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Katie Parenti
How to put songs from iPod to computer?
I feel really dumb asking this, but let me EXPLAIN the problem first. My iPod is logged in under my sister's iTunes account. My computer uses my account. I am able to put songs from my computer to my iPod, but I am worried that I can't put songs from my iPod to my computer. What I want to do is get all the songs from my iPod onto my computer, log out of my sister's account on the iPod, and log it into my account, then put the songs from my computer back onto the iPod. I actually don't even know how to get songs from my iPod to the computer anyways. I never use iTunes anymore, and it's updated since I last used it. I also want to know if it will even work. It's ok if all my songs are wiped off the iPod because I can just put them back on once I get into my account.
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years agoWhat is wrong with my iPhoto?
So my computer is maybe a few weeks old. It's a MacBook Pro. iPhoto is not working at all. My computer keeps saying I have an update for it, but I can't update it. Also, I accidentally opened the program a few times without meaning to and I had to force shut down (iPhoto, not the computer) because I couldn't close the program. I couldn't do anything with the program at all actually. I tried to close it normally but it didn't work. What the hell? This computer is only a few weeks old and I shouldn't be having this problem. Can anyone help me or should I contact apple?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoWhy won't my old phone (Envy 3) install on my computer?
I really want to get my pictures off of my old phone, but my computer won't install the device. I really want these pictures! Can anyone help me?
2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years agoWhat should I do with my friends on my birthday?
Ok, I'm inviting 10 people. So far, 6 say they are coming and 4 are unsure. I am turning 19. It's a mix of boys and girls. Don't say spin the bottle, please. So far, I think we're gonna play Guitar Hero, but I don't know what else. Nothing bad. I still live with my parents and I don't drink or anything. Just some fun things for friends to do. I haven't seen some of them in a while. Any ideas? Thanks! :)
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoWhat's a good place to work?
So I don't wanna be too picky, but I don't wanna work at a place I am going to hate. I'm 18 and in college. I really don't wanna work at a fast food place. Any suggestions for a job that doesn't completely suck? And maybe advice on how to get a job? I've only had one job before, but I am not putting it as a reference.
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years agoHow do I talk to my doctor about sex without my mom knowing?
Don't lecture me, please. I am 18 and I use protection with my boyfriend, but I want to be extra safe and use birth control too. I am already on it, but it's for my period and there is a one week period each month where I don't take it and I feel it will be less affective. For starters, I don't have the money to pay for the new medicine or another appointment. I just got a job, but don't know how much it'll cost. I am probably going to have to lie to my mom, because it will start a fight. I don't like lying, but I feel like I don't have a choice. Once again, don't lecture me, please. Will my doctor lie to my mom if she asks? I think I can get my mom to set up an appointment, cause I need to go for something else anyways. And I was gonna come up with a reason to why I need BC pills everyday. How do I do all this? I am on her health insurance plan.
7 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoThings to do for your mother?
She had surgery a few days ago and she's feeling well enough to go out to lunch with her friend tomorrow. I don't know how long she'll be gone, but I'm gonna clean the house for her. We have a crapload of food, so cooking is out of the question. What else could I do that she would like?
5 AnswersFamily9 years agoHow do you tell someone you like them?
I like this guy and I want to tell him how I feel. We are friends and I am almost certain he feels the same way I do. I told him a few weeks ago I didn't want a relationship, but it was just a general statement and had nothing to do with him. We hang out a lot and I will probably see him tomorrow, but I might tell him through text. I don't want to make things awkward. We have really good conversations and we talk about a lot of things. I want to ease him into it. Like, bring it up somehow and then say it, if that makes sense. What's a good way to do this in person? What about a way to do it over texting? I want an answer for both if you don't mind.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHow to become a motivational speaker for people who are affected by disabilities?
I don't know if a public school is the best place to talk at, but I don't even know where to start at. To make a long story short, I have overcome several disabilities and wish to give hope to disabled people and their families, especially children with disabilities and their parents. I may take a public speaking class next semester at Winthrop University, but I am not majoring in it. I do want to tell my story though and shine some light on the situations people are in. I want people to know they are not alone. Please let me know if you know where I could even start with this. Thanks.
2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities9 years agoHow to become a motivational speaker at schools and other places?
I don't know if a public school is the best place to talk at, but I don't even know where to start at. To make a long story short, I have overcome several disabilities and wish to give hope to disabled people and their families, especially children with disabilities and their parents. I may take a public speaking class next semester at Winthrop University, but I am not majoring in it. I do want to tell my story though and shine some light on the situations people are in. I want people to know they are not alone. Please let me know if you know where I could even start with this. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Education9 years agoWhat to do legally about sexual harassment?
There is the old man at my college. He's like, 60 years old. No joke. And he says sexual things to me and my friends. Most of us are 18 and 19. Two are 17. I could give you a list of the things he's said, but here's a few:
-I stood up and my friend said "Girl, that dress is falling off of you." And he said "I don't have a problem with that!"
-I wasn't there when this happened, but my friend Dee (he's a boy and is 17) told me that he looked at a really young girl and said "She's plain, but I would **** the **** out of her." I don't know if I can do anything about that, since I don't know the girl.
-My friend was talking about her boyfriend (she is open about her sex life, but they are both over 18) and was saying things about how she tied him down and this man said "Handcuffs and ropes? You're my kinda girl!"
-My other friend told me that he put his hand on her thigh and it made her uncomfortable.
The list goes on and I know all my friends could help me name things, but how can I get him for this? I'm gonna say something to him about it, then I'm gonna try to bring legal issues into it if he doesn't stop. There are witnesses besides us girls too. There are some boys as well. All but one are over 18. Help?
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoBest way to report cyberbullying to the authorities?
There's a page on facebook called "CHS Burn Book." that someone made and put people from my old high school in photos saying really bad things about them and calling them whores and saying they were fat and ugly and all that. It's not enough of an emergency to call the police, is it? But I want the local authorities to know about it so this person gets caught. No one knows who made it, but maybe the police can figure it out. Thanks for your help!
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoIs there anything I can bring to do when donating plasma?
I mean, I'll only have one hand, but can I write with my right hand if I'm donating with my left arm? Or can I bring a book or magazine? What else can I bring that might take some time while I'm waiting. I might bring a friend to talk to and just incase I get dizzy, I'll still have someone to drive me home. Any ideas?
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoWalmart on hiring disabled people?
I have Asperger's Syndrome legally and see a doctor once every three months, but I am a very well functioning person with very good social skills. I have friendships and relationships and communicate well with others. People are shocked to hear I have Autism. Anyways, I want to apply for a job at Walmart and I was wondering if they benefit from hiring me, since I am disabled, but they will literally have to do nothing to accommodate my "needs". Also, are there any other places like that? I heard that they get tax benefits from hiring disabled workers. And also, I heard that Walmart has to have a certain percentage of disabled employees, but I don't know if that's true or not. Should I include this on my application? In a much more formal fashion, obviously, but I was wondering if it would work for or against me? I want to see if I can benefit from it. Thanks!
5 AnswersCorporations9 years agoWalmart on hiring disabled people?
I have Asperger's Syndrome legally and see a doctor once every three months, but I am a very well functioning person with very good social skills. I have friendships and relationships and communicate well with others. People are shocked to hear I have Autism. Anyways, I want to apply for a job at Walmart and I was wondering if they benefit from hiring me, since I am disabled, but they will literally have to do nothing to accommodate my "needs". Also, are there any other places like that? I heard that they get tax benefits from hiring disabled workers. And also, I heard that Walmart has to have a certain percentage of disabled employees, but I don't know if that's true or not. Should I include this on my application? In a much more formal fashion, obviously, but I was wondering if it would work for or against me? I want to see if I can benefit from it. Thanks!
12 AnswersPeople with Disabilities9 years agoHow important is physical attraction in a relationship?
I'm bisexual and I am more sexually attracted to girls. I don't really like having sex with men. I've done it before and didn't really hate it, but didn't feel any passion in it. But I have been in love with a guy before. I do have romantic feelings for men and for women, but when it comes to sex, I lean towards girls more. Like I said, sex with a guy doesn't necessarily repulse me, but I like it more with women. Actually, sometimes sex with a guy would repulse me. Depends on certain things about the guy. How important do you think sex should be? I mean, I guess if you're with someone, you'll eventually have sex with them, right? I mean, if you're both serious about it.
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoHow should I write this kind of journal?
Kind of like an "emotions journal" so that I can fix what problems I think I have. When I'm feeling something like jealousy, anger, or fear, I can write about it and overtime, it will appear less often. So I guess for the first part I would write exactly what I'm feeling and specify some, then move on to how it feels and try to discover why it's that way. But after that, what should I include? I have trouble expressing emotions sometimes and I think it might be easier on paper. The journal entries can be long, so include anything you can think of or already know!
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years agoWhat's the difference between bi-curious and hetero-flexible?
I thought it was something like people who are bi-curious would just have sex with the same-sex and would probably grow out of it and that hetero-flexible people would have a relationship with someone of the same-sex. Is that right or no?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoDo you think I'm being too much of a gay rights activist?
I don't usually type in all caps, but I wanted to get your attention. :P With the political campaign, I am worried about all of the issues. I understand that the most important issues are the ones that involve the country as a whole. But I really want congressmen and presidential candidates who are doing something to support LGBT. I am bisexual, so there is a possibility that I am going to end up with a woman. If that happens, I'd like to be legally married and get all the rights I deserve. Even if I move to a state where it is legal, I still won't have the same rights as opposite sex couples, because of the Federal "Defense" of Marriage Act (DOMA) that the lovely George Bush liked the idea of. Anyways, there was a political debate on Facebook and I said that I don't wanna vote for Ron Paul, because he doesn't want to give me my rights. I tried to explain this to the straight people and they just kept saying that that issue was not as important as the others. And I said I know the war and the economy are more important, because they affect ALL of us, but the straight people don't understand, because they can marry whoever they want. The thing that really pissed me off was that people were all like "If you don't like it, why don't you move to Canada?" And I was like "Dude, you don't like Obama and he's our president. Why don't you move out?" I mean seriously, most Americans don't like every issue our country has.
But what I'm asking is do you think I should have changed the subject or kept pushing it? I changed the subject and said other reasons why I didn't like Ron Paul. But I still think we deserve our rights and not many Americans realize this. Like, I don't know how to handle these things anymore, cause I'm usually very outspoken about my views especially on this, but should I be less enthusiastic? I think I'm annoying people.
10 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoAfter someone gets gender reassignment surgery, does it look real?
I know this is a nosy question and I don't wanna offend anyone. I usually like people who are LGBT. :) Unless they're douche-bags. :P Anyways, I was just curious. When someone has a FTM sex change, does it really look like they have a penis? Does it look the same as it would for a biological male? And when someone is MTF, do they appear to have a vagina just like a biological woman? Sorry if this offends anyone or makes anyone uncomfortable. I would look it up on google, but they always give you the images section, even if you are in "Web". I really don't wanna see anyone's body parts right now. :P
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years ago