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mummy of 2 beautiful boys

Favorite Answers25%
  • healthy filling snacks?

    what are some healthy snacks that are filling

    im trying to loose weight and need some filling stuff that is preferably low in calories but then i have some allergies to look out for as the kids will be eating similar to me

    we cant have nuts, dairy,apple,potato,carrot,wheat chicken, soy, goats

    my ideas sofar are pears can make puree and finger foods for the baby and share with the toddler

    rice cakes

    i try to make eeryone eat the same in the house so my kids with allergies dont feel like they are left out i want to lead by example so im slowly changing the whole families diet so they have their own normal

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • how to make formula taste bad?

    what is safe that wont harm him to change the taste of milk

    it needs to be a taste that they wont prefer so stop taking it

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • oral aversion in 7 month old?

    long story basicly im looking for some tips and anyone else out there that has a baby with a oral aversion is no support groups around as its uncommon and im really struggling ontop of his other medical issues

    i have a gorgeous 7.5 month old who since 6 weeks old has had a oral aversion at times we do go good for a few days to a week of him eating semi normal but most of the time he is so afraid of his food and bottles it will take 1 hour of screaming to get 20ml into him or 40 min of positive praise and games to get a teaspoon of food in. not every feed is horrible sometimes he hasnt eaten in 7 hours so will fight it and fight it but take 60-100ml for his age he should be having 1200-1400ml a day we are lucky to get 340-490 in and his is made at double strength plus a calorie booster to try and get him gaining weight

    dont say no baby will let themselves go hungry because this one will you can hear his tummy rumbling his crying for food but he is that afraid of it he will refuse to eat he will starve himself we we did not force him with top ups of a syringe as him having a nasal gastric tube again will let him be lazy as he knows he doesnt have to eat

    he sees food and becomes so afraid of it near his mouth he gets hysterical if i even walk near him with a plate of food for my toddler or his close to us while eating dinner

    he has severe reflux aswell

    he has multiple allergies that the only foods he can eat are pear pumpkin rice cereal and a special dairy wheat gluten everything free custard he is borderline anaphylactix to multiple foods

    he has been failure to thrive since 10 weeks old

    has severe eczema that he lives in wet dressings

    his diagnosed as failure to self regulate

    reoccuring bronchulitis


    i love him to bits but his such a struggle hardly sleeps doesnt want to eat his in and out of hospital often and at times in for weeks

    when were in hospital its good as he has a full time speech pathologist to work with him and infant mental health along with me and all then nuses the child health nurse his doctors and the dietitian

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • how are waters being broken?

    does anyone know how the doctors break your waters im after a lil info as it looks like this is what they will do to me but google has very little info

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pregnancy fun question?

    well im sure others are very much over am i pregnant questions when the answer is take a test so....

    im 35 weeks 2 days getting nervous as my firstborn was born 35 4 days

    my pelvis is really hurting as this little boy is at the brim i was told yesterday iv already lost my mucas plug and getting excited soon ill have 2 sons

    how is your pregnancy going what are you excited about and whats annoying you

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • waters breaking and dilating?

    do you need to be dilated or effaced for your waters to break or can they break and then you start dialting

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what name for this little boy?

    hubby and i are very stuck on names for our second this is a picture of our first and hubbies genes run very strong has for all his side of the family so we have a rough idea how he will look

    so my question is what name would you give this little boy

    i have not many ideas as to what to name him we have middle names

    21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • epidural questions and advice?

    hi mums hope your days been going well im after some information

    i thought a epidural meant you were numb from waist down and couldnt get out of bed and needed a catheter

    i was watching a show today and the lady had a epidural and was easily moving around in the bed they had her get up on all fours and she said her pain was all gone

    is there different types of epidurals or strenghts and how was yours iv had a natural birth with my son but im classed as allergic to pethadine so not allowed it with this baby so just looking into my options as im petrified of being stuck to a bed not in control as i was raped 5 years ago

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone else sick of the am i pregnant questions?

    is anyone else so over 85% of questions am i pregnant?

    take a test people i dont need to know what your sexual history is we cant tell you if your pregnant or not go see a doctor im sorry to those who are ttc i support you but all these im 14 or whose the father its getting on my nerve surely im not the only one so please stop clogging up the space and take a test wait or see a doctor so people who are pregnant can have there questions seen

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • american baby products?

    hi everyone iv been looking at some products in america to buy for our next baby could i please have some recomendations of good brands and also ideas

    im looking at

    nappy bags


    prams for a toddler and newborn


    thanks everyone

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • pregnancy and piercings?

    has anyone else body rejected piercing while pregnant ?

    my nose has gone gross at the point i think ill take it out and repierce when baby is here and one of my ears is sore like its about to happen i also have a second set in my ears but havnt had anything in those holes for nearly a year and they are red and warm to touch

    i also have a chest infection and only 10 weeks does that make a differance any info is appreciated

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • just wondering others thoughts?

    i see plenty of questions on here about am i pregnant and i cant afford a pregnancy test, my line of thinking is if you cant afford a pregnancy test how are you going to afford a child ?

    why ask the questions when many people before you have asked the same question and got the same answers of we are not doctors the only ways to tell are taking a test or seeing a doctor

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • early ultrasounds from how far along?

    whats roughly the earliest you can see something on a ultrasound i know im currently way to early as im 4 weeks 3 days but knew i was pregnant since 8 days past ovulation, the thing thats worrying me most is iv had 3 m/c this year already and this is my 6th pregnancy with only 1 live birth

    iv got a new doctor whos been helpfull so far and running extra blood tests and im currently on 250mg of asprin a day to try and keep pregnancy going

    any ideas of questions i should ask when i see him again tommorow

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what to ask the doctors for?

    iv had 3 misscarieges this year unfortunatly and just took a test with afternoon urine 6 days before my missed period and i got a positive its faint but there so i took another brand and it came up positive too

    made me think as my boobs are so sore and feel like chucking fair bit extra tired

    what can i ask the doctors to do for me iv read a little about extra progesterone and asprin in early pregnancy has anyone used this or taking or done something to stay pregnant

    i did have a little boy in jan 09 he was born prem

    any advice would be appreciated as im feeling scared already about loosing another baby

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • supportive advice after recurrent miscarriages?

    unfortunatly this year we have sent 3 angles back to heaven i havnt gotten past 7 weeks earliet was 5 weeks im on a waiting list for a fertility clinic for testing to see why iv lost our babies,

    im looking for anyone thats had recurrent m/c then successful pregnancy but im also very interested in natural ways to get my body better ie homeopathy

    little info about me im married we have a 18 month old im currently going gym and have become fitter i weigh 98kg and 168cm

    any advice or info would be appreciated

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • lexapro during pregnancy?

    found out i was pregnant today my concern is about taking my 20mg lexapro i have read about their being no studies yet and will see a doctor shortly about my pregnancy and ask them then but will talk to the chemist tommorow in the meantime do you think i should self wean to cut mysef of lexapro in the next few days, im feeling fine but not sure if thats from the lexapro

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • lexapro during pregnancy?

    found out i was pregnant today my concern is about taking my 20mg lexapro i have read about their being no studies yet and will see a doctor shortly about my pregnancy and ask them then but will talk to the chemist tommorow in the meantime do you think i should self wean to cut mysef of lexapro in the next few days, im feeling fine but not sure if thats from the lexapro

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is it unfair dismissal?

    i got fired earlier tonight and i believe it was unfair as i never had any warning and i believed i had to have 3 warnings as im part time employee and have been there almost a year, my boss told me no clear reason i was nolonger required just that multiple mistakes were made, i was not made aware of the mistakes i was making or given an opportunity to correct it the few things i was aware of doing wrong was through internal email and not clear that was doing it wrong as its limited to 50 words, im not late for work i stay back every shift to finish my work as is still customers

    does anyone believe i have something to fight for or where to turn i have a young son and my husband works but money will be extremely tight till i can find suitable employment again so cant afford a lawyer

    if more details are needed let me know

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • mentally unstable and worried?

    has anyone thats been depressed had thoughts of hurting themselves but never would like they lie in bed thinking about it imagining plunging a knife into their stomach but wouldnt but then they cant trust themselves as they have thoughts of taking all the anti depressants prescribed to them, is there somebody else that has had some kind of similar experience to be able to give advice

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • helping young mums driving?

    im in need of some help of compiling a list of some tips you would give to a young mum who is going for her license

    ie what saftey tips for traveling in a car for the first few times

    what makes life easier for you when driving with baby

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago