisters (all from my mom), and 2 half brothers (one from my dad, one from my mom).

    My dad left my half brother (his son) and my dad's wife... that was a long time ago, when my brother was about 6, he's almost 30 now. (let's call him Jude.)

    My dad has always hated my half sisters and my other half brother. And he's not afraid to admit that he really does HATE them.

    Oh, and my mom's an alcoholic.

    Well, on the Fourth of July this year, my dad called from out of state (He'd been in Indiana since June, looking for work [he was and still is unemployed.]) and told my mom he wanted a divorce, he said he wanted all of the savings money in the bank account (I talked to Jude about it, and he said that my dad said he spent so much of his early retirement money on the house, he said it was justified by taking out all of our savings money.)

    Since then, my dad's tried to talk to me 3 or 4 times, but I never answered/texted him back. I guess I find it as an attack to my family? That and, I just... got so angry at him that he would basically take the money and leave. He keeps texting my mom, telling her he loves her and wants her back, but my mom says that she is done.

    And I know California's laws are 50/50. My mom doesn't want to fight, she just wants him to have the money, so her and I can keep the house.

    I guess, my real question is, haha, is do I have the right to be angry and upset? Is it ok that I no longer feel how I felt towards my dad?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Army/Military question(s)?

    Ok, well, I'm a (almost) 16 year old girl, and, at the moment I'm going through a depression which has been happening for a long while, and it was so major that it put me into psychosis. Well, I've been taking medication (Prozac and Abilify) for about half a year.

    If I get off of the medication next month (in May, I have my next appointment) would I be disqualified at all? I mean, if it isnt a CURRENT problem, obviously it would still matter, but, would it help my chances? Or is ANY history with psychotic features disqualifying?

    And if it IS disqualifying, would that reach out to ALL branches, or just the Army? What other branch could I look into if I can't join the Army because of my depression/psychosis?

    What other things could I do to help my chances of getting in? I know I asked my recruiter and he said I should do a lot of community service and get the most education I can to help me stand out. Is there anything else I could do?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Army/Military question(s)?

    Ok, well, I don't know much at all about the Military, but as far as I know, there's the groups of Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy in the Military, correct?

    Well, I might be interested in joining the military, I just don't know which branch would suit me the best? Can anyone tell me what the difference between the branches are, what each do?

    I don't have tons of experience (I'm a sophomore in HS, I'm 15, and I'm a woman) so, would the Military still be able to put me somewhere? I mean, I know I have another few years to get experience in doing at least SOMETHING, but, lets say I'm not all that great, would I be able to train, know what to do, etc? Like, they won't just throw me out somewhere without telling me what to do/how to do it, right?

    And another thing, I'm not straight, so would I still be able to join? Would they really not accept me just because I'm not a straight woman? (I'm not fully Lesbian, either, I'm a pansexual)

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Writing tips (poems, stories, books, etc)?

    ok, so Im a sort of new writer. I've been writing all my life, but usually just a couple of few paged stories and a couple of poems here and there.

    What I want to be able to do is be a dedicated, day after day writer. For those of you who are that dedicated: Do you have any tips to do it day after day? What motivates you? What demotivates you? What do you do when you don't feel like writing?

    And what are other writing tips? Besides doing it day after day does anyone have any advice on grammar, language, tone, theme, etc? Anything, really, would be helpful :)

    I plan on joining the school newspaper next year, so I hope that could help?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Perfectionism (20 characters)?

    What are the traits of a perfectionist? What are the negative effects of perfectionism? Any information about it would be great, thanks (:

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • LGBT, How did you know? When did you first find out?

    On my website, I have a section with gay right/ info for LGBT teens, people, etc.

    My next column is going to be knowing how you're LGBT, and I wanted to get some quotes from real stories, So, whats yours? And also, can you say if you don't want your quotes/ stories to be posted on the site? I don't want to take quotes or whatever from you guys and you not be comfortable with it. thanks :)

  • Being pansexual- meaning?

    What does it mean to be pansexual? I tried to google it, but I cant really make much sense of it? its like bi, but deeper, in a way?

    I've liked transgendered, butches, etc., does that make me pansexual?

  • sites for Downloading youtube videos?

    ok, so originally I used, butttt it no longer works for me! So does anyone have a site to download and keep Youtube videos? thanks :)

    9 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Song O' The Day- Two, The Antlers?

    (: Hallo everyone. How are you all this fine spring day?! :D

    Anyways, the song I wanted to share with you all is Two, by The Antlers.


    Tell me what you think! :D

    BQ: How was your day?

    BQ2: Most recently bought album/song?

    BQ3: Guilty pleasures. I want to hear them!

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • I want to get my hair cut short, but?

    I want to get my hair cut short enough so I can spike it, but I have a round face? Would it be ok to cut it short enough for me to spike it, while having a round face?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do you show your pride?

    How do you show pride for your sexual orientation, How often do you try to? (:

    Do you do it at school, out in public, etc?

  • I just came out to my parents?

    Well, ok, I came out as being bi this afternoon to my mom (she was accepting, not entirely, but she wasn't against it), then I locked myself in my room and watched Milk. I told her to tell my dad, and I think she did, and my dad hasn't said anything to me about it (we just got done with dinner).

    And i'm not sure how to feel, really? if it makes sense, I'm more nervous about being bi then I was before, if anyone else has felt like that? I just, I dont know.. feel like I let them down in some way. I was never like my other brother and sisters, but... I dunno, I've been the only person in my family to be openly bi, and its kind of.. different? haha, I guess.

    How did you feel after you came out to your parents? is it normal to feel this way?

  • Another (longer) poem?

    Heres another poem I wrote today, what does anyone think about it?

    On the horses carriage she came,

    A woman so pale and fair in every single way.

    Even as the horses started to halt,

    The lady continued to pray.

    Heres how it went, each and every day:

    Protégez-moi de la méchanceté,

    Protégez-moi du péché.

    Protégez-moi du mal,

    Protégez-moi de leur part.

    Je donnerai ma vie pour toi,

    En signe de gratitude, je vais rester,

    Car à toi pour toujours,

    Jusqu'à la fin de mes jours.

    The women opened opened her eyes from prayer,

    And saw Her standing there.

    She was beautiful, with sleek brown hair.

    With eyes as blue as the dark deep sky.

    She got out of the carriage and said:

    “Ma'am, I'm sorry to inform you,

    That your son is dead.”

    Not wanting to hear the truth, the woman pretended not to hear.

    Although truth always finds a way, for now, it has stayed away.

    BTW, the French part says:

    Protect me from evil,

    Protect me from sin.

    Protect me from evil,

    Protect me from them.

    I give my life for you,

    In gratitude, I remain,

    For yours forever

    Until the end of my days.

    thanks everyone :D

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • My newest poem, how is it?


    Anger replacing sadness.

    A fist through the peace.

    The hidden lies were found.

    The hole was already deep.

    Besides a lie,

    What is “fine”?

    To build the bridge again,

    Would be like suicide.

    11 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Similarities between books?

    ok, well, I just wanted to know if anyone else has caught this between any few books. with me it was TLOTR: Fellowship Of The Ring, and the Harry Potter series. I dunno, maybe its just because im obsessed with Harry Potter, but has anyone else noticed the similarities between the two? I mean, even the plot of it... between Frodo and Saraun (spelling? I'm not finished reading it yet :3) reminded me of the battles between Voldemort and Harry.

    also, the ring somewhat reminded me of the invisibility cloak, though im sure JK got that from her own imagination. But also, you know how Voldemort was trying to kinda take over everything? Sauran is too, right? with the ring, and Voldemort was after the Elder Wand.

    Gandalf and Dumbledore sometimes remind me of one another as well. As do Sam and Ron.

    Has anyone else noticed some of these similarities, or, even, any in other books?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • All the punk fans in R&P?

    Good morning everybody :)

    What is everyones... favorite punk band?



    What is everyones favorite SKA band?



    Why are they your favorite? :)

    BQ: Any New Years Resolutions?

    BQ2: Favorite band you've recently found?

    I hope everyone has a good morning. :)

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago