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  • 2 1/2 year old potty training, peeing then telling us she needs the toilet?

    we started potty training today, and she would pee then tell us she needs to go to the toilet. just wondering if anyone else has been through this and how did you solve this? any advise would be lovely

    thanks xxxx

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 2 year old won't go to sleep, HELP!!?

    heylo my daughter who has just turned 2 won't go to sleep for the past 2 weeks we have tried everything to get the to go to sleep.

    she will fall asleep eventually by her self sometimes around 12-1 in the morning then up again at 7 but then she's tired and i'm tired my partner is tired

    she sleep in a normal size single bed and has done for about 3 months was sleeping fine up until 2 weeks ago, nothing has changed in her bedtime routine, she doesn't have a nap during the day because she won't go for one up until 2 weeks ago her was going to at night at 7:30 and was getting up at 7 in the morning.

    please help i dunno what to do

    Thank you x

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • could they be something seriously wrong or has your child done this?

    well 3 days ago my 12 month old daughter fell backward down the stairs she hit her head hard but the doctor that checked her over said that nothing was wrong her, which was very lucky but all of a sudden when she gets excited she runs around stomping her feet and her sleeping has been a little off, should i be concerned or has this happened to your kids??

    Thanks xxx

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Transition from cot to bed...?

    well all of a sudden my 11 1/2 month old has screaming fits when we say 'bed time' she used to love her cot but now its a hours fight with her to go to sleep but once asleep she is fine, thinking about trying her in a bed with a rail on the side, but i'm not quite sure how to go about it

    its getting so hard to settle her even when we know she exhausted, it started about 2 weeks ago when she was really ill need some ideas at witts end

    Thanks xxx

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • should i be leaking......?

    i had my second daughter 2 weeks ago and i breastfeed for the first feed but again my daughter was small and couldn't latch on, should i still be leaking after 2 weeks? i wasn't with my first daughter, how can i stop it??

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How Are You Moms-to-be Feeling?

    i'm nearly 34 weeks and ive got a stomach bug but doesn't help much that my baby is kicking my ribs so i'm feeling really rubbish, this is my second baby my first daughter is nearly 10 months, how are you all feeling?

    Thanks x

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • do you ever feel like your baby is too smart...?

    i don't mean it as a bad thing i mean have you ever seen them do something that you never thought they could do and say them 'your too smart for your own good'? ive just seen my daughter who is 10 months next week climb on to the sofa and hug the cat, she has just started walking properly aswel nothing is safe lol

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • playpen or travel cot? which is best?

    well i'm 33 weeks with #2 but been induced in 5 weeks and i was wondering what would be best to use, a playpen or a travel cot?

    my daughter is nearly 10 months old and very active and on the move it wouldn't be to put her in, its to put the new born in for the first few weeks, what do you think?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • will they, won't they....?

    well i'm meant to be getting induced at 38 weeks as low birth weight and we arranged everything around that, like who is looking after our daughter and how we are getting there and back as we live about 1-11/2 hours away from the hospital and i had a 15 minute labour with #1, lucky i was in hospital already. but now they are saying they might wait until my due date, i know its only 2 weeks but my mam who is going to look after Abigail will be in germany for 2 weeks starting from the 28th june and she won't go to anyone else. do you think that if i told my midwives this they'll keep things the same and take me in 2 weeks early? also when i was pregnant with Abigail she did quite abit of damage to the nerve in my right leg and ive got the same pains again and its agony to walk, sleep and basically put weight on my right leg. i'm 31 weeks now.

    Thanks x

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • So What Are You Moms Gonna Do........?

    So What Are You Moms Gonna Do With Your Baby Today??

    I'm getting ready to go outside for 1 hour and let her play, when she wakes up as the sun is beautiful and she has been covered about 3 times with factor 50+ suncream, she is very fair same as me!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Really Struggling, At Wits End....!?

    Well my daughter 9 months old now, used to sleep beautifully and then all of a sudden she is awake nearly every hour during the night and because she is tired she won't eat, so she just wants to sit there and scream at us and as soon as we give her a bottle she is asleep but 5 minutes later awake again and screaming, she won't take anything solid as she is so tired that it's too much of a effort to eat it, i've been trying to keep liquids going in but so far isn't working, ive spoken to the HV and she said 'it's just a stage and she'll grow out of it' which really helps all she really needs is a good nights sleep, i'm going out of my mind, got to the point tonight that i cried because i'm 30 weeks with #2 and extremely exhausted, my partner is too, its causing real problems between us 2 as we nip at each other, just need abit of a pick up or some advise or just a hi

    Thanks in advance x

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Abit worried and Confused!! Please Help...?

    well my daughter is nearly 8 months old and all she wants is to be held by me, if she falls over, she'll cry until she gets to me then she's fine, the real problem is my hubby, i feel like he feels like hes been pushed out, and its breaking my heart because Abigail our world, any suggestions on what to do?

    Thanks in advance x

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did you have this problem with your baby?

    well my daughter is 6 months old and fits into all of her 0-3 month clothing anything bigger hangs off her, should i be worried she was small born but she has caught up, did any of you have this problem?

    21 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • im 15+6 weeks and experianced cramping?

    im 15+6 days pregnant with my second baby, last Night about 10:30pm i had just climbed into bed and i got this huge pain or cramping for about 30 seconds, it happened about 3 times in a row, can you experience braxton hicks this early in pregnancy? i thought i was losing my baby as i never got any pain while pregnant with my daughter, what do you think it was? im going for a scan tomorrow, just need to put my mind at ease, thank you in advance x

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 2 pregnancy tests 1 pos 1 neg, am i pregnant?

    hey there i have missed a period so i bought a pack of preg tests (2) with the first one i have 2 lines but very faint so i waited a few days and took the other one and it was neg, do u think i am pregnant?

    had a baby 3.5 months ago andwent bk to drs to get a blood test just waiting on the results x

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What Could be wrong with my daughter?

    My baby is 6 weeks old now and for the past few days she hasnt been her usual self, she is normally happy and quite content but now she doesnt want to be put down she isn't sleeping and throwing up her milk but is hungary, she also has diarrhea. We have tried everything and have a doctors appointment today. what could it be?

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Is There Something To Worry About?

    Ive been asked to go for another ultrasound tomorrow, im 38 weeks, people don't usually have scans so close to the birth, do they? is there something wrong?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What Could It Be?

    I know when I posted my last question I was unsure if I was going into early labour well nothing else came of it.

    Well im 37 weeks 1 day now and ive been having these period like cramps that only last a few seconds, every 5 minutes, since about 9 this morning. They are quite painful but not enough to be in labour and they don't last long enough. I have a appointment with the midwife tomorrow. When i phoned her earlier she said to come into the hospital if they get longer and more painful.

    Has anyone else experianced this?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is dilation meant to be painfull?

    woke up round 2 this morning is extreme pain, wasnt sure what was happening but i wasnt having contractions so i knew i wasnt in labour.

    Phoned the labour ward and they said it could be me dilating and if i have any contractions to go straight in to be checked over but if nothing happens and the pain is still there make a dr's appointment.

    Has anyone else experianced this??

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Stomach bug or slow labour?

    Im 36 weeks 2 days and ive had a sore stomach off and on for the past few days it comes and goes in waves, also feeling presure on my lower back and had diarrhea which is really watery (sorry too much detail) i thought that the diarrhea was of a course of antibiotics which has also given me thrush, my baby isnt moving as much as she normally does, unable to get in touch with midwife as she is on holiday and the labour ward said to make a docs appointment but the only one i cpould make is in 2 days

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago