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  • Husband won't sleep with me?

    Ok, so my husband and I have not had sex in over a year, about the time he found out I had cheated on him again. We've had problems from time to time and we never seemed compatible sexually, he wanted oral sex, I was only really interested in receiving. Now we don't do anything. When I ask him what's wrong he says, "nothing", but I know he's lying. I ask him if its because I won't go down on him, and he says he doesn't want that. He's told me that when our daughter turns 18, he's leaving me. I don't know what to do to make him want me again.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Husband refuses to have sex with wife?

    Ok, so my husband and I have not had sex in over a year, about the time he found out I had cheated on him again. We've had problems from time to time and we never seemed compatible sexually, he wanted oral sex, I was only really interested in receiving. Now we don't do anything. When I ask him what's wrong he says, "nothing", but I know he's lying. I ask him if its because I won't go down on him, and he says he doesn't want that. He's told me that when our daughter turns 18, he's leaving me. I don't know what to do to make him want me again.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Un-explained Acute Chest Pain - I HAVE SEEN A DOCTOR!?

    Ok, I'm going to try and ask a question here and please note I have already seen a doctor, so an answer such as: "see a doctor quick," or "chest pain is an emergency" isn't going to help me.

    So, from time to time I get this real sharp pain that seems to be mainly in the left pectoral muscle, which will extend into the left bicep and tricep. Occasionally, the left arm feels a bit numb. I do not have any dyspnea or muscle weakness in my knees.

    I've seen my gp, who did a resting ecg and everything was determined to be normal. I was referred to a cardiologist for a stress test. I performed the test fine with no issues. The doctor noted that he was fairly certain that whatever I was experiencing was not related to my heart and suggested stress might be a contributing factor.

    However, he did want to see an ecg during an event. Unfortunately, these aren't something I can duplicate, because they don't seem to have any specific triggers. About 4 weeks ago, I had another incident. This time I went into the ER.

    Upon entry, heart rate was 145. The ecg showed no evidence of any abnormalities. They did cardiac enzymes and monitored me overnight. Cardiac enzymes taken after the event and 12 hours later were all negative.

    Comparisons of the ecgs done over the last 14 months showed no changes. X-ray showed no evidence of heart problems (normal size) etc. The only abnormal issue noted was a RBBB.

    Anyway, went in for a CTCA and that was normal. Doctor notes that he's confident that whatever happened isn't related to the coronary arteries.

    A bit of history about me. I'm a 39 year old white male. I'm 6'1" and weigh about 220 lbs. I have a sedentary job, but exercise at least 30 minutes a day. I don't smoke and maybe drink a beer a week.

    My family has no history of cardiac problems, at least not until they reach their 80's. No other risk factors. My father who is almost 70, does have an irregular heart beat.

    Blood workup is fine. BP 130/79, cholesterol (high normal) and I'm not diabetic.

    My only vice is I drink a couple cups of coffee a day. Usually 2 in the morning and 1-2 in the afternoon.

    My job is somewhat stressful, but these "attacks" don't seem to be triggered by stress (at least when I'm really stressed I don't get them, it's only weeks later.)

    So, what I'm seeking are some suggestions on possible tests to pursue, or if there is anyone else who has gone through something comparable.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Acute pain in left pectoral muscle, extending to left arm.?

    Hi, I've been having intermittent pain in the left side of my chest that sometimes extends to my left arm. Occasionally my left arm my feel a bit numb during an episode. Usually I'm not doing any physical activity when this occurs and they normally resolve themselves in 10 min. I've seen a doctor for this. I've had resting ecg done, ok. I've had a treadmill stress test, ok. I've had ecg during episode, ok. I've had ctca, ok - no evidence of coronary artery disease. I'm male, caucasian, 39, 6'1", weigh 220 lbs. No familial history of cardiac disease in family, until they are in their 80's. Only abnormal thing with ecg is a rbbb. Ecg shows no changes over 2 years of checks. I've also had cardiac enzymes tests come back negative.

    Pain did go away with nitro, but that apparently isn't a big surprise.

    I do try to take care of myself. I eat right, run, and have had blood tests all come back in normal ranges. Cholesterol is high normal, ratio of good to bad isn't right, but not alarming, and glucose is ok.

    My only vice is 2-3 cups of coffee a day, and a sometimes stressful job.

    Furthermore during my most recent episode my heart rate was 145, this was about 25 min after running 2 miles. Bp normally runs about 130/80. Resting heart rate tends to be about 60.

    No history of acid reflux disease. Only heart issue in family is an irregular heart beat with my dad.

    Any ideas as to what this might be, or recommended avenues to explore?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • How to make a cherry pie with sweet cherries?

    Hello there, I live in New Zealand and cannot get the tart type of cherries. All I can find are sweet cherries. Needless to say, I tried to make a cherry pie today and I cut the sugar from 2 cups to about 2/3 cups, but the pie was still very sweet. Any tips or substitutions to make the pie a bit more tart?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • RBC normal ranges vary from lab to lab.?

    Why do the normal ranges for the Red Blood Cell (RBC) vary from lab to lab?

    I am having trouble understanding why the normal ranges for the RBC are different depending on what lab does the testing.

    The patient is a 30 year old female. She had labs taken about a month ago and had an RBC of 3.69 M/uL*. The reference range was 3.8 - 5.5 M/uL.

    *That was approximately 3 weeks after giving a whole blood donation.

    The patient had a follow-up test and this time the values for the RBC were 4.18 M/uL and the reference range was 4.2 - 6.1 M/uL.

    Consequently, the lab remains "abnormal".

    Although the physician assures us that her bloodwork is normal and within statistical norms, we are concerned that this might adversely impact our quest for residency.

    So, can anyone shed some light on why the "normal ranges" vary from lab to lab?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Help with a Basic Algebra Problem?

    Okay, I'm helping a friend with a basic algebra problem and I'm stuck. Please walk me through it. I think I've done it right, but for whatever reason my answer does not make the equation true. So, here is the equation.

    1.2 (divided by) x = 0.4 or

    1.2 / x = 0.4

    When I solve this, I get x = 0.48 but plugging 1.2 / 0.48 does not equal 0.4!!!!

    Am I missing something?

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What happens to US soldiers previously convicted of maltreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib et al.?

    With the recent release of memos that detail "enhanced interrogation techniques" I've been wondering what legal recourse soldiers who have been prosecuted for detainee abuse might have. The most notable one might be Lynndie England. Who was convicted in 2005 of prisoner abuse.

    It appears now, that the memos released by the Obama administration bolsters her defense team's claims that they were following orders. (Not that following orders legitimate defense - i.e. the Nuremburg Trials.) Many of the most provocative photographs are of techniques specifically authorised by the memos.

    Nine US soldiers were prosecuted for maltreatment of detainees at Abu Grhaib. Lynndie England was one, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison. Charles Graner was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

    Their defense was that they were just following orders. The prosecution argued that they were breaking the law, and the Bush Administration claimed that they were just a few bad apples. Now, we find that they were telling the truth, they were just following orders.

    What happens now? Should they be pardoned, should their dishonorable discharges be changed?

    Additionally, the Obama Administration says no CIA Officers will be prosecuted for following orders. Is that not a double standard?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What happens to the soldiers prosecuted for torture?

    With the recent release of memos that detail "enhanced interrogation techniques" I've been wondering what legal recourse soldiers who have been prosecuted for detainee abuse might have. The most notable one might be Lynndie England. Who was convicted in 2005 of prisoner abuse.

    It appears now, that the memos released by the Obama administration bolsters her defense team's claims that they were following orders. (Not that following orders legitimate defense - i.e. the Nuremburg Trials.) Many of the most provocative photographs are of techniques specifically authorised by the memos.

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Please explain the logic behind retention bonuses for staff that bankrupted the company.?

    I'm just a bit perplexed how a company would pay "retention" bonuses to staff that literally bankrupted various companies throughout the US. AIG probably being the best known example.

    I don't have a Harvard MBA, but it seems counter intuitive to "retain" staff that are losing the company money, and these aren't just employees that lost a little money on a bad investment or product, these are employees that lost 50 - 80 percent of the companies value.

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Why did John McCain lose the election? ?

    What caused John McCain to lose the general election?

    Was it his pick of Sarah Palin for VP?

    Was it the economy?

    Was it the war in Iraq?

    Or was it something else entirely?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Bush Impeachment?

    In the interest of trying to be fair, I have to admit that I have never been much of a supporter of President Bush. Now that that bias is out in the air, let me actually get to the meat of my question.

    So, my question is posed to President Bush supporters and them alone. I am not interested in hearing from a liberal who thinks that Bush is evil incarnate.

    Please note that my question has essentially two parts. My questions are as follows:

    There have been concerns raised about certain Bush Administration policies that some view may be violations of the law. Some Bush Administration critics have called for his Impeachment.

    As a Bush supporter, do you support the calls for Impeachment?

    As a follow-up question, what violations would it take for you to support an Impeachment?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • US Citizen - Skilled Migrant - Offer of Skilled Employment - Shortage List - Approximate time for Visa?

    Hi, I am a US Citizen, and I have skilled employment experience, and a job offer in New Zealand for a job that is on the shortage list. I am in the process of applying for a work visa and I have completed an EOI. Does anyone know how long it may take for a visa / immigration to be processed?

    2 AnswersOther - New Zealand1 decade ago
  • US Citizen - Skilled Migrant - With Job Offer - Approximate length of time for work visa to New Zealand?

    I know this is in the Australia section, but Yahoo answers keeps pushing it there, I apologize in advance as I am well aware that New Zealand and Australia are different countries.

    Hi, I am a US Citizen and I am in the process of completing the Visa and Immigration paperwork to take a job in New Zealand. Does anyone know the approximate length of time it takes for a work visa to be approved and or the immigration documents to be approved?

    1 AnswerOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • Would a Rolling Boycott of Gasoline Vendors Make a Difference in Gasoline Prices.?

    Okay, I've seen suggestions that we don't buy gas for one day, but that would have no effect. Even if we could get it organized, everyone would buy it the day before and the day after. However, would a rolling boycott work.

    For example, for 3 months we don't go to any Shell stations, then after 3 months, it's Exxon stations ... and so on. Would such a boycott, actually work?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago