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Based on the amount of violations I've been getting this account will be deleted. I won't be coming back so join one of my accounts with other websites. Once this is deleted I'll be done with Yahoo for good. If you miss my style of answering and asking questions then join me at sodahead. Yahoo is censoring too much and they are only allowing Communist propaganda to go through their filter. That is no way to conduct a Political forum. As a Capitalist I can no longer participate in a group like this. I am a Libertarian who believes in Lasseize-faire Economics. If you want to know exactly where I stand on issues just watch this video. This is my blog on tumblr. I highly recommend visiting it. This is my Twitter account.!/Foghornreturns This is my facebook account.

  • Why are Yahoo answers Mexicans always making fun of America's obesity problem?

    When their country has surpassed ours in obesity rates!

    Looks like its the other way around. So I guess that would now make Mexicans the fattest people on the planet since we no longer are the fattest.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will homeless people have to pay a fine for not having Obamacare?

    Oh I can see it already. You don't have insurance huh so get a load of this!

    17 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Liberals if you want to end income inequality then why did you start printing money?

    During the great recession income inequality was at an all time low. The rich who abused the system were decimated and most of their fortunes were gone. Was it not for your president and the Democratic party calling for an all out printing of the dollar. Which of course made most of the value in your labor and money in your bank account practically worthless. Since it really can't buy much at the store and it could barely keep up with the rent payments and the rising property taxes. Those 1% you keep complaining about got all of their money back and then some.

    So if you really did believe that BS you keep feeding to the poor then you wouldn't have devalued their labor and the little bit of money they had saved for a rainy day. Now you have created even more poor people and those who were suffering are even more worse off. Who benefited from all of this? Yea the same 1% you claim you don't like. There is even more income inequality under Obama then there has ever been in the whole history of the United States of America.

    Oh and the unemployment numbers weren't even that bad during the recession since it was the 1% who was suffering not the poor. It was only after Obamacare and Obama's bailouts that the unemployment numbers stated to increase as the 1% got even more rich than before.

    So had Obama and the Democrats done nothing then we would have less income inequality and the rich wouldn't be bullying the small business owners and the poor. Its socialism that is the problem not capitalism!

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who is John Law and is history repeating itself?


    This slogan is new and its a mix between John Law's economic policies and those of Chairman Mao's government policies.

    Enjoy your Forward?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is the price of everything going up under Obama?

    “Bank deposits are not safe which used to be safe. Money in Treasury bills is not 100 percent safe and there is inflation in the system and you would hardly get any interest.

    “Bonds are not very safe anymore because eventually interest rates will go up Equities in the U.S. are relatively expensive by any valuation matrix you may use.

    (The federal government is) “essentially wasting money left, right and center: Republicans on the military and the Democrats on buying votes with transfer payments and entitlements. The best you can hope for is that you have diversified your portfolio of different assets and they don’t all collapse at the same time.”

    “Marc Faber: Pray All Asset Classes Don’t Collapse at the Same Time,”

    John Morgan,, 10/15/2013

    “An interesting perspective on Friday’s (October 11 – Ed.) raid is Seeking Alpha’s Weekly COMEX Gold Inventories: Huge Friday Sell Order Equivalent To 70% Of Gold Registered For Delivery

    “Friday's (10/11/13) huge drop in gold was essentially due to one tremendously large market sell order, which was an attempt to sell 5,000 gold futures (500,000 gold ounces or about $650 million dollars) at market price and was so large it tripped the stop logic for the exchange and caused gold to stop trading for about ten seconds. We aren't going to get into the motives behind this trade other than saying no seller trying to get a fair price for their gold would sell in such a way, so it looks to be an attempt to ignite negative momentum - which it didn't seem to do.

    “But what we want to point investor attention to is that the size of this trade compared to the size of COMEX gold registered inventories, was tremendous. In fact, it represents almost 70% of gold registered for delivery and would be almost impossible to actually fill if entities asked for delivery.

    “Oh! and investors shouldn't forget that this was all done in less than one minute - essentially all of the COMEX gold eligible for delivery was sold by one trader in less than one minute. If that doesn't raise an investor's eyebrows, then they really don't understand or are the ones making that sell order.”

    “India starving for gold- China too? Gartman starts selling”,

    John Brimelow, JBGJ, LLC, 10/14/2013

    16 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is there a race to the bottom on currencies and will the Fed win?

    Race to The Bottom, New Stage of Global Currency War

    Moving away from the dollar, nations race to lower their currency value in order to improve exports and investment in their countries

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are you doing your part to combat Dianne Frankenstein's war on the freedom of speech?

    Yes this freak not only declared war on the second amendment but now she is going after the prize she wanted all along. She has just declared war on the first amendment. Time to light up Washington with complaints against this lady with a mental problem.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why doesn't our public school system record class sessions to see what is going on there?

    After all it is a "public school" so since we are all paying for it I think we should all have the right to know what is being taught in those classrooms. If the teachers have nothing to hide then they shouldn't have a problem with it.

    The exception to the rule could be a private school since its the parents who are paying for it rather than us the tax payers.

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Has our school system taught our children to despise white people and to have no sympathy for them?

    In our normal state when a person who is extremely angry all the time like Al Sharpton approaches another. The other person normally feels sorry for the person that someone like Al Sharpton is angry at. Since it is very hard to identify with the feelings that Al Sharpton is feeling. As a matter of fact we feel angry at him. Well, that is unless our school system brain washes our children to self identify with people of color and to feel nothing for whites or people of light skin color.

    Notice how people like Oprah, Obama and Jesse Jackson make up stories that they know and understand how Al Sharpton feels. Well that is almost scripted since there is no way that they could know how Al Sharpton feels since they aren't Al Sharpton. So it is only by severe indoctrination that one imagines that they know how that fat bastard feels.

    On the other hand when a white person is angry most of our youth cannot identify with him. Sometimes they even become hostile towards him and gang up on him. Even if that angry white man had a reason to be angry because something terrible happened to him and even if those he is talking to are also white themselves.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • So liberals why isn't your media reporting that NYC beating death of a white man for being white?

    NEW YORK CITY, NY — A Manhattan grand jury is investigating the beating death of a man in New York’s Union Square as a possible hate crime, New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner John McCarthy told CNN Tuesday.

    Jeffrey Babbitt, 62, was pronounced dead Monday, five days after being beaten by a man who allegedly said, “I’m gonna punch out the first white guy I see,” according to police commissioner Ray Kelly.

    Witnesses said the suspect, identified by police as Lashawn Marten, struck Babbitt so hard that bystanders could hear the force of his head hitting the cement. Two other men were also assaulted in the September 4 attack as they tried to help Babbitt, police said.

    Where is Msnbc, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, CNN etc.?

    14 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If we lower taxes on the rich won't it raise taxes on the middle class?

    I know I am going to piss off my base with this but the truth is the truth. The people who will suffer the most from tax cuts for the rich will be small businesses, medium businesses, the real estate market and even the common folk better known as the middle class.

    We are spending money on war supplies even if we don't go to war because of all that tension in the middle east. So that money has to come from somewhere. Obamacare the largest welfare program since President Johnson's policies came out is about to take root soon.

    Welfare itself is still expanding thanks to illegal immigration. As a matter of fact there are businesses looking to hire but its all part time and minimum wage. That is just enough to get you to pay the fine since you could never afford the health insurance. So that is another tax on top of such a low income. Anything over ten thousand will keep you from getting free Obamcare.

    Now watch since those people who are looking for part time workers can't find anyone they will start to cry that we need more worker visas and illegal immigration. So that will increase welfare even more. Oh and the illegal aliens are all hanging out playing soccer in parks during the day time all the time. Many are the same people so they are most likely on some kind of welfare program. So increasing worker visas won't work. It will just make the problem far worse.

    The very rich on the other hand are the ones who are pushing for illegal immigration, wars in the middle east and welfare programs like Obamacare. Regardless of what you see in the stock market the real GDP growth is very minimal at best and even negative at worst. So we don't have the growth for all this spending.

    Regardless of what the people on the left say we don't live in a capitalist state. What the rich in the RNC and the rich in the DNC are fighting for are very similar. Its best explained with the Keynesian formula.

    GDP= C+I+G+X-M

    Supply side economics wants to increase the G which is government spending and increase the I which is business investment. Which means they want to give money to huge CEO companies at the expense of the middle class and small businesses.

    Demand side economics which is the C side wants to increase the G and increase the C which stands for consumer consumption. The best way to do this is to increase welfare programs by increasing taxes on the middle class and small businesses. Then the welfare recipients will turn around and spend your tax money on consumer goods. Thereby increasing the wealth of the rich while lowering yours. Its redistribution!

    As you can see both the DNC and the RNC want to increase GDP at your expense. So believe it or not its us the middle class versus the rich. So its either your taxes that will go up or theirs. I'm only voting for libertarians because they are the only ones who are serious about cutting programs and taxes. If there are no libertarians in my district I am voting for those who want to increase taxes on the rich and lowering them for me the middle class and small business owner.

    Bottom line is this the rich are trying to sue us to pay higher taxes so its time that we counter sue them to pay higher taxes. This has nothing to do with party lines its about self preservation.

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why does Hollywood try to portray the Germans as stupid hicks during world war 2?

    They may have been a lot of things but stupid they were not. I don't agree with what they did but these people were extremely smart and it did take the whole entire world to come up against them before they were defeated. The real culprit for Hitler's euthanasia program came from progressives here in the Untied States not in Germany.

    What Hitler really hated was communism and the world's central banks. Did he do the right thing by killing innocent people? Of course not and only a monster would agree to that. Especially since those Jews that he killed had nothing to do with the central banking system. They were just victims and nothing more. That still doesn't take away the fact that central banks around the world which yes are controlled by Jews are the ones causing all these wars.

    Oh and it wasn't just Jews they killed. They also killed Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, Catholics, Communist s etc. Yes Hitler was a monster but believe it or not more Russians were killed than Jews.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Ever notice how you are not allowed to say certain stuff without being labeled an anti-semite or a racist?

    If you say that you don't believe in the Federal Reserve because you prefer to have a free market. Many people automatically accuse you of being anti Jewish even though you never said one bad thing about Jews. If you say you are not happy with political correctness or multiculturalism you are labeled a racist even without saying anything bad about any race.

    Ask yourself why it is that in Israel they say horrible things about blacks, whites and every other race yet they are not hate mongers. Now you can't even say certain stuff in this country without someone calling it hate speech. Ask yourself why that is and why our country seems to have an unusual obsession with Israel?

    You know its not normal to love a foreign country more than your own.

    15 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are liberals who kill innocent babies in the womb capable of caring about Syrian children?

    I know these liberals are showing you some shocking videos of innocent children who got killed by chemical weapons. What they don't realize is that I have an even more shocking video that proves that what they do to our own children is even more shocking than anything that the Syrians could even do or even think of doing.

    The only way that Syrians could reach this type of evil in liberals hearts is to do what these liberals do in planned parenthood. A picture or in this case a video is worth a thousand words.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Anyone notice an uncanny similarity with liberal policies and Hitler's euthanasia program?


    In the spring and summer months of 1939, a number of planners--led by Philipp Bouhler, the director of Hitler's private chancellery, and Karl Brandt, Hitler's attending physician--began to organize a secret killing operation targeting disabled children. On August 18, 1939, the Reich Ministry of the Interior circulated a decree compelling all physicians, nurses, and midwives to report newborn infants and children under the age of three who showed signs of severe mental or physical disability. Beginning in October 1939, public health authorities began to encourage parents of children with disabilities to admit their young children to one of a number of specially designated pediatric clinics throughout Germany and Austria. The clinics were in reality children's killing wards where specially recruited medical staff murdered their young charges by lethal overdoses of medication or by starvation.

    Compare that to what planned parenthood does. Oh and now liberals also want to kill older and infrim people and their excuses for it are very similar indeed.


    Euthanasia planners quickly envisioned extending the killing program to adult disabled patients living in institutional settings. In the autumn of 1939, Adolf Hitler signed a secret authorization in order to protect participating physicians, medical staff, and administrators from prosecution;

    Because the program was secret, T-4 planners and functionaries took elaborate measures to conceal its deadly designs. Even though in every case, physicians and institutional administrators falsified official records to indicate that the victims died of natural causes, the "euthanasia" program quickly become an open secret. In view of widespread public knowledge of the measure and in the wake of private and public protests concerning the killings, especially from members of the German clergy, Hitler ordered a halt to the euthanasia program in late August 1941.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Didn't African nations offer subsidies (welfare) to people so that they could remain in power forever?

    Most African leaders took the money from the rural areas to subsidize the cities cause it was fare more likely for people to riot in a city. Another reason to subsidize the cities was because that is where the largest amount of people seem to be so by passing out welfare those leaders got their vote and managed to stay in power for something like 20 to 30 years. Of course as they bankrupted the rural areas more and more people moved into the city for; you guessed it that free welfare money.

    You don't think that the Democrat plan is exactly the same do you?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is there any hope at all for our cities or is it already too late?

    Inflation is rampant everywhere. Yes that is why the rent is so damn high. Property taxes are disastrous and getting worse thanks to welfare. Every day more and more poor people from third world countries come to our cities looking for non existent jobs. The majority of these illegals aren't counted as unemployed and because they bring their families they still get welfare and free medical care.

    With more people losing their jobs and becoming part time workers it will be almost impossible for them to pay their rent. So the landlords won't be able to pay their taxes. Since the taxes are so high the cities who confiscate the homes won't be able to sell them. Those vacant homes will be occupied by illegal alien squatters which will make it almost impossible for cities to evict them due to their very own laws. The banks who hold these mortgages will have to battle it out with those municipalities for control of the property thereby prolonging the eviction process even more. I'm not even going to get into the banking system.

    So seriously where is this hope and change that Obama promised?

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • So Liberals why is war so good now that Obama is in the White House?

    Notice how everyone who ranted and railed against war sound like even bigger war mongers than Bush?

    Where's all the love? What about the poor I thought they were more important?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago