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  • Any info on Polit Lions Cove Cichlids?

    Ok, so i just got a pair of Polit Lions Cove cichlids (pseudotropheus polit) and i can't seem to find any information on them. I found real basic stuff, but nothing really on breeding or feeding or any of that. Does anyone have any info on them? I don't care what it's about, if it's feeding, or breeding, or just general care, just put what you have found.

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • German Blue Rams in trade for Polit Lion Cove Cichlid?

    I am making an offer with this guy about trading 3 (a pair and a juvenile) German Blue Rams for his pair of Polit Lion Cove Cichlids. I have never heard about them before, even though i breed cichlids, so I don't know if it's a good deal. i will include a link for a picture at the bottom of what PLCC look like. Tell me your opinion. :/ ( i also only have one other Ram other than the ones i would be trading)

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Why does my crested gecko try to jump on my face?

    Every time I hold my crested gecko, he tries to crawl up towards my face, or jump from my hand to my face. It's not in a mean way, and i would let him, except for I have long hair and he ends up getting tangled up in my hair. I haven't had him his whole life, I purchased him from a really nice guy on Craigslist as an adult, so i don't know if this is something that happened when he was a juvenile, or what but can you tell me why he does this??

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • What do desert gobies eat?

    Hi, so I am setting up a 10 gallon breeding tank for a breeding pair of desert gobies, and i was wondering what they eat? Also how do I set up the tank? I am planing on using a sand bottom, but do i put in any decorations?? Any tips on breeding?? I am not new to keeping and breeding fish, I am just new to gobies. So any help?

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Pointed fins, turning white and then dying?

    Hi, so i just had an outbreak in my 10g tank. It started with the two female guppies, they had complete loss of function in their tails, then started getting white patches and slowly were completely paralyzed and died. Now, it has spread to my pink glofish (danio). I will include pictures in the link below but it's like their tails are curling up and they start to get paralyzed from the tail up, and then eventually die. Can someone PLEASE tell me what this is? And i know it's not fin rot because i have treated that before.

    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • pointed fins, turning white and then dying?

    Hi, so i just had an outbreak in my 10g tank. It started with the two female guppies, they had complete loss of function in their tails, then started getting white patches and slowly were completely paralyzed and died. Now, it has spread to my pink glofish (danio). I will include pictures in the link below but it's like their tails are curling up and they start to get paralyzed from the tail up, and then eventually die. Can someone PLEASE tell me what this is? And i know it's not fin rot because i have treated that before.

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • can i keep a firebelly toad with my cichlids?

    Hi, so i have a 29 gallon African cichlid tank, and i was wondering if i can keep a couple FBTs in there with them? I got a floating turtle dock and i have a cover with a heat lamp for them and the cichlids, and i heard you can keep them together as long as a big enough tank is provided, so the toxins don't kill the fish. The cichlids aren't big enough to eat the toad, and vise versa, and in about a year when my cichlids get full size, i am upgrading to a 65 gallon tank, but even at full size they still wouldn't be able to eat the toad. So could i?? and if not, what are some other semi-aquatic frogs??

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Can i keep a firebelly toad with my cichlids?

    Hi, so i have a 29 gallon African cichlid tank, and i was wondering if i can keep a couple FBTs in there with them? I got a floating turtle dock and i have a cover with a heat lamp for them and the cichlids, and i heard you can keep them together as long as a big enough tank is provided, so the toxins don't kill the fish. The cichlids aren't big enough to eat the toad, and vise versa, and in about a year when my cichlids get full size, i am upgrading to a 65 gallon tank, but even at full size they still wouldn't be able to eat the toad. So could i?? and if not, what are some other semi-aquatic frogs or animals??

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago

    Please help me, i just bought a baby musk turtle on but after i read a little bit more i heard he will most likely be delivered crushed or dead DX is this true?? I'm really worried :(!!!!!

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • tips on caring for baby musk turtles?

    hi so i just "adopted"(ordered) a baby musk turtle and I've never had one before so any tips?? He is a little smaller than a quarter and I'm going to keep him in my 29g long tank until he gets bigger. I need to know how to care for him and keep him as healthy and happy as possible. so any help??

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Is this website a good place to buy turtles?

    Ok so I just purchased one baby musk turtle from and had it ordered with next day air service. I live in Colorado and i don't know how dependable this site is. Please tell me if you have bought anything from them and how was the service???

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • good aquarium plants?

    Hi so I'm looking for some good vine aquarium plants. Also plants that will either grow really tall in the back, float and hang down, and/or grow really fast. Any suggestions??

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Graved female crested gecko got up to 86 degrees?

    Hi so i have a gravid female crested gecko in a 20 gallon tall tank that we keep in the laundry room. It's the warmest room in the house and we live in Colorado so anywhere else she would have gotten too cold. I went in to check on them and the temp was up to 86!! she was laying on her stomach on the bottom and she didn't look good. I misted down the tank and got it down to 72 and she started looking a little better, but idk if her and her eggs are gonna be alright?? I don't want her to be egg bound of have complications, so is she gonna be fine or not?? The laundry room door accidentally got shut and i feel terrible :( please help :(

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • How to tell the sex of a plecostomus?

    Hi, so I just bought 2 plecos and I'm gonna but them in my 29 gallon tank together. And before you say anything, when they grow, I'm going to upgrade the tank to a 350 gallon. I won't keep them in a tank that's to small for them. But one is a little bit bigger and has prettier fins, and puffs up a little bit more, and the other one is smaller and doesn't have as vibrant colors. How do I know for sure what sex they are??

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • German Blue Ram with Spots/Sparkles?

    Ok so I got a pair of German Blue Rams about 2 months ago. They already laid one batch of eggs and we are now waiting on a second. So about a week ago, I started noticing what I thought were "Sparkles" all over my female GBR. I thought this was normal because the red on her stomach is getting brighter and her colors are getting more vibrant so I think she is about to lay a batch of eggs soon. But Over the week there got to be more and more spots. Now I don't know what to do!!! They are in a guppy breeder type tank that is attached to the main tank and it has a blubbler thing (sorry i don't know the name of it) and the excess goes through a little grate and drains back into the main tank. So basically the water circulates through the main tank. But none of my other fish have gotten it, and she doesn't seem ill. So what do you think it is and what do I do????????

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Crested gecko hasn't laid her eggs yet?

    Ok so about 4 weeks ago i got my breeding pair of crested geckos (i have done TONS of research for breeding them and yes, I do have extra cages bedding food etc for the babies) but when we got her, the guy said she was looking alot fatter than usual and that she would probably lay her eggs in the next couple days. Well as I said it's been 4 weeks, and yes i know you cant trust everything people tell you but she keeps getting fatter and fatter and we are feeding her CGD and thats what all of our other ones are on and there not getting fat. I'm just wondering if she should have laid her eggs by now because when we got her she was already really fat. So is there something wrong?? Or is this all just normal??

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Tips on Breeding Crested Geckos?

    Hi, so I have been looking into breeding Crested Geckos for 8 months now, and last week I finally got my first pair. The male weighs 48.5 grams, and the female weighs 50.0. They are both almost the exact same size and the guy who had them before me bred them about 5 times, and all the eggs were successful. The female has gotten really fat, and even though i have done TONS of research, I was wondering if there are any helpful tips I can use? I also Have Repashy SuperHatch ready for when the eggs are laid. So any tips or warnings? :)

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Crested gecko lay box?

    Ok so I am wondering if you can use mouse bedding for a crested gecko lay box? My female was bred before and is laying fertile eggs so I was wondering if I can use mouse bedding for a temporary substrate in the lay box? Or can I use plain or shredded paper towels? It would only be temporary.

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • can saltwater fish live in a brackish water tank?

    So I am going to start a brackish water tank, and I was just curious if saltwater fish can live in it? Because i know that brackish water fish like mollies can live in saltwater, So are there certain saltwater fish that can live in brackish water? I want to start a saltwater tank, but I heard that is really hard so i might start with Brackish water.

    5 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • How do maintain a brackish water tank?

    is there like a tester you buy to make sure the water is brackish? Or do you just put a spoon full of aquarium salt in ever couple of days? I want to start a species only brackish water tank but I have no idea how. I am a pretty experienced fish owner, because I have a 29 gallon cichlid tank, two 10 gallons, a 5.5 gallon tank, three 2 gallon tanks, and a 15 gallon axolotl tank. I also have a 15 lbs bag of aquarium salt. I want to get into brackish water, I just don't know if you need to have a tested, or a test kit, or what?? Please help.

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago