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  • What's a good rapper name for me?

    I'm white (and yes white boy can rap)

    my names Ryan

    I'm 15

    Idk if u need more info so just give it a shot and my friends gave me lil baum but that sounds like some jewish rapper crap

    3 AnswersR&B & Soul8 years ago
  • I need an opinion on my new rap?

    Well I f***** your mom

    and set a bomb

    in your kitchen

    this has been itching

    is it because I'm white

    or because I rap this way

    you hate me all day

    that’s all I can say

    the sky is black

    now ***** come back

    its like a smack to my face

    so you better brace yourself

    before I nuke you into the ground

    I am safe and sound

    I don’t give a crap

    then I snap

    and you get-in caped into the fence

    and I’m raping about it

    cause I don’t give a s***

    if I get hit for a bit

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago