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Treasure; <3s BATDOG.

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My fiancee and I have 2 young boys, and one baby on the way. We are passionately in love, and don't need a piece of government issued documentation to prove to everyone else we do. Marriage might be important to other people, and that is wonderful and intimate for them, however for us, it just isn't the time. We have a 1yr old Siberian Husky [Archemedes], a 3mth old Doberman [Nizu], a cat [Squire], a cockateil [Wort], and a ferret [Madam Mim]. I advocate people to research the breed of dog they are interested in, and purchase a dog based on life-style matches, as opposed to just a simple, cute puppy. I am open to healthy, interesting, diverse debates.

  • Shifting a Quaker Parrot Bond?

    I recently purchased a Quaker [approx. 15mths]. However I am wondering if it is possible to shift a birds bond from one person to another. My husband works shift work of 24 days away, and I am a stay at home mom. Only problem is that the bird has bonded to my husband while he's been on vacation. And I don't want the bird to go through mental stress over being separated from my husband so long when he goes back to work.

    Is it possible to shift our Quakers bond to me from my husband? As I am at home with him 24/7.

    1 AnswerBirds10 years ago
  • How to hand tame lovebird?

    My husband and I recently purchased a lovebird. I am wondering to to hand tame it to come up onto my hand. She will fly onto me when she is out of her cage, but once I make a motion towards her, she flies away. She will however allow our 3yr old son go up to her, and she will step up onto him. I just don't know how to train her to step up onto me, without flying away. I don't want to chase her and scare her further.

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Would you qualify this as a malpractice on behave of our vet services?

    We have had our Doberman pup since September 16th '10. We noticed she would limp and favor her left rear leg, after taking her to the vet for xrays [which I knew she needed, and specifically booked the appt as xrays], they only xrays the ankle, not the entire length of her leg from hip-foot, only the ankle and foot. They discovered she had a shifted Tarsus bone [in her ankle]. After treatment with a splint for 1.5mths, the bone healed, pushed back into place, and properly fused. However, she then noticed that she had swelling on her knee, and has come to the conclusion that she has now a Crucial Tear in her tendon within her knee. However, she has never been in any traumatic situation other than what caused her original Tarsus injury. So when confronted on why this injury was not discovered 2-3mths ago, along with the original injury, with a full leg xray, they vet retorted 'There was no sign of trauma to any other section of the leg other than the ankle, and the xray paper is expensive.' However when we took her into the vet to xray her knee, she was fully capable of taking a full leg xray. So now, our pup has been using the leg, and causing unknown amounts of unnecessary, irreversible damage to her knee and tendon, that should have and could have been prevented. Had have the vet taken the welfare of our pup into the greater scheme, instead she got double payment, because we had to have 2 different sessions of xrays [$140.00X2], 2 different vet check-ups [$$50.00X2], as well as now she requires a $3,000 surgery. So because the vet was more concerned about dollar signs, and taking us to the wringers, our pup has so much more damage to her leg than she would have, if the vet had have put her welfare first.

    So we are wondering if this is a form of malpractice in regards to ignoring, and neglecting t to offer proper services and options to an owner [so either a full leg xray in the initial appt, or even an xray when she notices joint fluid leaking into her knee]. We are fully prepared and stable enough to go ahead with the surgery, however it is disappointing for us to know that our pup now requires such a serious solution, when in the beginning the vet could have caught the ligament issue and we could have been on a treatment regiment for the last 2-3mths.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Doberman pup with eye boogers?

    Our pup has been having green eye boogers since yesterday, and I am unsure if it is maybe just normal, natural flushing of the eye, or if it could be something much worse and serious such as infection or something caught in her eye. Yesterday morning she had the green discharge from one eye, and this afternoon I have noticed it is now from both. She is eating, drinking, playing, wrestling normally, so I am unsure whether it is in fact an infection. She has a vet appointment on Monday for a seperate concern, but I would obviously move the appointment to tomorrow if needed.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Measuring considerably smaller than gestational dates?

    We went for one of our pre-natal appointments yesterday, were informed that my due date has been pushed by from Feburary 22nd all the way to March 06. Which is a huge gap to have a mistake, I must admit though, my husband and I didn't remember my exact LMP. However when my OB-GYN took my measurement, she stated that I was only measuring 27wks, which is what I measured at my last appointment before Christmas. Corrected I should be around 31-32wks gestation, however I am greatly concerned as to why I am measuring 4-5wks SMALLER than I should be. I would love to know what the worst medical issues are that my husband and I face with this baby, as well as any stories from other mommies who have measured small, and what the outcome was in the delivery room for them.

    I must stress as well and the baby moves healthy, is active, I eat normally, as well as I have never had any problems with our other 2 pregnancies, which were both started healthy, progressed healthy, and were finished healthy.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Evolutionary control over natural instinct?

    This question is kind of complex, and I am not sure how to properly word it so everyone can understand.

    Every living thing has evolved and adapted to make life easier, safer, and a higher survival rate. Even humans, and as humans, we still hold onto our instincts for natural survival and survival of the fittest. So my question is, is if humans can relapse and revert back to our instincts, why do people think it is absolutely ludicrous that a dog, who has not been domesticated, and so has not been bred from their instincts near as long or as well as humans. That the dog reverts back to their fight or flight instinct? Why do people find it absolutely unacceptable that a dog, who if they were put in the same situation would do the same or worse, reacts with it's survival? It is in every organisms genetics and history to survive, so I am wondering how many others find it incredibly naive of people to put such absurdly high expectations on an animal, that they themselves cannot even muster the courage, control, ability, or resources to complete themselves?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Better food of 3 options?

    I have the choice of feeding my dogs Halo, Blue Buffalo, and Acana.

    Our Siberian Husky is already on adult food, so we will be needing to buy both a puppy formula and an adult. Our Chihuahua and Doberman pup are both currently on BB, and our Sib is on Acana adult. However I noticed that both these brands have 'meal' in them, I believe it's both Chicken Meal, I have no idea what that is, and it is the second ingredient. Halo doesn't even have a 'meal' listed in the ingredients.

    So I am wondering what would be the best food to feed our dogs out of these options? Would one brand be a better adult food than puppy?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Betta fish life-span?

    Our Betta fish, Zsa Zsa recently died, and I am wondering what their expected life span is? We had him for around a year, and he gradually went from darker blue hues to a pure black. When I changed his tank yesterday, he was entire black, and for the last few days he had hidden in his tank house. Granted, he was just a fish, but he was around for a year, and was right in the kitchen, so I seen him every day, and now since he's gone I am wondering if he died prematurely?

    Also, we were thinking of getting Guppies for the tank this time, however I am wondering if they need an oxygen source for the water, or if like Bettas, they can live in still water?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Different 'Velcro-Dog' Breeds?

    Are there any other breeds out there, that by standard are mythed as 'Velcro-dogs' other than Doberman Pinschers? I am not looking for an exception to a breed that is more so velcroed, I am looking for breeds that are consistantly known for being very velcroed to their owners and families.

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Sonogram; hoping for a daughter? Need gender opinions?

    I am aware I have asked this numerous times, however when you're pregnant and there is even the slightest possibility that you can finally have that girl, it eats away at you for 30+weeks!

    My husband and I have 2 boys [2&1], and we're hoping for a girl, though another brother would be pretty stellar too. But there is always that yearning to experience the opposite sex. I am looking to see what you mommies opinions are, since many of you have either both, one, or a few of daughters and sons and have seen what both look like on a sonogram.

    Zoomed picture, thought maybe it would make it slightly cleaer.

    Thanks mommies.

    The ultrasound pictures, are a direct aireal veiw of the groin and leg extending down. There isn't torso, neck, head, or arms in the picture. It's a quite obvious photo, however I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is. In Alberta in my city they cannot disclose the gender, due to legal cases. So no, they did not tell me, cannot tell me, and will not tell me. It is a 23wk scan

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Gender Question, hoping for a daughter?

    I am aware I have asked this numerous times, however when you're pregnant and there is even the slightest possibility that you can finally have that girl, it eats away at you for 30+weeks!

    My husband and I have 2 boys [2&1], and we're hoping for a girl, though another brother would be pretty stellar too. But there is always that yearning to experience the opposite sex. I am looking to see what you mommies opinions are, since many of you have either both, one, or a few of daughters and sons and have seen what both look like on a sonogram.

    Zoomed picture, thought maybe it would make it slightly cleaer.

    Thanks mommies.

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Chihuahua names, I am at a stump?

    My husband and I recently purchased a chihuahua puppy, he isn't coming home until the middle of December, however I cannot whittle down my names. So far I have;






    I however cannot choose between the names, and cannot think of any other off the wall names. Does anyone have suggestions, or can help me pick from my list?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Gender question, hoping for a girl?

    I went for our ultra-sound a while ago, and I just wanted to see what other mommies thought we could be having.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Puppy terrified of husband?

    My husband works shift work, and is away from up to 24 days at a time. We recently got a puppy, and she is about 15 weeks old now. However every time my husband comes home and comes near the puppy she submissive pees in front of him, which is irritating to my husband. My husband isn't the best with training dogs, he never had even a cat growing up, so he lacks the knowledge and understanding that there are different behaviors. So he ends up punishing the puppy for peeing in the house. But not only will she submissive pee, she'll avoid going near him, will cry out when he pulls her towards him to pet her, and she won't eat in front of him, but will instead sit in front of the bowl, trembling and quivering. Which further irritates my husband, as he wants the puppy to grow into a confident, bold, courageous dog. How can we work with her to lessen her frayed nerves with my husband? She is entirely attached to me, and follows closely to me, and runs to me, and sleeps touching me when I'm sitting relaxing. I just need other opinions and option other dog owners have on methods to fix this neurotic behaviour in our puppy? Perhaps someone else has been in the same situation, and has a successful training regiment? My husband is not a patient person, and quickly either looses his temper. Which is not making this situation any easier for me, him, or our poor pup. Any opinions or options would be greatly appreciated.

    22 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Wow, and we all thought Wolf Hybrids were one of the most risky, irresponsible to own?

    What would be your first reason that this dude is GIVING away these wolves? Mine is that they are illegal, and he recently found out, either that, or the wolves are absolutely instinct driven and there is zero way this dude has the mental capacity [obviously] to remotely understand these dogs.

    Why do people think owning wolves is a cool thing to do? That's like owning a Tiger and thinking your the hottest s hit on the block for being a completely uneducated, irresponsible, insecure moron.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are you biased to your dog breeds?

    I am wondering if anyone else is biased to their breeds? I have a Siberian Husky as well as a Doberman puppy and I have to admit I think that my dog breeds are slightly better and put on a sort of pedestal compared to other dogs. I have no issue with other dog breeds, but I just like mine the best, and I am wondering if anyone else views their breeds the same way? Perhaps it is that you naturally become more educated about your breeds, and so know more about them and can answer questions more knowledgeably, or maybe it's a loyalty thing.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • This is the worst one I have seen yet. The things people come up with.?

    Firstly, that is quite possibly the ugliest puppy I have ever seen. But I should give this woman cudos, seeing how this is; 'only litter for this year!' plus she's a superbly rare breed. I'm amazed she is ONLY charging $800.

    So, how many other people scan through websites such as Kijiji to view the absolutely horrid litter scams people have come up with? Because I can often get a surreal laugh out of some peoples advertisements.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What the... this is a gag!?

    I have also been asked NUMEROUS times if our Doberman Pinscher pup is a miniature Doberman. I was under the impression Dobermans only come in one standard size? Seeing how she is a monster compared to a Min Pin, which is a completely different breed anyways. Who else has seen something this stupid lately?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else feel like they don't do enough for their dogs?

    I walk both my Husky and Dobe pup twice a day, for a minimum 1 hour each. But I feel like they don't enjoy the walks, that's it's simply turned into a mindless, non-stimulating form of exercise. We come home, and my husky just sits, staring at me, wanting to go for longer. I have the intention of purchasing him a harness and sled for this winter, and conditioning him to pull our two sons, that way he may get a better sense of fulfillment, as well as tougher exercise.

    I also feel guilty about the quality of food we have them on, cause lets face it, they are almost bottom of the barrel. Beneful for the Husky [he has an insanely sensitive stomach, and this was the only food that didn't give him explosive diarrhea]. And Purina One puppy for our Dobe pup [my husband decided to keep her on the same food as the breeder]. But I wish that we could afford top of the line holistic dog food for each dog, I mean, we all wish we could give better than we already do in at least one aspect of our dogs Quality of life, right?

    So, how many of you either feel you don't do enough exercise or stimulation for your dogs, or wish you could give them the things they deserve [I mean, they are the third and fourth light of my life [my first two are my children]]??

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Crochet patterns for baby booties, toques and mittens?

    I have recently taken up crocheting, and have the urge to crochet my baby boy a pair of booties, and my oldest a pair of mittens and a toque with ear flaps. If anyone who has a cute pattern for these, I would greatly appreciate it, and would love to tackle the pattern.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago