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Lv 2766 points

gin rhasta

Favorite Answers48%
  • Pliss rekomen laptop y...?

    Aku pengen laptop, dgn spek:

    + Kecepatan prosesor min 2Ghz, diatas core 2 duo la..

    + DDR 2/3 min 120 Gb

    + RAM min 2gb..

    + VGA card yg lumayan ( maen game yg lumayan tinggi kualitas)

    + Layar 15"-16"

    + Harga ciamik la... 5-8jt an..

    + Klo bisa merk yg "lumayan" terkenal kualitas macem acer (aku g pgn Hp),dell..

    Thanks kk....Yg bner2 mantep rekomendasinya,,, tak kasi 5 bintang..

    3 AnswersLaptop & Notebook1 decade ago
  • Mengenai Netbook "ion" seri IP890611DL...Mohon bantuannya kk...?

    Ini netbook aku ion seri IP890611DL..tiba2 aja aneh, aku udah charge laptopnya ( dicolokan ke sumber listrik dan baterenya ada) uda lama ...tapi kok batere nya g terisi2 sih..Uda sering begini, semenjak aku pernah lepas batere , tapi laptop hidup ( hanya make colokan, tp batere lepas), buat jaga2 biar batere nya awet..Tapi skrg kok malah jadi g ngecas lagi y batere nya... Mohon solusinya..

    1 AnswerLaptop & Notebook1 decade ago
  • Gundam Model Kit...Dijawab yah...?

    1. Dimana sih bisa beli gundam model kit di kota Medan dgn harga murah??

    2. kk, kenapa ya harga2 gundam bs beda jauh? ada yg 300-500rb, ada pula yg hanya 50-70rb..

    Apa bedanya y k? Saya pikir sih mungkin krn mereknya, tp apa kualitasnya bner2 berbeda?

    3. Gundam EXIA ma SD itu apa?

    4. Apa semua gundam kit harus dicat dgn airbrush? apa ada yg sudah dicat? Trus kasi penjelasan

    dikit ttg airbrush donk kk..

    5. Rekomendasikan saya donk , merk2 gundam apa saja yg bagus, cukup rumit, harga 50-80rb, yah.. bisa buat pemula lah...

    6. Rekomendasikan cat nya jg donk kk?

    7. Kira2 apa lg yah alat2 yg diperlukan bwt rakit gundam kit? Trus kasi tau saya kk nama website dimN saya bisa cari2 gambar buat

    inspirasi ngecatnya (contoh gundam kit yg uda jadi) , ato cara2 ngecat/rakit gundam kit bwt


    Sya kasi bintang lima dah.......

    1 AnswerMainan1 decade ago
  • Gundam Body KIt nih... Tolong yah!!?

    1. Dimana sih bisa beli gundam body kit di kota Medan dgn harga murah??

    2. kk, kenapa ya harga2 gundam bs beda jauh? ada yg 300-500rb, ada pula yg hanya 50-70rb..

    Apa bedanya y k? Saya pikir sih mungkin krn mereknya, tp apa kualitasnya bner2 berbeda?

    3. Gundam EXIA ma SD itu apa?

    4. Apa semua gundam kit harus dicat dgn airbrush? apa ada yg sudah dicat? Trus kasi penjelasan

    dikit ttg airbrush donk kk..

    5. Rekomendasikan saya donk , merk2 gundam apa saja yg bagus, cukup rumit, harga 50-80rb, yah.. bisa buat pemula lah...

    6. Rekomendasikan cat nya jg donk kk?

    7. Kira2 apa lg yah alat2 yg diperlukan bwt rakit gundam kit? Trus kasi tau saya kk nama website dimN saya bisa cari2 gambar buat

    inspirasi ngecatnya (contoh gundam kit yg uda jadi) , ato cara2 ngecat/rakit gundam kit bwt


    Sya kasi bintang lima dah.......

    1 AnswerMainan1 decade ago
  • Minta Insert cd windows xp sp2?

    Ntah kenapa akhir2 ini sering muncul pop up di komp saya yg meminta saya untuk memasukkan cd xp sp2..(saya pake xp)

    Itu maksudnya apa y, n gimana ngatasinnya???


    2 AnswersPerangkat Lunak1 decade ago
  • LOgon Screen changing ... please help?

    My logon screen suddenly changes into the old one, also the shutdown. I remembered that i've never change it before. Ive using tune up utilities 2010 to change them, but it didn't work. I'm using Avira,spybot, and malwarebytes. I've done scans using all of them, my avira found 3 viruses from my System Volume Information folder, and has quarantined them.

    What should i do to change my logon screen back to normal??

    Is it the virus that change my logon screen? Because my lapt suddenly become slow too.

    Please help....

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Worm Sality ...need help!!!?

    I use XP. My laptop act strange. The Windows Task Manager is disabled, then i can't open the System Configuration Utility (msconfig). So i run a full scan of avira free, but found nothing. I use Spybot, also nothing. Then i try Malwarebytes and it found some viruses. It asked me to restart my lapt and i did it. After reboot, my lapt get better, i can use the task manager and msconfig again.

    But in my next restart, an error window appeared, that says: "Windows can't located RVHost.exe.

    I open MAlwarebytes Quarantine, and i saw 2 Worm Sality that was infected my Windows folder:

    1. C:\WINDOWS\RVHOST.exe

    2. C:\WINDOWS\system32\RVHOST.exe

    PLease help me guys, what should i do???

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Worm Sality.... NEed help please!!?

    I use XP. My laptop act strange. The Windows Task Manager is disabled, then i can't open the System Configuration Utility (msconfig). So i run a full scan of avira free, but found nothing. I use Spybot, also nothing. Then i try Malwarebytes and it found some viruses. It asked me to restart my lapt and i did it. After reboot, my lapt get better, i can use the task manager and msconfig again.

    But in my next restart, an error window appeared, that says: "Windows can't located RVHost.exe.

    I open MAlwarebytes Quarantine, and i saw 2 Worm Sality that was infected my Windows folder:

    1. C:\WINDOWS\RVHOST.exe

    2. C:\WINDOWS\system32\RVHOST.exe

    PLease help me guys, what should i do???

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Touchpad g berfungsi....... Toolong donk...?

    Laptop saya Lenovo 3000 Y400. Baru2 ini touchpad saya tiba2 g berfungsi. Pdhl g ada jatuh... KLo pake mouse bisa.

    Saya make xp serta AVG yg up to date.

    Pertanyaan saya, apakah ini bisa disebabkan oleh virus?

    tolong saya donk...

    1 AnswerLain-lain - Komputer1 decade ago
  • Virus or what?? Help me please>>>>?

    My comp suddenly act strange....

    It always got bluescreen when i connect to wifi. Sometimes it connected and i can use the internet for a while, then about 10-15 minutes later it got blue screen..

    It only happened when i connect to wifi, but it seems no problem when i connect with dial up or with isp (wired).

    I'm using Xp with AVAST pro and Spybot S&D but it couldn't find ANY VIRUS.......

    So please help me....

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago