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  • Abstract algebra-fields?

    Let Q(sqrt(2)) = { a + b*sqrt(2) | a and b are in Q}. Show that this set, with addition and multiplication, is a field.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract Algebra- section on primes?

    Let a,b be nonzero integers with gcd(a, b)=1 , meaning reletively prime. compute gcd(a+b, a-b). thanks for any help. I was thinking to use Euclidean algorithm since it says to compute....

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Differential geometry-integration of forms -Thanks!?

    Let α:[-1,1] -->R² be the curve segment given by α(t)=(t, t²).

    If φ=v² du + 2uv dv, compute the integral of φ over α.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • calculus analysis- limit problem?


    lim x->0 (x²sinx/sinx-xcosx)

    were learning about L'hopitols rule, so it might be needed here.

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Math analysis- convergent sequences. please help, thanks?

    Suppose that (S_n) is a sequence of real numbers. Show that if the absolute value of S_n converges to 0, then S_n converges to 0.

    Also, Is it true that if absolute value of S_n converges to a>0, then S_n converges to a.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • circular inversion- onto?

    Prove a circular inversion is an onto transformation

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract Algebra HELP- isomorphisms?

    Let R be the ring given by defining new operations on Z, by letting m*n=m+n-1 and let m**n=m+n-mn. define (Phi): from Z to R by

    (Phi)(n)=1-n. show that (Phi) is an isomorphism.

    NOTES: Phi is the greek letter Phi(looks like a circle with a verticle line through it. also (phi)(n) = phi of n. Z is the set of integers.

    Thank you so much, I really need the help and explainations.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract Algebra--Ring Homomorphisms?

    For the rings Zn and Zk, show that if k divides n then the function (Phi): Zn to Zk defined by Phi([Xn])=[X]k for all [X]n in Zn, is a ring homormorphism. show that this is the ONLY ring homomorphism from Zn to Zk.

    Thanks for any help I really need it.

    Notes: Zn means Z(sub n)= the set of integers subscript n. same for Xn and Xk and so on... also for [X]k, this means [X](sub k)

    Also, Phi is the greek letter Phi, decsribing the ring.looks like a circle with a vertical line through it

    Thank you, please be sure to explain how you got the answer also.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract Algebra-kernel and image?

    Define (Phi): Z to Zm * Zn by (Phi)(x)=([X]m,[X]n). find the kernel and image of (Phi) show that (Phi) is onto if and only if gcd(m,n)=1

    Notes: Phi is the greek letter phi, looks like a circle with a vertical line through it. Z is the set of integers, Zn is Z(subscript n) same for the X's

    Thanks so much for any help!

    Pleae be sure to explain how you got the answer.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract ALgebra HELP!! rings?

    Define new operations on Q(the set of rational numbers) by letting a*b=a+b and a**b=2ab, for all a,b in Q. Show that Q is a commutative ring under these operations.

    Please explain how to get the answer also.

    Thanks for the help, its greatly needed and appreciated.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • COMMUTATIVE RINGS--abstract algebra?

    Define new operations on Q(the set of rational numbers) by letting a*b=a+b and a**b=2ab, for all a,b in Q. Show that Q is a commutative ring under these operations.

    Please explain how to get the answer also.

    Thanks for the help, its greatly needed and appreciated.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • ABSTRACT ALGEBRA-- help with factor groups?

    Abstract algebra- subgroups and cyclic generators?

    let G=Z/<20> and H= <4>/<20> where H is a subgroup of G. List all elements of H and G/H.

    WHats the answer?? and how do you get it??? thanks!

    In words: let G= the set of intergers Z/the cyclic subgroup generated by 20 and H=cyclic subgroup generated by 4/ cyclic group generated by 20.

    H is a subgroup of G. list elements of H and of G/H where G/H is the factor group of G determined by H.

    I think it has somthing to do with cosets too?? Hope this helps to clarify a little. thanks for any help

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract algebra- subgroups and cyclic generators?

    let G=Z/<20> and H= <4>/<20> where H is a subgroup of G. List all elements of H and G/H.

    WHats the answer?? and how do you get it??? thanks!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • More abstract Algebra--subgroups and cyclic generators?

    let G=Z/<20> and H= <4>/<20> where H is a subgroup of G. List all elements of H and G/H.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Abstract algebra-prove its abelian?

    Let G={x in R ; x > 0 and x not equal to 1} define the operation * on G by a*b=a^(ln b), for all a,b in G. Prove that G is an abelian group under the operation *.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago