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  • Would you ever call a friend the same pet name you call your partner?

    I have been with my bf almost 4 years now. When we first got together, around 6 months or so. He was over at my place, my phone was flat so I used his to order food. Under messages the most recent message to this girl was "haha THX sunshine". I read some of the other txts and it wasn't all bad except she called him hun and he called her sunshine. It pissed me the F off because that is the only cutsey name, still to this day, that he's ever called me. After I found that out I asked him to never call me that again, which really hurt. So in 3 or so years he's never came up with a new one. He insisted they are only friends and lost contact soon after. However last night she txt him out of no where, first time in years. Saying "hey Hun, haven't heard from you in forever, we should catch up over dinner soon xx". He told me straight away coz he knows I have an issue with this chick. He replied back saying he is still with me and if she wants to catch up she can come over to our house for drinks some time. All she did was reply with a sad face. Apparently since then she has tried to add him on facebook and other social media. He's told me he's not interested and that they're only friends. To me something doesn't feel right

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Are webcam girls counted as cheating?

    I have been with my bf for 3 years, we're both in our mid twenties. I don't have an issue with porn as long as it's when I'm not home. However I found out (he left the page open on accident) that he's been watching girls on webcam. When I confronted him he said he's been doing it our whole relationship and thought because I'm OK with porn that I would be OK with this. He tells me it's no different to watching porn but I completely disagree. It's real girls, in their bedrooms, doing whatever they do on webcam for guys to watch. He says he's never subscribed or paid money to any of the girls so it's no different. I just can't help feeling really betrayed. Now he's trying to use immaturity as an excuse saying because this is his only real relationship he's ever had he didn't know it's not something he shouldn't be doing.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Boyfriend just confessed to cheating, over a year ago! Need some help?

    I have been with my bf 3 and a half years. We live together now but that only happened earlier this year. I'm 25 and he's 28. I only found out about it because one of his friends found an old photo and uploaded it to facebook with the caption "remember when you hooked up with her, rofl". It was a picture of my bf grabbing this girls boobs. Obviously his friend didn't know we were together then or he just didn't think about it. Turns out it wasn't even a random, it was a girl from his old high school but he said he just bumped into her when he was down visiting his mum and other family. He went out with cousins and friends partying and apparently they slept together that night. He says he never told me because he knew it was a huge mistake that would never happen again. He said he has had no contact with her since that night and she is now engaged. Our relationship to me seems good, we just moved in together, he's been talking about marriage and babies before 30 which is exciting to me. However I can't shake this. I try talk to him about it and he will be OK for a while but eventually he snaps and said reliving the past is only going to hurt us both. Yeah it may be the past for him but I only found out on the weekend! He thinks because it happened over a year ago that it shouldn't be a big deal. However I now can't stop thinking if there have been others or what else he's lying about. He insists nothing but he's always so defensive or quick to anger when I ask those questions

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to approach my boyfriend about this?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we have the same phone and neither of us have a lock to get into it. I went into emails before I realized I had his phone. Anyway there was an email from twitter. He has 3 different email accounts that I know of and the email this was sent to was his online gaming account. I managed to get access into this twitter account and it was all in Spanish which I found odd, however he is pretty fluent in Spanish as he has some Mexican family that he grew up around. The account is also under the name Natalia, plus the beginning of his email address which is his gaming clan or gaming name for the main online game he plays. He hasn't wrote any tweets, just replied to some. However I just wrote one asking what everyone is up to so hoping for a response to figure this out. The account is just over 6 months old and most of the people followed on the account are females or famous female celebrities. Also the profile where it says about me or bio or whatever sounds nothing like him at all. More like a teenage girl. I found nothing else on his phone. Yes after finding that I did snoop. We had major issues in our first year but nothing since then. I have always been suspicious of a secret online life I guess because he's on there so much but have never had any proof. I don't even know how to approach him about this

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is he hiding a possible secret online life or is this some big mix up?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we have the same phone and neither of us have a lock to get into it. I went into emails before I realized I had his phone. Anyway there was an email from twitter. He has 3 different email accounts that I know of and the email this was sent to was his online gaming account. I managed to get access into this twitter account and it was all in Spanish which I found odd, however he is pretty fluent in Spanish as he has some Mexican family that he grew up around. The account is also under the name Natalia, plus the beginning of his email address which is his gaming clan or gaming name for the main online game he plays. He hasn't wrote any tweets, just replied to some. However I just wrote one asking what everyone is up to so hoping for a response to figure this out. The account is just over 6 months old and most of the people followed on the account are females or famous female celebrities. Also the profile where it says about me or bio or whatever sounds nothing like him at all. More like a teenage girl. I found nothing else on his phone. Yes after finding that I did snoop. We had major issues in our first year but nothing since then. I have always been suspicious of a secret online life I guess because he's on there so much but have never had any proof. I don't even know how to approach him about this

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is my boyfriend hiding a secret life or is this some mix up?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we have the same phone and neither of us have a lock to get into it. I went into emails before I realized I had his phone. Anyway there was an email from twitter. He has 3 different email accounts that I know of and the email this was sent to was his online gaming account. I managed to get access into this twitter account and it was all in Spanish which I found odd, however he is pretty fluent in Spanish as he has some Mexican family that he grew up around. The account is also under the name Natalia, plus the beginning of his email address which is his gaming clan or gaming name for the main online game he plays. He hasn't wrote any tweets, just replied to some. However I just wrote one asking what everyone is up to so hoping for a response to figure this out. The account is just over 6 months old and most of the people followed on the account are females or famous female celebrities. Also the profile where it says about me or bio or whatever sounds nothing like him at all. More like a teenage girl. I found nothing else on his phone. Yes after finding that I did snoop. We had major issues in our first year but nothing since then. I have always been suspicious of a secret online life I guess because he's on there so much but have never had any proof. I don't even know how to approach him about this

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is my boyfriend over reacting about my tattoo?

    I'm 24, bf is 27. We have been together 3 years. So I'm turning 25 soon and I have booked in to get another tattoo. I have a few, more than 5. I have been to the last tattooist for my last 3 tattoos and I love his work. He's highly respected and has long waiting lists. Hence why I have booked already. The thing is I am planning on getting a tattoo on the whole side of my thigh, he likes the tattoo, he even helped me design everything I want. It's that to get the tattoo I will have to have no pants on or a skirt pulled all the way up. And that my tattooist is a man. He told me I'm being disrespectful to his feelings by doing this and that if I get it done by my tattooist he wants to be there and if he isnt then he told me im not allowed to get it done unless its by a female tattooist. I would love him t ocome but hes out of town for the date im booked in for and if i change the date now i will have to wait several weeks, maybe even months for another spot. He's not talking to me right now because I told him he's over reacting and that I want this guy to do it because I know he does amazing work. I feel like he's being a hypocrite. He's had tattoos done on his chest and down by his groin by a female tattooist and I never batted an eyelid. I don't get why he's so jealous.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Are there any games with chatting that I can play on my phone?

    I used to play wow and runescape but my laptop died and I'm a solo mum so I can't afford a new one anytime soon. I have a galaxy s5 and am just wondering if there are any games for adults with chatting, want mature conservation, not teenagers making lame comments. That I'm able to play on my phone?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Boyfriend acts like he hates me when he drinks?

    I have been with my boyfriend 3 years. I hate him drinking and do not allow it at our house. It reacts with him very badly. Last night he came home after several drinks with his cousin. I told him that I was going to bed because I don't want to argue. He proceeds to follow me into the bedroom telling me I don't care about him, that I hate him, that all I ever want is to fight with him. Then he kept telling me he's leaving me and going to move out and getting someone to pick him up and doesn't care if we never talk again. This isn't the first time this has happened. It happens 95% of the time he drinks. The abuse has never been physical but I have been worried on certain occasions. He has told me he hates me, doesn't want to be with me and tells me I don't care about him. Then in the morning when he wakes up he never recalls much of the previous night and apologizes for what he does remember. He has been drinking less but says that I'm being unfair if I want him to stop drinking completely. I don't want him drinking around me or at all. I'm scared he could get hurt or get talked into doing something stupid and end up in prison. I have tried talking to him but it feels like nothing gets through to him and he doesn't understand how bad it is. He basically says I know that he is like that and doesn't mean what he says when he's drunk and that I shouldn't take it personally and just brush it off. I don't kno what to do anymore. I don't want to leave him but I don't know what to do

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • What would you expect after 3 years in a relationship?

    Just after what everyone's opinion is on what level of commitment or what stage the relationship should be at or what you would expect after 3 years in an exclusive relationship

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Does your partner get jealous about things on facebook?

    I changed my profile picture and two guys who I am FRIENDS with liked my profile picture. This isn't the first time this has happened. In fact it's if a member of the opposite sex likes anything I post on facebook my bf gets insanely jealous. He tells me he's going to unfriend me or delete his facebook any time this happens. He knows I have no feelings for these other guys and they are strictly friends.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why won't my partner make our family a priority?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years on and off. We were together just over a year, broke up for 10 months and we've been together another 2 years. We have been taking things slowly this time as trust was broken last time. We moved in together 6 months ago and have talked about getting married and having kids (I already have kids from previous relationship). Anyway for the last 5 weeks he's been living with his mum (10 hours away) because his sister got sent to jail. He has been helping out his mum looking after his niece who is 6 months old. However the baby is now living with its dad so he's no longer needed there. He was only supposed to be there 2 or 3 weeks and it's been 5 so far and he's JUST told me he's staying until the 1st at least. Since he's been there we have hardly talked at all. Maybe once or twice a week and it's really starting to make me angry. He told me he was coming home this weekend and me and the kids have been looking forward to it. Now it's not for another 3 weeks. He told me he's staying because they want him to go to his brothers 21st birthday which is in a week's time, so why can't he come home after that? The only reason he gave me was because his mum wants him to stay until the 1st. I have talked to him about it and all he says is that it's not a big deal and he will be home soon. I'm thinking of asking him to move back out. I told him he needs to contact me at least once a day but he says it's too hard because his mum has no internet.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Ever since moving in with me my boyfriend is trying to copy everything I like?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. He moved in about 6 months ago and ever since he has been trying to copy everything I like. My music, the way I dress, my style, it's starting to really get on my nerves. I generally wear black skinny jeans and doc marten boots and now he's starting to wear that too. He's copying the music I listen to and says he likes it when I'm pretty sure he doesn't. He's buying band t shirts and doesn't even know any of their music. It's starting to irritate the **** out of me. I fell in love with him for who he was but now it's like he's trying to be a male me and it's getting irritating

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is my boyfriend ever going to make our family a priority?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years on and off. We were together just over a year, broke up for 10 months and we've been together another 2 years. We have been taking things slowly this time as trust was broken last time. We moved in together 6 months ago and have talked about getting married and having kids (I already have kids from previous relationship). Anyway for the last 5 weeks he's been living with his mum (10 hours away) because his sister got sent to jail. He has been helping out his mum looking after his niece who is 6 months old. However the baby is now living with its dad so he's no longer needed there. He was only supposed to be there 2 or 3 weeks and it's been 5 so far and he's JUST told me he's staying until the 1 st at least. Since he's been there we have hardly talked at all. Maybe once or twice a week and it's really starting to make me angry. He told me he was coming home this weekend and me and the kids have been looking forward to it. Now it's not for another 3 weeks. He told me he's staying because they want him to go to his brothers 21St birthday which is in a week's time, so why can't he come home after that? The only reason he gave me was because his mum wants him to stay until the 1St. I have talked to him about it and all he says is that it's not a big deal and he will be home soon. I'm thinking of asking him to move back out. I told him he needs to contact me at least once a day but he says it's too hard because his mum has no internet

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Will my boyfriend ever make me a priority?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years on and off. We were together just over a year and then broke up for 10 months and we've been together another 2 years. We have been taking things very slowly this time as trust was broken last time. We moved in together about 6 months ago and we have talked about getting married and having kids together (I already have kids from previous relationship). Anyway for the last 5 weeks he's been living with his mum (10 hours away) because his sister got sent to jail and he has been helping out his mum looking after his niece who is 6 months old. He was only supposed to be there 2 or 3 weeks and it's been 5 so far and he's JUST told me he's staying until the 1 st at least. Since he's been there we have hardly talked at all. Maybe once or twice a week and it's really starting to make me angry. He told me he was coming home this weekend and me and the kids have been looking forward to it. Now it's not for another 3 weeks. He told me he's staying because they want him to go to his brothers 21St birthday which is in a week's time, so why can't he come home after that? The only reason he gave me was because his mum wants him to stay until the 1St. I have talked to him about it and all he says is that it's not a big deal and he will be home soon. At the moment I'm thinking of asking him to move back out. I keep telling him he needs to keep in contact every day atleast once but he just says it's too hard because his mum has no internet

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Think I need to leave my boyfriend but I'm not sure how?

    I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. It's been on and off long distance the whole time as he has family over seas and they pay for him to visit once a season for 2 weeks. When I met him within 6 months I thought he was the one, so different to other men I have been with. He told me he was looking for a family, to settle down, looking for a wife. I was too, it seemed perfect. In the first year he cheated on me once, joined dating sites at the request of his mother who doesn't like me because I'm keeping him away from 'home', joined webcam sites and porn sites. That's all stopped and now it's little things like canceling plans we made to hang out with his brother and friends instead, break little promises about not drinking, not smoking, being out late and missing breakfast dates or standing me up because he slept too long and his alarm never woke him. When I find out about these things it kills me. I thought I was going to marry him. I moved to a new town just before I met him and hardly know anyone here. No one I can talk to about this and friends from my home town rarely talk to me. I feel like I have no one and every time I try to leave him I'm always won over by his apologies because if I lose him I feel like I'll have no one at all. He tells me he wants to marry me, have kids with me, that I'm perfect for him and his ideal woman. He told me he's been immature and insensitive and change everything and prove he can be a good boyfriend and husband. I'm so confused

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this the last straw in my relationship or should I let it slide?

    Been with my boyfriend for 3 years. We lived together for almost 2 years. Then he moved back to the usa after his sister got arrested to help his mum look after his niece. It was only supposed to be for 6 months at the max. It's been 14 months so far and he said he's still needed there and feels bad leaving his mum alone. We have had several issues since he left. We had a break for almost a month. But decided we both really want to make this work and that we're meant for each other. He has an issue with alcohol. It makes him depressed and angry and he always takes it out on me. Tells me he hates me, never wants to talk to me again and to F off. He always rings back later or in the morning apologizing, telling me i know he doesn't mean it, that he doesn't want to lose me and that he loves me. Our relationship has been very rocky lately and he told me he's done drinking as its ruining his life. We were supposed to hang out tonight and talk and just spend time together. Then he called me to tell me his brother changed his 25th birthday to tonight and that he's going and that he is drinking. I feel like he doesn't care about me at all and that our relationship doesn't mean anything to him. I don't care that he's going but why is he drinking when he said he's done? I feel like he doesn't care about me or my feelings and only cares about what he wants even though he knows I hate it. I'm trying so hard to fix this and to try again and him doing this makes me feel like giving up

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Is this the last straw in my 3 year relationship?

    Been with my boyfriend for 3 years. We used to live together. Then he moved back to the usa after his sister and dad got sent to jail to help his mum look after his niece. It was only supposed to be for 6 months at the max. It's been 14 months so far and he said he's still needed there and feels bad leaving his mum alone. We have had several issues since he left. We had a break for almost a month. But decided we both really want to make this work and that we're meant for each other. He has an issue with alcohol. It makes him depressed and angry and he always takes it out on me. Tells me he hates me, never wants to talk to me again and to F off. He always rings back later or in the morning apologizing, telling me i know he doesn't mean it, that he doesn't want to lose me and that he loves me. Our relationship has been very rocky lately and he told me he's done drinking as its ruining his life. We were supposed to hang out tonight and talk and just spend time together. Then he called me to tell me his brother changed his 25th birthday to tonight and that he's going and that he is drinking. I feel like he doesn't care about me at all and that our relationship doesn't mean anything to him. I don't care if he goes but why does he have to drink? Especially when he knows I hate it and how things go when he drinks. He says he wants to prove he's changing and that he can be responsible. However he's already turned his phone off and told me he won't be back until tomorrow. Feel betrayd

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Who can +1 things on google + and what does it mean?

    I have a google + account but I never use it. Only have 2 friends added on it and I only ever posted one thing a few months ago. Then today it said I have a notification and that someone +1 my old post. I don't know the person, atleast I don't think so. However they are from same country and city as me so finding it weird. Can anyone at all +1 your posts or do they have to be your friend or what? A bit confused. Hoping for a much info as possible

    2 AnswersGoogle7 years ago
  • Should I let this go and leave it in the past or has he blown his last chance?

    Been with my bf 3 years. It's been long distance for the last year due to family issues on his side. We share a Gmail account and the other day I went into the history and apparently if you're logged in the same Gmail account, anything you google shows up in the history whether it was me or him that searched it. I found SEVERAL porn sites, live webcam sites and evena meet up to have sex site. He confessed to the first 2 but swears that he only clicked the meet one on accident. He has always told me he isn't interested in porn and finds it disgusting and that he would never watch. Now I find this. The thing is that it was from December last year and a few months before that. He promised he hasn't done it since and it was only a handful of times over a few months and never wants to do it again. I can understand the porn, especially since we're apart at the moment. However I HATE the webcam girls. He told me that he tried to watch them but he never got them to load so he never actually watched. Even though he still intended to. It hurts so much because that is how we are having to be intimate lately. Now I feel disgusting, just like those girls. I haven't been able to be intimate with my boyfriend since I found all this out. He broke my trust in the first year of our relationship by cheating with his ex, he promised he wouldn't do anything to hurt me again and until now he hasn't. Just wondering if I should give him one last chance or is this it? Also he's 27 and I'm 24

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago